Bible teaching with an emphasis on Israel, prophecy and the Jewish roots of Christianity
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Episode: “Sacrifice and Loss”
Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his only son testifies to his bountiful faith in the Lord’s promises. We Believers need to trust that God will lead us to the future He has lovingly prepared for us.
Series: “Faith for the Future”
Our Journey with the Patriarchs
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob displayed their faith in God by taking small steps and sometimes leaps of faith. Oftentimes, these actions dramatically altered the course of their lives, while redirecting them toward greater dependence on the Lord. In this ten part series, Dr. Jeffrey Seif takes us through strategic events in their lives while Dr. Barri Seif (Jeff’s wife) provides a personal perspective. This ten part series also includes discussions with David and Kirsten Hart as well as dramatic reenactments filmed in Israel.
Caption transcript for Faith for the Future: “Sacrifice and Loss” (4/10)
- 00:00 ♪♪♪
- 00:03 David Hart: Welcome to "Our Jewish Roots."
- 00:06 ♪♪♪
- 00:12 David: "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for,
- 00:15 the conviction of things not seen.
- 00:18 For by it the men of old received divine approval."
- 00:22 For whatever was written in former days was written
- 00:25 for our instruction that through endurance
- 00:28 and through the encouragement of the Scriptures,
- 00:31 we might have hope.
- 00:32 ♪♪♪
- 00:36 David: "Faith for the Future:
- 00:38 Our Journey with the Patriarchs."
- 00:40 ♪♪♪
- 00:43 David: Thank you for joining us today.
- 00:45 I'm David Hart.
- 00:46 Kirsten Hart: I'm Kirsten Hart.
- 00:47 Dr. Jeffrey Seif: I am Jeffrey Seif,
- 00:49 and I'd like to remind you what Jesus said.
- 00:51 Sometimes we have to pick up our cross and follow him.
- 00:54 We see that not just in the newer testament
- 00:56 but the Old Testament, correct?
- 00:58 Kirsten: And we've been through Abraham
- 01:00 and Sarah's journey.
- 01:02 We can say those names now, their extended new names.
- 01:05 And today is kind of the biggie, isn't it?
- 01:08 It's the Moriah experience that we kind of know Abraham for.
- 01:12 Jeffrey: It's a tough story: "Go sacrifice your kid,"
- 01:14 you know?
- 01:16 I mean, "Say what?"
- 01:17 That's a tough assignment.
- 01:19 Then he buries his wife too.
- 01:20 That's another toughie.
- 01:21 Kirsten: I know.
- 01:23 It's a hard one today, but it's part of his journey of faith,
- 01:26 and it's necessary to see what he had to walk through like
- 01:28 so many of us have walked through in our--
- 01:30 Jeffrey: As we journey through life, I think we all get
- 01:33 bounced around a little bit, you know?
- 01:35 It just happens.
- 01:36 David: In our drama today, Abraham is ready to encounter
- 01:39 his ultimate test of faith, followed by Barri's
- 01:42 insight regarding our obedience to the Lord.
- 01:45 Let's go there now.
- 01:47 ♪♪♪
- 01:49 narrator: And it came to pass, after these things,
- 01:53 that God tested Abraham.
- 01:57 Abraham: [speaking in Hebrew]
- 01:59 Isaac: [speaking in Hebrew]
- 02:01 ♪♪♪
- 02:07 Abraham: [speaking in Hebrew]
- 02:13 ♪♪♪
- 02:16 narrator: "And God said, 'Take now thy son,
- 02:20 thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest,
- 02:23 and get thee unto the land of Moriah,
- 02:26 and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one
- 02:30 of the mountains which I will tell thee of.'"
- 02:33 "Then on the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes,
- 02:38 and saw the place afar off."
- 02:41 ♪♪♪
- 02:52 Abraham: [speaking in Hebrew]
- 03:01 ♪♪♪
- 03:04 Isaac: [speaking in Hebrew]
- 03:11 ♪♪♪
- 03:14 Dr. Barri Seif: The most difficult assignment,
- 03:17 the most difficult call of obedience to follow,
- 03:22 as Abraham is prepared to carry out
- 03:27 what God has called him to do with his son Isaac.
- 03:31 What a challenge that any parent has regarding their own child.
- 03:37 A dear friend of mine recently had to bury her daughter
- 03:42 who died of natural causes.
