The Jewish roots of Christianity

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Bible teaching with an emphasis on Israel, prophecy and the Jewish roots of Christianity

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Episode: “Last Days Revival”
Joshua and Caleb dig into the scriptures to discover evidence of spiritual revival in the prophetic future. As we see the world around us growing darker, the Bearded Bible Brothers bring encouragement to believers in Yeshua.

Caption transcript for “Last Days Revival”

  • 00:01 ♪♪♪ David Hart: We are so glad
  • 00:12 you've joined us today. Our hot topic today is about "Last Days Revival," yes?
  • 00:17 Kirsten Hart: But I do have a question, okay, and I know
  • 00:19 it's hot topic and you're gonna talk about this topic,
  • 00:22 but didn't the last days begin when Jesus ascended?
  • 00:26 Joshua Colson: Okay, so before we get into the specificity,
  • 00:29 I'm gonna bring this up, because I am the man who loves to just
  • 00:33 speak from his heart, and ad-lib and say everything that I'm
  • 00:35 feeling, and my brother is the one who's the letter of the law,
  • 00:38 he's gonna give you the Scripture word for word,
  • 00:40 he corrects me every time I get one syllable off.
  • 00:43 So, today, when we talk about the difference between
  • 00:45 the last days and the end days, one would think, in English,
  • 00:49 those are just two different words.
  • 00:52 Caleb Colson: End times.
  • 00:53 Joshua: End times, see? I got it wrong just now.
  • 00:55 Kirsten: Oh, he coughs.
  • 00:56 Joshua: Under his breath, this is how we know.
  • 00:59 Kirsten: He gives you the correction under his cough,
  • 01:00 I saw that.
  • 01:01 Joshua: So what would be the difference, Brother,
  • 01:03 between the last days in the end times, and why is it so specific
  • 01:05 you can't get those wrong and interchange them?
  • 01:07 Caleb: Well, because, one, we're not a part of the end times,
  • 01:10 we believers are not supposed to endure the wrath and
  • 01:12 a tribulation on all the crazy stuff that goes on, but we are
  • 01:16 to live in the last days.
  • 01:17 Peter said it on the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit
  • 01:21 was poured out, he says we are living in Joel 2:28, "This is
  • 01:25 the prophecy of Joel fulfilled."
  • 01:26 So we know that we have this moment of outpouring of the
  • 01:29 Holy Spirit, and we are to live in it, with those signs, wonders
  • 01:33 and miracles that they performed in times past.
  • 01:35 Kirsten: So I was kind of a little bit right?
  • 01:39 Caleb: Yes.
  • 01:40 David: Right now let's go to the guys's teaching.
  • 01:42 ♪♪♪
  • 01:44 ♪ We live on forever, forever, forever,
  • 01:50 ♪ we live on forever ♪
  • 01:52 ♪ forever, forever, forever ♪
  • 01:55 Joshua: Get a good one on this, this is like that game where you
  • 01:57 have to wheel the number.
  • 02:00 Hi, I'm Joshua.
  • 02:01 Caleb: And I'm Caleb.
  • 02:03 Joshua: Let me tell you something about my life.
  • 02:04 Caleb: Josh.
  • 02:06 Joshua: I'm pretty set, I got a sweet smartphone, I got
  • 02:09 a tablet, got a laptop at home, I got a TV, all the channels,
  • 02:14 the fastest internet you can find, six kinds of protein,
  • 02:18 one for fast absorption, one for slow, one before I go to bed.
  • 02:20 I pretty much don't need anything.
  • 02:24 Caleb: You're self-sufficient, huh?
  • 02:25 Joshua: Self-sufficient, I pride myself in that.
  • 02:28 Caleb: Well, that's a problem.
  • 02:30 Joshua: How could that be a problem?
  • 02:31 Caleb: Because Yeshua says in the Bible that we need to depend
  • 02:34 on God for our daily bread.
  • 02:36 Joshua: Yes.
  • 02:37 Caleb: That means.
  • 02:38 Joshua: I don't eat bread.
  • 02:40 Caleb: Even if we have everything that we think
  • 02:41 we need, we need to depend on Yeshua, emotionally, physically,
  • 02:44 spiritually, for our daily needs, because he wants that
  • 02:47 for us.
  • 02:49 He's our Father, he wants us to say, "Hey, I need you
  • 02:51 every day, God."
  • 02:52 Joshua: Have you ever wondered, maybe in your life, why you seem
  • 02:54 to lack the miraculous that you read about in the Word of God,
  • 02:58 how we tend to pray for things or believe for things,
  • 03:00 but yet we don't see the responsive nature
  • 03:03 that we've read about in the Scriptures?
  • 03:05 You ever wonder why that may be?
