The Jewish roots of Christianity

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Bible teaching with an emphasis on Israel, prophecy and the Jewish roots of Christianity

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Episode: “Your Letters and a Preview of Josiah”
From the studio, David and Kirsten Hart ask the Bearded Bible Brothers questions from viewers that have come into our ministry. Plus, we get a sneak peak at our upcoming series, “Josiah and the Last Reformation.”

Caption transcript for “Your Letters and a Preview of Josiah”

  • 00:01 ♪♪♪
  • 00:07 ♪♪♪ David Hart: We are so glad you've joined us today
  • 00:08 for "Our Jewish Roots."
  • 00:10 Normally we bring you series, biblical series, every week, but
  • 00:14 one of our favorite programs, I would say, is letters from our
  • 00:18 viewers like you.
  • 00:20 We've got some good ones.
  • 00:21 Are you guys ready for today?
  • 00:23 Caleb Colson: I think I'm ready.
  • 00:24 Do we have, like, a warm up question to get ready?
  • 00:26 Joshua Colson: Give me an easy one.
  • 00:27 David: Yeah.
  • 00:29 You'd be good at test taking.
  • 00:30 You've got a good one.
  • 00:31 Kirsten Hart: But here's the thing, this is a program about
  • 00:33 biblical prophecy and there are about 5 million different views
  • 00:37 because everyone has their own interpretation.
  • 00:40 So we, what we believe as a program, is what you guys
  • 00:44 believe and people have questions about that.
  • 00:47 Joshua: And we wanna answer those, too, because we don't
  • 00:48 ever want to just talk, talk, talk and not listen.
  • 00:51 So, if we're presenting something in a way and it brings
  • 00:54 up more questions, we wanna be able to answer those questions
  • 00:56 so that there is clarity.
  • 00:57 Kirsten: And I think that's how people learn, too.
  • 00:59 Ask a question, get an answer.
  • 01:01 You ready?
  • 01:03 School.
  • 01:04 Joshua: Let's see what these guys have to offer us.
  • 01:07 Kirsten: First of all, I just want you to know that we
  • 01:08 love you.
  • 01:10 Okay, before we start that.
  • 01:11 Okay, first question is, actually, a statement, I think.
  • 01:14 "I am not American."
  • 01:16 So this is not me, I did not write this.
  • 01:18 "I'm not American.
  • 01:19 I am English and female.
  • 01:21 Why do you keep calling your listeners Guys?
  • 01:24 Perhaps you might rephrase in light of the evil ways the enemy
  • 01:28 raises this issue in the kindergartens of these
  • 01:31 last days?"
  • 01:32 There's the hefty part.
  • 01:34 Okay.
  • 01:36 Caleb: Yeah, that's kind of a loaded question.
  • 01:37 Kirsten: It's a lot.
  • 01:38 Caleb: "Guys," yes.
  • 01:40 We have mentioned guys a lot.
  • 01:41 Okay, in America "guys" is a gender-neutral term and we're
  • 01:44 kind of--we're from New York.
  • 01:46 We grew up, and we always used to say "youse guys"
  • 01:48 for everything.
  • 01:49 You know that, we have accent, we got rid of that accent.
  • 01:51 Joshua: We came here and we had to learn how to say "y'all."
  • 01:53 Caleb: That's right.
  • 01:54 Joshua: Which is even more specific, but I think the habit
  • 01:57 of saying "guys" is just a colloquialism that kind of falls
  • 02:00 out, but we definitely don't want to, in any way, make it
  • 02:03 seem like we're isolating anybody or only specifically
  • 02:06 speaking to men.
  • 02:09 Caleb: We understand the cultural difference of
  • 02:11 different people.
  • 02:12 My wife is European and I understand, you know,
  • 02:14 the misperceptions.
  • 02:16 We wanna make sure we speak clearly to everyone and they
  • 02:19 understand us.
  • 02:20 So, we're gonna work on it.
  • 02:22 It's gonna take us a while.
  • 02:23 We're gonna--"ladies and gentlemen," that's kind of long.
  • 02:25 We'll figure something out, but we'll work on it.
  • 02:27 David: I have a way to fix that.
  • 02:28 We'll have a jar right here.
  • 02:29 Every time you say, "guys," you put a dollar in the jar.
  • 02:34 Kirsten: The Guys Jar, okay.
  • 02:36 David: I had somebody approach me the other day, talking about
  • 02:39 the red heifer program, how interesting it was to them.
  • 02:42 So, it's still really interesting what's going on
  • 02:45 with that.
  • 02:46 Here's a question.
  • 02:48 Are you ready?
  • 02:49 "Are the sacrifices of the heifers going to catapult us
  • 02:50 into the Tribulation?"
