The Jewish roots of Christianity

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Bible teaching with an emphasis on Israel, prophecy and the Jewish roots of Christianity

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Episode: “David Hacham”
During our most recent trip to Israel, Joshua and Caleb were able to hear from Colonel David Hacham, a veteran of the Oslo Peace accords for his expertise on the military situation with Gaza and Hamas.

Caption transcript for “David Hacham”

  • 00:01 ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ David Hart: We are so glad you
  • 00:17 joined us, today, for our program all about Israel, what's going on there right now.
  • 00:20 You guys were in Israel, and had some incredible interviews, tell
  • 00:24 us about it.
  • 00:26 Caleb Colson: Well, the war is not over yet, and we saw a lot
  • 00:29 of action when we were in Israel, but most importantly, we
  • 00:31 spoke to very important people.
  • 00:33 The legend, Colonel David Hacham, he is a amazing figure,
  • 00:38 in the IDF, for 30-plus years, he worked as the Advisor of Arab
  • 00:42 Affairs to eight defense ministers, he worked in the Gaza
  • 00:46 Strip, he's known to know every square inch of the Gaza Strip,
  • 00:49 every alleyway, every city street, this guy is an expert.
  • 00:53 Joshua Colson: He had so much information, his pictures alone
  • 00:56 were cool enough, he showed us pictures for the last 30 years
  • 00:58 of every major dignitary that came and had something to do
  • 01:00 with Israel, he was there in the background of
  • 01:02 these negotiations.
  • 01:03 But right now, he's gonna tell us about the origins of Hamas,
  • 01:06 and what their plan is for Israel, because they're not
  • 01:08 done yet.
  • 01:10 Kirsten Hart: This is information you will not hear or
  • 01:12 see on your nightly news.
  • 01:15 Let's go to Israel now.
  • 01:20 Caleb: Today, we travel to the town of Modi'in, not far
  • 01:24 from Yerushalayim.
  • 01:25 This modern and recent metropolis is built upon a more
  • 01:28 ancient village with a rich history going back to the time
  • 01:32 of the Maccabees.
  • 01:33 As with any location in Israel, feral cats are plenteous.
  • 01:38 Caleb: Do you speak Hebrew?
  • 01:41 Joshua: Here's the deal, I am the land of Israel, also known
  • 01:44 as the land of cats.
  • 01:47 Here you could find any type of cat, you can feed them, become a
  • 01:51 cat lady.
  • 01:52 You can come to Israel, be a cat lady, it's your chosen calling.
  • 01:58 Caleb: It is here in Modi'in that we met with Colonel David
  • 02:01 Hacham, who gave us a very warm welcome.
  • 02:05 The colonel shared with us his rich history and photographic
  • 02:09 evidence of a long, well-lived career in service of the IDF.
  • 02:13 Although he's retired, Colonel Hacham is still sought after,
  • 02:17 with weekly calls from government officials in high
  • 02:20 office, to offer his counsel concerning the current conflict
  • 02:24 with Hamas.
  • 02:25 He explained to us the origins of this terrorist organization.
  • 02:31 Colonel David Hacham: The term "Hamas," I don't know if you're
  • 02:33 familiar, what does it mean, Hamas?
  • 02:36 Hamas in Arabic means enthusiasm, zealousness, yes?
  • 02:42 But in this case, it's abbreviations of three letters
  • 02:48 in Arabic, ha, mim, sin,
  • 02:50 [speaking in Arabic]
  • 02:53 the Islamic Resistance Movement.
  • 02:55 Listen carefully, here you have to ask yourself immediately when
  • 02:59 you hear the name, why one word, very much relevant, is missing?
  • 03:06 And the word is Palestine, or Palestinian.
  • 03:09 You know, you are taking all the names, even the PLO, Palestinian
  • 03:12 Liberation Organization, Palestinian, Fatah,
  • 03:16 [speaking in Arabic]
  • 03:18 the Liberation of Palestine Movement, PFLP,
  • 03:22 Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.
  • 03:26 Any other, you know, organization, even the
  • 03:29 communists, the Palestinian Communist Party, you know, in
  • 03:33 all the names we have Palestine.
  • 03:35 Here, in Hamas, we don't find the word, which was very much,
  • 03:42 you know, weird to be part of the name and no Palestine.