- 03:45 That's outside the proper order of things.
- 03:48 The children should bury the parents,
- 03:50 not the parents bury the child.
- 03:52 But here we see Abraham's obedience.
- 03:55 Hebrews 12, exhort us to "Keep our eyes on Jesus,
- 04:02 Yeshua, the author and perfecter of our faith,
- 04:05 who for the joy set before him, endured the cross."
- 04:09 And then also in Romans 4, Paul reminds us about Abraham,
- 04:17 yet with respect to the promise of God,
- 04:20 "Abraham, he did not waver in unbelief,
- 04:24 but he grew strong in faith, giving glory to God,
- 04:30 and being fully assured that what he had promised
- 04:33 he was able also to perform."
- 04:38 Nothing is complete without the cross, and,
- 04:40 yet the cross is at the end of the story, is it?
- 04:43 This journey, this call of obedience
- 04:46 was not the end of the story.
- 04:48 The Resurrection, the empty tomb is the fulfillment
- 04:52 of the promise that we have in Messiah, Yeshua, Jesus.
- 04:59 We know that, through our trials,
- 05:01 always the best is yet to come.
- 05:04 That's the kind of Savior that we love, that we can put
- 05:08 our hope in when it seems as though all hope is lost.
- 05:14 He's the "Yes" and the "Amen," and we can trust him even with
- 05:19 a difficult call of obedience that we saw with Abraham.
- 05:24 ♪♪♪
- 05:27 Kirsten: Barri just mentioned this call to obedience,
- 05:30 and I've gotta be honest.
- 05:33 I don't think, if God told me "Sacrifice that beautiful son,"
- 05:38 or our firstborn, Tyler, I don't think I would've said yes.
- 05:42 David: You?
- 05:44 Jeffrey: Well, I don't know, you know?
- 05:46 If he's a teenager, I thought-- I threatened to kill my kids
- 05:49 every now and then.
- 05:50 I was joking, of course, and I'm joking now.
- 05:52 No, that's a tough one.
- 05:53 That's a tough order to fill.
- 05:55 Kirsten: But you--don't you believe--and the Scripture tells
- 05:58 us--right?--that Abraham had enough faith for the future
- 06:01 that God would raise his son up if he had to kill them.
- 06:05 That's a lot of faith.
- 06:06 Jeffrey: Yeah, and that's an incredible statement.
- 06:08 We find it in the newer testament,
- 06:10 and kudos to him for that.
- 06:12 David: Right now, let's go to our drama
- 06:14 as Abraham takes Isaac to the altar.
- 06:16 ♪♪♪
- 06:18 Isaac: [speaking in Hebrew]
- 06:21 Abraham: [speaking in Hebrew]
- 06:27 ♪♪♪
- 06:37 ♪♪♪
- 06:47 ♪♪♪
- 06:57 ♪♪♪
- 07:07 ♪♪♪
- 07:17 ♪♪♪
- 07:21 Abraham: [speaking in Hebrew]
- 07:51 ♪♪♪
- 07:58 Jeffrey: This series is about "Faith for the Future,"
- 08:02 and the 22nd chapter of Genesis, "Bereishit," is important
- 08:08 in that regard for both Jews and Christians.
- 08:13 Jews refer to it as the story of the "akedah,"
- 08:17 "the binding of Isaac."
- 08:20 Christians refer to the story as a typological picture
- 08:24 of the father, Abraham, taking his miracle-born son Isaac,
- 08:29 taking him to Mount Moriah and sacrificing him--
- 08:33 well, prevented from doing so with the Word,
- 08:37 according to chapter 22, verse 7:
- 08:40 "Vayomer Avraham Elohim yare, and Abraham said,
- 08:46 "God will provide."
- 08:49 And the argument is the ultimate provision was when God did,
- 08:54 himself, provide a sacrifice when Mount Moriah, years later,
- 08:58 in the person of his Son Yeshua.
- 09:01 It's a fascinating story and it's judged to be a picture,
- 09:07 a snapshot in Old Testament prophecy that takes us
- 09:10 to the story of Yeshua.
- 09:15 Here I am, you've heard of the beginnings of the Jesus story.
- 09:17 In the gospel of Matthew, the gospel of Luke,
- 09:23 we learn about the young Jesus.
- 09:25 Two different stories.