  • 03:06 Caleb: Well, I've heard of the great awakenings in the past,
  • 03:08 great revivals and moves of God, and you saw thousands of people
  • 03:13 come to Messiah.
  • 03:14 How come that's not happening today?
  • 03:16 Joshua: Well, I can sum it up to you in one word.
  • 03:19 Caleb: Yes.
  • 03:20 Joshua: Desperation.
  • 03:22 All those different time periods, even today in other
  • 03:23 parts of the world, what spawns or spurns, because those are
  • 03:27 two different words, people being led towards something is
  • 03:30 the desperate need that they have in that moment
  • 03:33 for something bigger than themselves.
  • 03:35 Caleb: Well, that's why people see miracles around the world,
  • 03:37 say in countries where Christians are persecuted,
  • 03:40 in Middle Eastern countries and Muslim rule, or places like
  • 03:43 Burma or China, Christians suffer for the name of Yeshua.
  • 03:49 But, guess what?
  • 03:51 They're content with their lives and they understand the power of
  • 03:56 Yeshua, they see miracles, they see the manifestation of Yeshua,
  • 03:59 sometimes in-person, they see moves of God.
  • 04:03 Joshua: And those are stories that I've seen firsthand
  • 04:05 with people across the world, is, I've never one time had
  • 04:08 to convince anyone of the power of Yeshua, I never had to try
  • 04:12 to convince them that he wanted these things and was capable
  • 04:15 of seeing them through, because they were in such
  • 04:17 desperate need.
  • 04:18 They said, "If this Guy can do it, that's what I want,
  • 04:21 if he's the Son of God like you said, then I need what he has."
  • 04:24 In America, our complacency comes from our idea
  • 04:27 of self-reliance, we don't need anybody, we're told
  • 04:29 that true wisdom is about your backup plan.
  • 04:32 Caleb: You know, in the Old Testament, I've been reading to
  • 04:35 my daughters lately, and there's a phrase that I see many times,
  • 04:38 actually, two important phrases, one is, "And the children
  • 04:41 of Israel once again did evil in the sight of the Lord."
  • 04:44 And then, a few verses later you see, "And the children
  • 04:47 of Israel cried out unto the Lord for help."
  • 04:49 Joshua: Yes.
  • 04:50 Caleb: Well, whenever they turned their backs on the Lord,
  • 04:52 God had to pull back his hand of restraint and invading armies
  • 04:56 come, and then, when they were finally desperate, they call out
  • 04:59 to God.
  • 05:00 Hey, we're blessed in America, we don't have invading forces,
  • 05:02 we're not persecuted when we go to synagogue or to church,
  • 05:07 we have all that we need, or all that we think we need.
  • 05:10 But really, when it comes down to how do we get
  • 05:13 a great awakening?
  • 05:14 Well done, Josh.
  • 05:15 How we see a move of God?
  • 05:17 It's repentance, we need to repent, even if we haven't done
  • 05:20 any great sin, from our complacency, from our apathy,
  • 05:24 from our lethargy.
  • 05:25 We don't wanna be lukewarm believers in Messiah,
  • 05:28 we don't wanna be like the church of Laodicea.
  • 05:30 Joshua: Nobody wants to get spit out of your mouth,
  • 05:32 it's a terrible idea.
  • 05:34 Caleb: That's right.
  • 05:35 Joshua: Guys, focus on what's important here in what
  • 05:37 we're saying, the idea, your stuff isn't wrong, what you have
  • 05:41 isn't wrong, being blessed isn't wrong, that's all from God,
  • 05:43 that's amazing.
  • 05:45 The problem is when you find your worth, your value,
  • 05:48 and when you find your deliverance,
  • 05:50 in your own capabilities and in your things,
  • 05:52 and instead of the one who provided them for you.
  • 05:55 We can't ever get to the point where we are receiving truly
  • 05:58 from the Father until we give him permission, because he's
  • 06:00 a gentleman and he's not gonna usurp your will, he's not gonna
  • 06:03 come into your life that you've crafted so perfectly and change
  • 06:06 things up, because you didn't give him permission to do it.
  • 06:08 Caleb: Free will.
  • 06:10 Joshua: We have free will, but the second you do give him
  • 06:11 permission, he's gonna come into your sweet, protein-ridden
  • 06:14 household, and he's gonna blow your mind on how you can eat
  • 06:17 carbs and stay lean, too, because he loves you.
  • 06:20 Caleb: So, seek the Lord, fear the Lord, be ready
  • 06:24 in anticipation to see a move of God in your life, in your
  • 06:26 family, on a personal level, on a worldwide level, we wanna see
  • 06:31 Yeshua reach the nations.
