The Jewish roots of Christianity

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Bible teaching with an emphasis on Israel, prophecy and the Jewish roots of Christianity

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Episode: “Future for Believers”
Joshua and Caleb look back at their Social Media teachings as the Bearded Bible Brothers to reveal the eternal hope for followers of Yeshua. We are to be motivated to live our lives in anticipation for the glorious future to come.

Caption transcript for “Future for Believers”

  • 00:02 ♪♪♪
  • 00:10 David Hart: We're so glad you've joined us today.
  • 00:12 Kirsten and I both have grown up in the church since we were
  • 00:15 infants, you guys have been churchgoers for quite a while.
  • 00:18 Joshua Colson: Well, it's interesting, we're Jewish, but
  • 00:20 even though we're Jewish, we grew up in Christian private
  • 00:22 schools, just about every denomination that you can think
  • 00:25 of, so we've been exposed to all the different belief systems of
  • 00:28 these denominations as well as studying and understanding our
  • 00:30 Jewish roots.
  • 00:32 What's interesting is that a lot of focus in these denominations
  • 00:35 is put on what happens after we're raptured, what happens,
  • 00:39 you know, in the millennial age, and usually there's not a ton
  • 00:41 of detail.
  • 00:43 We get to clouds, we get to harps, some people put us in
  • 00:45 diapers, I don't know why, and then we're eating, like, KFC
  • 00:48 without fear, it's calorie-free living.
  • 00:49 But really, when you look in the Bible, it explains that's when
  • 00:52 life begins, not ends.
  • 00:54 Caleb Colson: That's right, that's the millennium, that's
  • 00:56 eternity, and we wanna look at some classic "Bearded Bible
  • 00:59 Brothers" teachings online to discuss what our future is
  • 01:03 as believers.
  • 01:04 We're going to the judgment seat of Messiah.
  • 01:06 ♪♪♪
  • 01:09 ♪ We live on forever, forever, forever. ♪
  • 01:14 ♪ We live on forever, forever, forever, forever. ♪♪
  • 01:21 Joshua: Warning, the following episode may contain sensitive
  • 01:25 topical information that may and will offend you and those you
  • 01:29 care about.
  • 01:30 Caleb: Guys, we're talking about judgment, one of my favorite
  • 01:32 topics in the Bible.
  • 01:34 Joshua: It's his favorite word, it wasn't mine.
  • 01:35 I'm sorry, I'm not judging you.
  • 01:37 Caleb: You know in Revelation when God's doling out judgments
  • 01:40 and wrath upon the earth and plagues and it says the cloud of
  • 01:44 witnesses, people that are all going, yeah, God, you're doing
  • 01:46 awesome, well done, I'm with them.
  • 01:48 I'm one of those people who go, good job, man.
  • 01:50 I love that.
  • 01:51 Joshua: I tried to warn you guys.
  • 01:53 He really, really enjoys this topic, kind of.
  • 01:56 Caleb: Alright, there are three judgments listed in the Bible,
  • 01:58 there is the Bema, the Judgment Seat of Messiah; the Sheep and
  • 02:02 Goats judgment; and the Great White Throne.
  • 02:04 Well, the sheep and goats judgment takes place at the end
  • 02:06 of the Tribulation after the Battle of Armageddon.
  • 02:08 Yeshua sets up a throne in the middle of the Valley of
  • 02:11 Jehoshaphat, and we have people being judged how they were
  • 02:17 responsible on earth, how did they treat Israel, the nations,
  • 02:22 people who came before, like the saints.
  • 02:24 They are judged and they have a right hand and left hand, they
  • 02:26 enter into heaven or they go to hellfire.
  • 02:28 The Great White Throne Judgment,
  • 02:30 that happens at the end of the millennial reign and hell and
  • 02:33 the grave give up their dead, the books are opened, and
  • 02:36 everybody is judged according to their works, and those who are
  • 02:40 not written in the Lamb's Book of Life are thrown into the lake
  • 02:42 of fire.
  • 02:44 But we wanna talk about the Judgment Seat of the
  • 02:45 Messiah today.
  • 02:47 This happens after the Rapture, guys, before the Marriage
  • 02:49 Supper, and this is not a question of our salvation.
  • 02:54 In fact, our eternity is secure because we received Yeshua in
  • 02:56 our hearts.
  • 02:58 This is going to determine our rewards and our position
  • 03:01 for eternity.
  • 03:02 Joshua: So, remember, being a believer isn't all about getting
  • 03:05 out of hell free, no, it's about more than that.
  • 03:08 It's about what you take with you, what you do with your time,
  • 03:11 and what you were called to do.
