The Jewish roots of Christianity

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Bible teaching with an emphasis on Israel, prophecy and the Jewish roots of Christianity

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Episode: “The Exile”
The Bearded Bible Brothers explore the infamous Tel Lachish ruins to recount the story of destruction against Judea and Samaria at the hands of Assyria and the Babylonians. Unfortunately, Israel’s sin of idolatry typically brings about their own harm. God forewarns His people for centuries to repent before they are taken captive and exiled from their Land. Yet, God’s promise to Israel through Jeremiah declared a return after 70 years of captivity and the coming of the Messiah.
Series: “Rebuilding the Ruined Cities”
In this series, Joshua and Caleb visit war-torn areas in the Holy Land where they discuss hope and blessing amidst ruin and pain. God will faithfully fulfill His promise to heal, restore, and rebuild Israel once again: “‘They will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them … never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them,’ says the Lord your God” (Amos 9:14–15).

Caption transcript for Rebuilding the Ruined Cities: “The Exile” (5/12)

  • 00:10 ♪♪♪ Joshua Colson: God had forewarned the Israelites in
  • 00:11 advance of possessing the Promised Land, that one day they
  • 00:15 would turn from him and fall into sin.
  • 00:17 ♪♪♪
  • 00:25 ♪♪♪
  • 00:30 Caleb Colson: The Lord established laws, commandments
  • 00:32 for the Israelites to follow.
  • 00:34 He made an agreement with them that we call the Mosaic
  • 00:37 Covenant, and they verbally declared that they would adhere
  • 00:40 to the terms and conditions of that agreement for their own
  • 00:43 benefit or detriment.
  • 00:45 Joshua: Deuteronomy 28:1 through 2, "If you fully obey the Lord
  • 00:48 your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you
  • 00:51 today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the
  • 00:54 nations on earth.
  • 00:55 All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you
  • 00:58 obey the Lord your God."
  • 01:00 Caleb: It was a fantastic agreement, the Old Covenant, the
  • 01:03 law of Moses.
  • 01:05 God would bestow upon the children of Israel blessings
  • 01:08 greater than any other nation.
  • 01:10 He said he would be a husband to them, all they had to do was be
  • 01:14 his bride, be faithful to him, and not commit adultery, a.k.a.
  • 01:18 worship foreign gods, but the list of curses as penalty for
  • 01:23 straying from this covenant was severe and would end up being
  • 01:27 the expulsion of the Jews from the land.
  • 01:29 Deuteronomy 28:58 says, "If you do not carefully follow all the
  • 01:33 words of this law, which are written in this book, and do not
  • 01:36 revere this glorious and awesome name, the Lord your God, the
  • 01:40 Lord will send fearful plagues on you and your descendants,
  • 01:43 harsh and prolonged disasters, and severe and
  • 01:46 lingering illnesses.
  • 01:47 Then the Lord will scatter you among all nations, from one end
  • 01:50 of the earth to the other."
  • 01:52 Joshua: We know it sounds terrible, when it happened it
  • 01:55 was devastating, so why are we talking about the galut,
  • 01:57 the exile?
  • 01:59 Well, you can't talk about rebuilding the city until it was
  • 02:01 broken and captive.
  • 02:02 And so, we thought today to really show you the significance
  • 02:06 of what happened to Judah and Israel, we would come to the
  • 02:08 actual ruins that hold so much significance to the story.
  • 02:11 So, for the very first time in "Our Jewish Roots," we give you
  • 02:14 Tel Lachish.
  • 02:16 Caleb: Join us.
  • 02:17 ♪♪♪
  • 02:24 ♪♪♪
  • 02:29 Joshua: We finally made it to Tel Lachish.
  • 02:31 Now, we were scheduled on October 7, 2023 to shoot here
  • 02:35 that morning, but as you probably know, that's when
  • 02:38 rockets started bombarding this mountain and our producers said,
  • 02:42 no, you're not allowed to film there.
  • 02:43 We were still willing, but they were not gonna let this happen.
  • 02:46 Caleb: But look at this mountain, guys.
  • 02:48 This is huge.
  • 02:49 It was actually larger in acreage than the city of
  • 02:52 Jerusalem at the time, the second most important city in
  • 02:55 all the kingdom of Judah.
  • 02:57 It was a major center of trade.
  • 02:59 Well, back during the conquest of Canaan, Yathia the king of
  • 03:02 Lachish had joined an alliance with four other Amorite kings.