  • 06:33 Joshua: And seek him for the most important reason, he said
  • 06:36 it himself, "I Am that I Am," seek him because you love him,
  • 06:40 and all that other stuff that gets added unto you is just
  • 06:43 a benefit of putting your affection in the right place.
  • 06:45 Caleb: Icing on the cake.
  • 06:47 Joshua: Love icing, oh, it's been--I haven't had icing
  • 06:49 since like 1986, I really feel like I missed out.
  • 06:53 It is bathing suit season, though, so, gosh.
  • 06:56 Caleb: Fidget spinner.
  • 06:58 Joshua: You are such a harsh taskmaster.
  • 07:00 Caleb: Watch us next time.
  • 07:02 Joshua: It's metallic, did you ever notice that?
  • 07:03 So shiny, I like shiny.
  • 07:05 Caleb: It can reflect light.
  • 07:07 Joshua: Sorry.
  • 07:09 ♪♪♪
  • 07:19 Kirsten: My parents both watch our program every single week,
  • 07:22 two times a week, they are 91 and 92, and my dad, it was very
  • 07:28 interesting, that generation, talking about how long
  • 07:33 the end times.
  • 07:34 Caleb: The church age, the last age.
  • 07:36 Kirsten: Right, the church age, and he literally thought,
  • 07:37 and those that were living in World War II thought, "It's now,
  • 07:41 Hitler's Antichrist, and what is happening to the Jewish people,"
  • 07:44 they thought they were in the end times,
  • 07:46 as part of the last days.
  • 07:48 Caleb: Satan thought it was it, too, and that's the thing, the
  • 07:50 first century church, you read their writings, they thought
  • 07:53 it was, too, they thought they were living in the last time.
  • 07:55 They say many times, "We're living in the last times," but
  • 07:58 God has extended that timetable of when to send his Son back.
  • 08:02 Yeshua says, "This gospel of the kingdom must be preached
  • 08:05 as a witness to all nations, and then the end will come."
  • 08:07 Well, he says there hasn't been enough people hearing the truth
  • 08:10 of Yeshua, so it's his grace that he's extended that
  • 08:13 timetable, that we can say we're still living in those last days.
  • 08:16 Joshua: And it's interesting, because in those times where the
  • 08:19 desperation is at an all-time high, that expectation rises up
  • 08:23 within people, right?
  • 08:24 We expect Yeshua to come back, we need more from you, Father.
  • 08:27 And that's the moment that we realize that we have to,
  • 08:30 "Be doers of the Word, and not just hearers only,"
  • 08:32 it is our job to go out into all the nations,
  • 08:34 to share that good news.
  • 08:36 So, whether you believe that Jesus is coming today, in your
  • 08:38 lifetime, 100, 200 years from now, that expectation of saying,
  • 08:42 "If he comes soon, I've got to get another person in with me."
  • 08:46 Caleb: That's right.
  • 08:47 Joshua: But the problem is, we let sin in sometimes
  • 08:48 and that sin can cloud a lot.
  • 08:50 Caleb: And there's a reward for that, for looking to his return,
  • 08:53 and we're gonna talk more of this, this subject matter is
  • 08:56 gonna continue, with our episode "Return to Your First Love,"
  • 08:59 because it's all about getting your heart right with God
  • 09:01 so that you can prepare for his return.
  • 09:05 Caleb: Hey, everybody, I'm Caleb, and this is Josh.
  • 09:09 Joshua?
  • 09:10 Joshua: "Thy lips, O my spouse, drop as honeycomb: honey and
  • 09:14 milk under thy tongue; and the smell of thy garments is like
  • 09:18 the smell of Lebanon."
  • 09:20 "Awake, O north wind; and come, thou south;
  • 09:24 blow upon my garden."
  • 09:25 Caleb: Okay, okay, okay, I don't know where you're going there
  • 09:27 with this, Josh.
  • 09:29 Joshua: This stuff is great, how come I never read that before?
  • 09:31 Caleb: Now I have to salvage this and turn this into a moral.
  • 09:34 Okay, guys, let's say you've been married for 10 or 20 years
  • 09:40 and you kind of know your spouse pretty well by now, you've kind
  • 09:42 of grown complacent with your spouse, you're not reading off
  • 09:45 these limericks, this poetry, to them anymore.
  • 09:48 But when you first got to know them, remember, you were just
  • 09:51 crazy about them, you were always focusing on them,
  • 09:54 trying to make them laugh, trying to do anything you could
  • 09:58 to please them.
  • 10:00 And oh, Fidgey, keep spinning Fidgey.
  • 10:02 But Josh, I feel like sometimes we've grown complacent with our
  • 10:06 relationship with God, just as we would if we've been married
  • 10:09 for 20 years with the spouse, that, "Well, yeah, we've kind
  • 10:12 of seen everything that there is to God, you know?
