Bible teaching with an emphasis on Israel, prophecy and the Jewish roots of Christianity
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Episode: “The Rebuilding”
A prophecy of King Cyrus stepping into the role of the Anointed One initiates the return home of Hebrews from exile. Outside the ancient walls of Jerusalem, Joshua and Caleb explain how the first settlers under Ezra and Zerubbabel struggled with the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the Temple. Thankfully, God continually sent the prophets Zechariah and Haggai with declarations of encouragement and success. Although the construction of the 2nd Temple proved disappointing for some, God promised a greater future Temple where the Shekinah returns.
Series: “Rebuilding the Ruined Cities”
In this series, Joshua and Caleb visit war-torn areas in the Holy Land where they discuss hope and blessing amidst ruin and pain. God will faithfully fulfill His promise to heal, restore, and rebuild Israel once again: “‘They will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them … never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them,’ says the Lord your God” (Amos 9:14–15).
Caption transcript for Rebuilding the Ruined Cities: “The Rebuilding” (6/12)
- 00:07 ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪
- 00:11 Caleb Colson: Rebuilding after destruction is always a
- 00:13 difficult process emotionally, physically.
- 00:17 Obviously it was no different for the Jews who returned to
- 00:19 Jerusalem after 70 years of captivity in Babylon.
- 00:22 ♪♪♪
- 00:32 ♪♪♪
- 00:38 Joshua Colson: But the fact that the Jews were allowed to return
- 00:40 to their homeland is a miracle foretold by Adonai's prophets.
- 00:44 There's a lot of story to tell here, and we believe it has
- 00:47 ramifications for what the Jews are dealing with today.
- 00:55 Caleb: Apparently we went to the wrong entrance.
- 00:57 It was the exit.
- 00:58 Now we're going to the new entrance, which is the
- 01:00 real entrance.
- 01:02 Following Louie, our fearless--and guide.
- 01:05 Thanks for leading us the wrong way, Louie.
- 01:09 Joshua: Isaiah 44:24, 26, and 28: "Thus says the Lord, your
- 01:14 Redeemer, and He who formed you from the womb: Who says to
- 01:18 Jerusalem, 'You shall be inhabited,' to the cities of
- 01:21 Judah, 'You shall be built,' and I will raise up her waste
- 01:25 places; Who says of Cyrus, 'He is My shepherd, and he shall
- 01:30 perform all My pleasure, saying to Jerusalem, "You shall be
- 01:33 built," and to the temple, "Your foundation shall be laid."'"
- 01:38 Joshua: That prophecy was given by Isaiah in the late 8th
- 01:41 century, 200 years before King Cyrus would sack Babylon in 539.
- 01:48 The fact is, Cyrus would fulfill that prophecy, and it was
- 01:51 amazing, but even more amazing are the events surrounding it.
- 01:55 Caleb: That's right, story time, guys.
- 01:57 According to the Greek historian Herodotus, there was a king
- 02:01 named Astyages.
- 02:02 He was the king of Media, the son of Cyaxares, and this man
- 02:05 had a dream that his daughter, who he recently made a peace
- 02:09 deal with Persia, has a son.
- 02:11 And this grandson's gonna grow up to overthrow him.
- 02:14 He's so afraid of this that when his daughter has that son, he
- 02:17 orders that his grandson be killed by his servant Harpagus.
- 02:22 Well, Harpagus was a little afraid of doing so, so he took
- 02:24 the child and entrusted it to the herdsman named Mithridates,
- 02:28 says, "Kill this kid for me."
- 02:30 Mithridates just had a stillborn son, and his heart was stirred
- 02:33 with compassion, so he traded the stillborn son for this
- 02:37 living son who you might well know is Cyrus.
- 02:40 Everybody thought that this baby was killed, but this herdsman
- 02:43 raised Cyrus as his own child.
- 02:46 At the age of ten, the cat is out of the bag, guys.
- 02:49 Everybody figures out, so although Astyages now is too
- 02:52 afraid to do anything to the young Cyrus, so he takes his
- 02:55 revenge on Mithridates by taking his next son in line, killing
- 02:59 him, and serving him to his father for dinner unawares.
- 03:03 Well, by the time his father figures out, he's filled with
- 03:05 rage and he instills his hatred in young Cyrus to one day take
- 03:09 revenge upon his own son's murder.
