The Jewish roots of Christianity

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Bible teaching with an emphasis on Israel, prophecy and the Jewish roots of Christianity

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Episode: “Yeshua’s Parables to the Jew First”
Joshua and Caleb look back at their most popular teachings as the Bearded Bible Brothers to explain the Messiah’s parables relating to reaching out to His physical kinsmen, the Jewish people.

Caption transcript for “Yeshua’s Parables to the Jew First”

  • 00:01 ♪♪♪
  • 00:10 David Hart: We're so glad you've joined us today
  • 00:12 on "Our Jewish Roots."
  • 00:13 If you have not been on Youtube, you're kind of missing out
  • 00:17 on something very special that is at this table right now:
  • 00:21 The Bearded Bible Brothers.
  • 00:23 That's you guys.
  • 00:25 Kirsten Hart: And you really are Jewish.
  • 00:26 We need to let everyone know, you not only look it, you've got
  • 00:30 it running through your-- through your blood.
  • 00:32 Joshua Colson: Very true.
  • 00:34 Caleb Colson: And that automatically makes us qualified
  • 00:35 to teach about--no.
  • 00:36 But we know the Word of God.
  • 00:38 We've sought the Lord our whole lives and we've been educated
  • 00:41 under the great minds of the Word.
  • 00:45 And today we're gonna talk about Yeshua's parables
  • 00:47 to the Jew first.
  • 00:49 A lot can be lost in translation over a 2000-year period and
  • 00:53 geographic changes, and our Western minds try to interpret
  • 00:57 something one way, but that's not what originally was meant,
  • 00:59 was it, Josh?
  • 01:01 Joshua: No, it wasn't.
  • 01:02 So let's go to a classic Bearded Bible Brother teaching
  • 01:04 on the parable of the ten virgins.
  • 01:08 Joshua: Hey, everybody. I'm Joshua.
  • 01:10 Caleb: And I'm Caleb.
  • 01:11 Joshua: We're brothers.
  • 01:13 Caleb: And today, we'd like to talk about Matthew 25 and
  • 01:16 the parable of the ten virgins.
  • 01:18 Josh, what are you laughing about?
  • 01:20 Joshua: Nothing at all.
  • 01:22 I'm sorry, I thought there was 72.
  • 01:25 Caleb: That's a different story.
  • 01:26 Ten virgins are also bridesmaids.
  • 01:28 And many of you have heard the story about these bridesmaids
  • 01:32 that light the way for the bride to meet the bridegroom.
  • 01:34 They didn't know when the bridegroom was coming.
  • 01:36 Some of them were prepared with oil in their lamps,
  • 01:39 and half of them were shut out of the wedding feast.
  • 01:41 We know that that wedding feast is
  • 01:43 the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
  • 01:45 And we've been taught in churches that those bridesmaids,
  • 01:48 those virgins, represent us as believers.
  • 01:51 Joshua: But what if that's not exactly what was intended
  • 01:54 by that scripture?
  • 01:55 Caleb: The Jewish telling of the story really takes
  • 01:57 into perspective that the bride is the bride of Christ.
  • 02:00 Then who are those ten virgins?
  • 02:02 They are Jewish people.
  • 02:03 This is a Jewish telling, Jesus answering the Jews
  • 02:06 when they asked him in Matthew 24: "What will be
  • 02:08 the sign of the end of time and the--and of your return?"
  • 02:12 So Jesus was telling them, "This is what you'll see."
  • 02:15 And so you have those ten virgins and they were called
  • 02:18 to be a light unto the Gentiles.
  • 02:20 We see that in Isaiah 49:6.
  • 02:22 Joshua: So wait, wait.
  • 02:23 So, if the Jews were called to be light to--you mean,
  • 02:25 like, witnessing?
  • 02:26 Caleb: Witnessing Jews were meant to be witnesses.
  • 02:28 Joshua: I have never seen a Jew witness.
  • 02:29 I've seen Gentiles witness, and it's terrifying.
  • 02:31 They got signs and all kinds of slogans.
