Bible teaching with an emphasis on Israel, prophecy and the Jewish roots of Christianity
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Episode: “In New Wineskins”
We review early footage of Zola and captivating, dramatic reenactments in Israel. Plus, we debut excerpts from upcoming interviews by Ministry theologian Dr. Todd Baker recorded at a recent Pre-Trib prophecy conference.
Series: “Israel In Prophecy”
This series addresses the very human need to understand the supernatural. People all over the world are looking for… something. We interviewed key leaders in the prophecy movement in order to equip our viewers with biblical truth as the world explores every strange doctrine.
Caption transcript for Israel In Prophecy: “In New Wineskins” (1/8)
- 00:15 Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved.
- 00:22 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek
- 00:26 for the same LORD over all is rich unto all that call upon Him.
- 00:41 Welcome to Zola Levitt Presents.
- 00:43 My name is Mark Levitt.
- 00:45 My father Zola started this ministry in 1979 and then he graduated to heaven in 2006.
- 00:52 After that Jeffrey Seif and Sandra carried this ministry's teaching baton
- 00:56 and now we have Myles and Katharine Weiss.
- 00:58 They're about to celebrate their 3rd anniversary with us.
- 01:01 We've never wavered for our focus on teaching about Israel
- 01:06 on location in the land of the Bible
- 01:07 about the Jewish roots of Christianity,
- 01:09 the continuing significance of Israel in prophecy
- 01:13 and the continuing importance of the chosen people.
- 01:16 Behind me you see the bookcases and bricks that have been with us since 1991
- 01:22 and they're not going away completely.
- 01:24 We are however going to a new improved set that I think you will like more than this.
- 01:28 I personally want to thank you for watching this program and supporting us financially.
- 01:33 And now we go to Myles and Katharine Weiss in our new studio.
- 01:39 Shalom and welcome to our program.
- 01:40 I'm Myles Weiss.
- 01:41 And I'm Katharine Weiss.
- 01:43 And we want to welcome you today to our new set.
- 01:46 It's a new face but it's the same core values
- 01:48 that we are here to bring the Christianity through Jewish eyes
- 01:53 and an understanding of Israel surrounding world events.
- 01:56 We are so excited to be able to stay current
- 02:00 and reach the next generation with these messages Myles
- 02:04 because Israel is not going away.
- 02:06 It's staying front and center
- 02:08 and we enjoy bringing you the Bible coming alive in the land that God told us that it would.
- 02:14 Yes, Israel is at the center of the world news.
- 02:17 It's at the center of prophecy.
- 02:20 It is not leaving the headlines.
- 02:22 You're going to be hearing about Israel and Jerusalem until the LORD returns.
- 02:25 We're looking to that day when the Jewish people
- 02:27 will fully cry out "baruch haba b'shem Adonai"...
- 02:30 "Blessed is he who comes in the Name of the LORD"
- 02:32 As we get closer to that day we see growth in the Messianic movement.
- 02:36 We see this wonderful love coming from Christians towards the Jews and the Jewish people.
- 02:41 We are truly living in the day that our late friend Jack Kinsella spoke about.
- 02:45 He said that the people were looking for the signs of the times
- 02:49 but now we're living in the times of the signs.
- 02:53 We are really the first to go to Israel.
- 02:55 Over 30 years ago our producer Ken Berg and Zola Levitt
- 02:59 started going to Israel and bringing these programs to you from there.
- 03:03 And it's been a forerunner ministry.
- 03:05 There are so many others that have joined on now.
- 03:08 We are so grateful that the message has spread and that many more are going to Israel;
- 03:12 are recognizing the centrality of Israel, Jerusalem... the Jewish people.
- 03:16 That is going to continue until we see the day of the LORD.
- 03:21 We're going to continue to see the nations being weighed in the balances
- 03:27 until all nations come up against Jerusalem.
- 03:29 But I have good news for you
- 03:31 that the Book of Revelations tells us 40 times that God is on the throne.