  • 03:06 He was going to wipe out the Gibeonites because they made a
  • 03:09 peace deal with Yehoshua, Joshua, and the people
  • 03:13 of Israel.
  • 03:14 So, when he came with his armies, the children of Israel
  • 03:18 came to honor that alliance with the Gibeonites, and there's a
  • 03:21 great battle that is chronicled in the Book of Joshua.
  • 03:24 God supernaturally intervened, freezing time itself.
  • 03:28 The sun and the moon stood still and giant asteroids or maybe
  • 03:32 hailstones came from the sky the size of school buses and wiped
  • 03:35 out the army.
  • 03:36 Then Joshua came here, chasing the soldiers all the way
  • 03:40 to Lachish.
  • 03:41 After a short one-day siege, he wiped out the city on the second
  • 03:44 day and destroyed it completely.
  • 03:47 Joshua: That's pretty cool.
  • 03:48 ♪♪♪
  • 03:52 ♪♪♪
  • 04:00 Joshua: Now, that's obviously the more modern gate right
  • 04:01 there, and this is the second gate, and in between this entire
  • 04:05 area is considered the kill zone.
  • 04:07 That's a pretty cool zone, right?
  • 04:09 A lot of discoveries have been made here, including the Lachish
  • 04:12 letters that we talked about in "Josiah and the Last
  • 04:13 Reformation," but these gates, they date all the way back to
  • 04:16 the time of Hezekiah.
  • 04:17 Caleb: Well, 2 Kings 17:5 says, "Now the king of Assyria went
  • 04:22 throughout all the land, and went up to Samaria and besieged
  • 04:25 it for three years."
  • 04:27 God had removed his hand of protection from the kingdom of
  • 04:30 Samaria for them going after other gods, building high
  • 04:33 places, you know, the famous, twin calves, golden calves that
  • 04:38 Samaria worshiped at Dan and Bethel, but even King Solomon
  • 04:41 and Judah built all these idols and shrines on the Hill of
  • 04:45 Corruption that was on the south of the Mount of Olives to
  • 04:48 worship these other gods.
  • 04:50 2 Kings 5:16 through 18 says, "Israel worshiped all the
  • 04:54 hosts of heaven, and served Baal.
  • 04:56 And they caused their sons and daughters to pass through the
  • 04:58 fire, practiced witchcraft and soothsaying, and sold themselves
  • 05:02 to do evil in the sight of the Lord, to provoke Him to anger.
  • 05:06 Therefore the Lord was very angry with Israel, and removed
  • 05:09 him from his sight.
  • 05:10 There was none left but the tribe of Judah alone."
  • 05:13 Joshua: So, Israel was the first to go into exile, but Judah,
  • 05:15 they were coming in with a close second with their sins.
  • 05:18 But you see, Assyria wasn't pacified at just defeating Iram
  • 05:21 or defeating Israel, they had to come all the way pushing through
  • 05:26 here to Lachish, that's intense.
  • 05:29 Joshua: Isaiah 36:1 through 2, "Now it came to pass in the
  • 05:32 fourteenth year of King Hezekiah that Sennacherib king of Assyria
  • 05:36 came up against all the fortified cities of Judah and
  • 05:39 took them.
  • 05:40 Then the king of Assyria sent the Rabshakeh with a great army
  • 05:44 from Lachish to King Hezekiah at Jerusalem."
  • 05:49 Caleb: It wasn't a walk in the park for Sennacherib to take
  • 05:51 the city.
  • 05:53 The fighting was brutal.
  • 05:54 This is a major fortified city, and so to get within these city
  • 05:58 walls they had to build a siege ramp, as you can see here.
  • 06:01 Remnants of the siege ramp are still around today, and they had
  • 06:05 to push their battering rams and their siege towers up this ramp
  • 06:08 in order to break through the city wall and conquer the
  • 06:11 city here.
  • 06:12 And this was heralded as Sennacherib's greatest victory,
  • 06:16 his greatest conquest in all of his fighting.
  • 06:18 In fact, he returned to Nineveh and he adorned the walls of his
  • 06:22 palace with elaborate reliefs that chronicled the taking of
  • 06:25 the city.
  • 06:27 You can still see those reliefs today in a British museum.
  • 06:30 But they show the brutality of war and how harsh these
  • 06:34 Assyrians fought.
  • 06:35 They took 46 cities in this territory of Judea.