  • 10:14 He's not that interesting."
  • 10:16 And when we have done that, in cutting off our relationship
  • 10:21 to him, it's almost like we're looking at God through
  • 10:22 a third-person lens.
  • 10:25 So we go to church, we hear God, about God from the pastor,
  • 10:29 we watch Christian television, listen to the radio, we hear
  • 10:32 about all of God, but we haven't that personal, one-on-one
  • 10:35 relationship that we had when we first came to know Yeshua
  • 10:40 as our Savior, when we were first on-fire for him.
  • 10:43 And Revelation 2 warns us, we need to return back
  • 10:47 to our first love, that first moment when we got to know God.
  • 10:51 Joshua: See, in a marriage, you have to give 100%.
  • 10:52 Caleb: Okay.
  • 10:54 Joshua: Okay?
  • 10:55 You have to give 100 % of yourself.
  • 10:57 If you don't, like you said, this complacency, this distance
  • 10:58 will grow.
  • 10:59 And the marriage relationship was the example that God gave
  • 11:02 for us to understand the union between him and his bride.
  • 11:06 Caleb: The church, yeah.
  • 11:07 Joshua: This is Ephesians 5:31-32.
  • 11:10 Caleb: That's correct, yes, Sir.
  • 11:12 Joshua: But this involves us surrendering everything to God.
  • 11:14 When you don't give 100% of something, there are percentages
  • 11:18 and parts of you, dark parts of your heart that you don't give
  • 11:21 away, that you keep selfishly for yourself, that then grow and
  • 11:23 create distance, the same thing that would happen with a spouse
  • 11:26 if you don't continue to give 100% of yourself.
  • 11:29 Then those selfish parts of your nature grow and create a barrier
  • 11:32 between you and her.
  • 11:34 Caleb: Guys, when we don't give everything over to God and we're
  • 11:37 focused on these other things in our life it's literally
  • 11:40 idolatry, anything that gets more of our focus than God is
  • 11:43 an idol, and God always equates idolatry, in the Bible,
  • 11:48 to adultery, it's true.
  • 11:49 In Ezekiel 16 and Jeremiah 3, he equates them both the same,
  • 11:52 because he's in a relationship with you, and you're turning
  • 11:55 away and giving other things your focus.
  • 11:58 And we may think we have experienced everything there is
  • 12:00 to God.
  • 12:01 Even if you haven't turned away from God, you really love him,
  • 12:04 you're like, "Okay, I've experienced the presence of God,
  • 12:08 I've seen dreams and visions, I've been ushered into
  • 12:10 his presence, I've danced before him, I've prophesied, I've
  • 12:13 healed the sick, I've cast out devils," but really, we've never
  • 12:16 all tapped into the fullness of God, he's so much greater than
  • 12:19 all that.
  • 12:20 Joshua: Part of the temptation to not give 100%, or to allow
  • 12:24 love to grow old and not remain new, is looking at love
  • 12:28 through the perspective of what it brings to me.
  • 12:30 Caleb: That's true.
  • 12:31 Joshua: This is how this wears off.
  • 12:33 When you're in a relationship with someone and everything's
  • 12:34 new, then every experience that you have is positive for you
  • 12:38 because it's something new that you're receiving, something to
  • 12:41 your senses that you find new and tantalizing, but what love
  • 12:45 was intended to be is something that you give out to another.
  • 12:48 Caleb: That's right.
  • 12:49 Joshua: So, in your relationship with God, as opposed to just
  • 12:51 what I can take in and what I can have for myself, is,
  • 12:54 "What can I give to God, how can I give him more of me, more of
  • 12:58 my heart, more of my submission, more of my love, more of my
  • 13:01 praise, more of my adoration?"
  • 13:02 When our shifting becomes, "What am I receiving from love,"
  • 13:06 as opposed to what I'm giving, then we see that love
  • 13:09 is this burning fire that continues to grow and grow,
  • 13:13 and can't be put out simply by time.
  • 13:15 Caleb: And guys, we never witness all that there
  • 13:17 is to God.
  • 13:18 We know he's the same yesterday, today, and forevermore,
  • 13:21 but he's also limitless in his creativity, in his power and
  • 13:24 his glory, and if you seek him, you're gonna get more of him,
  • 13:27 things that you never knew were possible, and he's gonna give it
  • 13:30 to you, but, like Josh said, you have to seek him first,
  • 13:33 you have to seek that love.
  • 13:34 The entire reason he created us, Josh, was to give love to him,
  • 13:38 but it had to be a free-will choice, he was never gonna
  • 13:41 demand love, he didn't make us like the angels.
  • 13:44 And he wanted that relationship back with him because he was
  • 13:49 lonely, he really was lonely and he wanted that relationship
  • 13:52 with us, but we've strayed away in that relationship,
  • 13:56 and we've seen that even in America, today.