- 03:13 Cyrus comes of age and he does enact a coup.
- 03:16 He takes over the Median empire and creates the Medo-Persian
- 03:19 Empire and becomes king of all.
- 03:22 Cyrus the virus.
- 03:23 Caleb: Now we get to the biblical part of the story that
- 03:26 you should know.
- 03:27 Darius the Mede was Cyrus's uncle.
- 03:30 He was a general of Cyrus's armies, and they joined together
- 03:34 to conquer Babylon.
- 03:36 When they come to the city, they had to besiege it, and you know
- 03:39 the famous story when they dam up the Euphrates River and sneak
- 03:42 under at night to conquer the city.
- 03:45 That's the same night that Daniel and the handwriting on
- 03:48 the wall event happened with King Belshazzar.
- 03:51 They find Belshazzar dead the next morning, and Daniel was
- 03:54 made the third highest ruler of the kingdom.
- 03:57 And why is this important?
- 03:58 Because Nabonidus, Belshazzar's father, was going crazy in the
- 04:02 desert, and he literally wasn't taking charge and ruling over
- 04:05 the kingdom.
- 04:06 Joshua: So Daniel was elevated to the position in Babylon to
- 04:09 speak to Darius and Cyrus.
- 04:11 He was a student of the prophets.
- 04:12 He, in fact, carried copies of Jeremiah's prophecies, and I
- 04:16 believe he carried the book of Isaiah in which he handed this
- 04:19 scripture to Cyrus which reads, Isaiah 45, starting in verse 1:
- 04:25 "Thus says the Lord to His anointed, to Cyrus, whose right
- 04:28 hand I have held--to subdue nations before him and loose the
- 04:32 armor of kings, To open before him the double doors, so that
- 04:36 the gates will not be shut: 'I will go before you and make the
- 04:40 crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of
- 04:44 bronze and cut the bars of iron That you may know that I, the
- 04:49 Lord, Who call you by your name, Am the God of Israel--have
- 04:53 named you, though you have not known Me.
- 04:56 I am the Lord, and there is no other; there is no God
- 04:59 besides Me.'"
- 05:01 Caleb: Mind-blowingly epic, guys.
- 05:03 In Josephus, the Jewish historian's book, "Antiquities
- 05:07 of the Jews," he declares that King Cyrus was moved in his
- 05:11 spirit when he read the Isaiah scroll, and he determined in his
- 05:15 heart to do everything that was prophesied in that book.
- 05:18 So in Ezra 1, we see that Cyrus declares that the Jewish
- 05:22 captives be set free.
- 05:24 And then he declares that the temple be rebuilt in Jerusalem.
- 05:28 Ezra 1:2 says: "This is what Cyrus king of Persia says: 'The
- 05:33 Lord, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the
- 05:36 earth and he has appointed me to build a temple for him at
- 05:40 Jerusalem in Judah.'"
- 05:43 Joshua: Now, for all you Bible naysayers out there,
- 05:45 archaeologists did find the Cyrus cylinder.
- 05:48 It was a clay tablet wrapped in a cylinder that verifies Cyrus's
- 05:52 decree to release the captives.
- 05:54 That's amazing.
- 05:55 God didn't just provide a way for the Jews to return to Judea.
- 05:59 No, he did more.
- 06:01 He gave them provision as well, financially.
- 06:03 At this point, Cyrus says, "Hey, here are all the golden articles
- 06:07 back that Nebuchadnezzar took from Solomon's temple."
- 06:09 Then he encouraged the Medes and the Persians to give gifts of
- 06:12 gold and silver to God's people, and on top of that, he goes to
- 06:15 his treasury and gets money to give to them to fund
- 06:17 the rebuilding.
- 06:19 What's even more crazy is that Adonai calls this pagan king
- 06:23 Cyrus, who grew up worshiping pagan gods, Mashiach, his
- 06:28 anointed one.
- 06:29 This is the same term used to describe Yeshua, the Messiah,
- 06:33 his anointed one.
- 06:35 He was the deliverer of the Jews.
- 06:38 Caleb: Led by Zerubbabel, the governor, a small group of Jews
- 06:40 heads back to Jerusalem at this point, to rebuild the city and
- 06:44 the temple.