  • 02:53 Caleb: I just saw a question this morning and someone was
  • 02:56 commenting that all the red heifer nonsense that's going on
  • 03:00 social media is just bonkers, quote, "bonkers."
  • 03:03 And it is because there's so much misinformation about the
  • 03:05 red heifers.
  • 03:07 I would say, this is very specific, that the ashes of a
  • 03:11 red heifer will not begin the Tribulation.
  • 03:13 It's as easy as that.
  • 03:15 What begins the Tribulation is a peace treaty that is ratified
  • 03:18 with the beast, representing the nations and Israel.
  • 03:23 And so, that even begins the construction of the
  • 03:26 Third Temple.
  • 03:27 So, we can't have one without the other.
  • 03:29 Now, I see these as prophetic signs, you know.
  • 03:31 I mean--.
  • 03:33 Joshua: They're definitely signs, but if you want to be
  • 03:34 uber technical about it, they could get the ashes of the red
  • 03:37 heifer, hide them, not tell anybody that they did it, put it
  • 03:40 in the secret vault, and that's not gonna start everything.
  • 03:43 You know what I'm saying?
  • 03:44 So that they could technically--.
  • 03:45 Kirsten: But wouldn't they have to burn it on that huge altar?
  • 03:47 Joshua: Right, but if somehow--I'm saying if somehow
  • 03:48 they pulled it off in secret, they didn't tell anybody, there
  • 03:51 was no outcry from it happening, it didn't mean that just
  • 03:54 sacrificing them--.
  • 03:55 Kirsten: Alone.
  • 03:57 Joshua: Alone is what made it happen.
  • 03:58 It's what they do with those ashes, what happens next, and
  • 03:59 like you said, the coalition.
  • 04:01 Caleb: Well, look at the Temple Institute today.
  • 04:02 They've recreated the articles of the temple.
  • 04:04 They have the golden menorah, they have the golden altar, they
  • 04:07 have the showbread table.
  • 04:09 Kirsten: Incense.
  • 04:10 We've done a program on that.
  • 04:11 Caleb: Incense.
  • 04:13 They have the priests vestments and all the articles.
  • 04:14 So, they've already have everything prepared, but they're
  • 04:16 missing the ashes for the consecration, for the purifying
  • 04:19 of the priesthood to begin the construction of the temple.
  • 04:22 So it is necessary, it's a necessary component, but--
  • 04:25 Kirsten: It's not the one that's gonna--in
  • 04:28 Caleb: There's other rabbis that say you need all the ashes of
  • 04:30 the previous red heifer in the Qalal.
  • 04:32 When we met with those rabbis from the Temple Institute, we
  • 04:35 asked, "Is it necessary to have the original Qalal?"
  • 04:38 "Oh, no, no, it's okay."
  • 04:39 There's been a lot of cutting of corners, I believe, in making
  • 04:43 these kosher, you know.
  • 04:45 I think even if the cows are not kosher, as long as the Jews
  • 04:48 believe they're kosher, they're gonna sacrifice it, they're
  • 04:51 gonna have the ashes.
  • 04:53 It doesn't matter one way or the other in the long run because
  • 04:55 this temple is not necessary in a sense that you're not gonna
  • 04:59 have the fire come down from heaven like Solomon did when he
  • 05:02 consecrated the temple.
  • 05:03 The shekinah, the presence of God, will not return to the
  • 05:06 Third Temple, but the Jews have to believe it.
  • 05:09 They have to believe this is God's temple and begin
  • 05:12 the sacrifices.
  • 05:13 Kirsten: That's a whole different--
  • 05:14 Caleb: It goes way deep crazy, but yeah.
  • 05:17 Kirsten: Okay, so--well, speaking about that, about Third
  • 05:19 Temple, someone said, "I've heard it taught that the
  • 05:23 anti-christ doesn't need a third temple to declare his
  • 05:26 reign from.
  • 05:28 He can do that from the great synagogue in Jerusalem."
  • 05:31 Caleb: Why don't you ask Satan about that?
  • 05:33 Hey, you've waited to sit on the mercy seat--
  • 05:37 your whole life.
  • 05:39 You're gonna settle for--I don't think he's gonna wanna settle.
  • 05:40 Kirsten: There's so many schools of thought.
  • 05:42 I mean, especially, boy, this third time, is it hot.
  • 05:45 Joshua: This is the coup de grâce for him, right?
  • 05:47 This is the final slap in the face to the God of Abraham,
  • 05:51 Isaac, and Jacob.
  • 05:52 He's now sitting on the most holy seat that makes him God.
  • 05:56 I don't know why he'd want to settle for sitting in the
  • 05:58 backyard and waving.
  • 05:59 "Hey, I'm still here," you know.
  • 06:01 I just--it doesn't seem in his nature.