  • 13:58 Joshua: The problem with straying, obviously, is that
  • 13:59 when you stray, and you begin to walk in sin not in love,
  • 14:02 then it brings judgment upon you.
  • 14:03 We talked about it in another episode, about that.
  • 14:06 But the good news is it only takes one, it only takes one
  • 14:09 decision, one choice, one of you to put your heart towards him.
  • 14:11 And when we look at these examples in the Bible, from
  • 14:14 Josiah, when he inclined his heart towards God, Moses
  • 14:17 interceded before God to prevent judgment from falling on the
  • 14:20 people from their actions.
  • 14:22 So it's not going to take, you know, everybody banding together
  • 14:26 right off the bat, "Okay, 60 of us have decided to love
  • 14:28 and not," no, it takes the choice in your heart.
  • 14:30 And when you look in the Bible, James 4:8 says, "Draw near
  • 14:34 to God and He will draw near to you."
  • 14:35 Jeremiah 29:13 says, "And you will seek Me and find Me,
  • 14:39 when you search for Me with all your heart."
  • 14:41 Isaiah 55:67 says, "Seek the Lord while He may be found,
  • 14:45 call upon Him while He is near.
  • 14:46 Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man, his
  • 14:50 thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy
  • 14:52 on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon."
  • 14:55 When we only seek the love of mankind, there is always
  • 15:00 the risk, the risk is it will be unrequited.
  • 15:02 The promise of God's love to you is that, "When you seek Me,
  • 15:05 I'll be there.
  • 15:06 It doesn't matter when, it doesn't matter how, how much, if
  • 15:09 you seek Me, I'm gonna find you, and I'm gonna love you back,
  • 15:13 and I'm gonna bless you and I'm gonna show you mercy,
  • 15:16 and I'm gonna do it in abundance."
  • 15:18 What an amazing promise.
  • 15:19 You don't have to risk talking to the cute girl and getting
  • 15:22 shut down every time with God, he says, "You want Me?
  • 15:26 I want you, and let's do this," and he's gonna grab you
  • 15:29 and you're gonna run together.
  • 15:30 Caleb: So, return to your first love, all it takes is you to
  • 15:34 turn the heart of God, to change the nation, more and more people
  • 15:38 on their knees in prayer.
  • 15:39 We're gonna see that mentality of selflessness just overtaking
  • 15:45 from a community level, growing to your church, to your state,
  • 15:48 then to a national level, because it's all about being
  • 15:51 sacrificial, what can you give to God, what can you give
  • 15:55 to others?
  • 15:56 And when everybody's in that position to be a servant
  • 16:00 instead of trying to be the one living for themselves,
  • 16:03 they're the master, then you are the greatest in the kingdom
  • 16:05 of heaven instead of the lowest.
  • 16:09 It's the opposite, the way we think things,
  • 16:11 from earth to heaven.
  • 16:13 Joshua: So, remember, submit your heart to him, love him,
  • 16:15 chase him down the way you wanna be chased down and loved,
  • 16:18 be the one that takes the steps and actions.
  • 16:20 And remember, if you're in a young, budding relationship,
  • 16:22 avoid quoting Song of Solomon, it creeps girls out nowadays,
  • 16:26 I'm not even joking.
  • 16:27 I'm married, but it almost caused real problems,
  • 16:30 they don't wanna know how they're
  • 16:31 related to hairy animals.
  • 16:32 I guess maybe women were hairier back then, but today,
  • 16:35 doesn't play.
  • 16:37 Caleb: True, and my teenage daughters were reading it
  • 16:38 the other day, they were just like, "What?"
  • 16:40 Joshua: Doesn't play.
  • 16:42 We love you, not like weird-hairy-animal love you,
  • 16:46 like the love of Christ.
  • 16:47 ♪♪♪
  • 16:48 ♪ We will live on forever ♪
  • 16:50 ♪♪♪
  • 17:03 David: This will never happen to us sitting here, but it does
  • 17:06 happen, probably daily, people who turn away from God,
  • 17:10 like adultery, I can't imagine that happening.
  • 17:12 Joshua: We ask all the time for God to make a move, right?
  • 17:15 We wanna see a move of God in our lives, we wanna see
  • 17:17 a revival or a reformation, and then it doesn't happen, and then
  • 17:21 we look up at God and we say, "What's the deal, why did you do
  • 17:23 all this for everybody else?
  • 17:24 If you're not a respecter of persons, why is it not happening
  • 17:26 for me?"
  • 17:27 And we forget that the personal responsibility to get the sin
  • 17:29 out, to get our life right, to let go of those things
  • 17:33 that are blocking him from being able to make that move,
  • 17:36 that responsibility's on us.
