The Jewish roots of Christianity

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Bible teaching with an emphasis on Israel, prophecy and the Jewish roots of Christianity

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Episode: “Discovering the Torah”
The pinnacle moment that shook the nation! In the midst of reforms, the last Torah scroll is discovered, and the words written therein change everything. The Bearded Bible Brothers travel from the top of the Temple Mount, to the depths of the Western Wall tunnels revealing Josiah’s ultimate decision of humility that moves God’s heart.
Series: “Josiah and the Last Reformation”
Josiah’s life and the last days of the Kingdom of Judah parallel the last days of Believers today. Through His prophets, God forewarned Judah of the destruction to come at the hands of the Babylonians due to their rebellious hearts. America has fallen into similar sin and turned from God. This could lead to the removal of America as a world superpower and allow the emergence of the final Babylon—Babylon the Great.

However, Josiah humbled himself before God and pushed the greatest moral and spiritual reformation in all of history, extending God’s prophetic timetable of judgment. Believers today could witness a final Last Days outpouring of the Holy Spirit as prophesied in Joel, if we would only repent and cry out to God.