- 06:45 What's even more amazing is God in his grace and his mercy and
- 06:49 his abundant love does not start the dating calendar at 586 BC
- 06:54 when Nebuchadnezzar went and destroyed the temple in
- 06:56 Jerusalem and Jerusalem.
- 06:57 Instead, he starts it at the first deportation of Jews that
- 07:01 included Daniel and his friends in 605 BC.
- 07:05 At 537 BC, Cyrus gives a decree for the Jews to be released and
- 07:10 to return.
- 07:11 536 BC, the Jews gather together and prepare to embark
- 07:15 to Jerusalem.
- 07:17 They don't arrive until 535 BC, exactly 70 years after the
- 07:22 first deportation.
- 07:23 Joshua: As amazing as God's intervention was, returning the
- 07:26 Jewish people from exile, the actual rebuilding process was
- 07:29 quite lengthy and cumbersome.
- 07:31 Just like in the conquest from Canaan, it was slow.
- 07:34 They had to believe in God, step by step, by faith for
- 07:37 each process.
- 07:38 And even though it wasn't a cakewalk, God met them every
- 07:41 step of the way until it was completed.
- 07:45 Caleb: 2 Chronicles 36:21: "The land enjoyed its sabbath rests;
- 07:51 all the time of its desolation it rested, until the seventy
- 07:55 years were completed in fulfillment of the word of the
- 07:58 Lord spoken by Jeremiah."
- 08:01 Caleb: Now apparently, the kings of Judah had forsaken God's
- 08:04 commands to allow the land to rest the 7th year from
- 08:08 growing crops.
- 08:09 This was called the Sabbath year rest.
- 08:11 If you do the calculations, they had forsaken 490 years' worth of
- 08:16 Sabbath rests.
- 08:17 Joshua: So step one, before rebuilding the temple, before
- 08:19 rebuilding Jerusalem, they needed to rebuild the brazen
- 08:22 altar so they could worship God.
- 08:24 Joshua: Ezra 3:2 through 4: "Then Joshua son of Jozadak and
- 08:29 his fellow priests and Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel and
- 08:32 his associates began to build the altar of the God of Israel
- 08:35 to sacrifice burnt offerings on it.
- 08:37 Despite their fear of the people around them, they built the
- 08:40 altar on its foundation and sacrificed burnt offerings on it
- 08:43 to the Lord.
- 08:45 Then in accordance with what is written, they celebrated the
- 08:47 Festival of Tabernacles with the required number of burnt
- 08:50 offerings prescribed for each day."
- 08:55 Caleb: Isn't it interesting that on the final day of the Feast of
- 08:58 Sukkot was when Hamas decided to invade Israel?
- 09:02 Well, the Feast of Sukkot was the first Moadim that the
- 09:05 captives celebrated when they returned from exile, and in the
- 09:09 future, the Feast of Sukkot, which is the Feast of
- 09:12 Tabernacles, is the only required feast that Yeshua
- 09:16 requires man to celebrate during his millennial reign, or else
- 09:21 there will be no rain in their land.
- 09:26 Joshua: Ezra 4 details the opposition that Satan stirred up
- 09:30 in the hearts of men to stop the rebuilding of God's temple.
- 09:34 The locals went and tried everything that they could.
- 09:37 They tried threats, they tried bribery, they tried accusation.
- 09:40 And then after King Cyrus dies, they go to the successor kings
- 09:44 of the Persian Empire and they lie and say that the Jews had
- 09:48 seditious intentions in rebuilding the temple and in
- 09:50 rebuilding Jerusalem.
- 09:52 Caleb: Now, this is no different from Satan's modern tactics to
- 09:56 destroy and discredit the Jewish people.
- 09:58 He moves in the hearts of men still, including using
- 10:02 organizations like the United Nations, even the US government,
- 10:05 to listen to the lies of Hamas, to spread those lies through the
- 10:10 world media, to declare the Jews to be wicked and to have ill
- 10:14 intent.
- 10:16 Now, to say that Zerubbabel and his colleagues were discouraged
- 10:18 would be an understatement, but God sends encouragement through
- 10:22 the words of the prophet Zechariah, Zechariah 4:6 through
- 10:26 7: "This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: 'Not by might nor
- 10:30 by power, but by My Spirit,' Says the Lord of hosts.
