The Jewish roots of Christianity

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Bible teaching with an emphasis on Israel, prophecy and the Jewish roots of Christianity

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Episode: “Worst Grandfather Ever”
Behold, the man God Himself rated as the most nefarious king in the history of Judah—Manasseh, Josiah’s grandfather! But Manasseh was emulating the sin precedent established by King Solomon hundreds of years prior. The Bearded Bible Brothers travel to the ancient high places of idolatry in Jerusalem to tell the story of rebellion, which placed Judah on the crossroads to coming judgment.
Series: “Josiah and the Last Reformation”
Josiah’s life and the last days of the Kingdom of Judah parallel the last days of Believers today. Through His prophets, God forewarned Judah of the destruction to come at the hands of the Babylonians due to their rebellious hearts. America has fallen into similar sin and turned from God. This could lead to the removal of America as a world superpower and allow the emergence of the final Babylon—Babylon the Great.

However, Josiah humbled himself before God and pushed the greatest moral and spiritual reformation in all of history, extending God’s prophetic timetable of judgment. Believers today could witness a final Last Days outpouring of the Holy Spirit as prophesied in Joel, if we would only repent and cry out to God.

Caption transcript for Josiah and the Last Reformation: “Worst Grandfather Ever” (1/8)

  • 00:06 ♪♪♪ David Hart: Thank you so much for joining us today for our
  • 00:09 series, "Josiah and the Last Reformation."
  • 00:11 Josiah was a good king, even though the nation was in
  • 00:14 moral decline.
  • 00:16 Kirsten Hart: Throughout this series, we'll be paralleling the
  • 00:19 time of Josiah with our current society and the differences and
  • 00:24 unfortunately the likenesses also, so let's get started.
  • 00:27 Let's go to our favorite place, Israel, to hear from Joshua
  • 00:31 and Caleb Colson.
  • 00:34 ♪♪♪
  • 00:44 ♪♪♪
  • 00:54 ♪♪♪
  • 01:04 ♪♪♪
  • 01:06 Caleb Colson: We're here Israel to speak about the life of King
  • 01:10 Josiah and the last days of the Kingdom of Judah, because
  • 01:14 I believe that it parallels the last days that we believers are
  • 01:17 living in today.
  • 01:18 Just as God sent his prophets to foretell the doom and
  • 01:21 destruction that was coming upon Judah by the hands of the
  • 01:23 Babylonians, I believe America and Israel, Josh, have turned
  • 01:27 their backs on God in many key ways, which will lead to the
  • 01:31 removal of America as a world superpower and the coming of
  • 01:35 Babylon the great.
  • 01:36 Joshua Colson: I believe we have, too, but Josiah on the
  • 01:38 other hand, he humbled himself before God, and because of this
  • 01:42 he pushed the greatest moral and spiritual reformation of
  • 01:45 all time.
  • 01:47 Because of his reformation, because of his humbleness, God
  • 01:50 extended his timeline of judgment, giving man more time.
  • 01:53 So, the question is this, is it too late for our nation?
  • 01:56 Can we turn and repent?
  • 01:58 We're gonna discuss all this in the new series.
  • 02:00 ♪♪♪
  • 02:07 Joshua: Now, before we talk about the hero of this series,
  • 02:10 Josiah, the last righteous king of Judah, we want to talk about
  • 02:14 his grandfather, Manasseh,
  • 02:16 the worst grandfather ever.
  • 02:18 Now, this guy was willing to do anything to get brownie points
  • 02:22 with Satan.
  • 02:24 Joshua: But no, literally, he would do anything.
  • 02:26 In fact, we're contractually obligated to not tell you
  • 02:29 everything that we know he did.
  • 02:32 Caleb: You know, Manasseh didn't just wake up one morning and
  • 02:34 think I wanna be the most evil king in all the Bible, the worst
  • 02:38 king in the history of the Kingdom of Judah, you know, it
  • 02:40 takes time for a nation to get to that level of depravity, it
  • 02:44 never happens overnight.
  • 02:46 Joshua: Satan's patient, little by little, step by step,
  • 02:48 compromise by compromise, as you slowly work the ball down the
  • 02:50 field, until one day you wake up and you're sacrificing your
  • 02:53 first son to Moloch.
  • 02:55 You think I'm joking?
  • 02:56 What do you think modern day abortion is?
  • 02:57 Caleb: It's true, but it all began with our man Shlomo.