  • 03:12 When we look in the Bible in 2 Corinthians 5:10, it says, "For
  • 03:15 we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that
  • 03:19 each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while
  • 03:22 in the body, whether good or bad."
  • 03:24 Romans 14:10-12 says, "You, then," you, point at you, "Why
  • 03:30 do you judge your brother or sister?
  • 03:32 Or why do you treat them with contempt?
  • 03:33 For we all will stand before God's judgment seat.
  • 03:36 It is written, 'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'Every
  • 03:39 knee will bow before me, and every tongue will
  • 03:40 acknowledge God.'
  • 03:42 So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to
  • 03:45 the Lord.'"
  • 03:46 Caleb: So, Josh, this judgment is reserved for believers only.
  • 03:49 We wanna take part in this judgment.
  • 03:50 It is just like the citizens of Rome had the Bema, only they
  • 03:55 could go before Nero or whoever the emperor was at that time and
  • 03:59 be judged.
  • 04:01 We are the only ones that get to go before Messiah for this
  • 04:03 judgment seat, and he, Yeshua, is our judge, as it says in
  • 04:07 John 5:22-23.
  • 04:09 "The Father judges no one, but he has given all judgment to the
  • 04:12 Son, that all may honor the Son even as they have honor for
  • 04:16 the Father."
  • 04:18 Yeshua lived life as a man and he overcame every temptation,
  • 04:20 every trial, every tribulation as such is common to man,
  • 04:23 because he was then deemed worthy.
  • 04:25 He was the Lamb, so he can judge us properly.
  • 04:28 Joshua: The only one.
  • 04:29 You ever taken a look at politics or some of the people
  • 04:31 in power and go, I have a hard time, you know, submitting to
  • 04:34 their authority knowing some of the things they've done?
  • 04:35 This guy followed every rule, every one, especially the ones
  • 04:39 you didn't.
  • 04:41 Caleb: That's right, now, there are some doctrines,
  • 04:42 predestination, free grace, those pesky Nicolaitan
  • 04:46 doctrines that say, you know, it really doesn't matter if you
  • 04:48 sin, you're already justified by faith.
  • 04:49 It's true, you are justified, but how you live your life on
  • 04:52 earth right now, your works and the things that you do from this
  • 04:57 side will determine that position for eternity.
  • 05:00 Joshua: Matthew 12:34-37 says, "How can you, being evil, speak
  • 05:05 good things?
  • 05:07 For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
  • 05:09 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings
  • 05:12 forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure
  • 05:16 brings forth evil things.
  • 05:17 But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they
  • 05:20 will give an account of it in the day of judgment.
  • 05:22 For by your words you will be justified, and by your words
  • 05:26 you'll be condemned."
  • 05:27 I wanna talk about this for just one second.
  • 05:29 Today, we have this idea that's propagated, which you mentioned
  • 05:33 earlier, where we can do anything, we're covered, we're
  • 05:36 going to heaven, everything's--and some people
  • 05:39 go, okay, you know, we don't wanna do that, but we do have
  • 05:41 grace, and then we have another common statement that's made is:
  • 05:44 you can't judge me.
  • 05:46 You can't judge me, don't you judge me.
  • 05:48 I think you're missing the point.
  • 05:50 We're not speaking out of a position to judge you, we are
  • 05:53 trying to remind you that you will be judged by the one who
  • 05:56 does have the right to judge you, and that is Yeshua.
  • 05:59 We are trying to encourage you to watch what you say and do and
  • 06:03 think and speak, because we want to remind you that everything we
  • 06:07 do has matter.
  • 06:08 Everything we do holds weight towards your future
  • 06:13 destiny in the eternity.
  • 06:14 Caleb: That's right, and so that's why it says you're gonna
  • 06:16 be judged according to your speech.
  • 06:18 Are you gossiping? Are you slandering?
  • 06:20 Are you speaking life and blessing over people?
  • 06:23 It also says that all of our works that we do, you think
  • 06:27 you're doing a bunch of good works, is it in your heart that
  • 06:29 you're doing them for Yeshua or are you doing them for a reward
  • 06:32 or for yourself?
  • 06:33 And the way that is determined is 1 Corinthians 3:11-15, which
  • 06:36 says, "For no one can lay any foundation other than the one
  • 06:39 already laid, which is Jesus Christ.
  • 06:41 If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver,
  • 06:44 costly stones, wood, hay, or straw, their works will be shown
  • 06:47 for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light.
  • 06:50 It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the
  • 06:52 quality of each person's works.
  • 06:54 If what has been built survives, the builder will receive
  • 06:56 a reward.
  • 06:58 If it has been burned up, the builder will suffer loss but yet
  • 07:00 will be saved, even though only as one escaping through
  • 07:03 the flames."