  • 06:38 They took over 200,000 Judeans captive, and from Lachish alone
  • 06:43 they killed 50,000 individuals.
  • 06:45 They burned them, they beheaded them, they flayed them, it was a
  • 06:49 terrible defeat.
  • 06:50 Joshua: It's interesting that all these years later there's
  • 06:52 still fighting going on in this area.
  • 06:55 All morning we've been hearing explosions from Gaza, that's not
  • 06:57 too far away from here.
  • 06:59 The IDF, Israel taking on its enemy, it's still happening
  • 07:03 right now.
  • 07:04 For if you know the Bible story that happened right here, God
  • 07:07 did intervene on behalf of Jerusalem against Sennacherib's
  • 07:09 army, because Hezekiah and the people implored God and they
  • 07:13 humbled themselves and they said help us and God sent an angel.
  • 07:16 This angel came and smote, smited, 185,000 Assyrian troops,
  • 07:22 the entire army.
  • 07:23 Caleb: In a single night.
  • 07:25 Joshua: One night, and the thing is, even though they were given
  • 07:28 this reprieve, they, well, they didn't exactly hold to it very
  • 07:33 fast, because in just a hundred years' time, Babylon would
  • 07:36 show up.
  • 07:37 ♪♪♪
  • 07:45 ♪♪♪
  • 07:47 Caleb: We are here on the Acropolis.
  • 07:49 You can see this long line of kings and their thrones from
  • 07:52 Rehoboam all the way to King Zedekiah.
  • 07:55 You know, Lachish was destroyed, so Manasseh right here is
  • 07:59 actually the one to help rebuild Lachish.
  • 08:01 He was the son of Hezekiah, and it was up and running as a
  • 08:04 fortified city by the time King Josiah shows up.
  • 08:10 Joshua: I'm the king.
  • 08:11 Caleb: I didn't vote for you.
  • 08:13 Joshua: You don't vote for kings, kings are chosen by God.
  • 08:15 Caleb: You sit on a throne of lies, sir.
  • 08:17 Joshua: Bah, Micah prophesied this long before Babylon ever
  • 08:21 showed up, okay?
  • 08:23 And every foreign power wanted a piece of Lachish at some point,
  • 08:28 so Nebuchadnezzar, who's coming in long after Josiah's death to
  • 08:32 lay siege to Jerusalem with his generals, he says, man, I want
  • 08:37 to come for the two big guns, the twin fortified cities,
  • 08:40 Lachish and Azekah.
  • 08:42 Well, Jeremiah 34:7 says, "When the army of the king of Babylon
  • 08:46 was warring against Jerusalem and against all the cities of
  • 08:48 Judah that were left, against Lachish and against Azekah, for
  • 08:52 these alone remained of the cities of Judah as
  • 08:54 fortified cities."
  • 08:56 Caleb: Here on the Acropolis was the royal palace's actually
  • 09:00 fortress, the former safest place to be in all of Lachish.
  • 09:04 Obviously, the king or governor or ruler lived here and this was
  • 09:08 the place that Nebuchadnezzar came to sack and to destroy just
  • 09:13 as Sennacherib came before him.
  • 09:15 Now, as we mentioned before, there was a monumental discovery
  • 09:18 that was made down in the guard shacks at the city gates, where
  • 09:23 under a thick layer of ash, the ash from the destroyed and
  • 09:26 burned ruins of the city, they found hundreds of
  • 09:28 pottery shards.
  • 09:30 These pottery shards, 18 of them, had Hebrew writings
  • 09:33 on them.
  • 09:34 These were called ostraca or ostracon because they were
  • 09:37 secret messages written on these pots from a nearby fort.
  • 09:41 They would send messages from King Zedekiah in Jerusalem, and
  • 09:45 they would bring them here under cover of these pots, and these
  • 09:49 Lachish letters as they're called, actually chronicle the
  • 09:53 last days of the kingdom of Judah when Nebuchadnezzar came
  • 09:56 and annihilated them.
  • 10:01 Joshua: That's so much cooler than Pottery Barn.
  • 10:03 ♪♪♪
  • 10:09 Joshua: After two-and-a-half years of Babylonians besieging,
  • 10:13 Jerusalem fell, the temple was destroyed, and the remaining
  • 10:16 Judeans were taken captive.
  • 10:18 This is one of the toughest time periods for Judah.
  • 10:21 Disease, starvation was rampant.