  • 03:01 He was the wisest king in all of history, and for being the
  • 03:05 smartest man, Solomon, he sure did make some dumb decisions.
  • 03:09 Caleb: Honestly, Solomon was a genius.
  • 03:12 Remember that whole fake cutting a baby in half verdict?
  • 03:15 It's pretty cool, but he was still a dude and he made some
  • 03:18 poor choices with wicked city women.
  • 03:20 You know, just like Samson with Delilah, Delilah sucked.
  • 03:26 Caleb: 1 Kings 11:1, "King Solomon, however, loved many
  • 03:29 foreign women besides Pharaoh's daughter.
  • 03:32 Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians and Hittites."
  • 03:35 Verse 3 through 4, "He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and
  • 03:40 three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray.
  • 03:44 As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after
  • 03:48 other gods."
  • 03:51 Joshua: Guys, Solomon didn't just fall in to sin, he jumped
  • 03:56 into the deep end, head first.
  • 03:59 This guy built shrines to demons.
  • 04:02 He built temples to fallen angels.
  • 04:04 In fact, right here were several high places that he set up just
  • 04:07 south of the Mount of Olives around the corner from the
  • 04:08 Temple Mount, so God couldn't see everything bad he was doing.
  • 04:14 Caleb: 2 Kings 23:13 says, "Here were the high places that
  • 04:18 were east of Jerusalem, which were on the south of the Mount
  • 04:21 of Corruption, which Solomon king of Israel had built for
  • 04:24 Ashtoreth, the abomination of the Sidonians for Chemosh the
  • 04:28 abomination of the Moabites, and for Milcom, the abomination of
  • 04:31 the people of Ammon."
  • 04:34 Caleb: God prophetically warned the Israelites 400 years before
  • 04:37 Solomon through Moses exactly what would occur if they would
  • 04:41 establish a line of kings.
  • 04:42 And let's just say the prophecy was not pretty, so in order to
  • 04:46 keep the Israelites from sinning and their kings living
  • 04:48 righteously, God established a handbook, if you will, a list of
  • 04:51 rules that they needed to go by for success in living
  • 04:54 in righteousness.
  • 04:55 Deuteronomy 17:14-20 established that list.
  • 04:59 Number one on the list, only Jews on the throne.
  • 05:02 No foreigners were allowed to sit on the kingdom of Israel.
  • 05:05 But the Israelites found a gray area.
  • 05:07 They married foreign wives and then these queens were sitting
  • 05:10 on the throne.
  • 05:11 Joshua: God knew they would mess up, which leads us
  • 05:13 to rule number two.
  • 05:14 Usually these seductive women are attractive, and so God said,
  • 05:18 look, do not intermarry anyone that is a Canaanite, anyone that
  • 05:22 is from somewhere else, you gotta kill them all.
  • 05:24 Caleb: Yeah, wipe out all the Canaanites, but number three on
  • 05:27 the list, one wife, that's it, guys, not multiple wives.
  • 05:30 Don't collect them like trophies.
  • 05:32 One man, one woman.
  • 05:34 As you know, David messed up in this aspect in Solomon.
  • 05:37 He just multiplied it by a hundred.
  • 05:39 Joshua: I get it, Solomon, smartest man that ever lived.
  • 05:42 Number one problem, mixing emotions and math.
  • 05:44 It doesn't go together.
  • 05:46 The Bible says he who finds a wife finds a good thing, it does
  • 05:49 not say he who finds a thousand wives finds a good thing.
  • 05:52 One wife, good, one-thousand wives, it's like bungee jumping
  • 05:56 with a really long cord.
  • 05:57 It doesn't work.
  • 05:58 The thrill isn't better.
  • 06:00 Joshua: Don't get chariots, collecting chariots of horses
  • 06:03 and cavalry.
  • 06:04 You say why?
  • 06:05 Because to get these horses, first they'd have to return to
  • 06:07 Egypt, which they've already been freed from, and second of
  • 06:09 all, if it came to war, they would trust in the tools of man,
  • 06:12 those chariots, instead of trusting in God.
  • 06:14 Caleb: That's right, and rule number five, a king wasn't
  • 06:17 supposed to gather gold and treasures for himself and living
  • 06:20 in opulence.
  • 06:21 It wasn't--it would elevate his head, make him think he was
  • 06:24 lofty and better than everyone else.
  • 06:26 Joshua: Not to be mean, but Solomon that kind of mess up on
  • 06:28 every one of those fronts.