  • 02:33 It's--but no, I haven't.
  • 02:34 How come I haven't seen that?
  • 02:36 Caleb: Well, I asked a friend of the ministry, Avi Lipkin, that
  • 02:38 same question and he answered me and said during the time of
  • 02:41 the Roman occupation of Judea, that Jews were outlawed from
  • 02:45 proselytizing, from speaking about their God to others,
  • 02:48 under penalty of death.
  • 02:50 So the rabbis wrote this into their laws that
  • 02:52 you can't go witnessing.
  • 02:54 Joshua: And so, it still happens today that way.
  • 02:55 Caleb: Unfortunately, it does.
  • 02:56 But we, as Jewish people, need to take that mantle back up.
  • 02:59 We need to preach to everyone, not just our brethren, but
  • 03:02 to others, about the good news of Messiah, that he has come.
  • 03:05 We know the 144,000 are gonna do that during
  • 03:08 the Great Tribulation.
  • 03:09 But what's stopping us from doing that now?
  • 03:12 Joshua: Exactly.
  • 03:13 This is the thing: we were all put here for a purpose and for
  • 03:15 a reason, and for that reason alone, we should step out
  • 03:19 and we should witness and share the good news.
  • 03:21 There's many different things we're called to do,
  • 03:22 but there could not be anything more important than sharing
  • 03:24 the good news of Yeshua.
  • 03:26 Caleb: So, you non-Jewish believers, you Gentiles, may ask
  • 03:29 yourself, what does this have to do with you?
  • 03:31 Well, you can take this story and apply it to your life
  • 03:33 personally and it's kind of scary when you do because you're
  • 03:37 wondering when the trumpet sounds and the shofar blows,
  • 03:41 will the entire church be emptied?
  • 03:43 Will all the pews be emptied, and all the believers go up?
  • 03:46 Yeshua says in the Bible, "Many will come to me in that day and
  • 03:50 say, 'Lord, Lord, did we not cast out demons in your name,
  • 03:52 heal the sick in your name, and do many wonders in your name?'"
  • 03:56 And he'll say to them, "Depart from me,
  • 03:58 you workers of iniquity.
  • 03:59 I never knew you."
  • 04:01 So what does--making a believer, what does it
  • 04:05 really mean to be a believer, in your heart?
  • 04:08 Is it just acknowledging that God exists?
  • 04:10 James 2:19 says, "Even the demons believe God is who he is
  • 04:13 and they tremble at his name."
  • 04:15 So it takes more than just believing and acknowledging
  • 04:17 God's existence.
  • 04:19 You have to surrender your life to him, every part of your life.
  • 04:22 You have to receive him into your heart and he has to be
  • 04:25 the Lord over everything that you do.
  • 04:27 Joshua: Don't hold on.
  • 04:29 You're not a good lord of your life, I promise you that.
  • 04:31 No one is.
  • 04:33 But when you give it over to him, everything that he designed
  • 04:35 you to be is gonna come to fruition and you're gonna be
  • 04:37 a benefit not just to your life, but to the lives around you
  • 04:40 that you were designed to reach.
  • 04:42 This spinner has designed to stop, to tell me I shouldn't
  • 04:45 talk anymore.
  • 04:46 And I'm gonna listen because that's his purpose.
  • 04:48 But we love you and we wanna see you again very soon.
  • 04:51 Caleb: We're looking forward to it.
  • 04:52 Joshua: It's the Internet, you can see us any time.
  • 04:54 That's so amazing.
  • 04:55 Caleb: Good bye.
  • 04:59 Kirsten: When Dave and I started on this program and with this
  • 05:02 ministry we had a lot of reading to do, and Zola Levitt was
  • 05:07 a pioneer in teaching the Jewish roots of Christianity.
  • 05:11 And we got to read one of his I call it a booklet, a mini book,
  • 05:16 called, "A Christian Love Story,"
  • 05:18 which is all about the wedding customs.
  • 05:20 He was one of the first that was out there teaching it.
  • 05:23 And now you guys are carrying on, should I say
  • 05:27 the mantle or the vision of, the torch, right?