  • 06:02 Caleb: But scripturally, scripturally, we have that
  • 06:05 moment in Daniel 9:27 where it says, you know, he will make
  • 06:08 that covenant, and in the middle of the covenant he will break
  • 06:10 it, he will commit the abomination of desolation.
  • 06:12 Yes, that was partly fulfilled by Antiochus Epiphanes IV, but
  • 06:17 Yeshua says in Matthew 24:15, "When you see the 'abomination
  • 06:21 of desolation,' spoken by the prophet Daniel, standing in the
  • 06:24 holy place," the holy place, not the great synagogue, "then let
  • 06:28 the readers know and understand, flee of the wilderness."
  • 06:31 Because this is gonna begin the time of Jacob's trouble.
  • 06:34 Kirsten: That'll catapult it.
  • 06:35 Caleb: That will catapult it.
  • 06:37 Kirsten: Right, that's the catapult.
  • 06:38 Caleb: So yeah, the beast, I think he's gonna go for the
  • 06:41 whole nine yards because it's scriptural and he knows he's
  • 06:43 gonna fulfill the Word of God in that way.
  • 06:45 Kirsten: Okay.
  • 06:47 David: So the question is, that many are asking today, is, when
  • 06:49 will the sacrifice happen with the heifer?
  • 06:51 Joshua: Okay.
  • 06:53 Tuesday.
  • 06:54 David: Oh.
  • 06:56 Joshua: No, not Tuesday.
  • 06:57 David: I knew you would know.
  • 06:58 Kirsten: Thank you for coming to our program.
  • 07:00 Caleb: First of all, to clarify, it's not really a sacrifice.
  • 07:01 The rabbis from the Temple Institute said this is more of
  • 07:04 a ceremony.
  • 07:05 This isn't a sacrifice.
  • 07:06 They need the ashes.
  • 07:08 The ashes are for purifying.
  • 07:09 It has to be mixed with with hyssop, you know, and the water
  • 07:12 from the Gihon, you know.
  • 07:14 It's just meant to purify because of, you know, touching
  • 07:16 of dead bodies throughout history and they need the
  • 07:18 articles consecrated to use in the temple, stuff like that.
  • 07:21 But when is that ceremony gonna take place?
  • 07:24 Everybody's been asking us.
  • 07:25 Originally, a rabbi said it was gonna be Passover 2024.
  • 07:29 By the time this airs, it will be past that moment, and they
  • 07:32 could have already done the sacrifice, we don't know, but
  • 07:36 they changed their mind for very many reasons.
  • 07:38 There was--the head of Hamas declared that one of the reasons
  • 07:42 that they went to war against Israel was because they brought
  • 07:46 the heifers in and that was, you know, they were gonna try to
  • 07:49 destroy Al-Aqsa Mosque and all this.
  • 07:51 No, we found documentation that they had this planned for over a
  • 07:55 year, so that was not the case.
  • 07:57 But the government of Israel is very concerned right now and
  • 08:00 they have tried to--
  • 08:01 Kirsten: For safety.
  • 08:03 Caleb: For safety's sake, that they don't want to start World
  • 08:04 War III.
  • 08:06 Joshua: Because we've talked about in our last series.
  • 08:07 It has to take place on the Mount of Olives and there's
  • 08:11 squatters there at the moment.
  • 08:12 Caleb: Yeah, through the eastern gate, in alignment with
  • 08:14 the temple.
  • 08:16 Joshua: So for it to happen, there's gonna be somebody mad.
  • 08:17 Caleb: There's gonna be somebody mad, but they have a timetable
  • 08:19 that's ticking down.
  • 08:20 When we were at the process of the selection of the heifer's,
  • 08:22 that was in December 2021.
  • 08:25 They were 6 months old.
  • 08:26 They have to be sacrificed within the three year, you know,
  • 08:30 period, so, you know, the clock is ticking.
  • 08:33 They're gonna have to do it sooner rather than later, so.
  • 08:36 Kirsten: Whoo, that's a lot.
  • 08:37 Okay, so people think a lot about what you guys say.
  • 08:44 Joshua: That's good, that's positive, yeah.
  • 08:46 Kirsten: That's good.
  • 08:47 Some people think a lot, a lot about what you say, so here's
  • 08:50 a doozy.
  • 08:51 This is a lot in this question, so it's layered and it's
  • 08:54 weighted and all of that.
  • 08:55 "When you say," and they're talking to you, "'Jewish Roots'
  • 08:58 make sure you specify the written words of Moses and the
  • 09:02 prophets as 'Jewish Roots.'
  • 09:05 The rabbis today have mixed the occult, Kabbalah, Talmud with
  • 09:10 the real Old Testament that Christians follow.
  • 09:14 The Jewish rabbis teach Talmud," Talmud, right?
  • 09:17 Am I saying it right?
  • 09:19 "Over the Old Testament.