  • 06:29 In fact, his queen, she was Egyptian, okay?
  • 06:33 From all of the things, the mistakes that he made and all
  • 06:35 the problems that happened, we see that after this, all of the
  • 06:39 kings of Judah and Israel, they were always up and down with
  • 06:44 their love and affection towards God, because after Solomon's
  • 06:47 death it literally cut the country in half.
  • 06:49 It divided them.
  • 06:50 So, we need to go back now to Manasseh, who was the son
  • 06:55 of the godly Hezekiah.
  • 06:58 ♪♪♪
  • 07:08 ♪♪♪
  • 07:09 Joshua: You know, I'm gonna tell you, it's a little different,
  • 07:12 things in Israel, some things.
  • 07:13 When you go to the cemetery to visit your loved ones back home,
  • 07:15 you see a headstone and they're below the ground, but if you can
  • 07:18 see here, all these people are buried above the ground.
  • 07:23 What's going on?
  • 07:24 Are they worried about flooding, brother?
  • 07:26 Caleb: No, I really think it's they pay a lot of money, and
  • 07:28 they're like, hey, when Messiah comes, I wanna push ahead in
  • 07:32 line, you know, like indulgences.
  • 07:34 You get to pay to be first in line to go to heaven to get that
  • 07:36 resurrected body.
  • 07:38 That's sort of the mentality here.
  • 07:39 Joshua: So, these are line cutters here at
  • 07:40 the Mount of Olives.
  • 07:42 Caleb: These are line cutters.
  • 07:43 Joshua: They want to get to the line first because
  • 07:45 they think that the Messiah will think they're a good guy
  • 07:46 at life and let them to the front of the heaven line.
  • 07:48 Caleb: I'm not lying.
  • 07:52 Joshua: 2 Chronicles 33:3-7, "Manasseh rebuilt the
  • 07:56 high places which Hezekiah his father had broken down.
  • 07:59 He raised up altars for the Baals, and made wooden images,
  • 08:02 and he worshiped all the host of heaven and served them.
  • 08:05 He also built altars in the house of the Lord and he built
  • 08:08 altars for all the host of heaven in the two courts of the
  • 08:11 house of the Lord.
  • 08:13 And he caused his sons to pass through the fire in the Valley
  • 08:15 of the Son of Hinnom.
  • 08:17 He practiced soothsaying, using witchcraft and sorcery, and
  • 08:20 consulted mediums and spiritist.
  • 08:22 He did much evil on the side of the Lord to provoke him
  • 08:25 to anger.
  • 08:26 He even set the carved image of Asherah the idol, which he had
  • 08:30 made in the house of God."
  • 08:32 Joshua: Wow, that is quite the list of
  • 08:33 accomplishments, brother.
  • 08:35 I mean, I would call those failures, but okay.
  • 08:37 All this happened in the Valley of Hinnom, and the Valley of
  • 08:40 Hinnom is synonymous with Gehenna, which also means hell.
  • 08:43 And in fact, in the Greek it's interchangeable at times.
  • 08:45 This is one of three valleys that surrounded Jerusalem.
  • 08:48 It was the city dump.
  • 08:49 As you can see, they were continuously burning garbage
  • 08:52 here, which is why you have all these fire marks on the walls.
  • 08:54 Caleb: And for all you amazing interior decorators out there,
  • 08:57 it doesn't matter how many house flipping shows you watch, you
  • 09:01 can never beautify Gehenna.
  • 09:03 Hell is hell.
  • 09:05 Caleb: That's true, there's also a location here called Tophet.
  • 09:09 It was a shrine, a holy place, a raised platform upon which they
  • 09:13 officiated child sacrifice, first to the Phoenician goddess
  • 09:17 Tanit, and also to the very famous hybrid bull
  • 09:20 man-god Moloch.
  • 09:22 Everybody knows about Moloch.
  • 09:24 Well, Manasseh sacrificed his own son to Moloch, but it was
  • 09:27 King Solomon who was guilty of importing this god.
  • 09:31 It says here in 2 Kings 21:16, "Moreover Manasseh shed very
  • 09:36 much innocent blood till he filled Jerusalem from one end
  • 09:39 to another.
  • 09:41 Besides his sin by which he made Judah to sin in doing evil in
  • 09:45 the sight of the Lord."
  • 09:46 Joshua: Amongst the blood of those innocents was the prophets
  • 09:50 that Manasseh had killed.
