The Jewish roots of Christianity

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Bible teaching with an emphasis on Israel, prophecy and the Jewish roots of Christianity

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Episode: “The Boy King”
From the Ophel ruins in Jerusalem, Joshua and Caleb shed light on the early years of King Josiah’s reign. In analyzing the influence of familial upbringing on Josiah’s heart, the brothers uncover a shocking link between Josiah’s penitence and the influence of his reforming grandfather. Even today, the enemy attempts to indoctrinate our young children in an effort to maintain hold over their minds into adulthood. The brothers discuss how parents can protect their children in an age of wickedness and perversion.
Series: “Josiah and the Last Reformation”
Josiah’s life and the last days of the Kingdom of Judah parallel the last days of Believers today. Through His prophets, God forewarned Judah of the destruction to come at the hands of the Babylonians due to their rebellious hearts. America has fallen into similar sin and turned from God. This could lead to the removal of America as a world superpower and allow the emergence of the final Babylon—Babylon the Great.

However, Josiah humbled himself before God and pushed the greatest moral and spiritual reformation in all of history, extending God’s prophetic timetable of judgment. Believers today could witness a final Last Days outpouring of the Holy Spirit as prophesied in Joel, if we would only repent and cry out to God.

Caption transcript for Josiah and the Last Reformation: “The Boy King” (2/8)

  • 00:01 ♪♪♪ David Hart: Thank you so much
  • 00:08 for joining us today for our series "Josiah and the Last Reformation."
  • 00:10 Kirsten Hart: On today's program, you'll see that Babylon
  • 00:13 is on a rampage.
  • 00:14 Things are not looking good for the kingdom of Judah.
  • 00:17 David: Josiah was a young boy king, how in the world is he
  • 00:20 gonna turn things around?
  • 00:21 Kirsten: We'll find out today as we go on location in Jerusalem
  • 00:26 with the Bearded Bible Brothers who are right now on the
  • 00:29 Southern Steps.
  • 00:31 ♪♪♪
  • 00:41 ♪♪♪
  • 00:51 ♪♪♪
  • 01:01 Joshua Colson: We are here at a familiar spot if you have
  • 01:04 frequented "Our Jewish Roots," this is the Southern Steps.
  • 01:08 Now, this angle, this perspective, is the one you
  • 01:10 usually see on the show, and right here we have first
  • 01:13 century structures.
  • 01:14 These are structures that Jesus himself, Yeshua, walked amongst.
  • 01:17 Caleb Colson: That's right, now let's arc around here, change
  • 01:22 your perspective.
  • 01:23 There's ruins all the way down this location, crazy ruins.
  • 01:27 You know, Jerusalem is layers of layers of civilization stacked
  • 01:31 on top of each other because of war, invasion, and all
  • 01:35 these fire.
  • 01:36 You you never know, but there's multiple layers, multiple
  • 01:39 time periods.
  • 01:41 When they dig away more of the dirt, you start to reveal more
  • 01:43 of a history.
  • 01:44 This behind us is called the Ophel.
  • 01:46 It's actually from the first temple period, and they just
  • 01:50 recently made a lot of discoveries and found very
  • 01:53 important archaeological evidence in the Ophel.
  • 01:56 Joshua: See, the Ophel is a fortified position right here.
  • 01:59 It's a stronghold, and it was usually of significance within
  • 02:04 the kingdom.
  • 02:05 So, you had down here at the bottom, the fortified bakery,
  • 02:08 you had the watch tower, you had the gate house.
  • 02:11 In fact, if you go down there, you can even see some of the
  • 02:14 original wall of Solomon that he built down there.
  • 02:17 Caleb: And what's interesting is in those locations Josh was just
  • 02:21 talking about, they recently discovered a bulla seal.
  • 02:25 A bulla seal is a clay seal, you've heard of a signet ring of
  • 02:28 authority of the king, they would stamp in the seal and
  • 02:31 verify the authority of a document that they were sending
  • 02:33 to someone.
  • 02:34 Well, they discovered the bulla seal of King Hezekiah, the great
  • 02:38 grandfather of Josiah.
  • 02:41 And in that same location, guess who else they found?
  • 02:44 The bulla seal of the prophet Isaiah.