  • 07:04 Now, this fire it's talking about is not Hades, this is the
  • 07:06 Holy Spirit, that burning fire from God, and all of our works
  • 07:09 are gonna be consumed with this fire, and if what we did was
  • 07:13 meant for Yeshua, was done with a pure heart, we will receive
  • 07:16 that as a refined gold and then we will receive rewards.
  • 07:19 But if it was done for ourselves and we are selfish, then that's
  • 07:21 gonna be burned up like straw or hay.
  • 07:23 Joshua: For many of us who do believe in Yeshua, who are not
  • 07:26 going to hell, it's gonna be a time of shame.
  • 07:28 It's gonna be a time where we realize and is actualized that
  • 07:31 we had a job to do, that we had time to do it, and we squandered
  • 07:36 that time, even with things that "aren't that bad."
  • 07:39 If you're not doing what's right and optimizing the time you've
  • 07:42 been given, we're gonna be disappointed on that day.
  • 07:44 Caleb: Yeah, we wanna hear of a report from our heavenly Father,
  • 07:47 "Well done, good and faithful servant."
  • 07:50 We wanna have those rewards, those crowns of glory and
  • 07:52 righteousness, the incorruptible crown, all these things to throw
  • 07:56 at Yeshua's feet.
  • 07:57 We don't wanna be alone and receive an insignificant
  • 08:00 position for eternity, 'cause for eternity, you could be a
  • 08:04 governor, you can be a magistrate, you can be a judge,
  • 08:06 you can be a king.
  • 08:07 There are positions in which you rule in Messiah's kingdom.
  • 08:10 You don't wanna be a nobody.
  • 08:11 Joshua: So remember, it's like I said earlier, this is not a
  • 08:14 message of condemnation.
  • 08:15 Don't let the devil shift your focus to the wrong idea, this
  • 08:19 idea of don't judge me.
  • 08:21 It's not about that.
  • 08:22 We are encouraging you.
  • 08:23 What an amazing gift you've been given, life, even bigger,
  • 08:27 destiny, a purpose that the Father said could not be
  • 08:31 completed on this earth without you in it.
  • 08:33 So, we wanna encourage you in these moments don't settle for
  • 08:35 second best.
  • 08:36 Don't settle for idle words or idle time or saying things that
  • 08:39 you don't mean or doing things that you shouldn't do.
  • 08:41 Optimize everything you do for the glory of God, so that on
  • 08:44 that day, you hear that coveted phrase, "Well done, my good and
  • 08:48 faithful servant."
  • 08:50 And Josh, nice beard, just thought I'd tell you.
  • 08:54 That's what I'm hoping for as well.
  • 08:57 Caleb: Hey, if Yeshua compliments your beard, you know
  • 08:59 you've reached it, man.
  • 09:01 Joshua: It's the pinnacle of manhood.
  • 09:02 Caleb: It is awesome.
  • 09:04 Join us next time.
  • 09:05 ♪♪♪
  • 09:15 ♪♪♪
  • 09:17 David: Help spread the word by getting your own Bearded Bible
  • 09:20 Brothers t-shirt, either for yourself or as a gift for
  • 09:23 someone you love.
  • 09:25 Decide what size you want and call us at 1-800-WONDERS, or go
  • 09:29 to
  • 09:33 Kirsten Hart: At the beginning of the program, we were kind of
  • 09:35 all chatting that we all grew up in different denominations, and
  • 09:39 some heavily teach one thing and some heavily teach another, but
  • 09:43 it is interesting that you guys were showing that good works
  • 09:46 do matter.
  • 09:47 It does count, it's not the 100%, but in one of the
  • 09:52 judgments, it does.
  • 09:53 Caleb: It's a big thing for Jewish people, too.
  • 09:55 They're all about good works.
  • 09:57 They wanna earn things, they really do.
  • 09:59 The law is about earning something, but you can't earn
  • 10:01 your salvation.
  • 10:02 This is just about for eternity, and it's about where your heart
  • 10:04 is with God, not just trying to earn a good position.
  • 10:07 Yeah, we can be governors and magistrates and kings and rulers
  • 10:11 in Messiah's kingdom, or we can be custodians.
  • 10:13 You know, not to bash custodians, they're totally
  • 10:16 cool, but it's all about this boot camp that we're living
  • 10:19 in now.
  • 10:20 How we live our lives determines our position for eternity.
  • 10:23 Kirsten: Do you think what we do here also determines what we're
  • 10:25 to do there also, like our gifts, are they the same gifts?