  • 09:51 He had them killed because they warned him of impending doom
  • 09:55 because of his actions.
  • 09:59 Joshua: Second Kings 21:10-12, "And the Lord spoke by his
  • 10:04 servants the prophets, saying, 'Because Manasseh king of Judah
  • 10:07 has done these abominations, behold, I am bringing such
  • 10:10 calamity upon Jerusalem and Judah, that whoever hears of it,
  • 10:14 both his ears will tingle."
  • 10:17 Caleb: Now, one of those prophets who warned Manasseh,
  • 10:19 according to tradition, is the prophet Isaiah.
  • 10:22 You know, in Hebrews 11:37 it talks about prophets being sawed
  • 10:26 in half.
  • 10:27 Well, the Jews believe that Manasseh took an 82-year-old
  • 10:31 Prophet Isaiah into a hollowed out log and sawed him in
  • 10:34 half lengthwise.
  • 10:36 2 Kings 21:11 says, "He has acted more wickedly than all the
  • 10:42 Amorites who were before him, and has also made Judah to sin
  • 10:47 with his idols."
  • 10:49 Joshua: The fact of the matter is, he led the people to sin
  • 10:51 because they emulated him.
  • 10:52 It's a shame, because his father was mostly a righteous man, but
  • 10:56 he began his co-regency with Hezekiah at age 12.
  • 10:59 Hezekiah had a time limit put on his life because God said it's
  • 11:02 time to get your house in order.
  • 11:03 But because he humbled himself, God gave him exactly 15
  • 11:06 more years.
  • 11:08 But even though 15 years of teachings happened, Hezekiah and
  • 11:11 Manasseh, it didn't change them.
  • 11:12 Caleb: It didn't change his son, and Hezekiah did a foolish thing
  • 11:15 at the end of his life because he accepted an envoy from King
  • 11:18 Baladan II of Babylon.
  • 11:20 He was in an on-and-off-again war for Syria, struggling for
  • 11:22 independence, and Hezekiah showed him all the treasures and
  • 11:25 royal storehouses of the temple, and that was foolish to show
  • 11:29 your future enemy.
  • 11:30 And Isaiah the prophet was sent to Hezekiah to warn him, you
  • 11:32 messed up and this is what's gonna happen because you
  • 11:35 messed up.
  • 11:36 Joshua: He never showed him all the money.
  • 11:37 Caleb: Isaiah 39:6-7, "The time will surely come when everything
  • 11:42 in your palace, and all that your predecessors have stored up
  • 11:45 until this day will be carried off to Babylon.
  • 11:47 Nothing will be left, says the Lord, and some of your
  • 11:50 descendants, your own flesh and blood who will be born to, you
  • 11:53 will be taken away and they will become eunuchs in the palace of
  • 11:56 the king of Babylon."
  • 11:58 Joshua: As you know, Nebuchadnezzar, this type of
  • 12:00 Antichrist, fulfilled prophecy when he more than likely had
  • 12:03 Daniel and his friends castrated.
  • 12:06 Joshua: I don't know exactly who formed the union of felt board
  • 12:09 police who said what can't be in a felt Bible story, but I've
  • 12:12 never seen this on the felt board on a Sunday.
  • 12:14 To be honest, I'm kind of happy.
  • 12:16 It would freak me out to see those things in felt and
  • 12:18 watch Nebuchadnezzar.
  • 12:23 Joshua: But Manasseh would get a taste of this judgment, just a
  • 12:26 brief glance, when God's times table of mercy ran out.
  • 12:29 2 Chronicles 33:11 says, "Therefore the Lord brought upon
  • 12:33 the captains of the army of the kings of Assyria which took
  • 12:36 Manasseh with hooks, bound him with bronze fetters, and carried
  • 12:38 him to Babylon."
  • 12:40 Caleb: Now, some genius Hebrew scholars by calculating the year
  • 12:43 of Jubilees has estimated that Manasseh was prisoned in
  • 12:46 Babylon for nine years, some say two years, but this didn't count
  • 12:50 into his 55-year rule of reign.
  • 12:52 We know that Esarhaddon, the son of Sennacherib, was credited
  • 12:56 with capturing Manasseh and bringing him to Babylon.
  • 12:58 And there's a famous victory stele that shows Esarhaddon, you
  • 13:03 know, holding this--choking this king of Egypt, and then it
  • 13:07 shows the semitic looking king Manasseh with a hook in his jaw
  • 13:10 being drug off to Babylon.