  • 02:46 Now, if that doesn't verify the authenticity of the Bible,
  • 02:50 I don't know what will.
  • 02:55 Joshua: Second Chronicles 33:21-23, "Amon was twenty-two
  • 02:59 years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem
  • 03:03 two years.
  • 03:04 He did evil in the eyes of the Lord, as his father Manasseh
  • 03:06 had done.
  • 03:08 Amon worshiped and offered sacrifices to all the idols
  • 03:10 Manasseh had made, but unlike his father Manasseh, he did not
  • 03:13 humble himself before the Lord.
  • 03:15 Amon increased his guilt."
  • 03:18 Joshua: The most influential time period in a person's life
  • 03:21 is his childhood, and that's why Satan tries so hard to affect
  • 03:26 people with their kids.
  • 03:28 You see Manasseh's son Amon grew up seeing his father commit
  • 03:31 unpardonable abominations and leading the entire nation
  • 03:34 into sin.
  • 03:36 It's weird, because Manasseh grew up seeing his father
  • 03:38 Hezekiah honor the Lord.
  • 03:40 Caleb: And so, Amon's hero, probably his father, for most
  • 03:44 kids, he saw his father murder his own big brother and commit
  • 03:50 these perverse sinful acts and sorcery and magic.
  • 03:53 What effect do you think that has on a child growing up and
  • 03:57 seeing those sort of things and it being rationalized as
  • 04:01 being good?
  • 04:03 I'm sure that's what jacked up Amon.
  • 04:05 And then you had Manasseh taking off into Babylon into
  • 04:08 captivity and he's left there all alone.
  • 04:11 By the time his father returns, he's already gone full apostate.
  • 04:16 Manasseh starts reforming the kingdom and Amon's heart is
  • 04:19 still impure from what he saw his father do.
  • 04:22 Manasseh didn't have the Torah scrolls, he burned them, so even
  • 04:26 the reformation he did toward the end of his life didn't
  • 04:29 change Amon's heart.
  • 04:31 And so, we see after Manasseh's death, Amon was full wickedness,
  • 04:35 and by the age of 23 he was assassinated by his own
  • 04:39 royal officials.
  • 04:40 This was the age that Josiah was eight years old.
  • 04:44 Two years Amon ruled, and then Josiah becomes king.
  • 04:53 Joshua: Second Chronicles 33:24-25, "Amon's officials
  • 04:56 conspired against him and assassinated him in his palace.
  • 04:59 Then the people of the land killed all who had plotted
  • 05:02 against King Amon and they made Josiah his son king in
  • 05:05 his place."
  • 05:09 Caleb: Using scripture to kind of develop timing for Amon's
  • 05:13 life, we believe he was probably married around the age of
  • 05:16 puberty, because we know he had his first son, Josiah, at the
  • 05:21 age of 15.
  • 05:22 Joshua: No, I know, I've read the Bible, I know Josiah had his
  • 05:24 first kid at 15, I know other people in the Bible, they had
  • 05:26 kids crazy young, but 15 year olds today, not 15 year olds in
  • 05:29 the Bible.
  • 05:31 They can barely name themselves on their nerdy internet
  • 05:32 video games.
  • 05:33 I'm sharazar87_6.
  • 05:35 Underscore is not a part of a name, sorry, you fail.
  • 05:38 Caleb: So, let that sink in for a minute, a 15-year-old
  • 05:42 with a kid.
  • 05:43 He's in his rebellious teenage years, he wants to go out and
  • 05:45 have fun.
  • 05:46 I don't think he was involved in Josiah's upbringing.
  • 05:48 It could have been Josiah's mother, his wet nurses, or more
  • 05:51 probably what I believe, Manasseh.
  • 05:54 Joshua: We can see proof that it's probably Manasseh's reform,
  • 05:57 because by the age of eight, Josiah had already inclined his
  • 06:01 ear to God, and we definitely know that didn't come from his
  • 06:04 wayward father.
  • 06:05 Caleb: So, this was in the later years of Manasseh's life when he
  • 06:07 turned to God.
  • 06:09 That's probably what affected Josiah's heart.
  • 06:15 Caleb: Second Chronicles 34:1-2, "Josiah was eight years old when
  • 06:20 he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem thirty-one years.