  • 03:48 Because we have to understand, the vision of Hamas is not
  • 03:52 Palestinian wide, it's not only limited to the area
  • 03:57 of Palestine.
  • 03:59 They are looking to the old Islamic, you know, area, like it
  • 04:04 was after the time of the Prophet Muhammad and the first
  • 04:07 four caliphs during the empire, the Umayyad, Umayyad Empire, and
  • 04:12 later on, the Abbasid Empire.
  • 04:13 Umaya Empire, the center was in Damascus, the Abbasid Empire,
  • 04:17 the center in Baghdad, and they are looking for the revival of
  • 04:21 the caliphate as it was after the time of the Prophet.
  • 04:25 Joshua: So, then, does the ideology of Hamas come straight
  • 04:27 from the Koran, in your opinion?
  • 04:29 Colonel Hacham: Of course, they are based in the Koran, but not
  • 04:31 only in the Koran, in the Hadith as well.
  • 04:34 You know, I must tell you in this regard something very
  • 04:36 much important.
  • 04:38 You know, I was the first officer, when I was in Gaza, to
  • 04:42 have the covenant of Hamas, with all the--
  • 04:46 Caleb: The constitution.
  • 04:47 Colonel Hacham: The Constitution of Hamas, and I read it, 36
  • 04:53 provisions, clear cut and pure ideology, vis a vis Israel, vis
  • 05:02 a vis the Jews, vis a vis Zionism, vis a vis the very
  • 05:07 existence of a Jewish state in Palestine.
  • 05:11 And there is only one hadith, hadith are sayings attributed to
  • 05:18 the Prophet Muhammad, and this saying is speaking about
  • 05:21 doomsday, when the Muslims will fight against the Jews, and
  • 05:26 there won't be, and all the Jews will be
  • 05:28 exterminated, annihilated.
  • 05:30 And there will be only one Jew left on the surface of the land,
  • 05:36 and the Muslim is, like, chasing the last Jew on Earth in order
  • 05:41 to kill him, and he's trying to find him and he didn't find him.
  • 05:45 So, in this moment, the Lord, "Allah," as they call him, will
  • 05:51 intervene, and he will do that the stone or the tree will open
  • 05:57 their mouths and said to the Muslim who is chasing after the
  • 06:01 last Jew on Earth.
  • 06:03 And it goes like this in Arabic, he's saying,
  • 06:07 [speaking in Arabic]
  • 06:14 "You, Muslim, you, the servant of the Lord, a Jew is
  • 06:19 hiding behind me, come and kill him."
  • 06:22 And this is the only hadith in the covenant, in this, in Hamas
  • 06:27 ideology, in this paper, and it gives you, you know, this is
  • 06:31 like the gist, but all the provisions are speaking about
  • 06:35 annihilation of the Jews, no place for Jewish state here.
  • 06:39 Caleb: This is their end goal.
  • 06:41 Colonel Hacham: And they are speaking publicly, overtly they
  • 06:44 are saying, "We have to establish a Palestinian Islamic
  • 06:48 state on the ruins of the state of Israel, the Jewish state,
  • 06:53 within, you know, boundaries, known boundaries, from the sea
  • 06:58 to the river."
  • 06:59 This is now the slogan.
  • 07:01 Caleb: Yeah, "The river to the sea."
  • 07:02 Colonel Hacham: That the people in America are using, that they
  • 07:04 don't know what they are speaking about.
  • 07:06 "The sea to the river," Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan
  • 07:09 River, that is to say, "On the ruins," you know, "of the state
  • 07:14 of Israel, after killing all the Jews."
  • 07:16 And this is only the first phase in the ideology of Hamas, and
  • 07:20 later on, as I've told you, revival of the Islamic Caliphate
  • 07:24 as it was after the time of the Prophet.
  • 07:27 Now, afterwards, I was one year in the National Defense College
  • 07:30 of the Army, and during the period of time, by the way, it's
  • 07:34 very much important, when I was in Gaza, I was like an advisor
  • 07:40 for Rabin, Yitzhak Rabin.