  • 05:30 How vitally important it is to know that, a, our Messiah was
  • 05:35 Jewish and, b, he was speaking to Jewish people.
  • 05:38 We don't get that in the church.
  • 05:39 We don't understand that a lot.
  • 05:41 Caleb: Yeah, and that parable, specifically, you get a lot
  • 05:44 of problems when pastors teach it that, you know,
  • 05:46 we are the bride--the bridesmaids, the virgins.
  • 05:49 Well, I thought we were the bride.
  • 05:51 No, you're the bridesmaids in-- then you're cast
  • 05:53 into outer darkness.
  • 05:54 Oh, no, my eternal salvation is at stake.
  • 05:56 It causes so many problems if you don't look at the original
  • 05:59 Jewish perspective.
  • 06:00 Joshua: See, today, our Bibles are really, really fancy, right?
  • 06:02 We have chapters and verse numbers and headings and
  • 06:05 little descriptions in the side, but the original Bible didn't.
  • 06:08 So we have to understand when we look at this,
  • 06:10 we have to have a lens of understanding
  • 06:12 the Hebrew tradition that was involved,
  • 06:14 or else we're probably gonna miss the boat.
  • 06:16 Let's go right now to hearing the perspective now
  • 06:19 on the parable of the talents.
  • 06:23 Joshua: Hey, everybody. I am Joshua.
  • 06:24 Caleb: And I am Caleb.
  • 06:26 Joshua: He is my Jewish brother, in case you do not know.
  • 06:28 Caleb: You know, guys, Yeshua was the ultimate storyteller.
  • 06:31 Joshua: Such a good storyteller.
  • 06:33 I bet he'd make movies today.
  • 06:34 Caleb: That would be totally awesome.
  • 06:36 But I think most of his parables that he gave, the church gets
  • 06:40 wrong in the interpretation, because they don't look at it
  • 06:42 from a first century Hebraic perspective.
  • 06:45 And Yeshua said himself that these parables were gonna be
  • 06:47 hard to understand for certain people.
  • 06:49 In Matthew 13, he mentions that.
  • 06:51 Joshua: Well, in Matthew 13:10 through 17, he says, "And the
  • 06:53 disciples came and said to Him, 'Why do You speak to them
  • 06:56 in parables?'
  • 06:57 He answered and said to them, 'Because it has been given to
  • 06:59 you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them
  • 07:02 it has not been given.'"
  • 07:04 Caleb: People think Yeshua is being mean, how come
  • 07:06 these people can't understand but these people can?
  • 07:08 It was about who were his own and his disciples were his own.
  • 07:12 But for the rest of the people at that time, it was not meant
  • 07:15 for them to understand the prophetic meaning of Yeshua's
  • 07:18 parables because evil would try to halt its advance.
  • 07:21 And we've spoken about this before, how God says these
  • 07:24 things in prophecy so that evil cannot know, but the children
  • 07:27 of light are meant to understand that.
  • 07:29 Joshua: He's a strategic leader.
  • 07:31 Caleb: He's a strategic leader.
  • 07:32 Otherwise, they would have tried to stop Yeshua going
  • 07:33 from the cross.
  • 07:35 And it mentions that in 1 Corinthians 2:7 through 8.
  • 07:36 Joshua: "But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden
  • 07:40 wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory,
  • 07:43 which none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known,
  • 07:46 they would have not crucified the Lord of glory."
  • 07:47 Caleb: So there you have it right there.
  • 07:49 And I think parables, they have three points in each parable
  • 07:52 that we need to look at.
  • 07:54 The first point is many of the parables are prophetic and,
  • 07:56 as we've spoken before, prophecy is a three-part meaning.
  • 07:59 So you have that meaning for the day, you have a meaning
  • 08:01 for a future, you have application for your life.
  • 08:04 Second, most of the parables are meant directly
  • 08:08 to the Jewish people.
  • 08:10 It doesn't mean that you can't take that and apply it
  • 08:12 to your circumstance of the day.