  • 17:37 Caleb: That's right.
  • 17:39 Joshua: James 5:7-8 says, "Therefore be patient, brethren,
  • 17:40 until the coming of the Lord.
  • 17:42 See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth,
  • 17:44 waiting patiently for it until he receives the early
  • 17:47 and latter rain.
  • 17:48 You also be patient.
  • 17:50 Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand."
  • 17:52 That, "Latter rain," people have used this terminology.
  • 17:56 Caleb: Misused, for sure, yeah.
  • 17:57 Joshua: For so many different things.
  • 17:58 It was simply talking about that rain that comes at the end
  • 18:00 of a harvest right before you're gonna pluck up
  • 18:02 all the good stuff.
  • 18:03 Caleb: And the harvest is the Rapture, the Rapture
  • 18:05 of the Bride of Messiah, but there's other raptures,
  • 18:07 that aren't so good, for the lost.
  • 18:09 And so, I believe Yeshua commanded us, he said,
  • 18:12 "Look at the fields, they're white,
  • 18:15 ready for a harvest right now."
  • 18:17 He was the first fruits of a harvest, we got partake
  • 18:19 in his first fruits of a harvest, don't you think?
  • 18:21 Joshua: I think it's important, guys.
  • 18:23 John 4:35 is what says that verse, and we're gonna talk
  • 18:27 about the reformation here in our last segment.
  • 18:35 Caleb: I'm Caleb.
  • 18:36 Joshua: I'm Joshua, hi.
  • 18:37 Caleb: How are you doing?
  • 18:39 Joshua: I'm all right.
  • 18:40 Oh, them.
  • 18:41 Caleb: Yeah, yeah.
  • 18:43 Isn't it cool that we have the Bible here, we have scriptures,
  • 18:44 that any time we wanna know anything about the Word of God,
  • 18:46 we can open it and reference it?
  • 18:48 Do you know during the Dark Ages,
  • 18:49 they didn't have this resource at their disposal?
  • 18:52 Joshua: "Dark," like pre-internet, like before that
  • 18:53 was the Dark Age?
  • 18:55 Because I had a Bible way before the internet was invented.
  • 18:57 Caleb: We're talking about during the medieval times
  • 19:00 before the Bible was translated into the common tongue.
  • 19:02 Joshua: You get a whole chicken there, and you get to vote
  • 19:04 for the Green Knight, it's an awesome place.
  • 19:06 Caleb: During the Dark Ages, the Bible is only written
  • 19:09 in Latin and Greek, and it was not readily available,
  • 19:11 it was only within the church.
  • 19:13 Joshua: Why would they do that?
  • 19:15 I can't read Latin, could everybody else read Latin?
  • 19:17 Caleb: Well, you had the church leaders, God's chosen vassals,
  • 19:20 that will interpret the Bible to common man, but man's heart
  • 19:23 can be corrupted, and they eventually lied for their own
  • 19:26 personal gain.
  • 19:27 Then Martin Luther nailed his "Ninety-five Theses"
  • 19:30 to the church door, he started a reformation, the Bible
  • 19:33 was translated into German, and then later into English,
  • 19:35 with King James, to the common tongue, and now, today,
  • 19:38 we have the Scriptures,
  • 19:39 that brought about a great reformation.
  • 19:41 You can see in the Bible, that whenever a man inclines
  • 19:45 his heart to God, that that brings a revival or reformation
  • 19:48 to an entire nation.
  • 19:49 Joshua: This is actually referenced in the Bible,
  • 19:51 in 2 Chronicles 7:14, where it says, "If My people
  • 19:54 who are called by My name will humble themselves,
  • 19:56 and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways,
  • 19:59 then will I hear from heaven,
  • 20:00 and will forgive their sin and heal their land."
  • 20:03 Caleb: That's amazing.
  • 20:05 Three Bible characters come to mind, great reformers
  • 20:08 that follow the Lord.
  • 20:09 Josiah, at the age of eight he became king, his grandfather
  • 20:14 and father were extremely wicked, he did not have
  • 20:17 the Book of the Law, he didn't have the statues of the Lord,
  • 20:19 he didn't know how to follow them, but he still inclined
  • 20:21 his heart to God, he still put away idols
  • 20:23 and he started restoring the temple.
  • 20:25 Well, eventually, in his twenties,
  • 20:26 the Book of the Law was found,
  • 20:28 and when they read it to him, he rent his clothes,
  • 20:30 he cried out, God, "have mercy on me," put on a sackcloth
  • 20:33 and ashes, and the Lord spared Judah from destruction
  • 20:36 because of his heart.