  • 10:23 It got so bad that many parents resorted to cooking and eating
  • 10:26 their children.
  • 10:27 At this time period, the prophet Jeremiah was not a popular guy.
  • 10:31 First, he was imprisoned in Jonathan the scribe's house,
  • 10:35 then he was thrown in a cistern of mud where he almost drowned,
  • 10:38 then taken captive in the king's palace.
  • 10:40 Caleb: It was really harsh, you know, that during the time that
  • 10:43 Jeremiah prophesied of where there's peace in Judah, he was
  • 10:47 saying doom and destruction is coming, Babylon is coming.
  • 10:50 No one believed him because it was so peaceful, it was
  • 10:52 so wonderful.
  • 10:54 They thought he was a false prophet, but now as Jeremiah
  • 10:58 lay, you know, half dead in prison, God gave him a different
  • 11:02 kind of message, a prophecy for a future with hope, a prophecy
  • 11:06 of the Messiah coming, of the New Covenant with the house of
  • 11:10 Israel, of the restoration of the whole house of Israel and
  • 11:14 the Millennial Reign.
  • 11:15 It was so different from what he had heard before, and isn't that
  • 11:19 like God today, guys?
  • 11:21 That in our moments of distress and hurting, that that's when he
  • 11:26 gives us hope, that's when he gives us peace and comfort, and
  • 11:31 I wanna read the words of that prophecy of Jeremiah 29:10
  • 11:35 through 14.
  • 11:36 I think you're gonna find them familiar.
  • 11:37 Jeremiah 29:10 through 14, "This is what the Lord says, 'When
  • 11:42 seventy years are completed for Babylon, I will come to you and
  • 11:46 fulfill my good promise to bring you back to this place.
  • 11:50 'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans
  • 11:53 to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and
  • 11:56 a future.
  • 11:57 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will
  • 12:01 listen to you.
  • 12:02 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all
  • 12:04 your heart.
  • 12:05 I will be found by you,' declares the Lord, 'and I will
  • 12:08 bring you back from captivity.'"
  • 12:11 We're here in the ruins of an ancient pagan temple complex,
  • 12:17 it's called the Solar Shrine.
  • 12:19 There's actually altars that were built back here to Persian
  • 12:22 gods, but these ruins are built upon previous Canaanite ruins
  • 12:26 of temples.
  • 12:28 There's three temples total on this tel, and when
  • 12:31 archaeologists were uncovering and digging in these ruins, they
  • 12:34 found Egyptian idols, gods to the Egyptian pantheon, golden
  • 12:39 articles and different things, because the Egyptians were close
  • 12:42 by here and at some period in history they held dominion over
  • 12:46 this territory.
  • 12:48 Well, when Joshua, Yehoshua, came here and took the land of
  • 12:52 Canaan, he destroyed Lachish and he destroyed these pagan
  • 12:55 temples, but the Israelites always ended up rebuilding them,
  • 12:59 rebuilding these shrines and worshiping demons.
  • 13:03 Joshua: You know, a lot of people have a misconception
  • 13:05 about God because there's some scriptures that say that God of
  • 13:09 the Old Testament was a jealous God because he didn't like
  • 13:12 sharing his affection with demons.
  • 13:14 Hmm, that's funny, but here's the deal, the God of the Old
  • 13:16 Testament, the Tanakh, the God of the New Testament, Habrit
  • 13:18 Hachadashah, same God, and he stands for one thing and one
  • 13:22 thing only and that is love.
  • 13:25 You see, a father who loves his children implements strategies
  • 13:29 and plans to keep his children from harm.
  • 13:32 So, like children, we may think, oh, Dad's trying to keep me from
  • 13:36 fun, he's trying to restrict me, but what he has laid out for us
  • 13:39 is a plan and purpose to keep us safe and to keep us on a path
  • 13:43 that leads us to success.
  • 13:45 ♪♪♪
  • 13:53 Joshua: I don't think I would have ever visited this temple.
  • 13:55 It's too squirrelly to get to.
  • 13:59 As you can see today, Israel is flourishing.
  • 14:02 The harvest down below us is protected with a covering to
  • 14:05 keep it safe from the harsh environment and the sun and the
  • 14:07 things that would attack and kill it.
  • 14:09 But to get to that point in our lives, to get to that point of
  • 14:12 rebuilding, of prosperity, first we have to enter in to
  • 14:16 forgiveness and repentance.