- 03:35 And just as He began with a wedding in the Garden
- 03:37 He's going to end with a wedding at the end of the Book of Revelation.
- 03:41 And we can be his bride.
- 03:43 That is good news for everyone who believes; to the Jew first and also to the Gentiles.
- 03:48 Let's take a look at some of our early programs.
- 03:52 Well tonight on the show we're going to a Roman built stadium out in the empire
- 03:57 which is very important to the history of the first century church.
- 04:01 And I'll explain that when we get on location.
- 04:04 We're in a beautifully restored Greek theatre on the island of Cyprus today.
- 04:08 It's just one of those glorious days on the Mediterranean.
- 04:12 And this is such an impressive and beautiful place.
- 04:16 It's been restored and you can almost hear the crowds that came here in the evenings
- 04:24 to watch the theatre and face the sea.
- 04:28 I'm making a film.
- 04:29 I really can't stop.
- 04:30 Look at the camera.
- 04:31 (Jewish Rabbi) Yes
- 04:32 (Jewish Rabbi moves on and speaks to a group)
- 04:37 And so in that instance I was being prayed for by one of the local rabbis.
- 04:44 Messiah comes...He says He stands at the door and knocks...
- 04:48 Ask and it shall be given...
- 04:51 He says to us "I Who speak unto thee am He".
- 04:58 (Music Interlude)
- 05:04 And now I've entered this Church.
- 05:07 There is at my feet an ancient baptistery.
- 05:11 What we think of as a baptistery now is a niche in a wall with a nice pool and so on.
- 05:17 But they had on the ground a dug out place;
- 05:20 a treasury of clean water which they would circulate
- 05:24 and they would take the penitent into the water and dip him before the congregation.
- 05:28 And this was more like the mikvah of Israel we've shown many times;
- 05:32 the ground level pool which people used as they came in and out of the Temple for example.
- 05:37 (Zola blowing a ram's horn)
- 05:43 When He stood here He could see Mount Moriah
- 05:46 which at this moment is marked by the Golden Dome; the Dome of the Rock; the Moslem shrine.
- 05:52 That Mount Moriah as you see is a mountain inside a valley.
- 05:56 The whole Jerusalem is kind of a bowl and then in the middle is Mount Moriah.
- 06:01 Well our location is the Mount of Olives to the east of Jerusalem.
- 06:07 Behind me you can see the temple site; Mount Moriah;
- 06:11 the Dome of the Rock; the Al Aqsa Mosque; the Eastern wall;
- 06:14 and we're surrounded by graves.
- 06:17 The Jews put stones on the graves rather than flowers.
- 06:21 They are buried here extensively all over the mountain
- 06:25 because they have read that Zachariah 14:4 says
- 06:29 "His feet shall stand that day upon the Mount of Olives..."
- 06:32 which is next to Jerusalem on the east.
- 06:34 Behind me is a castle fortified by the Crusaders when they attacked here in the Holy Land.
- 06:41 Their idea was peace through taking over the Promised Land
- 06:45 changing it to a Christian country getting rid of the Muslims
- 06:49 and as a matter of fact the Jews
- 06:51 who they really didn't appreciate as chosen people.
- 06:54 And they did take the place over for a couple of centuries
- 06:58 and we're going to review that carefully.
- 07:01 Solomon's Temple was a wonder in the ancient world I should say.
- 07:05 You could put the great pyramid of Egypt down three times within the walls.
- 07:11 And the walls are similar now.
- 07:13 We are looking straight at the Southern Wall and they go around 4 sides rectangle
- 07:19 and that's 34 acres in there and it was enormous.
- 07:23 The whole nation, three million people, technically could visit in a single day.
- 07:35 Israel...we love bringing you the land where it all began.
- 07:40 You know this ministry Zola Levitt Presents
- 07:42 has been pioneering the centrality of Israel for 35 years
- 07:47 and being able to bring you programs filmed in Israel
- 07:51 documenting God's Word and even told in the language
- 07:56 that God told us He would be speaking in Hebrew...