- 10:34 'Who are you, O great mountain?
- 10:35 Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain!
- 10:38 And he shall bring forth the capstone [of the Temple]
- 10:41 With shouts of "Grace, grace to it!"'"
- 10:44 Joshua: So Zerubbabel succeeds in building the foundation for
- 10:47 the Second Temple.
- 10:50 At this point, the elders who were still alive from the
- 10:54 destruction of Jerusalem have to be over 80 years old, but when
- 10:57 they saw that foundation, they begin to weep for how small and
- 11:02 modest the temple would end up being.
- 11:05 Ezra 3:11 through 13 says: "And all the people gave a
- 11:09 great shout of praise to the Lord, because the foundation of
- 11:12 the house of the Lord was laid.
- 11:14 But many of the older priests and Levites and family heads,
- 11:17 who had seen the former temple, wept aloud when they saw the
- 11:20 foundation of his temple being laid, while many others shouted
- 11:23 for joy.
- 11:24 No one could distinguish the sound of the shouts of joy from
- 11:27 the sound of weeping, because the people made so much noise."
- 11:32 Caleb: But God again encourages Zerubbabel, do not give up,
- 11:36 though this temple won't be as grand as is--as glorious as King
- 11:39 Solomon's, he will be faithful to help him succeed in
- 11:42 the construction.
- 11:44 Zechariah 4:8 through 10 says: "Moreover the word of the Lord
- 11:47 came to me, saying: 'The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the
- 11:50 foundations of this temple; his hands shall also finish it.
- 11:53 Then you will know that the Lord of hosts has sent Me to you.
- 11:56 For who has despised the day of small beginnings?'"
- 12:01 Joshua: Translation: Do not despise small beginnings.
- 12:05 Who is faithful in little, the Lord will reward with much and
- 12:09 see through to completion.
- 12:11 Caleb: So, Zerubbabel finishes constructing the temple.
- 12:15 But again the people get discouraged because at its
- 12:18 inauguration, no fire comes down from heaven to light the
- 12:21 brazen altar.
- 12:22 No shekinah, the presence of God, returns to the temple.
- 12:26 Josephus, a Jewish historian, even says that the ark of the
- 12:29 covenant was not in the Holy of Holies, so God has to send
- 12:32 encouragement again through the prophet Haggai, and he says,
- 12:37 Haggai 2:3 through 4: "'Who is left among you who saw this
- 12:41 temple in its former glory?
- 12:43 And how do you see it now?
- 12:44 In comparison with it, is this not in your eyes as nothing?
- 12:48 Yet now be strong, Zerubbabel,' says the Lord; 'and be strong,
- 12:52 Joshua, son of Jehozadak, the high priest.'"
- 12:55 Verse 6: "For thus says the Lord of hosts: 'Once again (it is a
- 12:58 little while)
- 13:00 I will shake heaven and earth, the sea and the dry land; and I
- 13:03 will shake all nations, and they shall come to see the Desire of
- 13:06 All Nations, and I will fill this temple with glory,' says
- 13:09 the Lord of hosts.
- 13:10 'The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the
- 13:13 former,' says the Lord of hosts."
- 13:15 Joshua: Once again, my mind is blown.
- 13:18 Here we get this prophecy for the millennial temple, the
- 13:20 Fourth Temple.
- 13:21 How do we know it's that?
- 13:23 Because the glory of God can't reside in the temple until it's
- 13:24 built by Yeshua himself, as Ezekiel 43 says.
- 13:28 God gets this desire for men to come here to worship Yeshua, to
- 13:33 be in this temple and all glorify him.
- 13:36 Caleb: And back to the story about the rebuilding of
- 13:39 Jerusalem and the temple.
- 13:40 Were things easy for the Jews after they rebuilt that temple?
- 13:44 Absolutely not.
- 13:45 Satan still tried to use evil people to halt the promises of
- 13:48 God over and over again, and he come to this moment where
- 13:52 Nehemiah, the cupbearer to King Artaxerxes the First,
- 13:55 was forlorn.
- 13:57 He was downtrodden.
- 13:58 The king notices his countenance and figures out that his people
- 14:01 still haven't rebuilt Jerusalem.
