Bible teaching with an emphasis on Israel, prophecy and the Jewish roots of Christianity
Series: “Rebuilding the Ruined Cities”
In this series, Joshua and Caleb visit war-torn areas in the Holy Land where they discuss hope and blessing amidst ruin and pain. God will faithfully fulfill His promise to heal, restore, and rebuild Israel once again: “‘They will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them … never again to be uprooted from the land I have given them,’ says the Lord your God” (Amos 9:14–15).
- 2501 “The Return”
- Joshua and Caleb journey to Israel for the first time since their extraction in October 2023. At the Gaza border town of Sderot, they uncover the devastation from Hamas’ invasion while focusing on God’s covenant to restore the earth after the destruction wrought by the Great Flood.
- 2502 “The Covenant,” Part 1
- The Bearded Bible Brothers travel to Moshav Pri Gan on the border of Egypt and Gaza at the height of the Rafah campaign. As they volunteer picking tomatoes with an international group of Believers for Leket Israel, they learn how October 7 affected the community.
- 2503 “The Covenant,” Part 2
- Following the progress of Leket’s non-profit efforts throughout Israel, Joshua and Caleb teach on the Abrahamic Covenant, an eternal promise for a Land and a people that can never be broken by God or undone by the popular opinion of an anti-Semitic world. God blessed Abraham with prosperity wherever he went. These same blessings are attainable to God’s Chosen People today, and those who bless Abraham’s ancestors.
- 2504 “The Conquest”
- After 400 year of bondage in Egypt, God restored the Hebrews to the Land promised to their forefathers. It wasn’t a walk in the park to receive their inheritance. During a grueling hike through Tel Gezer, Joshua and Caleb look at the many claims the Israelites had on the Promised Land through conquest, inheritance, purchase, and accord. The brothers also shed light on the true extended boundaries of Israel as promised by God.
- 2505 “The Exile”
- The Bearded Bible Brothers explore the infamous Tel Lachish ruins to recount the story of destruction against Judea and Samaria at the hands of Assyria and the Babylonians. Unfortunately, Israel’s sin of idolatry typically brings about their own harm. God forewarns His people for centuries to repent before they are taken captive and exiled from their Land. Yet, God’s promise to Israel through Jeremiah declared a return after 70 years of captivity and the coming of the Messiah.
- 2506 “The Rebuilding”
- A prophecy of King Cyrus stepping into the role of the Anointed One initiates the return home of Hebrews from exile. Outside the ancient walls of Jerusalem, Joshua and Caleb explain how the first settlers under Ezra and Zerubbabel struggled with the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the Temple. Thankfully, God continually sent the prophets Zechariah and Haggai with declarations of encouragement and success. Although the construction of the 2nd Temple proved disappointing for some, God promised a greater future Temple where the Shekinah returns.
- 2507 “The Bridge”
- The Bearded Bible Brothers travel to Jerusalem to meet with Bridges for Peace, a longtime partner of Zola Levitt Ministries. At their warehouse in Jerusalem, CEO Peter Fast demonstrates their non-profit’s turnkey efforts to support impoverished Israelis, and the communities most affected by the War with Hamas.
- 2508 “The Diaspora”
- In the most sobering moment ever filmed for Zola Levitt Ministries, Joshua and Caleb are granted unprecedented access to the remains of Kibbutz Be’eri. In the shadow of the horrific murders waged by Hamas, the brothers teach about the steps that led to the destruction of the 2nd Temple and the scattering of the remnant of the Hebrews. Unfortunately, many Christians have fallen prey to Satan’s master plot when utilizing Replacement Theology to displace the Jews of today from their God-given inheritance.
- 2509 “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”
- From the grounds of the horrific Nova Music Festival massacre, Joshua and Caleb explain the true story of Zionism and Satan’s plan to stop the rebirth of Israel. The modern movement of antisemitism began with one falsified document that would create mistrust against the Jewish people for all time. The brothers uncover The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and how Marxism, through Stalin, and Hitler’s Mein Kampf would be used to ethnically cleanse the Jews.
- 2510 “The Re-Birth”
- Walking the streets of Tel Aviv, the Bearded Bible Brothers witness how God keeps His promise to bring the Jewish people home. Out of the horrors of the Holocaust, prophecy was fulfilled and Israel was reborn. Joshua and Caleb look at the origins of early Jewish settlers who saw first-hand the desert blooming like a rose! Joshua and Caleb take part in Israel’s Memorial Day, Yom HaZikaron, at the T’kuma Burnt Car Memorial with the Israel Defense Forces.
- 2511 “The Nations Rage”
- Who are the modern Palestinians, and do they have an ancient claim to the Promised Land? The Bearded Bible Brothers journey to the former stronghold of the Philistines, Tel Ashkelon, to discover the true history behind the current conflicts. After Israel’s rebirth, Satan wasted no time in trying to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. Joshua and Caleb explain the past wars that lead up to present day aggression.
- 2512 “The Future”
- Israel’s Independence Day has finally arrived, and the Bearded Bible Brothers head to the beach in Tel Aviv to explain the future prophetic events that lead to Israel’s redemption. Although there are many biblical conflicts to come, from Psalm 83 to Armageddon, God will uphold His Word and covenant to complete the restoration of Israel.