  • 14:18 We have to ask for forgiveness for the repentance of our sins
  • 14:21 so that God the Father can come in and heal us and restore us
  • 14:24 and rebuild us and bring us to the point of victory like you
  • 14:27 see all around us today, where our life is flourishing just
  • 14:30 like this country is.
  • 14:31 Caleb: And we wanna invite you to jump ahead in that line of
  • 14:34 blessing, to ask Yeshua to forgive you of your sins now, to
  • 14:40 accept that free gift of God.
  • 14:43 Like Josh said, all it takes is repentance, all it takes is
  • 14:46 surrender, but you have to make Yeshua, the King of kings and
  • 14:50 Lord of lords, the Lord over your life.
  • 14:54 Jeremiah 30:3 and 8 through 9, "'For behold, the days are
  • 14:58 coming,' says the Lord, 'That will bring back from captivity
  • 15:01 My people Israel and Judah,' says the Lord, 'And I 'will'
  • 15:05 cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers,
  • 15:08 and they shall possess it.
  • 15:09 For it shall come to pass in that day,' says the Lord of
  • 15:12 hosts, 'That I will break his yoke from your neck and will
  • 15:15 burst your bonds.
  • 15:16 Foreigners shall no more enslave them.
  • 15:18 They shall serve the Lord their God, and David, Yeshua, their
  • 15:23 king, whom I will raise up for them.'"
  • 15:26 Joshua: It's interesting how we don't attempt to cohabitate from
  • 15:29 God when we're in times that seem to be good.
  • 15:32 Have you noticed that?
  • 15:34 When life's going well for us, when we have times of success,
  • 15:36 most people keep God at arm's length or distance.
  • 15:39 In fact, they take it a step further and they give themselves
  • 15:42 the credit for their success.
  • 15:44 It's a crazy spot to be in.
  • 15:46 Most people only tend to reach out to the Father when they find
  • 15:49 themselves in need or distress.
  • 15:52 They don't try to forge that relationship when they feel that
  • 15:55 they deserve the pat on the back.
  • 15:57 They use this thing that we often refer to as something they
  • 16:01 shouldn't, but it's their emotions.
  • 16:03 Their emotions seem to become their best friend.
  • 16:06 Oh, I feel I know what's going on.
  • 16:08 I feel I know the right decision to make.
  • 16:10 But in all actuality, and we've said this before on episodes,
  • 16:12 that your emotions aren't your best friend, they're your
  • 16:15 drug dealer.
  • 16:16 They give you a little hit to make you feel good about
  • 16:18 yourself and to turn your focus off of God and your eyes
  • 16:20 onto yourself.
  • 16:22 But inevitably, if you are the only one who is guiding your
  • 16:26 path and your decisions, no matter how good and successful
  • 16:28 things look at the moment, you are going to find yourself in a
  • 16:31 point where the Israelites brought themselves to, that
  • 16:34 point of exile, that point of ruin and destruction, why
  • 16:36 is that?
  • 16:38 Because of your own sin.
  • 16:39 Your sin can be as simple as not putting your focus on God.
  • 16:43 It can be as simple as thinking you're in control, but
  • 16:46 inevitably, no matter what position you are in life, you
  • 16:49 will bring yourself to a point of ruin without your focus being
  • 16:53 on him.
  • 16:54 But you see, it's so simple.
  • 16:56 Today is the day that you can change everything.
  • 16:58 It doesn't matter where you've been or how much you've built up
  • 17:01 in the path that you're going down, you simply humble
  • 17:04 yourself today.
  • 17:05 You repent and say, Father, forgive me.
  • 17:07 I messed up, I want you to take control.
  • 17:10 And once you give him that permission to take over your
  • 17:11 life, he resumes immediately in the plan that he created for you
  • 17:14 before he even created the foundations of this earth, that
  • 17:17 plan that he forged for you.
  • 17:20 Don't get caught up in complaining.
  • 17:21 We were looking at Jeremiah today, and in Jeremiah 29:11,
  • 17:25 most people can quote this verse.
  • 17:26 'They' jump in and they go, "'I know the plans that I have for
  • 17:29 you,' says the Lord, 'Plans for hope and a future and to
  • 17:31 prosper,'" but most of you don't know what we talked about today,
  • 17:34 which was that Jeremiah was literally at the point of death
  • 17:36 when he was giving this message from God.
  • 17:39 He had been in a cistern where he almost drowned of mud.