  • 10:29 Caleb: I think there's what's called a calling and a destiny,
  • 10:31 and our calling is what we're supposed to be doing here, and I
  • 10:34 believe that's ingrained into our personality, so that, yes,
  • 10:37 what we're doing here is gonna be partial to what we're gonna
  • 10:40 be doing for that eternity.
  • 10:42 It can be one and the same, I believe.
  • 10:44 Kirsten: That's very interesting.
  • 10:45 Joshua: Very interesting stuff.
  • 10:47 Kirsten: Now, let's go to another classic BBB teaching.
  • 10:55 Joshua: I'm so excited, I'm so excited, I got all the
  • 10:56 deodorant, I got my crunk cup, this is gonna be the greatest
  • 10:59 party of all time.
  • 11:00 I can't believe I got an invitation.
  • 11:02 Oh, hey, dude.
  • 11:03 Caleb: What's going on?
  • 11:04 Joshua: Oh, no biggie. What are you doing this weekend?
  • 11:06 Caleb: I'm mowing the lawn, what are you doing?
  • 11:08 Joshua: No big deal, I just got into one of the coolest
  • 11:11 parties ever.
  • 11:12 Caleb: I wanna go to the party.
  • 11:14 Joshua: Yeah, you know, I mean, I don't know if you have
  • 11:16 an invite, I was reading about it in the Bible, it's
  • 11:18 called the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
  • 11:19 It's pretty sweet, pretty exclusive.
  • 11:22 Caleb: That is pretty cool, Josh, but I'm going also, yeah.
  • 11:24 Joshua: Oh, fine.
  • 11:27 Caleb: I think all believers in Yeshua now in this 2,000-year
  • 11:32 window since he went to heaven have an invitation, actually, to
  • 11:36 be the bride of Christ.
  • 11:39 Joshua: Okay, hold on, not to sound weird, but why do I have
  • 11:42 to be a girl?
  • 11:44 Caleb: As in unity.
  • 11:46 All of us, the entire church, is the bride of Christ, Josh, and
  • 11:49 we're about to be married to Yeshua our Messiah.
  • 11:52 And if you understand the ancient Hebraic wedding, the
  • 11:56 traditions thereof, Zola Levitt used to teach this and you're
  • 11:59 gonna understand step by step what Yeshua is about to do and
  • 12:03 what takes place in the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
  • 12:05 Joshua: A giant party.
  • 12:07 Caleb: It's a giant party, Josh, it's the biggest party known to
  • 12:10 all mankind.
  • 12:11 Ephesians 5:31-32 says, "For this reason a man shall leave
  • 12:14 his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two
  • 12:16 will become one flesh.
  • 12:18 This is a profound mystery, but I'm talking about Christ and
  • 12:20 the church."
  • 12:21 We were always meant to be Messiah's wife, Josh.
  • 12:23 We were always meant to marry him, to be working together in
  • 12:27 unity, and to be cleansed by his own blood so that someday we can
  • 12:32 go to meet him in heaven.
  • 12:33 Joshua: Ephesians 5:25-27 talks about this.
  • 12:36 It says, "Husbands, love your wives just as Christ loved the
  • 12:39 church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing
  • 12:42 her by the washing with water through the word, and to present
  • 12:45 her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle
  • 12:48 or any other blemish, but holy and blameless."
  • 12:51 That was the bride price, it was literally a business deal.
  • 12:54 Caleb: The business deal was Yeshua came and the price was
  • 12:58 his own life.
  • 13:00 He gave up his life, his blood was poured out on the cross, so
  • 13:04 that we could be a spouse to him, Josh.
  • 13:06 We drank from the silver cup at Passover and he said to his
  • 13:10 disciples in Matthew 26:28-29, "For this is my blood of a new
  • 13:14 covenant, which is shed for many for remissions of sins.
  • 13:17 But I say to you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine
  • 13:19 from now on until that day when I drink it new with you in my
  • 13:23 Father's kingdom."
  • 13:24 So, Yeshua is true to his word.
  • 13:26 He went up to heaven to go and prepare a place for us as it
  • 13:28 says in John 14:2, and this whole time, Josh, this
  • 13:32 2,000-year period, Yeshua went to his Father's house to make
  • 13:35 that bridal chamber for us and is waiting for the Father to
  • 13:39 give him the the okay, now you go and you get your bride that
  • 13:44 is waiting on earth, and we're gonna hear the trumpet sound and
  • 13:47 we're going to meet Yeshua in the clouds.
  • 13:49 They're gonna say, "Behold, the bridegroom comes, go out to meet
  • 13:51 him," and then we're gonna, after the Judgment Seat of
  • 13:54 Messiah, go to meet him for this great feast.
  • 13:57 Joshua: Think about some of the many reasons why people wait
  • 13:59 to get married nowadays, right?