- 07:59 the restoration of the holy language, the Hebrew language.
- 08:02 You know we could not do it without your gifts of funds.
- 08:05 We know that you are being blessed by this ministry
- 08:08 and we just ask if you've ever thought that you'd like to sow into or give something
- 08:13 to this ministry we just ask you to do it today and not delay.
- 08:17 There's a huge blessing in it for you and that's why we ask
- 08:20 because I myself have received a blessing from giving to Israel
- 08:24 laying down my agenda to feast myself on His agenda.
- 08:30 In Genesis 12:1 it talks about how God called Abraham out and made him a great nation.
- 08:36 And he said that He would bless those that bless Him...bless the Jewish people;
- 08:41 and curse them that curse the Jewish people.
- 08:44 It's pretty direct you know.
- 08:46 Genesis 12:3 speaks about your descendants and the blessing that comes
- 08:49 and the lineage is Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
- 08:52 And Jacob's name was changed at the river
- 08:54 when he had his encounter with God...changed to "Israel".
- 08:57 That's why it's so absurd that the nations surrounding
- 09:00 are trying to wipe out the historicity of Israel.
- 09:03 It's such a blessing to see what's going on in the world today
- 09:05 that the church at large is following in this pathway and awakening to Hebrew roots,
- 09:11 awakening to the relationship between Jews and Gentiles and the furthering of the Kingdom,
- 09:17 the coming together to bring the see the Kingdom come.
- 09:20 We're so blessed that there's so many more people that are standing with Israel
- 09:25 but we need you even more today
- 09:27 because as the world turns their back on Israel
- 09:30 the Church and the Christians are the ones that will be the people of the Book.
- 09:34 Exactly so and the Israelis understand that Evangelical believers
- 09:38 are the only friends in the world that Israel has.
- 09:40 I tell you a story.
- 09:42 When I was leaving Israel last time I went to get some gum for the airline
- 09:45 and I was in the store and the lady was looking at me... looking at me.
- 09:49 And I went to pay for the gum and she looked at me
- 09:51 and she said, "I saw you on television this morning."
- 09:54 She was a secular lady.
- 09:56 I thought maybe we would get into a Gospel discussion.
- 09:58 And she thought for a minute and she said, "What you're doing is very important.
- 10:02 Now here's a person who's not yet a believer in Yeshua.
- 10:07 She has not yet seen the Messiah and yet she understands
- 10:10 that bringing this message to the world, to the church and to the Jewish people
- 10:15 is what is on God's heart.
- 10:17 It was very encouraging to me.
- 10:18 I hope it encourages you.
- 10:20 Now one of the things that characterizes our ministry
- 10:22 has been the incredible quality of the dramas that we bring you
- 10:26 in the Hebrew language with English subtitles, using Israeli actors.
- 10:30 Let's see a few of those right now over the years of our ministry.
- 10:36 Ever so far away and yet ever so near.
- 10:40 In the dark ageless abyss a foreboding voice counters and beckons.
- 10:46 ""
- 11:12 While in exile he had faithfully raised his cousin Esther as his own
- 11:15 counseling her and nurturing her.
- 11:19 He had been supportive of the king...
- 11:22 Defensive of his fellow Jews
- 11:25 He had refused to bow before Prince Haman.
- 11:30 Alas, Haman's wicked plan to exterminate the Jews had been thwarted
- 11:36 and in every state throughout the empire there was joy and elation for the Jews.
- 11:44 Moses,
- 11:46 " Behold I have set the land before you."
- 11:49 "Go in and possess the land which the LORD sware unto your fathers.
- 11:54 And then Joshua...
- 11:56 So Joshua took the whole land and gave it for an inheritance unto Israel
- 12:02 according to their divisions by their tribes.
- 12:57 I hope you're enjoying our new set.
- 12:59 We certainly are.
- 13:01 It took a while to find it because we were interested in the right value.