  • 09:20 In the Talmud they say Jesus is in hell boiling in His own body
  • 09:25 waste," never knew that, "The Judaism today, isn't the same as
  • 09:29 the old Judaism.
  • 09:31 They've changed to the ancient mysteries they picked up in
  • 09:34 Babylon, and brought it back."
  • 09:37 That could take a whole series.
  • 09:38 That's a whole series.
  • 09:40 Joshua: But you didn't call it "Tal-mud," so that's good.
  • 09:41 Kirsten: Thank you, thank you.
  • 09:43 Caleb: He's not wrong.
  • 09:44 He's absolutely not wrong, he or she, who wrote that.
  • 09:48 The Jews today are consumed and elevate the rabbinical
  • 09:52 interpretation of Torah, which is Talmud, Mishnah, all that
  • 09:55 stuff together, over Torah itself.
  • 09:57 It is--.
  • 09:59 Joshua: Now, think about that concept, okay?
  • 10:00 Who gave the Torah to Moses?
  • 10:03 God.
  • 10:04 So why would I listen to somebody else who's like, "Hold
  • 10:07 on, I know what God really meant when he was trying to say this,
  • 10:09 as opposed to God"?
  • 10:11 Even, for me personally, if I don't always know the specific
  • 10:13 theology behind it, I just think, like, with common sense
  • 10:16 that God gave me that this doesn't even make sense.
  • 10:17 We go to the source.
  • 10:19 Kirsten: Can I just say one thing, though?
  • 10:21 So, you guys kind of represent the Jewish roots, we are coming
  • 10:24 in with the Gentile Christian roots.
  • 10:25 We see it--well, you're in the church too.
  • 10:27 We see it all the time.
  • 10:28 People will follow this book or this author, he's this prophet,
  • 10:32 and they take his word over anything that might be truth in
  • 10:35 the Bible too.
  • 10:37 So I'm kind of like--.
  • 10:38 Joshua: That's dangerous too, though.
  • 10:39 Caleb: The reason they do that is because they didn't have
  • 10:42 sacrifice and offerings anymore.
  • 10:43 They were scattered and so they're trying to create a new
  • 10:46 way of worshiping, using traditions and stuff like that.
  • 10:48 I understand that.
  • 10:50 But there's some gnarly written in those books that, even dated
  • 10:54 at that time, you were like, "Really?"
  • 10:55 You know.
  • 10:57 And so, following that word for word is dangerous,
  • 10:59 to Kabbalah--
  • 11:01 Very dangerous, guys.
  • 11:02 This is the occult, this is dealing with palm reading, this
  • 11:04 is dealing with soothsaying, and dealing with mysticism and all
  • 11:07 that stuff.
  • 11:08 God directs Moses many times in Levitical Law to avoid these
  • 11:13 things, so why are we following after these ancient mystic
  • 11:16 secrets, the deeper hidden knowledge, when God says to
  • 11:19 avoid it?
  • 11:20 That that's very dangerous.
  • 11:22 But I think this also opens up a new can of worms because we also
  • 11:25 get confused with the Hebrew Roots Movement.
  • 11:27 Joshua: Hebrew Roots.
  • 11:28 Caleb: Have you heard of Hebrew Roots Movement?
  • 11:30 Kirsten: No.
  • 11:31 Joshua: All--there's so much specificity.
  • 11:33 So, it's a group of people who have decided that the law was
  • 11:37 never abolished, and so they still have to follow the
  • 11:40 Levitican Law, even if they're Gentiles, not just
  • 11:45 Jewish people.
  • 11:47 Caleb: These are believers in Yeshua who want to follow Torah
  • 11:51 to the letter of the law.
  • 11:52 Now, obviously, we can't perform the sacrifice and offerings and
  • 11:55 all that.
  • 11:56 So what do they do?
  • 11:57 They mix in the law those rabbinical traditions and how
  • 11:59 they follow it.
  • 12:01 They say, "We gotta keep the law of kosher."
  • 12:02 Where it's like, "Well, why do you do that," you know?
  • 12:03 Yeshua fulfilled the law.
  • 12:05 They're like, oh, if we love him, we're gonna keep the law,
  • 12:06 you're not required to.
  • 12:08 But then if you don't keep that law, then they kind of look down
  • 12:10 upon you.
  • 12:11 "Wow, you're not keeping Sabbath, you're not celebrating
  • 12:12 the feast."
  • 12:14 We get confused with the Hebrew Roots Movement a lot, and it's
  • 12:17 not that we're bashing them in any respect, but scripturally, I
  • 12:22 like to look at Acts 15, the first Jerusalem council, in
  • 12:26 which there was a problem.
  • 12:28 More and more Gentiles were coming to faith in Yeshua and
  • 12:31 the Jews were like, "What do we do with these guys?
  • 12:34 The first Christians were Jews, you know?
  • 12:35 Are they supposed to get circumcised?