  • 14:00 They're kids and they're like, "Well, I have to have a good
  • 14:02 job, I have to be able to afford a nice house, I gotta be able to
  • 14:04 do this."
  • 14:06 Yeshua has been preparing for 2,000 years, this is gonna be
  • 14:08 the greatest shindig you've ever seen.
  • 14:10 It's gonna be the best reception, the best wedding, the
  • 14:13 most amazing home.
  • 14:15 He has literally been planning every detail of this since he
  • 14:20 left the earth.
  • 14:21 Caleb: Now, Zola Levitt explained that after the
  • 14:25 bridegroom comes and collects the bride, that they go
  • 14:28 immediately to the bridal chamber and consummate the
  • 14:30 marriage, and then they go out and celebrate the wedding feast
  • 14:34 for seven days.
  • 14:35 Now, our act of consummation, he explained, is compared to the
  • 14:39 Judgment Seat of Messiah.
  • 14:40 We are refined by fire, we are purified, and then we go to
  • 14:43 celebrate this marriage supper of the Lamb.
  • 14:45 And instead of a seven day wedding feast, we will feast for
  • 14:49 seven years during the tribulation that is being poured
  • 14:51 out upon the earth, and Yeshua will finally drink from that
  • 14:54 silver cup with us, Josh.
  • 14:56 No longer are we the bride of Christ, we will be the wife
  • 15:00 of Messiah.
  • 15:01 We will hold that special position for eternity, and
  • 15:07 Revelation 19:7-9, Josh?
  • 15:10 Joshua: It says, "Let's rejoice and be exceedingly glad.
  • 15:12 Let's give the glory to Him.
  • 15:14 For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made
  • 15:17 herself ready.
  • 15:18 He was given to her that she would array herself in bright,
  • 15:21 pure, fine linen for the fine linen is the righteous acts of
  • 15:25 the saints.
  • 15:26 He said to me, 'Write, "Blessed are those who are invited to the
  • 15:30 wedding supper of the Lamb."'
  • 15:31 He said to me, 'These are true words of God.'"
  • 15:34 Caleb: Now, we know that we are marrying Yeshua, there's gonna
  • 15:37 be plenty of us as one bride, as one wife, but there's also gonna
  • 15:42 be guests at this wedding supper.
  • 15:44 Zola taught about this as well.
  • 15:45 We see the parable of a man who invites people to the wedding of
  • 15:49 his son and no one wants to come.
  • 15:51 He goes into the highways and byways, he picks the destitute
  • 15:54 and the poor, and says come to my wedding feast.
  • 15:56 They come, these people who come to a wedding feast, they are the
  • 15:59 saints of old.
  • 16:00 They are the Moseses, they are the Davids, and it's kind of
  • 16:04 interesting, Josh, that the 2,000-year period where we
  • 16:07 receive Yeshua in our hearts, we are the only ones that get to
  • 16:11 marry Messiah.
  • 16:12 We only hold that special position for all eternity.
  • 16:14 There's gonna be an innumerable amount of people throughout the
  • 16:17 ages that don't hold that position as being able to
  • 16:21 co-rule with him as basically the wife, the queen, whatever
  • 16:24 you wanna say, and that's pretty awesome.
  • 16:26 That makes us feel special, doesn't it?
  • 16:27 Joshua: That is amazing, because if you think about it, that's a
  • 16:29 very small window of time for just an exclusive group of
  • 16:32 people, and that means you who are watching, you were chosen.
  • 16:37 Caleb: Now, we wanna be ready for Messiah to come, we wanna be
  • 16:40 pure and spotless, as 2 Corinthians 11:2 says.
  • 16:42 "I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy.
  • 16:44 I promised you one husband, to Christ, so that I might present
  • 16:48 you as a pure virgin."
  • 16:50 You don't wanna be spotted when you meet your Messiah.
  • 16:53 You don't wanna meet your husband at the end of the aisle
  • 16:56 and say, oh, guess what?
  • 16:57 There was this other guy, that's another god, another idol you
  • 17:00 had in your life.
  • 17:02 We wanna be pure and holy before him.
  • 17:04 So, join us next time.
  • 17:05 Joshua: So glad that consummation doesn't involve
  • 17:08 fire anymore.
  • 17:09 That seems wicked painful.
  • 17:11 Caleb: That wasn't in the Old Testament, that's just
  • 17:13 the judgment.
  • 17:15 Joshua: So it's totally different now?
  • 17:17 I'm so confused.
  • 17:18 Caleb: See you next time.
  • 17:21 ♪♪♪
  • 17:33 David: We celebrate lots of things here in America and
  • 17:34 around the world where you may be watching, but seven years for
  • 17:38 the Marriage Supper?