- 09:27 Actually it's the Lukan story that gets us here in the manger.
- 09:31 When the wise men show up in the Matthew story,
- 09:35 they don't come to a cave.
- 09:38 They come to a home.
- 09:40 They don't engage a child, a newborn, but rather a young lad
- 09:46 who's around two years of age, according to the Matthew story.
- 09:50 It's in Luke we hear about Yeshua born and placed
- 09:53 in a manger.
- 09:55 Of course, this looks a little different.
- 09:57 We're used to wood stock for the manger.
- 10:00 The manger, however, in antiquity,
- 10:04 you go back to the Jewish world, they had better things to do
- 10:07 with wood than chop it up all the time.
- 10:09 In fact, we probably need to rethink the story of Jesus
- 10:11 and his father Joseph being carpenters.
- 10:15 Better to speak of stone masons.
- 10:17 Certainly, they're in the construction business,
- 10:20 but there wasn't a lot of cuttin' up wood.
- 10:22 Here we have an example of a feeding trough.
- 10:25 You'll see it right here, and, of course, there's hay on top,
- 10:29 and arguably the Christ child was put on something like this.
- 10:33 This is a softer place to begin, and he ended
- 10:36 on harder boards now, didn't he?
- 10:38 And that's the Gospel story.
- 10:40 That's the Gospel truth.
- 10:42 And we see a snapshot of that, as I've said, in the story
- 10:46 of Genesis chapter 22.
- 10:50 Just to repeat it, because it is so worth hearing,
- 10:53 especially for someone like me, it's really important
- 10:57 for someone like my wife and myself of Jewish extract to see
- 11:01 the Jesus story in the Jewish story.
- 11:03 That's really important.
- 11:05 There's the father, Avraham.
- 11:09 There's a woman who cannot bear.
- 11:12 She's barren.
- 11:14 There's a miracle that takes angelic visitation.
- 11:18 It takes divine impartation.
- 11:20 She gives birth to this son, miracle-born son from a womb
- 11:24 that couldn't produce.
- 11:26 And then this child is told by his father to go take a walk up
- 11:29 Moriah, and the father Abraham takes that son, Yitzchak,
- 11:36 and they go up the mountain.
- 11:39 I wanna talk about, "Faith for the Future."
- 11:43 And when I think of that, I wonder about Abram's state
- 11:47 of mind at the time for he is about to plunge a dagger
- 11:53 into the breast of the future or so it seems.
- 11:59 This is a man who's thoroughly committed to the belief that God
- 12:03 holds the key to the future, not the circumstances
- 12:08 as he sees them at the moment.
- 12:11 Now, to be sure, he loves his son.
- 12:14 This was a hard assignment, to be sure,
- 12:17 a test as it's noted elsewhere in Scripture.
- 12:20 He passed it.
- 12:22 And what enabled him to pass it and to get past the moment was
- 12:25 a belief in a God who can get him past the difficult moments
- 12:31 on into the future.
- 12:34 Some of you may be living in proximity to dying dreams.
- 12:38 Maybe you killed them, and a lot of people wonder,
- 12:42 "Is there hope even now? Is there hope?"
- 12:45 Is the conversation about faith for the future just something
- 12:49 that TV personalities talk about with open Bibles,
- 12:52 or is it something that you can think about in the life
- 12:55 that you live right now?
- 12:57 Well, listen, this story in Genesis 22
- 13:00 wasn't on the big screen.
- 13:01 This story was just a man making his journey through life,
- 13:04 a man who walked by faith, a man who believed
- 13:08 that God had the key,
- 13:10 and he walked by faith and believed God for a future.
- 13:14 ♪♪♪
- 13:23 announcer: Do you wonder about your future
- 13:25 as a believer in the Messiah?
- 13:28 Our founder, Zola Levitt, wrote a booklet that tells us
- 13:30 what lies ahead, "Glory: The Future of the Believers."
- 13:35 Inside, Zola explains the coming Rapture, our time in heaven,
- 13:39 the kingdom on earth, and then eternity.
- 13:43 Find out what God has prepared for those that love him.