  • 12:37 Are they gonna keep kosher?
  • 12:39 Are they gonna, you know, keep the feast?"
  • 12:41 And they didn't know what to do, so the first church where
  • 12:44 Yeshua's apostles, his disciples, they got together,
  • 12:46 they prayed, and the Holy Spirit directed them exactly what
  • 12:49 to do.
  • 12:50 Keep all the law.
  • 12:52 No, it wasn't about keeping all those regulations.
  • 12:54 It was about three things.
  • 12:56 Says, abstain from sexual immorality, from blood, you
  • 13:00 know, strangled food, cook it all the way through, and avoid
  • 13:04 the meat sacrifice to idols.
  • 13:06 "If you follow these protocols, you will do well," they said to
  • 13:09 the Gentiles.
  • 13:11 These are the things.
  • 13:12 Now, obviously, they knew don't murder, don't do all these, you
  • 13:13 know--but this was about that extra Jewishness.
  • 13:17 Do they have to, you know, be extra Jewish to be followers
  • 13:20 of Yeshua?
  • 13:22 Joshua: Extra Jewish.
  • 13:23 Kirsten: You're extra Jewish.
  • 13:25 Joshua: Well, obviously, but I just haven't heard that
  • 13:26 term before.
  • 13:27 Kirsten: That is--but it is interesting because--and the
  • 13:29 other day, on social media, we read something.
  • 13:31 Someone said, "The mark of the beast isn't on the forehead.
  • 13:34 It's not on the hand.
  • 13:35 It is those that worship on Sunday, not on Sabbath."
  • 13:40 Joshua: Ouch.
  • 13:42 Kirsten: Right, but--and people, I don't know if they just so
  • 13:45 wanna be right with God's law, but it's so interesting in
  • 13:49 today's day and age that they're so--
  • 13:51 Joshua: Here's my opinion because that's a great question.
  • 13:54 My opinion is that in original sin, which is pride and looking
  • 13:59 at yourself, there is a part of every human being that wants to
  • 14:01 earn it so they get to regulate it, right?
  • 14:03 So if I say that I earn my salvation, I can look down on
  • 14:07 other people, I can hold my head high in pride because I did all
  • 14:10 my sacrifices, right?
  • 14:12 I can even look at God and say, "Well, hold on now.
  • 14:14 I have a say because I earned this."
  • 14:16 The reason that God specifically said, "No, no, no, no.
  • 14:19 It's a free gift," is that eliminates the ability for any
  • 14:22 person to be able to interfere, take credit, look down, or
  • 14:26 do anything.
  • 14:27 Because he gave it, they can't earn it.
  • 14:28 Kirsten: No boasting, humble heart.
  • 14:30 That's good.
  • 14:32 David: All right, you ready for another one?
  • 14:33 Just, somebody's disagreeing with you guys.
  • 14:35 We would never.
  • 14:36 Kirsten: Never, ever.
  • 14:37 How dare they?
  • 14:39 David: This was online, that somebody said, "I would like to
  • 14:40 disagree with the Bearded Bible Brothers.
  • 14:42 There's nothing we mortals can do that will alter the timeline
  • 14:46 of the actions of God Almighty.
  • 14:48 We cannot change the beginning of any phase of His operation no
  • 14:52 matter what."
  • 14:53 Caleb: I think you--
  • 14:54 Kirsten: I put my questions down for that one, okay.
  • 14:56 Caleb: I think he was probably referencing our call over the
  • 14:59 last few years not to support the Third Temple project.
  • 15:02 I know we stirred the pot on that with Christians and Jews,
  • 15:05 saying, "Don't support the red heifer project.
  • 15:08 Don't support the Third Temple project."
  • 15:09 And that's because I believe it sends mixed signals to the
  • 15:12 Jewish people.
  • 15:13 We're here trying to witness to them of the gospel of Yeshua,
  • 15:17 that he has come and this is the only way to heaven, yet at the
  • 15:20 same time, "No, we'll support this other way for you to
  • 15:22 receive redemption."
  • 15:24 What kind of message is that?
  • 15:25 We should be focusing on our financial resources, on sending
  • 15:30 people out into the world and preaching the gospel of Yeshua.
  • 15:33 Joshua: But we also talked specifically about the fact
  • 15:35 that, while you cannot alter the things that God has prophesied
  • 15:38 is going to happen, and specifically when we know that
  • 15:41 two thirds are gonna perish of the Jewish people, what we can
  • 15:45 alter is the starting number of that fraction.
  • 15:47 If we go out and minister and we lead millions of Jewish people
  • 15:51 in, that number can be way smaller to start.
  • 15:54 So, two thirds is a lot less people that have to be
  • 15:56 sacrificed and have eternal separation.
  • 15:58 So we've referenced that what we're talking about when it
  • 16:01 comes to changing, we're not changing God's
  • 16:04 prophetic anything.