  • 17:39 That's a long time.
  • 17:41 Kirsten: That's a lot of food.
  • 17:44 Joshua: That sounds like a good party.
  • 17:45 Caleb: Well, God looks at things differently.
  • 17:47 He's beyond time.
  • 17:49 You know, it may be specifically seven years in whatever
  • 17:52 terminology, because it's occurring during the seven-year
  • 17:54 tribulation, but beyond time, who knows, it could be much
  • 17:58 longer, but we're just gonna be partying.
  • 18:00 Joshua: I think what's so incredible about this idea is
  • 18:02 that we have been given the gift of having the Holy Spirit
  • 18:07 indwell inside of us.
  • 18:08 We are the bride of Christ, and we hear that term all the time
  • 18:11 and people could say, "Eew, I'm a boy, I'm not a bride."
  • 18:14 But the concept that he's using, the reason that God I believe
  • 18:17 uses the idea of marriage and then gave us marriage is that
  • 18:20 that bride is the closest intimate relationship that a man
  • 18:24 has on this planet.
  • 18:25 His commitment to her, his protection of her, his provision
  • 18:29 for her is unique to her above anyone else.
  • 18:32 So, the idea of how special she is because she is the bride is
  • 18:37 the reflection of how special we are to have
  • 18:40 that gift given to us.
  • 18:41 All we had to do is say yes and it was freely given.
  • 18:44 But once we have that gift, we are now his most prized
  • 18:49 possession and everything that comes
  • 18:50 with that title, it's amazing.
  • 18:52 David: That is amazing.
  • 18:53 Kirsten: Talk about titles, you're about to teach on a word
  • 18:56 that I don't think I've ever heard of in my life, go ahead.
  • 18:59 Caleb: An oligarchy, we're gonna be talking about the millennial
  • 19:02 reign, guys, and how we participate in ruling
  • 19:05 with Messiah.
  • 19:06 You don't wanna miss this.
  • 19:08 Joshua: Hoo-ah, hey, everybody, I'm Joshua.
  • 19:11 Caleb: And I'm Caleb.
  • 19:12 Joshua: We're brothers, not twins.
  • 19:14 Caleb: You know, Josh, I love our representative
  • 19:17 constitutional republic that we live in in America.
  • 19:21 Joshua: Okay, I have no idea what that is.
  • 19:22 We are a democracy.
  • 19:24 Caleb: No, no, no, Josh, democracy is mob rule.
  • 19:27 We don't live in a democracy.
  • 19:28 Joshua: I love mob rule.
  • 19:29 I'm wicked good at mobs.
  • 19:31 Look at me.
  • 19:32 Caleb: Well, you can see the confusion that came to Joshua.
  • 19:35 Many people read the Bible and they look at Yeshua reigning
  • 19:39 during the Millennium and they think it's gonna be a monarchy.
  • 19:41 He's King, of course, isn't a monarchy the kind of kingdom
  • 19:45 when you have a king?
  • 19:46 But that's not entirely accurate.
  • 19:48 Joshua: Hold on, what's the Millennium?
  • 19:50 Caleb: The millennial reign is when Yeshua reigns on the throne
  • 19:55 in Jerusalem for a thousand years.
  • 19:57 Joshua: Oh, that millennial reign, please go on.
  • 20:01 Caleb: Well, Yeshua has chosen to rule as an oligarchy--
  • 20:05 Joshua: Not a real word.
  • 20:07 Caleb: Oligarchy is totally a real word.
  • 20:10 He chose to rule with us.
  • 20:12 We're gonna be kings and governors and rulers and princes
  • 20:15 in his kingdom.
  • 20:16 We're gonna rule according to his will, but it was always his
  • 20:19 plan to partner with us so that we could rule the earth with
  • 20:22 him, but his final say is the one that matters.
  • 20:25 Joshua: How is that safe?
  • 20:26 'Cause there's some sketchy people out there.
  • 20:28 I don't know if I want them ruling with Yeshua in the
  • 20:31 millennial reign.
  • 20:32 Caleb: Well, the important thing to know is this earth right now,
  • 20:35 this life that we're living in, this reality is temporal, it's
  • 20:38 fleeting, and this is like our boot camp preparing for
  • 20:41 the eternity.
  • 20:43 So, if we don't waste our time on earth, if we store up
  • 20:45 treasures in heaven, we follow Yeshua, we're gonna have a high
  • 20:48 position in the Father's kingdom, in his Son's kingdom
  • 20:51 for eternity.
  • 20:52 But if you waste your time, if you waste your time, you seek
  • 20:56 the cares of this earth, you're gonna be disappointed
  • 20:58 in eternity.