- 14:03 He sends Nehemiah back and Nehemiah is determined, even
- 14:06 though opposition after opposition comes against him, to
- 14:09 rebuild the walls of Jerusalem so his people are safe, to the
- 14:13 point that he has a sword in one hand and and a tool in the other
- 14:17 and they finally rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
- 14:20 Isn't that like God to always fulfill his promises, but we
- 14:25 have to take that first step and walk in obedience to him, and
- 14:29 trust in faith that he will fulfill those promises.
- 14:32 ♪♪♪
- 14:37 Caleb: Rebuilding Israel after October 7th is going to
- 14:40 be tough.
- 14:41 I feel that the country is going to feel the lasting effects for
- 14:44 decades to come.
- 14:46 You see, no one could work during this time.
- 14:48 All the reservists were called to duty and the government had
- 14:51 to provide food and lodging and clothing, and where's that money
- 14:55 gonna come from?
- 14:56 So, financially, there will be economic hardships that will
- 14:59 come because of this situation.
- 15:02 But you know what, I feel that God is going to make Israel
- 15:05 prosperous again.
- 15:06 In fact, scripture assures us that this is so.
- 15:10 Well, we know what's coming, that there may be a Psalm 83
- 15:13 war, and that could be a singular event where all these
- 15:16 nations surrounding Israel comes against her or it could have
- 15:19 been instigated by the start of Hamas and be a prolonged
- 15:22 war event.
- 15:23 But we know scripturally by the time Ezekiel 38 shows up, Israel
- 15:27 will be wealthy and prosperous again with great resources, and
- 15:31 all the nations around will covet her.
- 15:33 Joshua: Israel may have to rebuild with one hand on a
- 15:36 weapon while the other hand builds, but God will stand
- 15:39 behind them.
- 15:41 God will support them to fulfill his Word.
- 15:45 Isaiah 61:4 through 6: "They will rebuild the ancient ruins
- 15:49 and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the
- 15:53 ruined cities that have been devastated for generations.
- 15:57 Strangers will shepherd your flocks; foreigners will work
- 16:00 your fields and vineyards.
- 16:01 And you will be called priests of the Lord, you will be named
- 16:04 ministers of our God.
- 16:06 You will feed on the wealth of nations, and in their riches you
- 16:10 will boast."
- 16:11 ♪♪♪
- 16:21 Joshua: Do not despise small beginnings.
- 16:25 History has a bad habit, if you will, of chronicling the end of
- 16:30 somebody's story more than necessarily the details of what
- 16:34 got them to that final point.
- 16:37 The heroes of our faith, the heroes of histories of our
- 16:41 countries, is generally laden with those end details, what
- 16:46 these men and women become in the totality of everything that
- 16:49 they've experienced.
- 16:51 Sometimes when looking at the final example of these men and
- 16:54 women, we get discouraged for where we're at in the moment,
- 16:59 wondering, Is it possible that we could ever get to a point to
- 17:02 achieve anything that's either in our heart or that these
- 17:06 people had achieved?
- 17:08 We look at Moses and we see how his life went through this
- 17:12 humble position even to the point where he's speaking to the
- 17:15 burning bush and telling God, "You can't use me because I have
- 17:19 a s-s-s-stutter."
- 17:22 God's never appeared to me in the form of a fiery bush.
- 17:26 And yet fear can be so overwhelming that you can look
- 17:30 into the face of of God himself and still feel inadequate and
- 17:34 insecure if your focus is on you and not on him.
- 17:38 Abraham Lincoln is another man in history who is known as one
- 17:41 of the greatest presidents of the United States of America,
- 17:44 and yet few talk about how many times he attempted to even get
- 17:47 on the ballot and failed but refused to give up.
- 17:52 We can look at the destination far too often as the gauge of
- 17:56 our solid success, having arrived, and yet God says that
- 18:02 he is going to be faithful to you when you're faithful to him
- 18:07 in the small steps along the way.
- 18:10 Why is that?
- 18:11 Well, because it's not actually the destination that God's
- 18:14 looking for.
- 18:15 If you prayed for something tomorrow and he immediately gave
- 18:18 you this destination, this position of power, this position
- 18:21 of influence, authority, finances, and yet you had no
- 18:25 character behind it.