  • 16:06 We're simply trying to get as many people out of the things
  • 16:09 that we know that are gonna happen from happening.
  • 16:11 Kirsten: Yeah, I read letters, and I think you guys get
  • 16:15 that too.
  • 16:16 For eight years, people are writing in and people wanna slow
  • 16:19 it down, people want to speed it up.
  • 16:22 It's his time.
  • 16:24 Caleb: Technically, there's nothing we can do.
  • 16:26 It's in his timing, but there is scriptural precedence to
  • 16:30 humbling yourself, repenting, that gets God to extend the
  • 16:33 timeline, per se.
  • 16:35 There is Hezekiah.
  • 16:36 God says, "You're gonna die now," and he humbled himself, he
  • 16:39 got 15 more years.
  • 16:41 The Ninevites, God said, "I'm gonna wipe you out."
  • 16:42 They repented, they got 100 year extension before destruction.
  • 16:46 Moses, God said, "I'm gonna wipe out all these people, and Moses
  • 16:50 said, "Please, God," and God relented from the destruction he
  • 16:52 was gonna do.
  • 16:54 But the most important, I believe, is Josiah.
  • 16:55 King Josiah humbled himself before God and God extended the
  • 16:58 timetable of judgment.
  • 17:00 Guys, we have an amazing series coming up that we shot in Israel
  • 17:04 during the war called, "Josiah and the Last Reformation."
  • 17:07 It's all about this message that we're talking about.
  • 17:10 We believe judgment is coming to America and to Israel because we
  • 17:13 have sinned against God.
  • 17:15 But there is a way to stop that judgment.
  • 17:16 I want you to take a look at these excerpts right now.
  • 17:19 ♪♪♪
  • 17:28 ♪♪♪
  • 17:36 ♪♪♪
  • 17:45 ♪♪♪
  • 17:51 Joshua: We are here at a familiar spot, if you have
  • 17:53 frequented "Our Jewish Roots."
  • 17:55 This is the Southern Steps.
  • 17:57 Now, this angle, this perspective is the one you
  • 17:59 usually see on the show.
  • 18:01 And right here we have first century structures.
  • 18:03 These are structures that Jesus himself, Yeshua, walked
  • 18:06 the most.
  • 18:08 Caleb: That's right.
  • 18:09 Now, let's arc around here.
  • 18:10 Change your perspective.
  • 18:12 There's ruins all the way down this location.
  • 18:16 Crazy ruins.
  • 18:17 You know, Jerusalem is layers of layers of civilization stacked
  • 18:20 on top of each other because of war, invasion, and all these
  • 18:25 fire--you never know, but there's multiple layers,
  • 18:28 multiple time periods.
  • 18:29 When they dig away more of the dirt, you start to reveal more
  • 18:32 of a history.
  • 18:34 This behind us is called the Ophel.
  • 18:36 It's actually from the First Temple Period, and they just
  • 18:39 recently made a lot of discoveries and found very
  • 18:42 important archaeological evidence in the Ophel.
  • 18:46 Josephus, "Antiquities of the Jews," book ten, chapter four.
  • 18:49 "And when he," Josiah, "was twelve years old, he gave
  • 18:51 demonstrations of his religious and righteous behavior for he
  • 18:54 brought the people to a sober way of living, and extorted them
  • 18:58 to leave off the opinion that they had of their idols; because
  • 19:01 they were not Gods: but to worship their own God.
  • 19:03 And by reflecting on the actions of his progenitors, he prudently
  • 19:06 corrected what they did wrong, like a very elderly man, and
  • 19:09 like one abundantly able to understand what was fit to
  • 19:12 be done."
  • 19:16 Caleb: You know, old man Josiah, I actually really like that.
  • 19:19 God already bestowed great wisdom and knowledge on Josiah
  • 19:22 at such a young age.
  • 19:23 You know, he became king at the age of eight, but his hands were
  • 19:27 tied to matters of the state.
  • 19:28 Governor Maaseiah, Hilkiah, the high priest, and the elders of
  • 19:32 -- had to take care of those matters for him.
  • 19:34 But he was trained up to learn how to rule by --
  • 19:38 his attendant.
  • 19:39 And Josephus says that "and thus he," Josiah, "acted in following
  • 19:44 the wisdom and sagacity of his own nature, and in compliance
  • 19:47 with the advice and instruction of the elders."
  • 19:50 Joshua: However, it wasn't until Josiah was 20 years old that he
  • 19:54 was able to fully step into that mantle of ruling as king because
  • 19:58 this was the legal age that Moses had laid down in the law
  • 20:01 of accountability that a man was ready to do that.
  • 20:03 Caleb: That's right.
  • 20:04 Joshua: Don't even get me started on the legal age
  • 20:06 of manhood.