  • 20:59 Joshua: He uses a lot of big words.
  • 21:01 I think I understand what he's saying.
  • 21:03 Guys, what you do matters.
  • 21:05 All the decisions you make, it matters.
  • 21:07 It matters in the millennial reign.
  • 21:09 It matters in eternity.
  • 21:11 Don't get caught up in the concept and idea of thinking
  • 21:14 that whatever you do today is just washed away because that's
  • 21:17 what forgiveness does for you.
  • 21:18 Forgiveness does set you free, alright, but you're put here for
  • 21:21 a purpose and for a reason.
  • 21:22 Every decision you make matters.
  • 21:23 It matters for your future, it matters for the future of where
  • 21:27 we're going.
  • 21:28 Caleb: Yeah, and you want a high position in Yeshua's kingdom.
  • 21:31 It's gonna be a great kingdom, lions lay down with lambs, the
  • 21:35 creation is gonna be restored, there's gonna be people with
  • 21:39 long, extended lifespans.
  • 21:40 If they died at one hundred years old, they're considered a
  • 21:43 child, it's gonna be amazing.
  • 21:46 No more curse on the earth, but humans who survived during the
  • 21:50 Tribulation are still gonna have those Adam sinful bodies, not us
  • 21:53 who were taken in the Rapture, we're gonna have a glorified
  • 21:56 body, but those who survived during the Tribulation will have
  • 21:58 those sinful bodies.
  • 22:00 They are gonna have to choose to do what is right.
  • 22:02 When Messiah says you don't sin, you follow my rules, he rules
  • 22:07 with a rod of iron.
  • 22:08 If they sin, it gets punished immediately.
  • 22:10 Joshua: Brother, where can I learn about all this?
  • 22:11 Where can I read about these kind of things to help me
  • 22:14 understand this better?
  • 22:15 Caleb: You can read about it at the end of Revelation.
  • 22:17 You can read about it in Isaiah.
  • 22:19 It tells about how all these things that Yeshua is gonna be
  • 22:22 made new, but it's kind of disheartening when you read the
  • 22:27 end of Revelation that after a thousand years of peace on
  • 22:30 earth, true justice, Messiah's ruling, Satan is unleashed from
  • 22:34 the bottomless pit.
  • 22:36 He goes around the earth rallying everyone to his cause,
  • 22:39 and people are so tired of doing what is right that it says so
  • 22:43 many people join Satan, it's more in the grains of sand upon
  • 22:47 the seashore.
  • 22:48 They come against Jerusalem and God wipes them out with fire
  • 22:51 from heaven, wipes out the whole earth and has to make everything
  • 22:54 new again.
  • 22:55 Joshua: Remember, we're here for a purpose.
  • 22:56 Remember, we are in a battle and in a war, the Bible says this.
  • 23:00 It's a spiritual battle but it's all moving, coming to this head
  • 23:03 that's gonna happen when people make these decisions, when you
  • 23:07 have that final battle.
  • 23:08 Always keep in mind that as much as we want to live this life
  • 23:12 somewhat frivolously and for the joys and the cares of this world
  • 23:15 we get caught up in, and that's not why you're put here.
  • 23:18 So, we encourage you guys, you're put here for a purpose,
  • 23:21 God has bigger plans for you even than for this immediate
  • 23:23 life you have right now.
  • 23:25 He has plans for you in the next age, the age to come, as the
  • 23:27 Bible would say.
  • 23:29 So, guys, let's learn the lessons now, let's do what's
  • 23:31 right now, and when that time comes to choose who you're gonna
  • 23:33 serve, that line has already been drawn in the sand.
  • 23:36 You're on the right side of it and not on the other side of it.
  • 23:39 Caleb: That's right, thank you.
  • 23:40 Join us next time.
  • 23:42 Joshua: Go all buy dictionaries and thesauruses and send it to
  • 23:44 him for Christmas.
  • 23:46 Caleb: I'm sorry, I will use smaller words next time.
  • 23:48 Joshua: He got his education in 1875, we all know the rules that
  • 23:51 were there, super strict.
  • 23:55 female: Thank you, oh, my gosh, can I give you a hug?
  • 23:59 ♪♪♪
  • 24:08 David: I may be the only one that has this question for you
  • 24:11 guys, but how do we achieve that highest position in heaven?
  • 24:17 What does it take?
  • 24:18 Caleb: That's a deep question.
  • 24:20 I think one word, obedience.
  • 24:21 Joshua: I was gonna say obedience, too.
  • 24:23 Caleb: See, you knew it, we both knew it.
  • 24:24 Kirsten: I didn't even know you were gonna say that.