- 18:27 A good father who did that wouldn't be a good father
- 18:30 anymore because you'd be setting up your son or daughter for
- 18:32 failure to have overwhelming power and reach and yet no
- 18:36 character to back it up.
- 18:38 You would cave and fall apart under the pressure, under the
- 18:41 greed, under the weakness of our flesh.
- 18:44 And so God, in his infinite mercy and love, understands that
- 18:48 what is going to truly make a man or woman is the daily steps
- 18:52 that he takes, the small steps by faith in believing in what
- 18:56 God has placed in our hearts, that he will fulfill it and that
- 19:01 that passion and that promise and that faith we have in him is
- 19:06 big enough to see us through the daily trials that seem
- 19:08 so overwhelming.
- 19:10 That's why every verse you read about about faith is about
- 19:13 taking your eyes off of yourself or taking your eyes off of the
- 19:16 problem and putting it on the author and finisher of your
- 19:18 faith, the individual who created you and gave you that
- 19:21 purpose and plan.
- 19:23 How good of a Father would he be if he instilled in you this
- 19:27 passion that you couldn't shake, this desire for a future that
- 19:30 you couldn't relent out of your heart and then give you no
- 19:33 ability to reach it?
- 19:34 But as I said, the man or woman that you will become has nothing
- 19:40 to do with the destination you land on.
- 19:42 It has to do with every single day you wake up in the morning
- 19:46 and choose to step out in faith, not listening to circumstances,
- 19:51 not listening to your emotions that lie to you, but by the
- 19:54 Spirit of God who has promised you, by the relationship you
- 19:57 have with the Father, when you say, "I know what I see today, I
- 20:01 know how I feel today, but my Father promised me this.
- 20:05 And by that promise I walk and I hold on to faith."
- 20:09 Today surrender, today verbally give it to him by saying,
- 20:13 "Father God, I have this passion and I
- 20:15 don't know what to do, but I trust you.
- 20:17 Show me the step to take today.
- 20:18 Bring me closer to you.
- 20:20 Help me to become the man or woman that you've called me to
- 20:24 be, that you sacrificed your Son for me to be."
- 20:27 And when you do that, one day you're gonna wake up and look
- 20:30 behind you and all the things that tripped you up, all the
- 20:32 things that seemed impossible, all the moments that seemed to
- 20:35 destroy you emotionally, are tiny specks in a part of history
- 20:41 that few will chronicle about your story.
- 20:48 Israel Hanna: Well, we were at the walls around--in Jerusalem
- 20:51 around the Citadel David, I met a rabbi there was actually
- 20:56 sitting down on a rock nearby where we were filming, and he
- 21:00 was reading the Torah.
- 21:01 I went over and sat down with him and we had a wonderful time
- 21:05 of prayer, and I told him that even though we were reading the
- 21:09 Torah, the Holy Spirit wants to speak to you, Haim.
- 21:12 His name was Haim, which means life, and I said, "Haim, the
- 21:15 Holy Spirit wants to give you more life.
- 21:17 He wants to breathe upon you.
- 21:19 You are the temple of God that he wants to fill with
- 21:21 his breath."
- 21:23 And his response was this: "My wife has been telling me that
- 21:26 for a long time, and I need to think about what you're saying.
- 21:31 I know you're sent by God."
- 21:33 And I said to him, "Well, Haim, I'm gonna teach you a little
- 21:36 prayer concerning what I'm saying.
- 21:38 It'll change your life, and I guarantee it."
- 21:40 And here's the prayer: "Give me eyes to see what you're doing
- 21:43 around me, ears to hear what you're saying to me, and then a
- 21:46 heart willing to obey what I see and hear."
- 21:49 "And if you do that, your life, Haim, will change forever."
- 21:52 I preach that all around the world, and he thanked me for it,
- 21:55 and we prayed together.
- 21:59 Michael Mistretta: Good morning, my friend, good to see
- 22:00 you again.
- 22:06 Caleb: I'm here with Michael Mistretta, the CEO of FIRM,
- 22:10 Fellowship of Israel-Related Ministries.
- 22:12 Thank you for joining us today.
- 22:13 Michael: Thanks for having me here, guys.
- 22:15 Joshua: It's super cool when a CEO can take time out of
- 22:16 everything he's doing and sit down with a couple of people
- 22:18 he's never met and just talk about Yeshua.