  • 20:38 Let's look at King Hezekiah before him, he also purified
  • 20:41 the temple, he also restored animal sacrifices and Passover,
  • 20:45 when his predecessors had fallen into idolatry.
  • 20:47 King Joash, in the Bible, he was almost killed
  • 20:50 by his grandmother, Athaliah, he was hidden in the temple
  • 20:53 as a baby by the priest Jehoiada.
  • 20:55 At the age of seven, he becomes king, he starts enacting great
  • 20:59 reforms, and the people turn their heart back to God.
  • 21:02 See, all these people, they are great examples of how their
  • 21:05 entire nation was led to follow the Lord, but the sad thing was,
  • 21:10 when they died, people fell into sin again.
  • 21:13 Joshua: I feel really underqualified as a personal
  • 21:14 eight-year-old because I didn't do any of those things, and
  • 21:17 every time I've rent my clothes I've been asked to leave Target,
  • 21:20 so I did not keep any examples up.
  • 21:22 But if you read here in Isaiah 55:67, it says,
  • 21:25 "Seek the Lord while He may be found,
  • 21:27 call upon Him while He is near,
  • 21:29 Let the wicked forsake his way,
  • 21:31 and the unrighteous man his thoughts;
  • 21:33 Let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him;
  • 21:36 and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon."
  • 21:38 It's funny that you said that, these people, they lived these
  • 21:40 amazing lives, they set a precedent, and then immediately
  • 21:43 after, even their own children didn't do any of it, right?
  • 21:47 They fell into sin.
  • 21:48 Caleb: Sin, terrible stuff.
  • 21:50 Joshua: We get this idea, today, that, "If somebody will just
  • 21:51 establish a foundation for me, if they'll just give me
  • 21:52 the money, if they'll just set the precedent, then everything
  • 21:55 will be fine, my life will be perfect and we'll all follow
  • 21:57 along this path.
  • 21:58 God, if you would just do this for me,
  • 22:00 then I would follow you forever."
  • 22:01 But this is obviously not the case, because throughout
  • 22:03 history, just because somebody else lived by example,
  • 22:05 if there wasn't personal change, like spoken of in Isaiah,
  • 22:08 nothing did change.
  • 22:10 Caleb: That's true, just like you cannot receive salvation
  • 22:12 for your children, you cannot reform another person's heart.
  • 22:16 Now, you can be a good example, you can follow the Lord,
  • 22:19 and be that example and follow his statutes, but ultimately,
  • 22:22 the experience has to be a personal one.
  • 22:24 And just to close, this reminds me of a very important scripture
  • 22:27 that God promises reformation and restoration
  • 22:29 to national Israel.
  • 22:30 It's in Ezekiel, Ezekiel chapter 36:25-28, the Lord says,
  • 22:35 "Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be
  • 22:38 clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from
  • 22:40 all your idols.
  • 22:41 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and
  • 22:44 I'll take the heart of stone out of your flesh and I'll give you
  • 22:46 a heart of flesh.
  • 22:47 I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk
  • 22:49 in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them.
  • 22:52 Then you shall dwell on the land that I gave to your fathers;
  • 22:55 you shall be My people, and I will be your God."
  • 22:57 Isn't that amazing?
  • 22:59 Joshua: That is amazing.
  • 23:00 Guys, remember, we throw around words all day long, like revival
  • 23:02 and restoration and reformation and all these things,
  • 23:03 and they're great words, but at the end of the day,
  • 23:06 it requires a personal responsibility for you.
  • 23:08 Every one of these men that you read about in history,
  • 23:10 and women and children, who made an impact,
  • 23:12 they made a decision in their life first.
  • 23:15 They fell on their knees in prayer, they cleaned out
  • 23:17 their lives and they made a dedication, personally,
  • 23:20 to make a change.
  • 23:22 If you wanna see something happen in your life, in your
  • 23:23 family's life, in the ages to come, it's our responsibility
  • 23:27 to get on our knees in prayer and to submit ourselves
  • 23:29 and our lives to him.
  • 23:30 And when we do that, that's when we're gonna see the change.
  • 23:32 Caleb: That's right. Join us next time.
  • 23:34 Joshua: And don't rend your clothes in Target,
  • 23:36 it's apparently a crime, had no mal-intent, it was just like,
  • 23:39 "No, you got to leave immediately."
  • 23:42 What's that all about?
  • 23:44 ♪♪♪
  • 23:57 Kirsten: We're talking about the last days and the end times,
  • 24:01 and the Antichrist will come in with the supernatural signs.
  • 24:05 And I feel that if we, the church, were walking
  • 24:11 in the power that we should be walking in, the Antichrist's
  • 24:15 supernatural signs wouldn't be so supernatural, because they'd
  • 24:19 be used to us walking and people being healed in our shadow.