- 13:03 We did not want to spend any extra money... any donation dollars...
- 13:06 other than what we already spend for production
- 13:09 and so we found this perfect set to bring you a more contemporary view
- 13:12 but also to really continue to put the value into the messages themselves.
- 13:17 Yes we believe just like Abraham did that this is going to be a generational thing...
- 13:22 from generation to generation and that's what we're about...
- 13:25 35 years broadcasting Christianity through Jewish eyes
- 13:30 telling you the importance of God's heart for the Jewish people
- 13:34 and the land for which He died for and for which He purchased for Himself.
- 13:39 So I just want to say again
- 13:41 Myles and I want to say how thankful we are for your continual support.
- 13:45 We need you to continue to stand with us as we stand with Israel
- 13:50 and bring the messages from the land
- 13:52 where the Bible was written and the Bible is coming alive today.
- 13:56 That's been a long standing value
- 13:58 is the authenticity of bringing messages in the language from the land
- 14:02 going to the right site where things actually took place in the Bible.
- 14:07 It really makes it come alive not only when people come on tour
- 14:09 but when we bring the Word to you through the airwaves.
- 14:12 It's been a long standing value.
- 14:14 For Katharine and myself it's been a thrill to bring you
- 14:17 messages on the Book of Ruth, on Abraham, on the sons of Abraham, and on the Book of Acts.
- 14:22 We've been doing these for several years now
- 14:25 and we really see that message of dor v'dor
- 14:28 as it says in Hebrew... "generation to generation".
- 14:31 This ministry continues to reach into the next generation.
- 14:35 We see the fruit of it in our own son.
- 14:37 He's come into a tremendous mindset... a tremendous new paradigm
- 14:42 and he's really serving the LORD and working with a Messianic Rabbi in Los Angeles right now.
- 14:47 He's really doing it.
- 14:48 My younger son is following in his pathway.
- 14:51 And so we are blessed to be a part of this and to see families
- 14:55 understanding that God is our Father; that we are a family together.
- 14:59 And He continues to awaken the church to our Jewish roots which is a family story.
- 15:06 So when we come back we're going to speak with our ministry theologian, Dr. Todd Baker.
- 15:13 Show your support for Israel with the Pro-Israel Package.
- 15:16 For your gift of $48 or more
- 15:18 you'll receive a 3 foot by 5 foot flag of Israel;
- 15:21 four Pro-Israel buttons;
- 15:24 a "Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem" bumper sticker;
- 15:26 "Israel's Right to the Land" booklet;
- 15:29 a Jerusalem Journeystone;
- 15:31 "Broken Branches" by Zola Levitt;
- 15:33 and a two-flag lapel pin.
- 15:35 Call and ask for the Pro-Israel Package
- 15:38 or visit us at
- 15:44 For insightful perspectives on Israel and Bible prophecy
- 15:48 ask for our free monthly newsletter "The Levitt Letter".
- 15:52 At you can read the newsletter...
- 15:54 Watch the TV program...
- 15:56 Or visit our on-line store.
- 15:59 Stay current with us on social media via Facebook and Twitter.
- 16:03 Come with us on a tour of Israel or Petra or a cruise to Greece and Ephesus.
- 16:09 Please contact us for more information.
- 16:14 Shalom and welcome back.
- 16:16 We're here with our ministry theologian Dr. Todd Baker.
- 16:19 Todd tell us a little bit about your history with Zola Levitt Ministries.
- 16:23 Myles and Katharine it's great to be here.
- 16:25 You've done a wonderful job on the show.
- 16:27 Really I started with Zola Levitt back in 1996
- 16:32 over an issue in Dallas of the nation of Islam
- 16:34 was saying some very slanderous things about Israel on a Christian radio program.
- 16:40 I was burdened somebody needs to answer these slanderous charges
- 16:46 so I got in contact with Zola Levitt Ministries and one thing led to another
- 16:50 and Zola decided to make me the staff theologian.