- 22:20 That's what we're here to do.
- 22:21 FIRM is doing amazing things in Israel.
- 22:23 We want our audience to know what y'all guys are doing.
- 22:25 Tell us a little bit about the ministry.
- 22:27 Michael: Thanks, well, FIRM, really, we exist as a network
- 22:29 of ministries, so we stand for the Fellowship of
- 22:31 Israel-Related Ministries.
- 22:32 We started almost 10 years ago, here in the heart of Jerusalem.
- 22:36 We serve over 72 different ministries across the country.
- 22:39 These are all Messianic Jewish ministries, congregations, and
- 22:43 even Christian Arab ministries that are working together to see
- 22:45 a day where every person in Israel is
- 22:47 transformed by the love of Yeshua.
- 22:48 That's our heartbeat, and we get to help strengthen, unite, and
- 22:51 resource these ministries, and I can tell you, probably we--for
- 22:54 a long time we've had a vision to see ministries work together
- 22:56 but nothing like what we've seen since October 7th.
- 23:00 Everyone really rallied together, worked together, and
- 23:02 we've been able to effect change and see lives transformed in
- 23:06 areas across the country that we never even dreamed were possible
- 23:08 before that.
- 23:10 Caleb: Well, how has the need changed since October 7th?
- 23:13 We've been working with other ministries, and they have an
- 23:17 influx of people that have been displaced from their homes.
- 23:19 They need food, they need shelter, and just the common
- 23:23 things that any human being needs.
- 23:25 What are y'all doing to meet that need?
- 23:27 Michael: There was always needs in Israel.
- 23:29 There are always needs, but after October 7th, everyone was
- 23:33 in need in some area and different kinds of needs.
- 23:36 So as you said, we had hundreds of thousands of displaced
- 23:39 families, from the south, then from the north as well, and we
- 23:43 wanted to serve these families, so we're bringing food, we're
- 23:45 bringing supplies.
- 23:47 We never imagined the doors of God would open up, and so we had
- 23:50 someone say, "Hey, we want to donate a hotel to you
- 23:53 temporarily to house displaced families."
- 23:56 They started coming to this hotel, and the hotel wasn't just
- 23:58 housing and three meals a day food.
- 24:01 We also started a kindergarten there.
- 24:02 We started a school there, we started music classes and art
- 24:05 classes and cooking classes.
- 24:07 It became a village for these people coming down.
- 24:10 And at first they came slowly, but then like everything in
- 24:12 Israel, the people that came saw the excellence at which it was
- 24:16 done with and they started calling their friends
- 24:17 and family.
- 24:18 We started being bombarded with phone calls, people calling, and
- 24:20 we filled every room in that hotel, about 450 people, so 1
- 24:24 hotel turned into 2, turned into 3.
- 24:26 We ended up with 7 different locations across the country.
- 24:29 People are like, "Who are you?
- 24:31 Wait, I look at your website.
- 24:32 You're Messianic Jews and you're Christians," and these are
- 24:35 communities on the fringes of Israel.
- 24:37 They've never met a Christian.
- 24:39 Joshua: We're told y'all are evil, like, we're not supposed
- 24:40 to talk to you all.
- 24:41 Michael: Yeah, they never-- "What are your motives?"
- 24:43 And we said, "We just want to hug you and love you and give
- 24:46 you a breathing space."
- 24:48 Joshua: So, people watching at home, they wanna get involved.
- 24:51 Either they wanna give, they wanna come to Israel.
- 24:54 We've heard so many stories of people just getting
- 24:55 on planes and coming.
- 24:56 How do they become a part of what FIRM's doing to get
- 24:58 involved in the network to maybe, say, their congregation,
- 25:01 you know, in America wants to get involved and support?
- 25:03 What's the process?
- 25:04 Michael: Yeah, well, I'm so glad that you asked.
- 25:06 You know, our website is
- 25:08 So, F-I-R-M Israel dot org, and people can get online there and,
- 25:14 really, we see partnership as a two-way street.
- 25:16 So for us, we love people that want to get
- 25:19 involved financially, it's amazing.
- 25:20 In fact, the primary way you can give financially is through what
- 25:23 we call the FIRM Foundation, and 100% of what you give goes to
- 25:27 these projects, these initiatives, doesn't cover our
- 25:29 staff's salaries or our rent or our programs or operations.