  • 06:23 He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord and followed
  • 06:26 the ways of his father David, not turning aside to the right
  • 06:30 or to the left."
  • 06:32 Caleb: When Josiah first came to power, the hearts of the people
  • 06:36 were split as well as their mentality of who God really was.
  • 06:41 Though the temple still stood upon that mount up there, they
  • 06:45 also had shrines everywhere to these pagan gods.
  • 06:49 You know, Manasseh had built many of these shrines in these
  • 06:53 high places, then he destroyed them near the end of his life.
  • 06:57 Amon his son rebuilt them, but even amongst all that, there
  • 07:01 were high places that King Solomon had built on a hill of
  • 07:05 corruption, even during the reforms of King Hezekiah and the
  • 07:09 end-of-life reforms of Manasseh remained untouched.
  • 07:12 We still don't know why.
  • 07:13 Joshua: I know why, because people are pervs.
  • 07:16 Hey, Baba, we supposed to tear down the sex temple up here?
  • 07:19 I don't think Josiah meant that one.
  • 07:21 Definitely keep the sex temple for now.
  • 07:23 For now, for now, close it off, put some yellow tape on there,
  • 07:25 you perve.
  • 07:27 Joshua: Josiah grew up in a time of political uncertainty, not
  • 07:30 much different than the time we are in now, 70 years plus prior
  • 07:35 to when Israel was completely decimated by the Assyrian army
  • 07:39 and taken into captivity as the prophets had foretold.
  • 07:43 Hosea 13:16 says, "Samaria is held guilty, for she has
  • 07:47 rebelled against her God.
  • 07:49 They shall fall by the sword, their infants shall be dashed
  • 07:51 into pieces, and their women with child ripped open."
  • 07:54 Hezekiah, by God's strong hand, barely escaped this brutal
  • 07:58 attack, but Manasseh, he was held into captivity for years.
  • 08:02 Now, imagine being this tiny little nation that was
  • 08:04 surrounded by people who had been literally destroyed by the
  • 08:08 greatest force that the planet had ever seen before.
  • 08:12 ♪♪♪
  • 08:17 Caleb: In the midst of all this turmoil and strife, there are
  • 08:20 many nations, including Babylon, that were struggling for
  • 08:23 independence under Assyria's iron grip.
  • 08:26 I believe Josiah had a little sense of what was to come,
  • 08:30 because there are still legends that were spoken about of
  • 08:33 prophets from times past who gave the word of the Lord,
  • 08:36 including the prophet Isaiah who foretold that Babylon
  • 08:39 was coming.
  • 08:40 Joshua: Josiah's only sense of right and wrong had to have come
  • 08:42 from Manasseh's final teaching, but yet he still didn't have
  • 08:45 the law.
  • 08:47 We had evidence of this, because, well, he took
  • 08:48 two wives.
  • 08:49 Caleb: Alright, two wives is bad.
  • 08:52 Not quite Mormon bad, but nothing compared to Solomon bad
  • 08:55 to actually to get his own unit of measurement.
  • 08:59 Joshua: He took his first wife after puberty at age 12,
  • 09:01 Hamutal, and he took his second wife, Zebudah, after that.
  • 09:05 Caleb: First Chronicles 3:15, "The sons of Josiah: Johanan the
  • 09:10 firstborn, Jehoiakim the second son, Zedekiah the third, and
  • 09:15 Shallum the fourth."
  • 09:18 Joshua: Now, you're probably asking yourself how could
  • 09:20 anybody in their right mind let an eight year old run a kingdom
  • 09:24 or do matters of the state?
  • 09:25 I mean, they can barely run mathematics.
  • 09:28 Here's the deal, Joash was actually the youngest king of
  • 09:31 Judah at age seven, so Josiah actually had years of training
  • 09:36 that he went through before he was given the right to rule the
  • 09:40 matters of the state, so the title was mostly ceremonial
  • 09:42 at first.
  • 09:43 He had advisors, so he had the elders of the senate, he had the
  • 09:46 governor of Jerusalem, he had the high priest.
  • 09:48 Caleb: That's true, his inner circle helped raise him and
  • 09:52 attend to matters of state.