- 13:47 Call 1-800-WONDERS or go to
- 13:51 ♪♪♪
- 13:58 ♪ Sha'alu Shalom Yerushalayim ♪
- 14:02 ♪ Sha'alu, Sha'alu, Shalom ♪
- 14:06 ♪ For the holy city of Jerusalem ♪
- 14:13 ♪ we will pray for peace, Sha'alu ♪
- 14:17 ♪ Shalom ♪
- 14:25 ♪ Shalom ♪
- 14:30 David: I was talking to some friends the other day,
- 14:33 who were making plans for their vacation.
- 14:34 I believe they were going to Hawaii or somewhere.
- 14:37 I can't remember exactly where it was.
- 14:40 Kirsten: Tropical.
- 14:41 David: Yes, and I said,
- 14:43 "Why don't you plan a trip to Israel with us?"
- 14:45 And they hadn't even thought about that, but they perked up
- 14:48 when we told them how amazing our trips to Israel are.
- 14:52 We would love for you to join us.
- 14:54 Maybe you haven't thought about it before.
- 14:56 It's life-changing.
- 14:57 We would love for you to join us on a tour.
- 14:59 You can find all the information on
- 15:02 Kirsten: We tell people, "Save up your pennies.
- 15:04 Save up your dollars, and they'll add up,
- 15:07 they'll stack up, and you can go to Israel with us."
- 15:09 Speaking of dollars--
- 15:11 Jeffrey: It's true as well, when people invest in the Lord's
- 15:14 work, they're laying up their dollars in the bank of heaven.
- 15:17 With that said, begging your indulgence, let me inquire
- 15:22 of you whether you'd be willing to support and help
- 15:26 not this program but this witness.
- 15:29 Your dollars translate into a testimony in the world.
- 15:34 It's a Gospel testimony, but we look at the good news
- 15:37 through the eyes of the Jews, and we have to rely on yous
- 15:41 to do it, please.
- 15:42 We're looking at a program, sacrifices at play
- 15:45 in the literature.
- 15:46 It's been like that from Genesis all the way to Revelation.
- 15:49 We're all participating in the drama
- 15:52 of expanding his kingdom on earth.
- 15:54 Let me encourage you to be sacrificial,
- 15:56 and help us do it through this ministry.
- 16:00 Kirsten: Our ministry is known for the wonderful,
- 16:03 dramatic reenactments.
- 16:04 You help make that possible.
- 16:06 Now let's go back to our story as our beloved Sarah passes on.
- 16:11 ♪♪♪
- 16:15 narrator: Sarah died in Hebron, in the land of Canaan,
- 16:19 and Abraham paid 400 shekels of silver for the Cave of Machpelah
- 16:24 for a burying place.
- 16:26 Abraham bought the field of Machpelah and the cave therein
- 16:31 and all the trees that were in the field.
- 16:33 ♪♪♪
- 16:35 [vocalizing]
- 16:46 [vocalizing]
- 16:56 [vocalizing]
- 17:03 ♪♪♪
- 17:12 Abraham: Sarah-- [speaking in Hebrew]
- 17:28 ♪♪♪
- 17:34 ♪♪♪
- 17:44 ♪♪♪
- 17:52 Jeffrey: In so many ways, Sarah was the lamp,
- 17:56 the light of Abraham's life.
- 18:01 We come to a place in the literature today, however,
- 18:05 in the 23rd chapter of Genesis, when the light went out.
- 18:12 Abraham finds himself in a tough place.
- 18:16 We're looking at the literature at some tough space.
- 18:20 In the Jewish world, this portion of the text is called
- 18:23 "Chayei Sarah," which translates as "The Life of Sarah,"
- 18:28 but truth be known, the literature speaks more
- 18:32 to her death and shows something about Abraham as he looks
- 18:37 to the future as he remembers his past.
- 18:41 And I think, by the way, that those that are faith-filled
- 18:45 and looking to the future, one of the ways
- 18:47 that we articulate that, one of the ways that we attest
- 18:51 to that is how we remember the past.
- 18:54 And what's particularly striking, for my money
- 18:58 in literature, is the dignity, the solemnity
- 19:03 with which Abraham deals with the loss of his beloved.
- 19:08 We're told in chapter 23, verse 2, when we're told that
- 19:13 "Abraham came to mourn for Sarah and that he wept over her,"
- 19:20 it's a tender moment.
- 19:23 It's time to say good-bye.
- 19:26 There's beauty here.
- 19:28 There's dignity there.
- 19:30 And sometimes, the way that we deal with death
- 19:34 is an attestation of the way that we deal with life.
- 19:39 It shows value.