  • 17:41 He was half-dead in the king's palace.
  • 17:44 This was at the lowest point of his emotions, yet against his
  • 17:48 emotions this was the word that God gave him to speak.
  • 17:51 Don't get caught up in the why me, God?
  • 17:54 I can only trust you if I see that the times are good.
  • 17:57 I can only trust you if I see the prosperity.
  • 17:59 That's your emotions again.
  • 18:02 Submit your emotions to God, ask for forgiveness.
  • 18:05 See, most people don't quote Jeremiah 29:12 or 13 or 14, the
  • 18:09 verses after that.
  • 18:10 All those conditions are based off of you repenting and turning
  • 18:13 to him and giving permission over to him like he says in
  • 18:15 the verses.
  • 18:17 So, make today that change.
  • 18:18 Give up your control.
  • 18:20 Don't pursue God just for what he can give to you, but pursue
  • 18:22 the relationship with your Father, the relationship that
  • 18:25 should be the closest you have with anyone on this planet, and
  • 18:29 he will lead you to prosperity and out of exile.
  • 18:33 Caleb: We are here in the factory, warehouse, whatever you
  • 18:37 wanna call it, a place to store goods for those in need.
  • 18:41 You look all around you, you see everything you need, you see
  • 18:43 diapers, you see food products, you see clothing, you see all
  • 18:47 the necessities that every human needs, and it's right here in
  • 18:51 Israel, it's amazing.
  • 18:54 Caleb: Hello, everyone, I'm here with Ariel Segal of Vision for
  • 18:58 Israel Ministries.
  • 19:00 Your parents, Barry and Batya, have long time been a friend of
  • 19:04 Zola Levitt Ministries, they went all the way back doing
  • 19:07 music with Zola Levitt.
  • 19:09 Ariel Segal: That's amazing, yeah, they have.
  • 19:11 Caleb: This ministry is all about meeting the needs of the
  • 19:14 people in Israel.
  • 19:15 Ariel: Well, yeah, in many ways, honestly, Vision for Israel has
  • 19:18 been helping since 1993.
  • 19:21 It all started as a grassroots movement, honestly, where my
  • 19:25 parents, right after the first Intifada, went to comfort those
  • 19:30 who mourned in Zion.
  • 19:31 That's the scripture that came to them, and they went door to
  • 19:34 door to help the families, the local families with food,
  • 19:38 clothing, and supplies, to families who lost their
  • 19:42 loved ones.
  • 19:43 Now we're celebrating the 30th year of Vision for Israel as a
  • 19:46 ministry, and it's just incredible to see what the Lord
  • 19:50 has been doing through the ministry here in Israel to just
  • 19:54 help practically the different communities and people of Israel
  • 19:58 from all kinds of different backgrounds, by the way.
  • 20:00 So, Jews, Arabs, yeah.
  • 20:02 Caleb: Non-discriminatory, whoever has need,
  • 20:04 y'all show the love of Yeshua.
  • 20:05 Ariel: Yeah, yeah, exactly.
  • 20:07 Joshua: Now, right now, obviously, we're not at your
  • 20:08 parents' house still, so in 30 years it seems it's grown some.
  • 20:10 This is a massive warehouse of provisions that I'm seeing that
  • 20:12 I'm sure you can show us.
  • 20:14 Kind of take us around and explain some of the different
  • 20:16 areas and what you have going on.
  • 20:18 Ariel: Well, this is the warehouse, the Millennium Center
  • 20:21 actually, this is the name of the building that we're in, and
  • 20:24 this is where Vision for Israel is headquartered today.
  • 20:29 This building itself is a whole story, a miraculous story that
  • 20:32 was funded by people like you all over the world.
  • 20:37 Many, many little donations, it's not like one big donor that
  • 20:41 came and gave and funded the project, but many donors from
  • 20:45 all over the world helped fund this building in order to house,
  • 20:51 as you can see, all these boxes.
  • 20:54 Joshua: Now, what's in some of these boxes if I was to go
  • 20:56 through them?
  • 20:57 Ariel: So, there are toiletries, there are--there's food items
  • 21:00 here, clothing, as you can see in these boxes there, there are
  • 21:05 clothes and toys, so you can see the different toys that are
  • 21:09 being distributed to kids from the southern and northern
  • 21:14 communities, the southern communities around Gaza, the
  • 21:17 northern communities closer to Lebanon, and these are all being
  • 21:21 distributed across the country to families that are in need.