  • 09:54 We know Achbor was his right hand man and also trained him in
  • 09:57 the ways of God.
  • 09:59 Hilkiah the high priest, Asaiah, who was the governor
  • 10:04 of a region.
  • 10:05 Even Shaphan the royal secretary took part in these
  • 10:08 day-to-day matters of his life, and we know these people
  • 10:12 were real.
  • 10:13 Once again, as you see around us, we're in these ruins, and
  • 10:16 discoveries have been made in all these ruins verifying these
  • 10:18 people, their sons, Hilkiah, his son Azariah, royal seal, bulla
  • 10:23 was discovered for him, and even Shaphan the secretary, his son
  • 10:27 Gemariah was discovered here, the bulla of his seal, so this
  • 10:30 is very important and it authenticates what the
  • 10:33 Bible says.
  • 10:36 Caleb: Second Chronicles 34:3, "In the eighth year of his
  • 10:39 reign, while he was still young, he, Josiah began to seek the God
  • 10:43 of his father David."
  • 10:48 Joshua: Josiah in Hebrew is Yoshi-yahu, meaning Yahweh
  • 10:52 supports and heals.
  • 10:53 By age 16, God had already started setting up Josiah to be
  • 10:58 able to hear him, to be able to succeed, to be ready for what he
  • 11:01 needed to do.
  • 11:02 It was at this point that Josiah sensed something was wrong and
  • 11:06 he began to ask the questions what needed to be done?
  • 11:09 What event do you think took place that led Josiah to
  • 11:11 believing that something was wrong?
  • 11:13 Caleb: You know, with certainty we know Zephaniah the prophet
  • 11:17 begin to prophesy before Josiah's reforms.
  • 11:20 Now, Zephaniah had access to the royal inner circle.
  • 11:24 He was royalty, he was a prince, he was a great, great grandson
  • 11:28 of King Hezekiah, Josiah being the great grandson of
  • 11:32 King Hezekiah.
  • 11:33 So, I find this very interesting, that, you know,
  • 11:35 Josiah didn't have any other direction than these prophetic
  • 11:39 words to know that he had to do something and he had to cleanse
  • 11:43 the land.
  • 11:46 Caleb: Second Chronicles 34:3, "In his twelfth year, he, Josiah
  • 11:51 began to purge Judah and Jerusalem of the high places,
  • 11:55 Asherah poles and idols."
  • 12:01 Joshua: So, why didn't Josiah begin all of his reforms before
  • 12:04 the age of 20?
  • 12:06 Well, because legally he couldn't.
  • 12:07 The law stated that you were not legally an adult until you're 20
  • 12:10 years old.
  • 12:12 God defined this by allowing everyone under the age of 20
  • 12:15 a free pass to get into the Promised Land.
  • 12:17 Now, at 13 you became a man, physically, spiritually, you
  • 12:20 were bar mitzvahed, but it wasn't until 20 years old you
  • 12:22 were allowed to go to war or that you were held responsible
  • 12:25 as an adult in a court of law.
  • 12:27 Caleb: So, you can see that Josiah was probably counting the
  • 12:30 days, the hours and moments until he was unleashed and he
  • 12:33 could go idol smashing.
  • 12:34 He knew at the age of 20 he could go out in full force and
  • 12:38 have full authority of kingship.
  • 12:39 And then at the age of 20, he goes into reformation overdrive.
  • 12:45 Caleb: Now, only if they would have had idol smashing as
  • 12:47 an elective in college, then I would have had it made.
  • 12:52 Caleb: It's a miracle this fatherless boy became a man
  • 12:54 of God.
  • 12:56 I'm sure Satan was laying snare after snare get him to fall
  • 12:58 into sin.
  • 13:00 Even today, we see how the enemy tries to indoctrinate children
  • 13:05 so he can have a hold of their mind when they become adults
  • 13:08 if he owns them.
  • 13:10 You see, children at a young age already, since prayer was taken
  • 13:14 out of school and the Bible, they don't have the influence
  • 13:18 they need to anymore.
  • 13:20 Even in your synagogues, in your churches, you're not hearing the
  • 13:23 Word of God in truth and in power, and the question is
  • 13:27 what's gonna happen to those children?