- 16:54 And then I went on tour teaching with him
- 16:57 and then as I was over there on tour I started witnessing to the Jewish people about Yeshua
- 17:02 and that kind of took on a life of its own.
- 17:05 And then Zola decided then why don't we create "To the Jew First" fund
- 17:09 in accordance with what Paul says in Romans 1:16
- 17:12 that the Gospel is to go to the Jew first.
- 17:14 And we've been doing that now since 2001.
- 17:17 We go three times a year and we go with the tours twice a year and then once on our own.
- 17:24 But it's phenomenal...the Jewish people are so open right now.
- 17:28 It's really true there are more Jewish people coming to faith in Yeshua now
- 17:32 than any time since the book of Acts was written
- 17:35 and we see this incredible draw to the person of Yeshua
- 17:40 but not the "religioness"...
- 17:42 the religiosity of Christianity per say
- 17:44 but the person of Messiah and an interest.
- 17:47 And so when you're over there one of the great things that we get to do is help our passengers
- 17:52 to pray for your ministry when you're out witnessing to people
- 17:55 And the heart that we've had since we became saved
- 17:58 was to see the reconciliation between Jews and Arabs
- 18:02 because that's the only hope for the nation of Israel is the Prince of Peace.
- 18:07 Tell us some testimonies of where you've seen an Arab come to faith.
- 18:12 Well you guys pray for us every day.
- 18:15 Yes we do.
- 18:17 You pray for us in the morning and then the evening meeting so that's a big help.
- 18:20 Well for instance there's a... I won't say the name of the shop
- 18:24 but there's an antiquity shop in Jerusalem and it's run by both Jewish and Arab believers
- 18:29 and the money that they make they help the poor saints in Jerusalem.
- 18:33 And we also supply them Bibles in Hebrew for their new believers to disciple them
- 18:39 and it's wonderful.
- 18:41 The Arabs that we've talked to who are Muslim are even open
- 18:44 and we make it a point to show them logically how Jesus is the Son of God
- 18:49 because that's a big contentious point in Islam.
- 18:52 And when we show them logically that that's who Jesus is...
- 18:56 they accept Him as a prophet right?
- 18:58 Well as a prophet He claimed to be the Son of God so which is it?
- 19:01 And they said yeah I see your point
- 19:04 He either has to be or He's not because He said that He was the Son of God.
- 19:08 And we're able to give them Arab Gospel tracks and Bibles
- 19:11 so that they can do their own research and discover who Jesus really is.
- 19:18 Like the Bereans to prove out to see whether these things are so.
- 19:21 What about the Jewish people?
- 19:23 What's it like to try to bridge that gap?
- 19:26 It can be challenging at times but I think that when you show them their history in scripture
- 19:34 from the beginning in "B'reshit"..."Genesis" all the way to Revelations.
- 19:39 We primarily focus in the Tanakh, the Old Testament
- 19:42 which the Jewish people call their Bible...the Tanakh.
- 19:45 And when they see the clear prophesies there
- 19:48 and how they have been fulfilled to the "T" throughout their history
- 19:51 then you can do the lesser to greater argument kind of thing.
- 19:54 Then you say what about the prophecies about Messiah, who do they point to?
- 19:58 And then we show them Micah Chapter 5, verses 1 and 2 He would be born in Bethlehem;
- 20:01 Isaiah 9 His ministry would begin in Galilee and so forth and so on.
- 20:07 And when they see the clear connection all the way down the line
- 20:11 that they point to one man Jesus of Nazareth they're blown away.
- 20:15 Isn't that was this ministry has been all about
- 20:18 is the Word of God and how absolutely Jewish Jesus is...
- 20:21 Yes
- 20:22 And how He is the fulfillment that we've all been looking for.
- 20:25 And I know that you've even prayed with people and seen God touch them and heal them.
- 20:29 So many testimonies about going out and being a light and being a testimony for HaShem...
- 20:36 It's so important to see things from a Hebraic point of view.