  • 13:14 Joshua: You may wonder why brother and I are under this
  • 13:15 umbrella of sorts as we walk through Jerusalem.
  • 13:18 We were told that we were starting to go beyond Jewish,
  • 13:21 our skin was getting too dark.
  • 13:23 They didn't want any confusion with what we might look like
  • 13:25 next, so we decided to keep our tone at this exact spot for the
  • 13:28 rest of the series that we're filming.
  • 13:30 It's called continuity, and you'll thank us later when it
  • 13:32 makes sense.
  • 13:34 Caleb: 2 Chronicles 33:12-13 says, "Now when, he,
  • 13:39 Manasseh was in affliction, he implored the Lord his God and
  • 13:43 humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers, and
  • 13:46 prayed to him, and he received his entreaty, heard his
  • 13:50 supplication, and brought him back to Jerusalem into
  • 13:52 his kingdom.
  • 13:54 Then Manasseh knew that the Lord was God."
  • 13:59 Caleb: According to Ezekiel 18, Manasseh's end of life
  • 14:02 repentance gained him access into Abraham's bosom, because
  • 14:05 it's the final state of a man's life that matters.
  • 14:08 And you look at all of this sin that he did, God did forgive him
  • 14:13 of his sin, but there's still consequences to sin, how it
  • 14:16 affected his relationships, his children, his family, and even
  • 14:19 his nation.
  • 14:21 And we see that his son Ammon turns pure evil, even after
  • 14:24 Manasseh was cleansing the land at the end of his life.
  • 14:26 Joshua: The greatest tragedy is probably the fact that Manasseh
  • 14:29 had all the Torah scrolls burned, books of the law.
  • 14:32 He was trying to control the information, the flow of it.
  • 14:35 Doesn't sound too different than "Fahrenheit 451" if you ask me,
  • 14:38 and isn't the media doing that today, trying to make sure that
  • 14:41 nobody gets to hear God, righteousness, and the truth?
  • 14:46 Caleb: Deuteronomy 17:18-20 explains that it is the king's
  • 14:49 job to write his own personal copy of the Torah to lead him
  • 14:53 successfully in life through following God's laws.
  • 14:55 How quickly has that abandonment of God's Word led to our
  • 14:58 destruction today?
  • 15:04 It's interesting that one of the things that modern man always
  • 15:07 prides himself on is his advancements.
  • 15:10 Each generation has something to benefit the future generation.
  • 15:13 They say look what we did.
  • 15:15 Well, not unlike Manasseh in the past, today's generation
  • 15:18 likes to pride themselves on escaping the tyrannies of
  • 15:21 absolute truth.
  • 15:22 I mean, you see it with all individuals today that they have
  • 15:27 a mantra that everyone wants to go by, find your own truth.
  • 15:31 This is no different from Judges 21:25 that said, "There was no
  • 15:35 king in Israel and everyone did what was right in his own eyes."
  • 15:39 Joshua: This idea of absolute truth being a problem is the
  • 15:43 idea that it forms a criticism and a hate.
  • 15:46 That if we were to speak a truth that everyone has to adhere to,
  • 15:49 then this would hurt people's feelings.
  • 15:51 This has been the cause of people to be bullied and the
  • 15:53 cause of people to receive hate crimes over the years.
  • 15:56 The problem with this is, even though the marketing sounds
  • 15:59 fantastic for find your own truth and makes you want to lock
  • 16:01 arms with everybody and sing "Kumbaya," who does it
  • 16:05 stand against?
  • 16:06 Who's the truth that you're opposing that's absolute?
  • 16:08 Well, the truth is God and the truth is his Word and the truth
  • 16:11 is Torah.
  • 16:13 So, when you say there is no absolute truth, what you're
  • 16:15 saying is there is no absolute God, there is no Messiah that I
  • 16:19 have to listen to.
  • 16:21 And so, that right off the bat can't be done.
  • 16:24 Now, you say next to me, well, it's not as bad as it's been
  • 16:26 with Manasseh, we're not burning the Bible like he did, burning
  • 16:30 the Torah scrolls, but what have we done today?
  • 16:32 We've used our technology.
  • 16:33 ChatGPT is being used currently to change scriptures, to alter
  • 16:38 them to make things like homosexuality okay, to make
  • 16:41 things like changing your gender okay.
  • 16:43 All these different hot topic and buzzwords of the day where
  • 16:46 we're allowed to do anything we want, say anything we want, and
  • 16:49 be what we want to be, but Josh, that's nothing new.