  • 13:29 How can we save their minds from the perversion of the enemy?
  • 13:33 It's a well documented fact in child development that what
  • 13:36 happens to a child up to the age seven is crucial in their
  • 13:40 developmental process.
  • 13:41 Greek philosopher Aristotle said give me your child until he's
  • 13:44 seven and I'll show you the man.
  • 13:46 What we show a kid and what we expose our children to now is
  • 13:50 what will shape their belief system and potentially who they
  • 13:53 become in their adult years.
  • 13:55 Now, in the 1950's and 1960's, the content and programming that
  • 13:59 was on television was completely different than what's on now,
  • 14:03 and for some reason in America, we seem infatuated with the idea
  • 14:06 of robbing the innocence of youth.
  • 14:08 The statement I hear all this time is it's not that bad, as
  • 14:11 opposed to saying, "Oh, we shouldn't show them this,
  • 14:13 there's no good in it."
  • 14:15 Now, before you get all mad at me, and say, "Josh, I don't show
  • 14:18 my kids bad stuff."
  • 14:20 That's fine, I understand that, I do, I know that you as
  • 14:23 believers would never show your children any programming that
  • 14:26 has magic, sex, profanity, fantasy, violence, superheroes.
  • 14:33 No, we never--well, I guess that doesn't count for just about all
  • 14:37 the programing today.
  • 14:38 But trust me, the enemy is a chess player and he's actually
  • 14:42 not super concerned with you exposing them to bad things,
  • 14:44 he's just fine with you letting 'em be.
  • 14:47 How about this?
  • 14:49 Your kid comes up and says, "Hey dad, can we play?"
  • 14:52 "Not right now, honey, you know what?
  • 14:55 I gotta work right now, but as soon as I'm done, why don't you
  • 14:57 go over and watch something on TV?"
  • 15:00 You say, "I'm not an absent parent, I'm here," but you're
  • 15:03 here in peripheral.
  • 15:05 You can see your kid out of the left, you can see your kid out
  • 15:07 of the right, but you haven't made the time for them.
  • 15:09 I know you may be upset about this, you say, "I have to work,
  • 15:12 I have to make a living, I'm providing for my family."
  • 15:15 You gotta realize you have such a short window of time right now
  • 15:19 to educate your children, to take part in their life.
  • 15:23 When a child looks back at their life, they look at the quantity
  • 15:25 of the amount of time you spent with them, not the quality, and
  • 15:28 they're like, "Oh, there was that one moment dad was with
  • 15:30 me," or, "no, dad was always there.
  • 15:32 I could always have that time with him."
  • 15:34 And in Psalm 127:3, "Behold, children are a heritage from the
  • 15:39 Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward."
  • 15:43 Joshua: Guys, your children just weren't a gift from God, but
  • 15:46 they were a responsibility.
  • 15:48 This is something I think about often, a gift is something that
  • 15:50 you use at your leisure, that you play with, that you put on
  • 15:53 a shelf, but a responsibility is something that comes with
  • 15:56 a requirement, and that means that whatever happens in your
  • 15:59 children's life, the buck stops with you.
  • 16:02 It's not the responsibility of your school to raise
  • 16:04 your children.
  • 16:05 It's not the responsibility of your church or your synagogue
  • 16:08 to raise your children.
  • 16:09 The responsibility and the education, the upbringing of
  • 16:12 both the understanding and the fear and the wisdom of the Lord,
  • 16:16 and anything that your children have comes from you.
  • 16:20 I understand that we all live busy lives, that we have jobs
  • 16:23 and responsibilities, that we have to put food on the table,
  • 16:25 and that takes work and that takes money, but then if that's
  • 16:28 the case, and the only obstacle standing in your way of you
  • 16:32 being there for your children when they need you in those
  • 16:34 pivotal moments, it's time to ask the Holy Spirit this
  • 16:37 question, "Holy Spirit, since I've been given this
  • 16:40 responsibility, and this is truly what the Father wants,
  • 16:42 show me how to maximize my time.
  • 16:44 Give me different opportunities.
  • 16:45 If this job is taking me from my children, give me a job where
  • 16:47 I can be with them."