  • 08:14 There's universal truths in all those parables,
  • 08:15 but it's directed straight to his own, to his Jewish people.
  • 08:19 And third, the majority of those parables
  • 08:21 have to do with heaven
  • 08:22 and hell, have to do
  • 08:24 with your eternity.
  • 08:25 It's up to you.
  • 08:26 So, since Yeshua was so awesome and he put all these universal
  • 08:29 truths in there, we wanna talk about the parable of the talents
  • 08:32 today, because it has an application for your life,
  • 08:36 but we wanna reveal the true meaning and take it in context.
  • 08:38 Josh, you have a smoldering voice.
  • 08:40 You're a good storyteller.
  • 08:41 Joshua: Oh, do I! Caleb: Can you read us the parable
  • 08:43 of the talents?
  • 08:44 Joshua: I can.
  • 08:46 "In a world--" wait, no, that's something different.
  • 08:47 Matthew 25:14 through 30: "For the kingdom of heaven
  • 08:51 is like a man traveling to a far country, who called
  • 08:53 his own servants and delivered his goods to them.
  • 08:56 And to one he gave five talents, and another two, and to another
  • 08:59 one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately
  • 09:02 he went on a journey.
  • 09:04 Then he who had received the five talents went and traded
  • 09:06 with them, and made another five talents.
  • 09:09 And likewise he who had received two gained two more also.
  • 09:12 But he who had received one went and dug in the ground,
  • 09:15 and hid the lord's money.
  • 09:17 After a long time, the lord of those servants came and settled
  • 09:20 accounts with them.
  • 09:21 So he who had received five talents came and brought five
  • 09:23 other talents, saying, 'Lord, you delivered to me five
  • 09:25 talents; look, I have gained five more talents besides them.'
  • 09:29 His lord said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant;
  • 09:32 you were faithful over a few things, I will make you
  • 09:35 the ruler over many things.
  • 09:36 Enter into the joy of our lord.'
  • 09:38 He also who had received two talents came and said, 'Lord,
  • 09:41 you delivered to me two talents; look, I have gained two more
  • 09:43 talents besides them.'
  • 09:45 His lord said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant;
  • 09:47 you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you
  • 09:50 the ruler over many things.
  • 09:51 Enter into the joy of our lord.'
  • 09:53 Then he who had received one talent came and said, 'Lord,
  • 09:56 I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown,
  • 10:00 and gathering where you have not scattered seed.
  • 10:02 And I was afraid, and I went and hid the talent in your ground.
  • 10:05 Look, there you have what is yours.'
  • 10:08 But his lord answered him and said, 'You wicked and lazy
  • 10:11 servant, you knew that I reap where I have not sown,
  • 10:15 and gather where I have not scattered seed.
  • 10:17 So you ought to have deposited my money with bankers,
  • 10:20 and at my coming I would have received back with my own
  • 10:22 and with interest.'
  • 10:24 So take the talent from him and give it to him
  • 10:26 who has ten talents.
  • 10:27 'For to everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have
  • 10:31 abundance; but for him who does not have, even what he has
  • 10:35 will be taken away.
  • 10:36 And cast the unprofitable servant into outer darkness.
  • 10:39 There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'"
  • 10:42 Caleb: Weeping and gnashing of teeth.
  • 10:44 Joshua: Silent "g."
  • 10:46 Caleb: That's how all these parables end up.
  • 10:47 That's kind of scary.
  • 10:48 So, what was the meaning of that, Josh?
  • 10:50 Is that--is that like saying God is supposed to call us to be
  • 10:53 a capitalist, so we're just supposed to play
  • 10:55 the stock market and make money?
  • 10:56 Joshua: If you don't buy stock in Apple, we will not make
  • 11:00 God happy.
  • 11:01 Caleb: Well, one of the interpretations we hear
  • 11:03 in the church is that talents means really talent.
  • 11:07 That is a gifting that God gave you.
  • 11:08 You're supposed to use that gifting to bring in more people
  • 11:11 to the kingdom.