  • 16:52 You're right, it's nothing new.
  • 16:53 Well, there's nothing we can do about it then.
  • 16:56 That's the biggest misconception.
  • 16:58 When you hear people say it's not my place to judge, we have
  • 17:02 to sit and be quiet, I believe my thing, they believe their
  • 17:05 thing, but the Bible says something pretty specific
  • 17:07 about that.
  • 17:08 In 2 Chronicles 16:9 it says, "For the eyes of the Lord run to
  • 17:12 and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on
  • 17:15 behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him."
  • 17:18 Our job, according to the Bible, is to look at the fruits coming
  • 17:22 from each person.
  • 17:23 The Bible says you're gonna know them by their fruits.
  • 17:25 It's not a judgment call to call out and say that's not truth,
  • 17:28 we're not placing any form of punishment on them, we're simply
  • 17:31 holding them to the standard of the Word of God.
  • 17:34 Caleb: Amen.
  • 17:37 [singing in Hebrew]
  • 17:48 Caleb: Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one, and
  • 17:52 you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all
  • 17:56 your soul and with all your strength.
  • 17:59 ♪♪♪
  • 18:05 Joshua: We recently met Denise Mountenay, who is now a
  • 18:07 dear friend.
  • 18:09 Together for Life Ministries.
  • 18:10 This woman goes before the United Nations to advocate
  • 18:12 against abortion and explain the horrors of it to stand for life.
  • 18:15 She's an amazing woman.
  • 18:17 Caleb: And she's written a book called "The Bride, The Serpent,
  • 18:20 & The Seed," and when I sat down to have a conversation with her,
  • 18:24 I had her lay out the connections, the parallels
  • 18:27 between child sacrifice of yesteryears with the Kingdom of
  • 18:30 Judah and really what abortion is today.
  • 18:33 There's not much of a difference.
  • 18:34 Listen to what she has to say about it.
  • 18:37 Denise Mountenay: Oh, exactly, like, you know, we're thinking
  • 18:40 we're helping--the the doctors and the government and whoever
  • 18:45 is promoting it, they think they're helping women.
  • 18:48 They are not helping women and they are killing children
  • 18:52 created in the image of God.
  • 18:53 It's so defiling.
  • 18:55 One of the things, you know, that really struck me is how
  • 18:59 even Israel is shedding innocent blood through abortions.
  • 19:05 Caleb: Israel today, modern Israel.
  • 19:07 Denise: So right now they are doing 30,000 to 40,000 abortions
  • 19:13 on Jewish children before birth, and to me, of all the people in
  • 19:18 the world, they are the least that should be doing this.
  • 19:22 But Satan is the father of lies, murderer from the beginning, has
  • 19:26 so deceived our generation, and so they are just deceived like
  • 19:29 everyone else.
  • 19:30 But here's the thing, this evil spirit of kill the unwanted
  • 19:35 Jews, of enslave the black people, kill the unwanted Jews
  • 19:40 is the same spirit, kill the unwanted children today in
  • 19:45 our generation.
  • 19:47 Caleb: Same demons behind it.
  • 19:48 Denise: Same demons.
  • 19:50 Caleb: It's so insidious that people--it really is a sacrifice
  • 19:54 to demon gods.
  • 19:55 They are demanding the murder, the death of God's chosen
  • 20:00 people, of Jewish people that could change the world.
  • 20:04 We're outnumbered, the Jewish people are greatly outnumbered
  • 20:06 in the world, and our enemies are plenteous.
  • 20:09 And even on October 7th, the pain of, you know, 1,200 plus
  • 20:15 Jews died, but why give them up willingly?
  • 20:18 Joshua: And Caleb, one thing the Lord showed me is whenever a
  • 20:21 man, a woman, a doctor, or a nation comes into an agreement
  • 20:28 with abortion, we are coming into an agreement with the
  • 20:32 spirit of murder and death.
  • 20:35 At 26, I was in another relationship, I thought this is
  • 20:40 the guy, you know, I just really wanted, like most women, I just
  • 20:43 wanted to meet a nice guy, get married, and have a family.
  • 20:47 We'd been going out for several months, and I got pregnant
  • 20:52 with him.
  • 20:54 Now, I'd been on the pill, it gave me bad side effects, I'd
  • 20:56 had an IUD, put me in a hospital with an infection, and anyway, I
  • 21:02 get pregnant with him.