  • 24:26 Joshua: That's a great question.
  • 24:27 Obedience is always the way, right?
  • 24:29 It's better than sacrifice.
  • 24:30 When we obey and do what we're supposed to do, that's how we
  • 24:32 are honored with what he has for us.
  • 24:34 He can trust us, right?
  • 24:36 And we're gonna get to that millennial reign, we're gonna
  • 24:38 have these perfect bodies.
  • 24:39 My hair is never gonna afro again, it's gonna be like golden
  • 24:42 locks, and no sickness and no sadness and no sin and all of
  • 24:47 this is gonna happen, but we're getting there right now through
  • 24:49 this age of grace that we live in, right?
  • 24:51 We have the opportunity to choose.
  • 24:52 Right now if we mess up, right, we can re repent and ask for
  • 24:56 forgiveness, whether it's the fourth time, the fifth time, for
  • 24:58 me, sometimes the 176th time.
  • 25:00 We have that opportunity to say I'm so sorry, please forgive me.
  • 25:03 But there's coming a time where the age of grace is coming to
  • 25:06 an end.
  • 25:07 Kirsten: Can I just jump in?
  • 25:08 This oligarchy word, which is so funky, but it's fun to say, is
  • 25:13 it kind of the opposite of what Yeshua told us?
  • 25:18 The last shall be first, become the least among, be the servant,
  • 25:22 wash the feet, so it's almost a flip-flop like that?
  • 25:25 Caleb: Well, that's kind of how we reserve that position in
  • 25:28 his kingdom.
  • 25:30 When we make ourselves servants in this kingdom, he makes us
  • 25:31 kings in that kingdom.
  • 25:33 But this oligarchy is all about he has the final say in the
  • 25:36 rule, that we rule according to his will.
  • 25:39 He's still the head honcho, and rightfully so, but he's ruling
  • 25:44 with a rod of iron is what scripture says.
  • 25:46 That means, yeah, you sort of have a choice but you don't.
  • 25:51 I mean, he's not gonna force you, but if you mess up there's
  • 25:53 judgment immediately.
  • 25:55 It's not like this age of grace we're living in now, so it's
  • 25:57 gonna be kind of harsh for those who want to sin, who want to do
  • 26:01 wrong, who make that mistake over and over again.
  • 26:03 Kirsten: Whoo, that's a lot.
  • 26:06 Okay, I'll chew on that, we'll be right back.
  • 26:09 David: Help spread the word by getting your own Bearded Bible
  • 26:12 Brothers t-shirt, either for yourself or as a gift for
  • 26:15 someone you love.
  • 26:17 Decide what size you want and call us at 1-800-WONDERS, or go
  • 26:21 to
  • 26:25 Caleb: I know the terminology does sound shocking, ruling with
  • 26:28 a rod of iron, but scripture describes it being peace on
  • 26:31 earth when Yeshua rules.
  • 26:33 It takes his way for there finally to be peace and his way
  • 26:36 is always the best way.
  • 26:38 Kirsten: Ooh, thanks for tying that up, thank you.
  • 26:40 David: Really great teaching today, guys, we thank you
  • 26:42 for that.
  • 26:43 Also, we take tours both in the spring and the fall, these guys
  • 26:47 will join us on the bus.
  • 26:49 Consider going with us, it'll change your life.
  • 26:52 Kirsten: And I want you to know by donating to this ministry,
  • 26:56 you have changed lives around the world, and especially
  • 27:00 in Israel.
  • 27:02 Part of our heartbeat as a ministry is we give finances to
  • 27:06 those ministries in Israel that are making a difference.
  • 27:09 Who are they?
  • 27:10 Go to and you can read a whole list, and gosh,
  • 27:13 it's time already, isn't it?
  • 27:15 Joshua: It is, so we always remember to
  • 27:17 Sha'alu shalom Yerushalayim.
  • 27:19 Kirsten: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
  • 27:23 David: Join us right now on our social media sites for
  • 27:26 exclusive content.
  • 27:28 Visit our website,, for tour information, broadcast
  • 27:32 schedule, free monthly newsletter, and online store.
  • 27:36 Call us any time at 1-800-WONDERS and ask about this
  • 27:40 week's resource.
  • 27:42 "Our Jewish Roots" as a presentation of Zola
  • 27:44 Levitt Ministries.
  • 27:46 Partner with us.
  • 27:47 As a 100% viewer-funded ministry, your gifts allow us to
  • 27:51 bring you our weekly television series, social media outlets,
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  • 27:57 Please remember, we depend on tax-deductible donations from
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  • 28:03 ♪♪♪
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  • 28:23 ♪♪♪

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