- 19:41 It shows virtue.
- 19:43 And I might say, by the way, that I think Christians
- 19:46 have a lot of trouble dying.
- 19:49 In the Jewish world, there's a set trajectory
- 19:53 of how we deal with death.
- 19:56 Let me explain that to you and talk to you about how this is
- 19:59 understood within the context of "Faith for the Future."
- 20:05 In the Jewish world, when someone dies,
- 20:10 they're interred immediately, and the family members
- 20:15 will throw the dirt into the grave.
- 20:19 There's a kind of finality there that's telegraphed
- 20:22 to the principal parties who are mourning.
- 20:26 Subsequent to that, in the Jewish world,
- 20:28 there's a period of mourning.
- 20:29 It's called "Shivah."
- 20:31 It's a week, and in a Jewish home,
- 20:33 all the mirrors are covered.
- 20:37 The family doesn't sit on couches.
- 20:39 They sit on wooden stools.
- 20:42 It's a time to grieve.
- 20:44 Men don't shave.
- 20:46 Women aren't putting on makeup and cologne.
- 20:48 People are coming over to the home to bring food
- 20:51 and to comfort those that are grieving.
- 20:55 But the way that we comfort in the Jewish world is,
- 20:58 when you visit someone who's grieving,
- 21:00 you say nothing because, you know,
- 21:03 when people show up, they wanna encourage or "God bless,"
- 21:06 "Johnny was a great guy,"
- 21:07 and "Yeah, I remember this and that."
- 21:09 In the Jewish world, you say nothing.
- 21:11 You sit next to the person who's mourning
- 21:14 and wait for them to speak.
- 21:17 If they wanna cry, you cry with them.
- 21:20 If they wanna reminisce, you reminisce with them.
- 21:23 If they wanna be angry at God for the loss, you let them vent.
- 21:27 It's all about accompanying the mourner.
- 21:31 It's all about accompanying the person whose grief
- 21:33 on the journey--it's not about trying to bottle up grief.
- 21:38 It's to let it--you know, energies run their course,
- 21:45 and I think we see this in play in the literature.
- 21:47 In the Jewish world, there are seven days of mourning.
- 21:50 It notes here that Abram mourns.
- 21:52 Subsequent to which then there's a 30-day period called
- 21:55 "Shloshim."
- 21:57 Not everyone can be in the state of shock and awe, you know,
- 22:02 not shaving, colognes, sitting on benches and just sitting in
- 22:06 the house, and--but through the 30-day period and the aftermath,
- 22:11 you know, people are still in a state of shock.
- 22:14 In the Jewish world, on the 30th day, the rabbi will come to
- 22:18 the home and take the mourners for a walk around the block.
- 22:22 It's a symbolic gesture.
- 22:24 You don't need to say anything.
- 22:26 It's a way of telegraphing, you know, that death has happened,
- 22:29 and we gotta get out there again and live again and dream again
- 22:35 and love again.
- 22:38 Jews toast with the expression "L'Chaim," which means
- 22:43 "to life."
- 22:45 We celebrate the lives of those who live with us, but subsequent
- 22:49 to that, then we have to go on and reach for the future.
- 22:54 In the Jewish world, if someone's engaged to be married,
- 23:00 and the wedding is set for one day, and the father or mother
- 23:04 or significant person in the family dies two days beforehand,
- 23:08 you don't cancel the wedding.
- 23:10 Now, in other cultures, it would be deemed an insult
- 23:12 to the departed, but in the Jewish world,
- 23:15 the engines of life have to outperform the engines
- 23:19 of death, decay, despair, disorientation, and death.
- 23:23 I mention that here.
- 23:24 There's something beautiful.
- 23:26 When you look at Abraham, it's time to say good-bye,
- 23:29 and he does, and he does so gently.
- 23:33 He does so tenderly.
- 23:34 And then, in his own time, he lifts himself up
- 23:38 and reaches into the future himself.
- 23:40 In short order, he'll go meet his maker as well.
- 23:44 We're all on a journey from the womb to the tomb,
- 23:46 as I like to say, and there are road bumps
- 23:49 on the highway of life.
- 23:50 Sometimes it's time to say good-bye, but what's over
- 23:54 for us, when we run our earthly track, it's not over for God.
- 23:59 We are beckoned to be torchbearers.