  • 21:03 So, when the doctor told me that I was pregnant, I was like, we
  • 21:09 figured out it was probably around eight or nine weeks.
  • 21:12 I said, what's there, what's developed?
  • 21:14 And the doctor took a piece of paper, he put a little dot on
  • 21:16 the page, and he said it's nothing, it's just a blob
  • 21:20 of tissue.
  • 21:21 So, I'm thinking, oh, okay, he's the doctor, so I'm thinking no
  • 21:25 big deal, and he said it's a very safe procedure, you know,
  • 21:29 clump of tissue, so I believed him because he was the doctor.
  • 21:33 And when I told that boyfriend that I was pregnant, well, he
  • 21:38 went in a fit of rage, "You better have an abortion, I never
  • 21:42 wanna see you again."
  • 21:44 He made me leave his house, you know, and I was devastated.
  • 21:49 Here I thought, you know, he really cared about me and loved
  • 21:52 me, and so this happened, whoops, but anyway, and I
  • 21:56 thought, well, you know, so I went and had the second
  • 21:59 abortion, but the second abortion, Caleb, was done in a
  • 22:03 Buffalo, New York abortion clinic, wide awake, and it was
  • 22:10 the most excruciating, painful thing that I had ever gone
  • 22:14 through in my life.
  • 22:16 It actually felt like I was being raped again.
  • 22:21 That's how abortion felt.
  • 22:22 I remember crying and begging the abortion doctor, "Stop it,
  • 22:27 stop it, I changed my mind.
  • 22:28 I don't wanna do this."
  • 22:30 You know, he's like, too late, you know, and just be quiet,
  • 22:33 shut up, you know, oh, it was horrible.
  • 22:37 And when it was over, you know, I just curled up into a fetal
  • 22:41 position, I felt like my brain had snapped, I just was
  • 22:46 basket case.
  • 22:47 And it was just so traumatic, and then I had an infection, I
  • 22:52 got damaged cervix, I got badly scarred uterus.
  • 22:56 I ended up having two lumps removed from my left breast and
  • 23:01 never was informed about all of the risks or how this would
  • 23:06 damage my life.
  • 23:07 You know, that this is the most horrible thing a woman could
  • 23:10 ever do in her life, and yet God forgives us.
  • 23:15 Caleb: Yes, he does.
  • 23:16 Denise: It's so amazing.
  • 23:18 ♪♪♪
  • 23:22 Kirsten: You will notice throughout the whole series that
  • 23:25 the Colson brothers, the Bearded Bible Brothers, are in Israel
  • 23:28 filming, and this was an interesting time to be in the
  • 23:33 land filming, right?
  • 23:34 Goodness, big time war broke out.
  • 23:37 Joshua: It really started out just like normal until
  • 23:39 it wasn't.
  • 23:41 Caleb: I mean, we film out a sequence just so people know, it
  • 23:43 saves money, we go to one location and then another, so we
  • 23:46 had filmed half the series before the war began, then the
  • 23:49 war began and we filmed the other half.
  • 23:51 And so, things may seem disjointed our our sequence, but
  • 23:53 God knew exactly what was up.
  • 23:55 Because when you have these moments at the end of each
  • 23:58 episode, we call them come to Jesus moments where it's in a
  • 24:01 modern setting versus, like, the old, ancient setting, all of
  • 24:04 those were shot after the war started.
  • 24:06 So, we're teaching these segments about repentance,
  • 24:09 judgment is coming, you know, the cycles of Israel and Judah
  • 24:13 falling into sin, and we were living it out before our
  • 24:15 very eyes.
  • 24:17 It was sobering.
  • 24:18 This message was hand selected by God for a very
  • 24:21 important purpose.
  • 24:22 Everybody thinks that the Israeli people, the Jews,
  • 24:24 they're automatically gonna believe in the God of Abraham,
  • 24:27 Isaac, and Jacob.
  • 24:28 That's not always the case.
  • 24:30 Statistically, we get some different information.
  • 24:31 We have a poll here, 2022 statistics, and the Israeli
  • 24:36 population says 73% adhere to Judaism, and you have 18%
  • 24:40 Muslims, you have Christians, Druze, and all that, but within
  • 24:43 that 73%, a 2015 Gallup poll explained that only 65%,
  • 24:49 actually 65% of the 73% are secular.
  • 24:53 They are either atheist, they are, you know, not quite
  • 24:58 religious, they don't, you know, go to synagogue.