  • 20:07 Twenty?
  • 20:09 Not even close enough.
  • 20:10 Most of the people I know?
  • 20:11 Thirty-seven, maybe forty-two.
  • 20:13 They shouldn't be men.
  • 20:14 The people I've seen in America, not men.
  • 20:16 2 Chronicles 34:3, "In the eighth year of his reign, while
  • 20:19 he," Josiah, "was still young, he began to seek the God of his
  • 20:23 father David.
  • 20:24 In his twelfth year," at age 20, "he began to purge Judah and
  • 20:26 Jerusalem of high places, Asherah poles and idols."
  • 20:31 ♪♪♪
  • 20:42 Joshua: You know, I'm gonna tell you, it's a little different,
  • 20:44 things in Israel, some things.
  • 20:45 When you go to the cemetery to visit your loved ones, back home
  • 20:49 you see a headstone and they're below the ground, but if you can
  • 20:51 see here, all these people are buried above the ground.
  • 20:56 What's going on?
  • 20:57 Are they worried about flooding, brother?
  • 20:59 Caleb: No, I really think it's--they pay a lot of monies
  • 21:01 and they're like, "Hey, when Messiah comes, I wanna push
  • 21:05 ahead in line," you know.
  • 21:06 Like, indulgences you get to pay to be first in line to go to
  • 21:09 heaven, get that resurrected body.
  • 21:11 That's sort of the mentality here.
  • 21:12 Joshua: So these are line cutters here in the --
  • 21:13 Caleb: These are line cutters.
  • 21:15 Joshua: They want to get to the line first because they think
  • 21:16 that the Messiah will think they're a good guy at life and
  • 21:19 let them to the front of the heaven line.
  • 21:21 Caleb: I'm not lying.
  • 21:26 Joshua: "He said to the people, 'It is too much for you to go
  • 21:28 to Jerusalem.
  • 21:30 Here are your gods, Israel, who brought you up out of Egypt.
  • 21:34 One he set up in Bethel, and the other in Dan.
  • 21:37 And this thing became a sin: the people came to worship the one
  • 21:41 at Bethel and went as far as Dan to worship the other.'"
  • 21:46 Joshua: So this is where it all went down.
  • 21:48 A former high place for the Canaanites, Jeroboam decides
  • 21:51 that he's gonna build a great place of worship atop those
  • 21:54 ruins dedicated to the golden calf goddess of the
  • 21:58 Egyptians, Hathor.
  • 22:01 Caleb: I admit, I was a bit disappointed to find no altar or
  • 22:06 golden calf at Tel Dan.
  • 22:09 Now I can't go idol smashing.
  • 22:13 Joshua: I don't know, brother.
  • 22:14 I'm no genius.
  • 22:16 I thought maybe we'd learned our lesson from Mount Sinai with the
  • 22:18 golden calf, but we did not.
  • 22:20 Caleb: Death and destruction happened because of that event.
  • 22:22 Now here, as you can see of this mock replica of the altars,
  • 22:25 where they found that Jeroboam built that brazen altar and upon
  • 22:30 that platform where the golden calf was situated.
  • 22:33 Now, many archaeologists consider and believe that it's
  • 22:36 possible that King Josiah came here when he was cleansing
  • 22:39 the land.
  • 22:42 Caleb: Deuteronomy 17:18 through 20 explains that it was the
  • 22:45 king's job to write his own personal copy of the Torah to
  • 22:48 lead him successfully in life through following God's laws.
  • 22:51 How quickly has that abandonment of God's Word led to our
  • 22:54 destruction today?
  • 23:00 Caleb: It's interesting that one of the things that modern man
  • 23:03 always prides himself on is his advancements.
  • 23:06 Each generation has something to benefit the future generation.
  • 23:09 They say, "Look what we did."
  • 23:11 Well, not unlike Manasseh in the past, today's generation likes
  • 23:14 to pride themselves on escaping the tyrannies of absolute truth.
  • 23:18 I mean, you see it with all individuals today that they have
  • 23:23 a mantra that everyone wants to go by.
  • 23:25 Find your own truth.
  • 23:27 This is no different from Judges 21:25 that said, "There was no
  • 23:31 king in Israel: and everyone did what was right in his own eyes."
  • 23:35 Joshua: This idea of absolute truth being a problem is the
  • 23:39 idea that--it forms a criticism and a hate.
  • 23:42 That if we were to speak a truth that everyone has to adhere to,
  • 23:45 then this would hurt people's feelings.
  • 23:47 This has been the cause of people to be bullied and the
  • 23:49 cause of people to receive hate crimes over the years.
  • 23:52 The problem with this is, even though the marketing sounds
  • 23:55 fantastic for find your own truth and makes you wanna lock
  • 23:57 arms with everybody and sing kumbaya, who does it
  • 24:01 stand against?