  • 16:48 Don't just mark it off as "this is the way I take care of my
  • 16:52 children is money alone," because when that becomes the
  • 16:55 sole focus, then you have a world driven by Satan very much
  • 17:00 ready to raise your children up in his ways instead of the ways
  • 17:04 of the Father.
  • 17:05 We may not all turn out to be like Manasseh, I hope you don't,
  • 17:08 I hope that your kids have a much better upbringing, even if
  • 17:11 you're not able to be there, but you are not allowed at any point
  • 17:15 to sit there and say my hands are tied, it wasn't my fault.
  • 17:19 It is your responsibility.
  • 17:21 Today is the day you can change.
  • 17:23 Today is the day you can be better.
  • 17:24 It's not a time to give up, it's a time to raise up and be the
  • 17:28 example that your children need.
  • 17:34 [singing in Hebrew]
  • 17:43 Caleb: "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one, and
  • 17:48 you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all
  • 17:52 your soul, with all your strength."
  • 17:56 Caleb: Guys, today we have the opportunity to hear from
  • 18:00 Dr. Todd Baker of Brit-Hadashah Ministries.
  • 18:02 Todd has been a friend of Zola Levitt Ministries for decades,
  • 18:06 all the way back to the Zola Levitt years.
  • 18:08 He actually started the To the Jew First Mission Fund, in which
  • 18:11 he and other people go to Israel and actually evangelize to the
  • 18:15 Jewish people.
  • 18:16 It's absolutely amazing.
  • 18:18 Joshua: It's amazing because today he's talking about how
  • 18:20 different after October 7 the people in Israel are in their
  • 18:23 reception to the gospel.
  • 18:25 You really want to hear about what's happening right now.
  • 18:28 Dr. Todd Baker: With God it's not numbers, with God it's
  • 18:31 people who will repent and turn to him for salvation because,
  • 18:35 he's not willing that any should perish.
  • 18:38 But where like you said, we're living in a day and time which
  • 18:41 certainly is equivalent to ancient Israel and their
  • 18:44 immorality and idolatry, and of course the answer then is the
  • 18:49 answer now, repent and believe the gospel.
  • 18:52 And it sounds simple, but that's the true remedy.
  • 18:55 Caleb: But why do people not want to repent?
  • 18:57 I mean, just cutting it down to the basics, is it a pride issue,
  • 19:01 is it fear, is it because they don't want to change?
  • 19:04 Todd: I think it's all the above and then some.
  • 19:06 I think people like being their own god, they like being their
  • 19:09 own, you know, rulers and leaders in their lives.
  • 19:13 They don't wanna take a subordinate position to another,
  • 19:19 but then again, you know, God is perfect.
  • 19:21 He knows what's perfectly good for us.
  • 19:24 So, we're the creatures, he's the Creator, we need to follow
  • 19:28 what the Creator prescribes for us to have a life that is filled
  • 19:35 with a vibrant, giving relationship uh to the Lord, and
  • 19:39 in return he gives us so much more than we could ever imagine,
  • 19:44 eternal life with him, a destiny of priests and kings with him in
  • 19:49 the future, and if people--no sane people would reject the
  • 19:54 free gift of salvation.
  • 19:56 But sin is a form of insanity, it warps the mind and it
  • 20:01 prejudices the attitude, and until they're given a clear
  • 20:05 presentation of the gospel and the Holy Spirit convicting them,
  • 20:10 there's gonna continue to be this, unfortunately, increasing
  • 20:14 apostasy in the church and in the nation at large, if that
  • 20:17 makes sense.
  • 20:18 Caleb: Yeah, apostasy is prevalent.
  • 20:20 I believe Yeshua, when he spoke to John in Revelation 2 and 3,
  • 20:24 that was a warning just as much for those churches back then as
  • 20:27 for churches today.
  • 20:29 You can see every single characteristic that Yeshua
  • 20:31 rebuked in those churches, in our modern churches today, it's
  • 20:35 alive and well and nothing has changed.
  • 20:38 But that is that sign, as much as Yeshua said back then I'm
  • 20:42 coming quickly, I believe he's coming quickly today and even
  • 20:46 sooner than he was back then.
  • 20:48 That we could be living in that last moment before his return.
  • 20:51 Why not repent now?
  • 20:53 Why not draw close to him now?