  • 07:43 He was, that period of time, the Minister of Defense, and I used
  • 07:46 to meet him often when he came to Gaza to hear reports about
  • 07:51 what's going on, and he called me many times to his office in
  • 07:55 Tel Aviv in order to update him about the situation in Gaza, and
  • 08:01 it was very much very important period of time for me.
  • 08:06 I was in all the meetings took place between
  • 08:11 Israeli Prime Ministers.
  • 08:13 Caleb: And Yasser Arafat?
  • 08:15 And Yasser Arafat, in all the meetings.
  • 08:16 I was, at that period, from 1994 until 2000, I was in all the
  • 08:25 meetings, including the two meetings that took place between
  • 08:30 Barak, Ehud Barak, the Israeli Prime Minister and Minister of
  • 08:33 Defense that period of time, before he went to Camp David to
  • 08:36 the meeting with Arafat under the auspices of the American
  • 08:42 president, Bill Clinton.
  • 08:43 You remember this, in the year 2000.
  • 08:45 I was, you know, I remember even in the last meeting before Barak
  • 08:51 went to America in 2000, we met him in the entrance, in the
  • 08:58 military base in the entrance to the Gaza Strip.
  • 09:01 I was with Barak, I was his advisor, and we went inside the
  • 09:05 meeting and Arafat came.
  • 09:07 And I was sitting beside Barak and Saeb Erekat, the late Saeb
  • 09:12 Erekat, he was the head of the negotiations team in the
  • 09:16 Palestinian side in the PLO.
  • 09:18 He said, "If David is here, I want to be here."
  • 09:22 I was very much brave to do like this to Barak, not to agree, and
  • 09:27 he said, "Only David will be here."
  • 09:28 And of course, I translated the the conversation and the
  • 09:32 discussion between them.
  • 09:33 But it was one-way, one-sided discussion, because Barak spoke
  • 09:39 all the time and Arafat.
  • 09:42 Caleb: They're not really planning, they're just like,
  • 09:44 "Here's my list of demands."
  • 09:45 Colonel Hacham: There was not the chemistry, no chemistry
  • 09:47 between Barak.
  • 09:48 Caleb: I want this and I want this.
  • 09:49 Colonel Hacham: Yeah, exactly, and afterwards, Arafat refused
  • 09:52 to go to do the press conference with Barak, after that, because
  • 09:56 he was very much angry at him.
  • 09:59 And you know, I only recently was asked in a television
  • 10:07 interview in Israel about my experience with the late Arafat
  • 10:14 and whether I believed, before the opening of the Oslo Process,
  • 10:21 that Arafat is serious.
  • 10:24 Caleb: About peace.
  • 10:25 Colonel Hacham: And he will come to terms with Israel and they
  • 10:27 will have an agreement.
  • 10:31 And I said that, "In accordance with my information and my
  • 10:35 knowledge of Arafat, I don't think that he is the guy, that
  • 10:39 Israel can sign a peace treaty with him."
  • 10:41 But I said at the same time that "Israel must give it a
  • 10:45 chance, and we have to take this chance and to see whether there
  • 10:50 is a possibility."
  • 10:52 But after Rabin was assassinated, November 1995,
  • 10:57 I understood that there is no chance to come to any agreement
  • 11:02 with the Yasser Arafat, you know.
  • 11:06 Caleb: Is there a chance now, but with the two-state solution,
  • 11:09 where people are saying the same thing?
  • 11:10 Colonel Hacham: No, listen, today, I think this is something
  • 11:15 in the sky, the two-state solution, after what happened to
  • 11:18 the October 7th, you know, in the area adjacent close to the
  • 11:23 Gaza Strip and the massacre took place, you know, the barbaric,
  • 11:27 inhuman massacre, in which more than 1,200 people were killed
  • 11:32 and slaughtered, rape, women were raped, et cetera,
  • 11:36 et cetera, you know all the story.
  • 11:38 I think, today, to speak about two-state solution is
  • 11:41 an illusion.
  • 11:43 This is what the American administration are trying,
  • 11:44 today, to push, and this is something I cannot understand.
  • 11:51 After all what happened, they are still speaking about
  • 11:54 two-state solution now, and this is why I think that Netanyahu is
  • 11:59 very much just in rejecting the American proposals, the
  • 12:04 American ideas.