  • 24:02 Who's the truth that you're opposing that's absolute?
  • 24:04 Well, the truth is God, and the truth is his Word, and the truth
  • 24:07 is Torah.
  • 24:09 So when you say there is no absolute truth, what you're
  • 24:11 saying is there is no absolute God, there is no Messiah that I
  • 24:15 have to listen to.
  • 24:17 Kirsten: Studying about King Josiah really, probably, isn't a
  • 24:21 hot topic right now, but you guys would differ with that
  • 24:26 thought, don't you?
  • 24:27 You--this has been a passion of yours.
  • 24:29 God called you.
  • 24:30 Caleb: Yeah, God directed us.
  • 24:31 Joshua: We really endeavor not to bring anything to the show
  • 24:36 that isn't something that we feel God is saying pertinently
  • 24:38 for right now.
  • 24:39 And Josiah was something that God laid on our hearts for us to
  • 24:43 show this reformation that he took Israel through.
  • 24:47 And you asked the question why.
  • 24:49 We think the question was answered while we were on
  • 24:51 location filming because as we were filming this, the war
  • 24:54 broke out.
  • 24:55 People lost their lives, they were taken captive.
  • 24:57 Literally, when I was in front of Abu Ghosh and I said, "Today,
  • 25:00 there are gonna be people that lose their lives and be
  • 25:04 eternally separated."
  • 25:05 Over 1200 people died that day.
  • 25:08 That day.
  • 25:09 And we're talking about the coming that's gonna end all
  • 25:11 of time.
  • 25:13 We don't have any more moments in our life to waste.
  • 25:17 We don't have any more time to cater to ourselves, to do what
  • 25:21 we want, to say, "I'll put it off till tomorrow."
  • 25:23 This message is so important today because God is calling and
  • 25:26 saying, "I have extended my grace to you for so very long,
  • 25:31 but I'm drawing a line in the sand and you're gonna have to
  • 25:34 make a choice.
  • 25:35 And as your Father, I want you to be on this side of that line,
  • 25:39 but you have to repent and make that U-turn and put the sin
  • 25:44 behind you and come to me."
  • 25:45 And that's why I think this is such a powerful series.
  • 25:47 Kirsten: For such a time as this.
  • 25:49 That didn't just apply to Esther, but it applies to us
  • 25:52 right now.
  • 25:54 David: And I'm amazed at all the places that you were on location
  • 25:56 in Israel, just really amazing.
  • 25:59 First time for you.
  • 26:00 Caleb: Hey, it was a blessing.
  • 26:03 I've had many opportunities to go to Israel before that, but
  • 26:06 because of family, I was raising my children.
  • 26:08 God said, "Now is not the time."
  • 26:10 When he said, "Now is the time," it was his divine timing and he
  • 26:13 gave us a message and we delivered it, and y'all, guys,
  • 26:16 are gonna see message very soon, starting next week.
  • 26:19 Kirsten: You just said "guys."
  • 26:21 We need a dollar for the jar.
  • 26:22 Caleb: Dollar in the jar.
  • 26:23 Sorry.
  • 26:25 Joshua: Everyone, ladies and gentlemen, our close friends.
  • 26:27 Caleb: But we couldn't do it without your support.
  • 26:30 Kirsten: And I wanna tag on that to all of you that are watching
  • 26:33 this program, the Colson brothers have so much more on
  • 26:37 their heart that they feel that God is calling them to share
  • 26:41 with you, with our viewer audience.
  • 26:43 And more than ever we need your donations to make sure that the
  • 26:48 Word continues to get out.
  • 26:50 But for right now, our time is over, isn't it?
  • 26:53 David: We leave you with a song from our founder, Zola Levitt.
  • 26:56 The song is, "Speak to Me."
  • 26:57 But before we sing, before I sing that, it's time to
  • 27:00 go, guys.
  • 27:02 Joshua: We leave you and ask you to sha'alu shalom Yerushalayim.
  • 27:04 David: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
  • 27:08 ♪ "Lord, I know that you are near. ♪
  • 27:12 ♪ Lord, I know that you will hear. ♪
  • 27:17 ♪ Listening closely to my needs, ♪
  • 27:21 ♪ watching carefully over me. ♪
  • 27:25 ♪ O Lord, I sing and dance to you with praise, ♪
  • 27:29 ♪ and love and worship all my days. ♪
  • 27:35 ♪ Even in my darkest down, ♪
  • 27:38 ♪ I'll know your voice, ♪
  • 27:40 ♪ I'll feel your power. ♪
  • 27:47 ♪ Talk to me, O Lord, I need you. ♪
  • 27:54 ♪ I need you." ♪
  • 28:00 ♪♪♪
  • 28:04 ♪♪♪
  • 28:13 ♪♪♪
  • 28:22 ♪♪♪

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