  • 20:55 This could be your last chance.
  • 20:57 Todd: Right, right, and fortunately, throughout the
  • 21:01 church, the history of the church, it's similar to the days
  • 21:04 of Elijah.
  • 21:05 There is a redeemed remnant in the midst of this great mass of
  • 21:10 apostasy, and we do know during the Tribulation period there
  • 21:15 will be a global revival caused by the 144,000 Jewish
  • 21:21 evangelists and the Tribulation saints, and there can be revival
  • 21:25 now if we follow God's prescription given in the Word
  • 21:29 for true revival, and it begins with--and I know it sound like
  • 21:35 a broken record, it begins with repentance, acknowledging, God,
  • 21:39 I've broken your law, I've violated it, I'm a guilty
  • 21:42 sinner, forgive me, heal me, restore me.
  • 21:48 And for the unbeliever it's the same, but with the addition of
  • 21:53 save me.
  • 21:55 And with the backslidden Christian, it would be restore
  • 21:58 me, and repentance is not a one time thing, we should constantly
  • 22:04 be living a life of repentance.
  • 22:05 Because as James said in many things we offend all, and if
  • 22:11 you're constantly aware of your shortcomings, not that you focus
  • 22:17 on that and become introspective, it causes you to
  • 22:20 focus on the cross even more, the place where forgiveness
  • 22:24 and reconciliation and restoration is found.
  • 22:29 David: The four of us around this table are parents, a couple
  • 22:32 of us here at this table are even grandparents, and we are
  • 22:36 trying, all of us, our best to be the best parents that we
  • 22:39 can be.
  • 22:40 That's what you've been teaching in this program about.
  • 22:42 Caleb: It's hard for kids, I mean, you look at the times in
  • 22:45 the past and they had to deal with famines and wars and plague
  • 22:49 and bloodshed, all this stuff.
  • 22:50 It was really hard to be a kid.
  • 22:52 Kids were valuable assets to family.
  • 22:55 They carried on the family name, they were workers, and so it was
  • 22:59 really a fundamental concept that we needed kids.
  • 23:02 Now today, people don't really want kids, they wanna focus
  • 23:05 on self.
  • 23:06 You know, Europe is struggling under population decline.
  • 23:09 They're saying that they'll cease to be entire nations that
  • 23:12 they don't start having, you know, more than one because of
  • 23:15 population issues, and they're just not valued as they were
  • 23:19 back then.
  • 23:20 Joshua: What's interesting about that lack of value is that when
  • 23:23 a parent focuses on themselves more than the child thinking
  • 23:27 that the child's just gonna raise themselves, they're
  • 23:28 actually not gonna raise themselves, it's gonna be the
  • 23:30 environment around them that raises them.
  • 23:32 And so, in times past you would think that it would be more
  • 23:35 stressful for a kid back then because they're, you know,
  • 23:37 plowing fields, and I mean, the fifth grade syllabus in the
  • 23:40 1800's was insane.
  • 23:41 It's like most seniors can't answer all the questions that
  • 23:43 were on the list for that thing, but today with all of the
  • 23:46 devices, you know, if I leave my kids to their own, they're gonna
  • 23:49 be on the phones and the iPads and all these things
  • 23:51 all day long.
  • 23:53 They're not forced to learn who they are, to be cultivated,
  • 23:57 to be raised, to be the and the adults that they're supposed to
  • 24:00 be, that's our job to do that.
  • 24:01 And so, we found in studies that Caleb was looking at that the
  • 24:05 kids today are facing significantly more
  • 24:07 stress emotionally.
  • 24:09 Caleb: You have studies in medical journals saying that the
  • 24:12 stress levels, the anxiety levels of kids today are at the
  • 24:15 levels in the 1950's where kids were admitted into
  • 24:19 insane asylums.
  • 24:20 It's because they're inundated with such filth and perversion
  • 24:23 and depravity and they are dealing with depression and
  • 24:26 stress and all these things.
  • 24:28 They're being inundated more because Satan's plan is to
  • 24:31 destroy the family unit.
  • 24:33 And for modern days, I look back at World War II, this was the
  • 24:36 time that parents didn't come home from a war, a whole
  • 24:40 generation of kids grew up without fathers.