  • 12:06 You know, you have to understand, there are
  • 12:08 Palestinian Authority in the West Bank, in Judea and Samaria,
  • 12:12 you know, the Palestinian Authority headed by Abu Mazen,
  • 12:14 Mahmoud Abbas, is 88 years old.
  • 12:19 I mean, we can speak about it openly, this is the end, maybe
  • 12:24 the end, of Abu Mazen, Mahmoud Abbas is the head of the leader
  • 12:28 of the Palestinian Authority.
  • 12:30 The Palestinian Authority is very weak, it is very corrupt,
  • 12:34 is inefficient.
  • 12:36 I mean, to say that the Palestinian Authority is going
  • 12:39 to deliver the goods for Israel in the Gaza Strip, this is
  • 12:43 something, it's not a dream, it's an illusion, it's something
  • 12:48 that Israel is totally rejecting, and I think that
  • 12:52 Netanyahu is doing the right thing in rejecting this offer.
  • 12:56 I'll tell you more than that.
  • 12:58 They are speaking about Gaza after the war in terms that
  • 13:03 there will be a foreign force, a foreign element that will take
  • 13:08 responsibility over Gaza in order to keep silence, to keep
  • 13:13 security, to preserve, to defend Gaza, not to do any provocations
  • 13:19 or any aggression outside against Israel.
  • 13:22 This is again an illusion, because you know you cannot get
  • 13:28 security by a third-party, security you can get by your own
  • 13:35 army, by your own military, but yourself, only yourself.
  • 13:40 And this is why I think that after the war, Israel has to
  • 13:44 have a security control over Gaza, and at the same time, I'm
  • 13:51 not speaking about other force coming to Gaza.
  • 13:55 And when I'm speaking about the civilians in Gaza, I have the
  • 13:58 experience, you know, of eight years in Gaza.
  • 14:01 And I know if there will be a military government in Gaza, an
  • 14:06 efficient military government, I mean, the military government
  • 14:10 can, I mean, through its influence, its control of the
  • 14:14 area, to have like local elements which will take
  • 14:18 responsibility for the civilian life, for the civil life, for
  • 14:23 the civilians, for the Palestinians inside Gaza.
  • 14:25 And this is going to work.
  • 14:27 Today, the IDF made a very great, you know, operation in
  • 14:33 the northern part of Gaza.
  • 14:35 And you know, the infrastructure of Hamas, the military terrorist
  • 14:40 infrastructure, of Hamas in the north was destroyed completely,
  • 14:47 almost completely.
  • 14:49 But now the control over this area is not efficient by the
  • 14:54 IDF, and I think that Israel has to, I mean, the military, the
  • 14:59 IDF, has to declare a military government in the northern part
  • 15:05 of Gaza in order to control the area and to finish
  • 15:09 with Hamas in the area.
  • 15:11 Caleb: So they just left it, they came in
  • 15:13 and they left it open.
  • 15:14 Colonel Hacham: They kept it like as a hollow--
  • 15:15 how do you say?-- as a vacuum.
  • 15:17 And you know, Hamas is entering inside again, they are coming
  • 15:21 back, and this is a disastrous scene, you know?
  • 15:26 Kirsten: So many vitally important takeaways from that
  • 15:30 part of the interview, and one that sticks with me is that the
  • 15:34 two-state solution is an illusion, they don't--
  • 15:38 Palestinians don't want two states, they want the whole
  • 15:41 thing, don't they?
  • 15:43 Caleb: That's right, from the river to the sea, I mean, it's a
  • 15:46 terrible chant and mantra, but everything that Colonel David
  • 15:50 Hacham told us was literally fulfilled in the coming days, he
  • 15:54 was warning about Gaza filling up--Hamas filling up Gaza to the
  • 15:58 north because the IDF had to withdraw in the middle
  • 16:01 of negotiations.
  • 16:02 And literally, two days later they start firing off rockets
  • 16:05 from the north of Gaza and hitting places, cities that we
  • 16:08 just left the day before, and God protected us every step of
  • 16:11 the way.
  • 16:13 Joshua: When we're on these trips, we understand the
  • 16:14 intensity of the importance of being there now, God calls us
  • 16:18 for such a time as this and we have a message to give out.