- 20:39 One of the difficulties here in the west
- 20:42 is having that Greek mindset, that Greco-Roman mindset.
- 20:45 But when you get into the land and you open the Word there...
- 20:48 I've heard anecdotally that some Jewish people come to faith
- 20:52 when they read the genealogies at the beginning of Matthew.
- 20:55 We would read over those in the west.
- 20:57 When they read it they realize the lineage leads to Yeshua.
- 21:01 I had a situation like that in Tiberius.
- 21:03 The guy read the genealogy from Matthew and said
- 21:05 this sounds like B'reshit...the genealogies in B'reshit".
- 21:08 And that opened the door...
- 21:10 well of course because Jesus is the Jewish Messiah and He descended from Avram (Abraham)
- 21:15 and that goes back to the seed.
- 21:17 God would bring a descendant a seed from Abraham to bless not only Israel
- 21:20 but the nations of World.
- 21:22 That blessing is salvation in Yeshua.
- 21:24 Beautiful
- 21:26 I know recently you were at the Pre-Trib conference here in Dallas
- 21:29 and you interviewed many people.
- 21:31 You heard lots of things about seeing the current events
- 21:36 and the coming supernatural events through a scripture lens.
- 21:40 Give us some highlights from those interviews.
- 21:43 Well we interviewed I remember one gentleman, a former Israeli Ambassador Yoram Ettinger.
- 21:48 And we talked about Iran
- 21:50 and he how geopolitically Iran is an equal danger to America as well as Israel
- 21:57 and that making peace with them will fail because they are allowed to be duplicitous.
- 22:03 Islamic religion gives them this whole practice of doing holy hypocrisy.
- 22:09 I' m sure you've heard that.
- 22:11 "Takiya"...
- 22:12 Takiya...exactly...I was just getting ready to say that.
- 22:15 And this is what's happening with Iran...
- 22:17 they're lying through their teeth.
- 22:19 And they're going to stall the American administration enough
- 22:22 so that they can have the time to get nuclear weaponry to, what they think, to destroy Israel.
- 22:28 But what we know from Ezekiel 38 and 39
- 22:30 that this invasion led by Iran and Russia and other nations
- 22:34 will fail on the northern mountains of Israel.
- 22:37 It's important that we hear that.
- 22:38 It's important that we understand that God has Israel's back.
- 22:43 He is "Shemira" Israel...
- 22:45 He is "watching over".
- 22:47 Jeremiah 49 tells us (speaking Hebrew).
- 22:52 "I will break the bow of Elam".
- 22:54 Elam is an ancient name for Persia, for Iran.
- 22:57 God is going to get in the mix of this coming battle isn't He?
- 23:01 Absolutely...good point Myles
- 23:03 will show the world that God is the only God and that He is protecting Israel.
- 23:11 Right...just like Rahab...
- 23:13 she knew that God was the God that brought them over the Red Sea and divided the Land
- 23:18 so she wanted to call out on the Name of their God.
- 23:21 And so we are believing that these messages are bringing a light
- 23:25 and having people aware that they can call out to the God that saves.
- 23:29 We have so much information coming from those interviews over the next few programs
- 23:36 but let's take a look at some of those right now.
- 23:38 Let's go to Todd's interviews from the recent prophecy conference.
- 23:43 He has been putting remedial judgments upon us ever since the Vietnam war...
- 23:46 one after another, after another.
- 23:48 And it says that if we ignore those then we cross a line
- 23:52 where He delivers us from judgment to destruction.
- 23:54 And that's where we are... that's where we are.
- 23:56 And what's going to happen I don't know.
- 23:57 ...all the power of earthquakes...tornados...
- 24:00 whatever you can dream of in cursing.
- 24:04 All of that power will be turned into blessing on the world.
- 24:08 The curse will be lifted.
- 24:09 It'll be like a renewed Garden of Eden all over when the Messiah reigns on earth.
- 24:15 Amen!
- 24:16 Today would be good for me.
- 24:17 At Rapture Ready we get that question every week...