  • 24:24 We should be walking in that daily, and then his superpower
  • 24:28 would be so much less, if we were walking fulfilled.
  • 24:30 Joshua: This is the craziest thing, before you jump in here,
  • 24:33 you know, it's somehow come to this point in life where
  • 24:37 believers believe less in the supernatural than
  • 24:40 the unbeliever does.
  • 24:41 Kirsten: Oh, that's good.
  • 24:43 Joshua: If you look at television shows, today,
  • 24:44 from kids up now, everything is about superhero, superpower,
  • 24:48 witchcraft, how they somehow evolved into a being that had
  • 24:52 this new thing, and it's become a commonplace concept.
  • 24:55 If somebody showed up today with superpowers, it might make a
  • 24:58 blip on the radar for a minute, but then it's just part of our
  • 25:00 whole Marvel society now, right?
  • 25:03 But yet, in the church, we have more denominations who refuse
  • 25:07 to accept that we have the authority, that Yeshua gave us,
  • 25:10 and operate in that authority beyond
  • 25:12 just the Great Commission, being witnessing.
  • 25:14 How sad is that, that we're not walking in it and utilizing it
  • 25:17 because we don't believe in it?
  • 25:18 Kirsten: Right, and I think we could win so many more to Christ
  • 25:21 if they saw the supernatural, that is what could be
  • 25:24 the difference.
  • 25:26 If healing happened and people saw it all the time,
  • 25:29 who wouldn't want that?
  • 25:30 Caleb: Yeah, and obviously that's the benefits of being a
  • 25:32 son or daughter of Messiah, but too many people think that was
  • 25:34 just for them, the first century church, but we're supposed to do
  • 25:37 greater works than Yeshua did, and we should be able to cast
  • 25:41 out devils, heal the sick, do the miracles in his name,
  • 25:45 and we can.
  • 25:47 1 Corinthians 13 talks about that, and we believe it and
  • 25:49 we've seen it, we've walked it, we lived in it, but the church
  • 25:52 doesn't operate in it, they'd rather operate in a counterfeit
  • 25:56 position than in the authentic position that Yeshua
  • 25:59 has called us to.
  • 26:00 David: That's good, guys.
  • 26:02 A lot more to come, we'll be right back.
  • 26:05 David: Help spread the word by getting your own
  • 26:07 Bearded Bible Brother T-shirt, either for yourself or as a gift
  • 26:10 for someone you love.
  • 26:12 Decide what size you want and call us at 1-800-WONDERS
  • 26:16 or go to LEVITT.COM/STORE.
  • 26:20 David: So many of you support us financially, we thank you
  • 26:23 so much, we wanna bring you many more hot topics, it's been
  • 26:27 a good day being with you guys.
  • 26:28 Caleb: Thank you.
  • 26:29 Kirsten: I gotta jump in real quick.
  • 26:31 A lot of people don't know this, and if you're watching,
  • 26:34 "If you're watching us"?
  • 26:36 You are, that the four of us, together, host tours to Israel.
  • 26:40 Joshua: That's right.
  • 26:41 Kirsten: And we have done that for the last seven years,
  • 26:43 but now the two of you come with us also, so it's a four-for-one,
  • 26:47 and we're excited to offer.
  • 26:48 Caleb: It's gonna be a fun bus ride, I tell you that.
  • 26:50 Joshua: Yes, it is.
  • 26:51 Caleb: So this episode that we were just talking about,
  • 26:54 this last days move of God, it's necessary right now.
  • 26:57 These things happen in cycles, you have, you know, sin,
  • 27:00 and in desperation people cry out to God, then you have a move
  • 27:02 of God.
  • 27:04 I feel it's time, high time right now, for the church
  • 27:06 to repent on their knees and, have that final last days
  • 27:09 move of God, to go out in a blaze of glory.
  • 27:11 David: And I hate to do this now, but we gotta go.
  • 27:13 Joshua: So, Sha'alu shalom Yerushalayim.
  • 27:16 David: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
  • 27:19 David: Join us right now
  • 27:21 on our social media sites
  • 27:22 for exclusive content.
  • 27:24 Visit our website, LEVITT.COM, for tour information,
  • 27:28 broadcast schedule, free monthly newsletter, and online store.
  • 27:33 Call us any time at 1-800-WONDERS
  • 27:35 and ask about this week's resource.
  • 27:38 "Our Jewish Roots" is a presentation
  • 27:40 of Zola Levitt Ministries.
  • 27:42 Partner with us.
  • 27:43 As a 100% viewer-funded ministry, your gifts allow us to
  • 27:47 bring you our weekly television series, social media outlets,
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  • 27:54 Please remember we depend on tax-deductible donations
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  • 27:59 ♪♪♪
  • 28:09 ♪♪♪

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