  • 16:20 Caleb, literally, and I are working 20-plus hours days,
  • 16:23 filming all day long, editing at night, updating on social media.
  • 16:26 We're so grateful for our men and women out there who also
  • 16:29 repost and follow, Brian S., we see you always reposting for us,
  • 16:33 we love you guys for doing this.
  • 16:34 Continue to support us, continue to get online, to watch these
  • 16:37 messages and interviews, and to send them to your friends so
  • 16:40 that this ministry can continue to have an important impact.
  • 16:43 David: This interview is so good, we're gonna go back to
  • 16:45 more of the interview in Israel.
  • 16:47 Let's go there now.
  • 16:49 Joshua: Everywhere you go in Israel, the war of Hamas, more
  • 16:53 specifically, the hostages held captive in Gaza, is still fresh
  • 16:57 on everyone's mind.
  • 16:58 Banners and signage cover the country to remind the Jewish
  • 17:02 people to pray and never forget.
  • 17:07 Colonel Hacham: You know, we have something in common, we,
  • 17:11 the Jews, we believe in the same, I would say, I call it
  • 17:17 Jewish-Christian heritage, this is like the basis of our
  • 17:23 common beliefs.
  • 17:26 We believe in the Lord, you know?
  • 17:30 And this is something which is very much common, we share the
  • 17:33 same, you know, ideology, the same beliefs, the beliefs on one
  • 17:39 Almighty God, the belief on equality, and this is something
  • 17:45 common between us, and it's very much important to understand
  • 17:49 this and to share this with the people in America.
  • 17:53 But I mean, speaking about the main issue here,
  • 17:58 here, Palestine, you know, when we are speaking,
  • 18:02 "From the river to the sea,"
  • 18:03 it's not only the biblical borders of the Promised Land,
  • 18:07 this is the Promised Land, this is the land of our forefathers,
  • 18:14 this is the land in which there was a Jewish independence, two
  • 18:19 times, this is the third time of Jewish independence in the
  • 18:24 Promised Land.
  • 18:25 You know, in biblical times, you remember what happened here, you
  • 18:28 remember the exile, 586 B.C., to Babylon, and the coming back.
  • 18:34 And you know the song about the all the rivers of Babylon.
  • 18:39 Don McLean, I think, is the singer.
  • 18:43 And afterwards, the period of time of the Maccabees, the
  • 18:48 Hashmonean Dynasty.
  • 18:49 Told you, media is not far away from where you've been.
  • 18:52 And after that, the exile, diaspora coming back to the land
  • 18:56 of Israel and the establishment, independence of Israel in 1948.
  • 19:02 This is, as I've told you before, the Promised Land.
  • 19:05 If you are taking any single name of a Palestinian village in
  • 19:12 Judea and Samaria, and you dig a little bit in the name, what you
  • 19:17 are going to find, you are going to find the original Hebrew
  • 19:22 biblical names.
  • 19:24 It's really something unbelievable, even Israelis are
  • 19:26 not very well informed.
  • 19:28 Listen, you are taking names, Jericho is in the Bible,
  • 19:32 [speaking in Hebrew]
  • 19:34 Anata, what is Anata?
  • 19:36 Anata is--it's in the area of Jerusalem, Anata is Anathoth,
  • 19:40 the birthplace of the Prophet Jeremiah, exactly.
  • 19:44 You are taking Teqoa, what is Teqoa?
  • 19:48 Teqoa is Tekoa, the birthplace of the Prophet Amos.
  • 19:52 Any single name you are taking of Palestinian village, today,
  • 19:57 commemorating, preserving the ancient biblical Hebrew names.
  • 20:04 You know, from time to time when I'm speaking on the basis of my
  • 20:08 military experience about the status of the situation of
  • 20:13 Israel in the area, the strategic situation, looking to
  • 20:17 our environment, looking to our area as a whole, we are targeted
  • 20:22 by many, many, you know, enemies, and many, many threats
  • 20:27 in the area, strategic threats.
  • 20:29 You know, I'm speaking about, today, Lebanon, Hezbollah in
  • 20:33 Lebanon, you know, a Shiite organization operating for the
  • 20:41 destruction of the state of Israel.