- 25:32 We have a private group of legacy partners that fund our
- 25:35 budget, so that 100% of what's raised can go directly to the
- 25:37 frontlines serving those in need.
- 25:38 We don't ask for ourselves.
- 25:40 We ask on behalf of the body to resource them in more
- 25:43 effective ways.
- 25:44 Caleb: There is a great need for service in this country, and I
- 25:47 thank you for providing that through FIRM and so many
- 25:50 organizations because you're using the hands and feet of all
- 25:54 these different ministries to come together.
- 25:55 Thank you for that, Michael.
- 25:57 Michael: Thank you, it's an honor to be able to share
- 25:58 a little bit with you guys today.
- 26:00 Joshua: Awesome.
- 26:03 Joshua: Oh, here we go.
- 26:04 Caleb: Now that is a temple.
- 26:06 Joshua: Imagine the emotional roller coaster, okay, that the
- 26:10 Jewish people went through over a 70-plus-year period of time.
- 26:14 Let's see what they did.
- 26:15 There was nonstop wars, first of all.
- 26:17 They had a Babylonian invasion where they were taken into exile
- 26:19 in Babylon.
- 26:20 The Babylonian Empire wiped out in a single night, and
- 26:23 eventually the Persians become their new masters.
- 26:26 But then finally the Mashiach Cyrus, he allows
- 26:29 them to go free.
- 26:30 But they returned and they were heartbroken to see the stunted
- 26:34 version of the temple being built.
- 26:35 Even some survivors, well, they remembered that the former
- 26:39 glory of Solomon's temple--
- 26:40 Caleb: It was bigger.
- 26:42 Joshua: It was much bigger.
- 26:43 Yet again, God sends his prophets with words of
- 26:45 encouragement, "'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,'
- 26:49 says the Lord of hosts."
- 26:51 Psalm 121:4 through 6: "Indeed, He who watches over
- 26:55 Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
- 26:57 The Lord watches over you--the Lord is your shade at your right
- 27:00 hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night."
- 27:03 Everything that you've just heard in this scripture is
- 27:05 about God's commitment and partnership with us, but now he
- 27:09 wants us to partner back with him.
- 27:11 He asks something of us, not because we can do it under our
- 27:13 own power like we just talked about, but because he wants our
- 27:16 commitment by faith to him.
- 27:18 For this ministry, those of you who have partnered so far, we
- 27:20 are so grateful for everything we've been able to accomplish,
- 27:23 but God wants to do more, and now is the time to ask what that
- 27:27 partnership means to you, through us, through the Holy
- 27:30 Spirit, and we thank you for that.
- 27:32 Caleb: All we have to do is to say yes to Yeshua, and we will
- 27:35 see God working through us to rebuild those ruined cities.
- 27:39 And please check us out on social media.
- 27:41 We have additional programming.
- 27:43 We have Bible lessons.
- 27:44 is our website.
- 27:45 You'll find the monthly newsletter.
- 27:47 You can donate.
- 27:48 You can even purchase our products.
- 27:49 We just want you to get connected with us and
- 27:51 even communicate with us on social media.
- 27:53 We love you guys.
- 27:55 Joshua: So, as we go, Sha'alu shalom, Yerushalayim.
- 27:57 Caleb: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
- 28:00 Caleb: We're here at Bridges For Peace.
- 28:02 What are we doing?
- 28:03 male: We are feeding over 24,000 people every month.
- 28:06 Over 2 million people in Israel that live under the
- 28:09 poverty line.
- 28:11 Almost half of those numbers are kids.
- 28:14 female: The response you always get is amazing.
- 28:16 There are Christians out there that support us.
- 28:18 Caleb: That really exists? female: Yeah.
- 28:20 male: Bridges For Peace--
- 28:22 Caleb: Christians are here to help.
- 28:23 male: Christians from around the world who are coming to
- 28:25 bless them, which is extraordinary for the people
- 28:28 of Israel.
- The Return
- The Covenant, Part 1
- The Covenant, Part 2
- The Conquest
- The Exile
- The Rebuilding
- The Bridge
- The Diaspora
- The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
- The Re-Birth
- The Nations Rage
- The Future
Links from this show
Guest organizations and links