  • 21:27 So, Vision for Israel is working in close ties with the Israeli
  • 21:32 government, and in doing so is really a light to the nation of
  • 21:38 Israel and just shows how much the love of Christians from
  • 21:42 around the world is so warm towards the Jewish people.
  • 21:47 So, it's just amazing, it's beautiful just to see
  • 21:52 that connection.
  • 21:53 Joshua: One of the things that I was reading on your website is
  • 21:55 that, a not-commonly-known fact is that there is a poverty level
  • 21:59 in Israel that's higher than most people think.
  • 22:01 I know that you all have done some independent studies
  • 22:03 on that, you want to speak to the fact that there is actual
  • 22:06 need in Israel that people don't know about?
  • 22:07 Ariel: I would say around at least 50% of the population is
  • 22:11 at the poverty line or lower because Israel is an
  • 22:14 immigrant country.
  • 22:15 Hundreds of thousands of people came to Israel from very poor
  • 22:19 countries, and ultra orthodox, the ultra orthodox, the man
  • 22:23 usually doesn't work, and they study most of their life, and
  • 22:27 then they only have the wife who sometimes works, and they're
  • 22:31 also in deep need.
  • 22:33 So Vision for Israel is right there in that place to show
  • 22:37 support and give support practically to those families.
  • 22:41 One of the big projects that has been happening actually for the
  • 22:44 last few years, not only this year, is the whole bomb shelter
  • 22:48 project where Vision for Israel in partnership with Christians
  • 22:52 and believers from around the world have been funding bomb
  • 22:56 shelters for communities that don't have enough funding for
  • 23:01 their own bomb shelters.
  • 23:02 Caleb: How are people reacting, Jews, even orthodox, to
  • 23:06 Christians trying to help them?
  • 23:08 Ariel: The first reaction is surprised and shocked, you know,
  • 23:11 that, oh, really?
  • 23:12 Like, there are Christians that, you know, care about us and
  • 23:16 wanna actually, like, donate and support us?
  • 23:18 And a lot of times the seed is planted in their hearts and it
  • 23:21 opens conversation.
  • 23:23 Caleb: I appreciate you meeting with us today and we want to
  • 23:26 support ministries like this.
  • 23:28 These are ministries that you can trust that will find
  • 23:31 the need.
  • 23:32 They have access where we don't.
  • 23:34 They're working with the Israeli government, and it's a miracle
  • 23:36 that the Israeli government is open to working with Christians.
  • 23:39 They know what you're gonna do.
  • 23:40 They know you're gonna talk about Yeshua and share his love,
  • 23:43 and they're open to that, and I think that's absolutely
  • 23:45 fantastic what you're doing.
  • 23:49 ♪♪♪
  • 23:53 Israel Hanna: When we were here at Lachish walking through the
  • 23:56 land of Israel, once again I was talking and praying with people
  • 23:58 as I do everywhere I go, and I had a guy send me or give me a
  • 24:03 unit patch from Swords of Iron.
  • 24:06 This is amazing, that they are so thankful that we are over
  • 24:10 here as a ministry, praying for them, lifting them up and
  • 24:15 encouraging them in such a time as this.
  • 24:20 Caleb: You guys have no idea how excited I was to finally get to
  • 24:24 Tel Lachish.
  • 24:26 That was literally the first shoot on our trip this time, and
  • 24:28 I wanted to guarantee we made it there.
  • 24:30 Most importantly, I want to complete the mission that God
  • 24:33 gave us almost two years ago.
  • 24:35 You see, originally during our film shoot in Israel, October
  • 24:38 2023, God directed me to go to Tel Lachish to use that site as
  • 24:42 an example to warn of coming judgment.
  • 24:44 Now, out of everything God directed us to do on that trip,
  • 24:47 this was the only plan left unfulfilled, and it was
  • 24:50 agonizing to me, the morning of October 7th when we planned to
  • 24:53 drive to Tel Lachish and missiles were firing off
  • 24:57 from Gaza.
  • 24:58 It was hitting all around Lachish.
  • 24:59 We still wanted to go and film there, I mean, we were begging
  • 25:02 our producers, our driver, literally everybody said no,
  • 25:05 they prohibited us from going.
  • 25:06 Tel Lachish is that example of destruction and rebuilding and
  • 25:09 destruction and rebuilding and destruction and rebuilding, but
  • 25:12 unlike Lachish that stayed in ruins, God will rebuild the
  • 25:16 waste places in Israel after Hamas's horrific attack.