  • 20:43 The Biden Administration has to understand, this is not, you
  • 20:47 know, a minor organization with no bad intentions,
  • 20:55 this is an organization that would like to see,
  • 20:57 at the end of the day, the destruction and annihilation of
  • 21:01 the state of Israel.
  • 21:02 Now going to Syria, Iran, Iranian presence in Syria,
  • 21:07 Hezbollah presence in Syria.
  • 21:09 I'm coming to the Palestinian area, in the Palestinian
  • 21:12 Authority, Hamas elements in Judea and Samaria, and we can
  • 21:16 speak a lot about the Palestinian Authority as well.
  • 21:19 I'm coming to Gaza, controlled from June 2007 by Hamas and
  • 21:26 [speaking in Arabic]
  • 21:28 which is more virile maybe than Hamas, and
  • 21:31 [speaking in Arabic] is what?
  • 21:34 It's not but a puppet of Iran in the Palestinian arena.
  • 21:39 And Hamas and [speaking in Arabic]
  • 21:40 are getting, every year, more than 300 billions of dollars
  • 21:46 from Iran.
  • 21:48 And you know, until 10 or more years ago, all the arms and
  • 21:53 ammunition and rockets and missiles used to come
  • 21:56 from where?
  • 21:58 From Iran.
  • 21:59 Don't forget, the big, major strategic threat to the survival
  • 22:05 to the existence of the state of Israel, which is Iran and the
  • 22:11 plans to prepare, to develop, at the end of the day, nuclear
  • 22:16 military capabilities.
  • 22:18 This is something very much important, and I'm sure the
  • 22:22 American administration are very much aware of this, to see that
  • 22:27 Iran is not reaching this, you know, line, this target of
  • 22:36 having nuclear military capabilities.
  • 22:39 And I must tell you here, in this respect, I have time and
  • 22:42 again, Netanyahu speaking, that Israel won't allow Iran to reach
  • 22:48 this situation of having nuclear military capabilities.
  • 22:53 So this is what I'm thinking from time to time, how Israel is
  • 22:59 maintaining this, you know, trying to live in this kind
  • 23:04 of threats.
  • 23:07 Caleb: This atmosphere of enemies all around them.
  • 23:09 Colonel Hacham: All all around, and you know, and when I'm
  • 23:13 speaking, it's not only all around, all the fronts directed
  • 23:19 against Israel are active, they are not, you know, silent, and
  • 23:25 you hear the voices, you hear the slogans, the declarations,
  • 23:30 they are not making any attempt to hide, to say, they are saying
  • 23:36 explicitly, you know, publicly, the extermination, annihilation
  • 23:42 of the state of Israel and the Jewish people.
  • 23:44 Joshua: That's amazing.
  • 23:46 Thank you so much, today, you've not only answered so many
  • 23:48 questions, but just hearing your expertise, funny that people can
  • 23:51 try to argue facts as though it's opinion, but you can't
  • 23:54 argue that with you because you were there, personally, in front
  • 23:57 of all of that.
  • 23:58 Colonel Hacham: Yes, exactly.
  • 24:00 Joshua: And we have such a heart to express the truth so that
  • 24:02 people will hear the truth and stand for Israel, God's chosen
  • 24:05 people, God's chosen land.
  • 24:06 It's not about who wants it, it's already been chosen by God,
  • 24:10 and we have to defend and protect it.
  • 24:12 So we thank you for your time here explaining all that.
  • 24:13 Caleb: Thank you, Colonel David Hacham.
  • 24:15 Colonel Hacham: I would like, yeah, you pronounce it
  • 24:17 perfectly, I would like to thank you very much.
  • 24:20 Caleb: Yes, sir.
  • 24:21 Colonel Hacham: And you are doing the great job, I hope to
  • 24:25 see you again.
  • 24:26 Joshua: Yes, sir, we want to see you again.
  • 24:27 Colonel Hacham: Please come, please come.
  • 24:29 Joshua: Yes, sir, thank you. Colonel Hacham: Thank you.
  • 24:31 David: Just as the Colonel said, and what we all believe here,
  • 24:34 and I'm sure you do, too, that Israel is and will always be the
  • 24:39 Promised Land, yes?
  • 24:40 Amen.