  • 11:12 And then he'll say, "You're faithful with that gifting,
  • 11:14 with that anointing I called you to."
  • 11:15 And he's gonna, he's gonna multiply that.
  • 11:17 Even though the word "talent" in English didn't come about until
  • 11:21 hundreds of years later, and the Hebrew word "talent" was like a
  • 11:23 denomination of money, that's what the modern church thinks.
  • 11:25 But that is not exactly the interpretation that we're
  • 11:29 supposed to be looking at here.
  • 11:30 But it's not--it's not a bad approach.
  • 11:32 I mean, you can use that because it's a universal truth.
  • 11:33 If you're faithful with something, aren't you gonna
  • 11:35 be blessed?
  • 11:37 Joshua: That's a good principle to live by?
  • 11:38 So what does it mean then?
  • 11:39 Caleb: So to look at this in context, we have to understand
  • 11:41 that this parable is a part of an entire address starting
  • 11:44 at Matthew 24.
  • 11:46 Yes, that same address when his disciples came to Yeshua
  • 11:49 and they said, "What is the sign of the end of the age?
  • 11:51 What is the sign of your Second Coming and return?"
  • 11:54 And yes, he goes through all the wars, rumors of wars,
  • 11:56 and raptures and judgments, and all that which we've spoken
  • 11:59 about many times before.
  • 12:01 He gets to the parable of the ten virgins.
  • 12:03 And immediately after that parable, he gets to the parable
  • 12:06 of the talents.
  • 12:07 And this is very important to understand because it's all
  • 12:09 prefaced with "and the kingdom of heaven is like."
  • 12:12 So it's talking about this millennial reign, this age
  • 12:16 of the kingdom that happens at the end of the Tribulation.
  • 12:19 And thus, Christians have had a hard time when they try to apply
  • 12:23 this to the church because they get to the third servant,
  • 12:25 if he's a Christian and he's thrown into hellfire.
  • 12:28 So could it really be that this is the church?
  • 12:30 Can we really apply that way?
  • 12:32 I don't believe so because this is to the Jewish people
  • 12:35 and the entire parable is a judgment.
  • 12:37 It is the judgment of the sheep and goats.
  • 12:40 That's it.
  • 12:41 That's what this parable means.
  • 12:43 The judgment of the sheep and goats.
  • 12:44 I'm gonna prove it.
  • 12:45 Joshua: Okay, nobody's ever proved it to me before.
  • 12:47 Prove away, young man.
  • 12:48 Caleb: Okay, so the judgment of the sheep and goats.
  • 12:51 This concerns Israel during the time period of the law,
  • 12:54 during the time period of the Tribulation, and we see the
  • 12:58 harshness of that time period played out where it's according
  • 13:01 to works that you are judged.
  • 13:04 And so, the time of the law was a heavy time.
  • 13:06 It was a time where you're judged according to actions
  • 13:09 and works.
  • 13:10 And such as with the Tribulation, that heaviness
  • 13:12 you're suffering, are you gonna die for Yeshua or are you gonna
  • 13:16 take that reprieve through the mark of the beast?
  • 13:18 And it's very interesting.
  • 13:19 We get to the servant and he said, "I knew you to be
  • 13:23 a hard man."
  • 13:24 He was understanding that this master, who is Yeshua, was the
  • 13:29 master not during the age of grace, the suffering servant,
  • 13:33 the Lamb that was slain.
  • 13:35 This is the roaring Lion.
  • 13:36 This is the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
  • 13:38 This is the one that rules with a rod of iron.
  • 13:40 It's harsh, it's a harsh judgment.
  • 13:42 He said, "I knew you to be a harsh man."
  • 13:43 That's your typical Jew.
  • 13:45 "Oh, you're so--God, why did you do this?
  • 13:47 I know--why are you making me deal with this stuff?"
  • 13:48 He understood.
  • 13:50 That's that Jewish interpretation.
  • 13:51 Joshua: That's your Jewish accent?
  • 13:53 Caleb: Yes, that's my Jewish-- guys, the conclusion is
  • 13:54 pretty straightforward.