  • 25:19 Joshua: Isaiah 58:9, 11 and 12 says, "Then you will call, and
  • 25:24 Adonai will answer.
  • 25:25 You will cry and He will say, 'Here I am.'
  • 25:28 Then Adonai will guide you continually, satisfy your soul
  • 25:32 in drought and strengthen your bones.
  • 25:35 You will be like a watered garden, like a spring of water
  • 25:39 whose water never, never fails.
  • 25:41 Some of you will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up
  • 25:45 the age-old foundations, will be called Repairer of the Breach,
  • 25:48 Restorer of Streets for Dwelling."
  • 25:51 Finally, the Lord called us to prophetically declare the good
  • 25:55 things that he had for his Israel.
  • 25:58 He is the rebuilder.
  • 26:00 He is the repairer, the restorer.
  • 26:02 The Jewish people will not be burdened under the spirit of
  • 26:05 exile and destruction much longer, soon their mourning will
  • 26:08 turn into dancing, their darkness will be driven away by
  • 26:11 light, their reproach will be removed, and the people of God
  • 26:15 will stand strong in his joy and grace.
  • 26:19 Caleb: Guys, we hope you enjoyed learning about Vision for
  • 26:22 Israel, the nonprofit that we showed you during our interview.
  • 26:26 It's a ministry run by Messianic believers who are truly working
  • 26:30 to provide for hurting Israelis.
  • 26:32 We also hope that God moves on your heart to continue to
  • 26:35 support us as we go wherever he sends us, and we want to fulfill
  • 26:38 his mission that he calls us to, so please check out our social
  • 26:42 media sites.
  • 26:43 We have additional programming, we have Bible lessons, we have a
  • 26:45 monthly newsletter.
  • 26:47 You can check it out at, additional content.
  • 26:50 We want to equip you to go out and declare God's good promises
  • 26:53 for Israel.
  • 26:54 Joshua: So, as you go [speaking in Hebrew].
  • 26:57 Caleb: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
  • 27:00 Joshua: Whoa, whoa, whoa, don't change that channel, we're here
  • 27:02 to peddle you some awesome merch.
  • 27:05 Ever wanted an Israeli flag to fly proudly in front of your
  • 27:07 home or wave lovingly in front of God's enemies?
  • 27:10 Make a donation of $20 or more to get the flag of Israel
  • 27:13 famously emblazoned with the Star of David, or you can get
  • 27:16 Caleb's new book, "Josiah and the Last Reformation," for your
  • 27:19 donation of $25.
  • 27:21 Learn about the parallels between the last days of the
  • 27:23 kingdom of Judah and the last days we're living in today, or
  • 27:26 get both the flag and the book for $35.
  • 27:30 We hope you've been blessed by this week's broadcast.
  • 27:34 To learn more about Zola Levitt Ministries and how to donate,
  • 27:37 please visit
  • 27:39 You'll find all our past television programs, our monthly
  • 27:42 newsletter, "The Levitt Letter," where we focus on current events
  • 27:45 in Israel.
  • 27:46 And check out Zola Tours to learn about our study tours to
  • 27:49 the Holy Land.
  • 27:50 Follow our social media sites at Our Jewish Roots for even more
  • 27:54 relevant and inspirational content concerning Yeshua and
  • 27:57 his chosen people.
  • 28:00 Caleb: Apparently we went to the wrong entrance, it was the exit,
  • 28:03 now we're going to the new entrance, which is the
  • 28:05 real entrance.
  • 28:07 Rebuilding after destruction is always a difficult process.
  • 28:10 Obviously, it was no different for the Jews who returned to
  • 28:12 Jerusalem after 70 years of captivity in Babylon.
  • 28:16 male: There was always needs in Israel, there were always needs,
  • 28:19 but after October 7th, everyone was in need in some area and
  • 28:23 we've been able to effect change
  • 28:25 and see lives transformed in areas across the country
  • 28:28 that we never even dreamed were possible before.

Episodes in this series

  1. The Return
  2. The Covenant, Part 1
  3. The Covenant, Part 2
  4. The Conquest
  5. The Exile
  6. The Rebuilding
  7. The Bridge
  8. The Diaspora
  9. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
  10. The Re-Birth
  11. The Nations Rage
  12. The Future

Links from this show

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