  • 24:41 Caleb: That's right, and that's the major conflict that we see
  • 24:44 in the world, today, even on college campuses in America,
  • 24:47 everywhere, Satan does not want God's people to have that land
  • 24:52 even though it was promised to them.
  • 24:54 And you hear those chants, you know, "From the river to the
  • 24:57 sea, Palestine will be free," that's a call for the
  • 24:59 annihilation of the Jewish people.
  • 25:02 And it reminds me a lot about a future war that could come to
  • 25:05 pass, the Psalm 83 war, and in verse 4, it says, "'Come,' they
  • 25:10 say, 'Let us destroy them as a nation, so that Israel's name is
  • 25:14 remembered no more.'"
  • 25:16 It's identical, Satan's plan has not changed over the centuries.
  • 25:20 Kirsten: And I was going to say, "Over the centuries," but over
  • 25:23 the decades, this ministry has existed to show what Jewish
  • 25:29 people and Christian people have in common.
  • 25:33 And you guys are the Jewish believers, we represent the
  • 25:38 church, and this union must exist and it must continue,
  • 25:44 I believe it's vitally important.
  • 25:46 That's what this whole ministry stands for.
  • 25:48 Joshua: It truly is.
  • 25:50 And if you've just started watching our program, you just
  • 25:51 found us online or on television, this program is 100%
  • 25:55 donor-funded, so it is your donations that allow it
  • 25:58 to exist.
  • 26:00 But it's not just to create this program, we have several funds
  • 26:02 that the money goes to bless Israel in many
  • 26:04 different capacities.
  • 26:05 To the Jew first is one of those where we send our evangelists
  • 26:07 out throughout the year to go over and to minister to those
  • 26:10 with the love of Yeshua, God's people, to tell them who their
  • 26:13 true Messiah is.
  • 26:14 On our last trip, it was incredible, because every
  • 26:16 morning at breakfast we got an opportunity to sit with IDF
  • 26:19 reservists who were at our hotel, and just love on them and
  • 26:23 talk with them about Yeshua.
  • 26:24 And it's amazing the receptivity of the people, right now, in
  • 26:27 Israel, to the name of Yeshua, it's just changed completely
  • 26:32 because of everything that's been going on.
  • 26:34 Now is the time for the voice to get louder for what is right and
  • 26:39 what is good, for those who stand loudly and proudly for
  • 26:42 Yeshua, his name and his love, to stand against the lies and
  • 26:45 the tyrannies that are happening.
  • 26:47 Everyone else's voice is the voice of the enemy, it's so
  • 26:50 loud, we have to have our voice even louder for truth now.
  • 26:53 This program does that.
  • 26:54 Ask the Holy Spirit, today, what you're supposed to give, whether
  • 26:58 through prayer, through physical donation, because right now,
  • 27:01 this ministry continues to make a difference after 45 years of
  • 27:04 commitment to the nation of Israel and God's chosen people,
  • 27:07 and we ask you to be a part and to continue that
  • 27:10 mission forward.
  • 27:11 David: This interview was so good, and we weren't able to
  • 27:14 show the whole thing, I believe there's a way that they can see
  • 27:18 the whole interview, yes?
  • 27:20 Joshua: Yes, I think there's a QR Code you can click on to see
  • 27:23 that, you wanna watch every minute of this interview if you
  • 27:25 have an opportunity.
  • 27:27 David: Really, really good.
  • 27:28 Guys, I can't believe it's time to go already, thank you for
  • 27:30 your insight, today, and thank you for going to Israel and
  • 27:33 showing us what's going on there.
  • 27:35 It's time to go.
  • 27:36 Caleb: And as ye go, Sha'aluu Shalom Yerushalayim.
  • 27:39 Kirsten: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
  • 27:44 David: Join us, right now, on our social media sites for
  • 27:47 exclusive content.
  • 27:49 "Our Jewish Roots" as a presentation of
  • 27:52 Zola Levitt Ministries.
  • 27:53 Partner with us.
  • 27:54 As a 100% viewer-funded ministry, your gifts allow us to
  • 27:58 bring you our weekly television series, social media outlets,
  • 28:02 website, and other ministry endeavors.
  • 28:05 Please remember we depend on tax-deductible donations from
  • 28:08 viewers like you.
  • 28:10 ♪♪♪
  • 28:19 ♪♪♪

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