- 24:02 We are beckoned to be a light in this world to dispel
- 24:07 the darkness, but there comes a point in time when the lamp runs
- 24:13 out of oil, and those of us who make our earthly trek go
- 24:17 unto our reward, and it's a reward in heaven.
- 24:21 It's a reward for walking by faith, and it's what we get,
- 24:25 those of us who walk with God and live with him and have faith
- 24:30 in him for the future.
- 24:34 David: Join us right now for additional content
- 24:37 that is only available on our social media sites,
- 24:39 Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.
- 24:43 Visit our website,, for the current
- 24:45 and past programs, the television schedule,
- 24:47 tour information, and our free
- 24:50 monthly newsletter, which is full
- 24:52 of insightful articles and news commentary.
- 24:55 View it online, or we can ship it directly
- 24:57 to your mailbox every month.
- 24:59 Also on our website is the online store.
- 25:02 There you can order this week's resource,
- 25:04 or you can always give us a call at 1-800-WONDERS.
- 25:09 Your donations to Our Jewish Roots help us to support
- 25:12 these organizations as they bless Israel.
- 25:14 ♪♪♪
- 25:16 David: Please remember, we depend on tax-deductible
- 25:18 donations from viewers like you.
- 25:22 Kirsten: We believe in lifetime learning.
- 25:24 We love learning things.
- 25:26 We love learning things from you,
- 25:27 especially with the Jewish perspective,
- 25:29 and you brought the Jewish perspective on grieving,
- 25:31 and it's a longer process time that, kind of,
- 25:34 we go through now.
- 25:36 Jeffrey: Yes, we do, and to your first point,
- 25:38 it's great to learn, and it's insightful to learn
- 25:41 about the grieving process as well
- 25:43 'cause that's part of life for all of us.
- 25:45 David: I would say, you're still learning yourself, yes?
- 25:48 Jeffrey: Yes, I'm a student at Cambridge University.
- 25:50 In fact, I go back and forth across the pond in England.
- 25:53 And I wanna continue to grow, and I'm 65.
- 25:56 When they accepted me, I thought,
- 25:58 "Wait a minute, do they know how old I am?"
- 25:59 And I inquired, by the way.
- 26:00 I wanted to know if I was the oldest student
- 26:02 that ever went there.
- 26:03 The oldest took a PhD at 92.
- 26:07 Kirsten: You're close, you're close.
- 26:08 Jeffrey: I should've waited a few years before I applied.
- 26:11 But it's great to learn, and learning to deal with loss,
- 26:15 oh, it's a toughie.
- 26:17 I've walked in the valley of the shadow of death, and you have,
- 26:20 and it's, just, it's part of the living experience,
- 26:22 learning to do it gracefully with faith.
- 26:25 These biblical characters had to do it.
- 26:27 We all do.
- 26:29 Kirsten: And it was part of Abraham and Isaac's journey
- 26:31 and Sarah, but everyone walks through that,
- 26:34 so it's wonderful to see the examples of what
- 26:36 the Bible shows us of how people did survive that.
- 26:40 Jeffrey: Yes, you know, cartons of milk, when you get
- 26:42 'em, there's an expiration date punched onto the surface.
- 26:45 We don't have an expiration date written on our foreheads,
- 26:48 but we all do have one.
- 26:50 May we learn to commend those we love to the future.
- 26:53 We'll see them again.
- 26:55 David: Thank you for your insight today.
- 26:56 We end our program with this--
- 26:58 Jeffrey: We wanna see you again, but until then,
- 27:00 Sha'alu Shalom Yerushalayim.
- 27:02 David: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
- 27:04 ♪♪♪
- 27:07 ♪ So I'll cherish the old rugged cross ♪
- 27:16 ♪ till my trophies at last I lay down ♪
- 27:27 ♪ I will cling to the old rugged cross ♪
- 27:37 ♪ and exchange it someday for a crown ♪
- 27:53 ♪ Ooh-ooh, oooh, ooh-ooh ♪
- 27:59 ♪ oooh, oooh, oooh ♪
- 28:04 ♪♪♪
- Stepping Out in Faith
- Conflicting Directions and Destinations
- Delivering the Unexpected
- Sacrifice and Loss
- Toward the Unknown
- Love and Marriage
- Not by Sight
- Life’s Detours
- Patient Endurance
- Stepping Closer to Destiny
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