  • 25:00 It's only a very small percentage, 30% that are
  • 25:03 actually religious.
  • 25:04 Jews, they just call themselves, you know, I adhere to Judaism,
  • 25:08 but they truly don't believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac,
  • 25:11 and Jacob.
  • 25:12 Kirsten: So, that almost parallels with the time
  • 25:15 of Josiah.
  • 25:16 It's fascinating, isn't it, that you brought this topic up?
  • 25:20 That you said, okay, let's, or not you, but God put it on your
  • 25:23 heart to speak about, so we're paralleling Josiah's time with
  • 25:28 our time in modern.
  • 25:30 Joshua: We are, because in Josiah's time, they were
  • 25:34 literally about to be taken into exile.
  • 25:36 They had fallen into idolatry and sin in all different kinds
  • 25:39 of ways, and we look at the world today, we've been on this
  • 25:43 planet for a long time, and yet we haven't seemed to figure out
  • 25:46 how to avoid sin and sin keeps creeping in and it used to be
  • 25:50 something that was done in the dark and now it's something
  • 25:51 that's become very public.
  • 25:53 But not just on the individual level, our nations now support
  • 25:56 all different kinds of sin.
  • 25:58 They remove the heritage from the government that we were
  • 26:01 founded, on taking the Ten Commandments out, advocating for
  • 26:04 so many things that are against the Bible, and so just in this
  • 26:07 period of time where Josiah stands up and says enough is
  • 26:10 enough, it's time to repent, that's the message that God gave
  • 26:13 us for this series.
  • 26:15 That today is the day that one man, one woman, can make
  • 26:18 a difference.
  • 26:19 One person taking a stand for truth today can usher in
  • 26:22 repentance not only for you, but it can spiral on to the
  • 26:25 generation around you.
  • 26:27 So, we wanna start today by leading everyone in this prayer
  • 26:30 right now, a prayer of repentance beginning in your
  • 26:33 life and the life of your family.
  • 26:35 So, dear heavenly Father, for myself and for my family in ways
  • 26:38 that we have allowed in anything to take precedence over you,
  • 26:42 I repent as the head of my household for that, and ask that
  • 26:46 you would wash us clean from those.
  • 26:48 And for everyone watching, I pray that the Holy Spirit would
  • 26:50 motivate and show them the things that need to be out of
  • 26:52 their life, so that they can be set free.
  • 26:55 Instead of being a generation that is pummeled by sin, we are
  • 26:57 one that will stand for truth.
  • 26:59 In the name of Yeshua we pray, amen.
  • 27:02 David: Guys, thanks for your teaching today.
  • 27:04 We'll be right back.
  • 27:06 David: Our resources this week, two books by Christian historian
  • 27:09 David Barton.
  • 27:11 First, "America's Godly Heritage."
  • 27:13 This book details what the founding fathers
  • 27:16 intended for America and what can be done
  • 27:18 to return to its original guiding philosophy,
  • 27:21 or "The Bulletproof George Washington,"
  • 27:24 in this riveting account of God's providence
  • 27:26 and protection of the young soldier
  • 27:28 who later became our first president.
  • 27:31 Contact us for more information.
  • 27:35 David: Before our program started today, I was talking
  • 27:37 with the Bearded Bible Brothers about future programs that they
  • 27:40 have in their mind, in their hearts.
  • 27:42 They wanna bring those to you.
  • 27:43 We'd like to bring those to you and we can't do that without
  • 27:46 your financial support.
  • 27:48 So, we just wanna say thank you so much.
  • 27:49 Guys, what's coming up next?
  • 27:51 Joshua: Next week, tell him, tell him.
  • 27:53 Caleb: Josiah the boy king.
  • 27:54 What's life like being an eight-year-old king?
  • 27:56 He had a lot of opposition, but I believe God backed him every
  • 27:59 step of the way and set him up to be the amazing ruler that we
  • 28:03 all know about.
  • 28:04 David: Gonna be good.
  • 28:05 Joshua: It is, so as we say, "Speaking in Hebrew."
  • 28:07 David: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
  • 28:11 ♪♪♪
  • 28:21 ♪♪♪

Episodes in this series

  1. Worst Grandfather Ever
  2. The Boy King
  3. Forewarnings of Destruction
  4. Beginnings of Reformation
  5. Discovering the Torah
  6. Cleansing the Land
  7. The Bones of the Prophet
  8. The Coming Antichrist

Links from this show

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