  • 24:42 The mothers started working during the war, they didn't come
  • 24:44 back and raise the family unit afterward, and Satan took
  • 24:47 advantage of that and the government stepped in and said
  • 24:49 we'll raise your kids, Department of Education,
  • 24:51 you know, we'll give you daycare, we'll raise them
  • 24:53 in public schools.
  • 24:54 And we had a whole generation of kids that were taught values
  • 24:57 that are not biblical, that were secularized, and now we're
  • 25:00 dealing with the repercussions of that in our society today.
  • 25:03 Kirsten: But going back to Josiah, Josiah had to break some
  • 25:06 stuff also.
  • 25:08 I mean, you know, we've been paralleling kind of this time,
  • 25:11 this day and age with Josiah's age, and he had bloodline issues
  • 25:16 that he had a break.
  • 25:18 We all do also, I don't know about you guys, but there's
  • 25:22 stuff that we've broken from generations, but Josiah had to
  • 25:25 break what was kind of put on him from some of his
  • 25:28 genetic DNA.
  • 25:30 Caleb: He had generational curses, I'm sure, through Amon,
  • 25:32 who was a terrible father, you know.
  • 25:35 He was taken out in two years time, but it's interesting, you
  • 25:39 know, 2 Chronicles 34:3 talks about Josiah began to seek God
  • 25:44 at the age of 16.
  • 25:45 That word [speaking in Hebrew] he's actively pursuing with this
  • 25:48 passion, he has to know who God is.
  • 25:51 Wouldn't you want that for our kids today?
  • 25:53 I mean, it's amazing.
  • 25:55 Kirsten: For us, too, yeah, our generation, our age also.
  • 25:58 David: Good news, we'll be right back.
  • 26:02 David: Our resources this week, two books by Christian historian
  • 26:06 David Barton.
  • 26:07 First, "America's Godly Heritage."
  • 26:09 This book details what the founding fathers intended for
  • 26:12 America and what can be done to return to its original
  • 26:15 guiding philosophy.
  • 26:17 Or, "The Bulletproof George Washington," in this riveting
  • 26:21 account of God's providence and protection of the young soldier
  • 26:24 who later became our first president.
  • 26:27 Contact us for more information.
  • 26:31 Kirsten: It's been a trademark of our ministry for over 45
  • 26:35 years to film the teaching in Israel.
  • 26:40 You can imagine the financial cost that it takes to do that,
  • 26:43 but that is what we want to bring to you, our viewer, and in
  • 26:47 return you vote with your dollar that you want us to continue
  • 26:52 that trademark, and that's what we wanna do,
  • 26:55 so thank you for your giving.
  • 26:56 David: And you saw the guys teaching at the Southern Steps,
  • 26:58 one of the places, one of my favorite places.
  • 27:01 Everywhere we go is one of our favorite places, but we take you
  • 27:04 to the Southern Steps, join us on a tour.
  • 27:06 You can find all the information on
  • 27:09 Guys, I can't believe it's time to go again already.
  • 27:12 Joshua: It is, so as we go, sha'alu shalom Yerushalayim.
  • 27:15 Kirsten: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
  • 27:19 David: Join us right now on our social media sites for
  • 27:22 exclusive content.
  • 27:23 Visit our website,, for tour information, broadcast
  • 27:27 schedule, free monthly newsletter, and online store.
  • 27:30 Call us any time at 1-800-WONDERS and ask about this
  • 27:34 week's resource.
  • 27:35 "Our Jewish Roots" is a presentation of Zola
  • 27:38 Levitt Ministries.
  • 27:39 As a 100% viewer-funded ministry, your gifts allow us to
  • 27:43 bring you our weekly television series, social media outlets,
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  • 27:50 Please remember, we depend on tax-deductible donations from
  • 27:53 viewers like you.
  • 27:55 ♪♪♪
  • 28:05 ♪♪♪
  • 28:15 ♪♪♪

Episodes in this series

  1. Worst Grandfather Ever
  2. The Boy King
  3. Forewarnings of Destruction
  4. Beginnings of Reformation
  5. Discovering the Torah
  6. Cleansing the Land
  7. The Bones of the Prophet
  8. The Coming Antichrist

Links from this show

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