- 24:20 how much longer do you think it's going to be?
- 24:22 (Todd) I figured you did.
- 24:25 I guess the standard seminary answer from the Pre-Trib perspective
- 24:28 is whenever that last soul has come into the Kingdom and is there...
- 24:34 (Todd) Yes....
- 24:35 And that's when it will happen...only God knows.
- 24:37 Jesus chose not to know at the time and so I don't know how we can know
- 24:41 but certainly we see all the issues and events just totally flowing
- 24:46 and even flooding as Daniel said...the end will come like a flood.
- 24:49 And we see all of those things flooding in one direction.
- 24:52 You know where replacement theology preachers or teachers or churches where they believe
- 24:59 that the church has replaced Israel which I don't believe.
- 25:02 It's not biblical.
- 25:03 I've said many times if God doesn't fulfill the prophesies
- 25:07 that He has physically promised towards national Israel we might as well get rid of our Bible.
- 25:13 What we don't have entirely in place in the world yet today
- 25:16 to enable this one world monitory system
- 25:18 where in fact all transactions can be controlled...
- 25:21 It is a regulatory legal structure.
- 25:24 They're working on it...
- 25:25 they're working on it.
- 25:27 And it takes success of a big crisis to create the impetus to do that
- 25:31 so that's where this financial global crisis certainly had a role.
- 25:34 We're going to more.
- 25:35 I don't know how many more.
- 25:37 But they're working on another right now...another crisis.
- 25:39 And in Romans 10 very clear it says a remnant has been preserved according to grace.
- 25:45 God has not failed the Jewish people He's preserved the Jewish people within the church
- 25:49 but the Gentiles are supposed to be blessed through the Jewish people ultimately.
- 25:54 And so he's included at the present time Gentiles as well.
- 25:58 The reality is that Iran develops the capability
- 26:02 in order to advance their mega historical goal...
- 26:06 domination of the Gulf and the Sunni-Muslim world.
- 26:09 In order to attain that goal they have to remove what they perceive to be the mega obstacle
- 26:15 which has nothing to do with Israel.
- 26:17 It's the U.S. military power projection.
- 26:20 The ICBM is what North Korea and Iran is working on
- 26:23 that would put Europe as well as Russia and the United States
- 26:27 at risk of a long range future nuclear target.
- 26:36 Thank you Todd, for those interviews
- 26:38 I know there's much more that people can see.
- 26:40 My pleasure Myles...
- 26:41 Thank you...Katharine
- 26:43 We couldn't be there so thank you for bringing us some excellent interviews.
- 26:46 You're welcome
- 26:47 It's a joy
- 26:49 There's so much more information in these interviews
- 26:51 and you don't even have to wait for our broadcast to be on air.
- 26:54 Go to YouTube right away...
- 26:56 and you can find them.
- 26:58 You'll see them on line and see all the information about the upcoming years...
- 27:02 what's happening as we get to the return of the LORD.
- 27:06 And we want to remind you to pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
- 27:10 We always like to do that. So we always end our program
- 27:13 by reminding you from Psalm 122 verse 6,
- 27:17 Shal'Alu Shalom Yerushalayim
- 27:19 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem
- 27:23 Our monthly newsletter the "Levitt Letter" is free
- 27:26 and full of insightful articles and news commentary from a messianic perspective.
- 27:31 Visit to find our newsletter
- 27:34 along with current and past programs,
- 27:36 our television schedule,
- 27:38 and much more.
- 27:41 Don't forget to order this week's resource by calling 1-800-WONDERS
- 27:45 or you can purchase it from our catalogue at
- 27:49 Your donations to Zola Levitt Ministries help these organizations bless Israel.
- In New Wineskins
- Bill Koenig and Yoram Ettinger
- Gary Fisher and David Reagan
- Robert Mawire
- Where is America in Bible Prophecy?
- Aliens among us
- Bill Salus and August Rosado
- Israel, The East, and the End of Time
Guest organizations and links