  • 13:55 It was in front of us the whole time.
  • 13:57 In case you think that I'm grasping at straws here, all you
  • 14:00 had to do was keep on reading after that parable.
  • 14:02 And Yeshua, right here in verse 31 through 34 reveals the truth,
  • 14:06 the interpretation of that parable.
  • 14:08 Joshua: He says, "When the Son of Man comes in His glory,
  • 14:11 and all the holy angels with Him, then will He sit
  • 14:14 on the throne of His glory.
  • 14:16 All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate
  • 14:18 them from one another, as a shepherd divides his sheep
  • 14:21 from the goats.
  • 14:23 And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats
  • 14:25 on the left.
  • 14:26 Then the King will say to those on His right hand, 'Come,
  • 14:30 you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared
  • 14:33 for you from the foundation of the world.'"
  • 14:34 Caleb: And then he goes into the whole part, "I was hungry
  • 14:36 and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me drink."
  • 14:39 And they said, you know, "When did we do that?"
  • 14:41 He said, "As much as you did to the least of these my brethren,
  • 14:44 you did it to me."
  • 14:45 He's talking about his brethren, that's talking about
  • 14:46 the Jewish people.
  • 14:48 Were they hungry? You fed them.
  • 14:49 Were they thirsty? Did you give them drink?
  • 14:51 Then he gets to verse 41 through 42.
  • 14:52 Joshua: "Then He will also say to those on the left hand,
  • 14:55 'Depart from Me, you cursed, into everlasting fire prepared
  • 14:58 for the devil and his angels: for I was hungry and you gave Me
  • 15:02 no food; I was thirsty and you gave Me no drink.'"
  • 15:05 Goes into works again, verse 46: "And these will go away into
  • 15:09 everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."
  • 15:13 Caleb: It is the same language that Yeshua gives through
  • 15:15 all these parables: "Enter into the joy of your Lord
  • 15:19 or go where there's weeping and gnashing of teeth."
  • 15:21 Guys, the reason this parable is so important, it's the gospel
  • 15:24 to the Jews.
  • 15:25 It's the gospel to the Jewish people during the time
  • 15:27 of the law.
  • 15:29 It's the gospel to the Jews during the Tribulation.
  • 15:31 This is the warning to the Jews of now.
  • 15:33 You can escape all this.
  • 15:34 You can go through the age of grace and you can go to a better
  • 15:36 judgment, the judgment of the Bema where you're just judged
  • 15:39 according to your good works, not judged according
  • 15:42 to the bad things, you know, "Did I make it in?
  • 15:44 Did I slip in?
  • 15:45 Did I get to the right hand?
  • 15:47 Did I get to the left?"
  • 15:48 Yeshua loves you and he made a way for your escape.
  • 15:51 Otherwise, why did he focus on this ever so much throughout
  • 15:54 the scriptures and speak this in parables?
  • 15:56 So that when the time came, you would understand.
  • 16:00 David: "Our Jewish Roots" is more than just
  • 16:02 a television program.
  • 16:03 See what you are missing on our social media outlets.
  • 16:07 Kirsten: On Facebook and Twitter, you'll find
  • 16:09 our daily "Name of God" devotional,
  • 16:11 current news articles,
  • 16:13 the Bearded Bible Brothers, and more.
  • 16:16 David: On our YouTube channel, you'll find "Faith Foundations,"
  • 16:20 music, interviews, the Bearded Bible Brothers, and more.
  • 16:25 Kirsten: Or find everything on our website,
  • 16:28 David: We invite you to keep in touch and join us
  • 16:30 on social media.
  • 16:34 David: Gotta be honest with you guys, with the Christian
  • 16:36 perspective, I always thought that the talents was talking
  • 16:39 about kind of what we have, a little bit of talent
  • 16:42 in our lives.
  • 16:43 Kirsten: Well, you have more of the talent for your singing.
  • 16:46 But no, but that's-- you're sweet but--.
  • 16:49 David: It's way more than that.
  • 16:50 Kirsten: Right, because we were taught from the Christian Bible
  • 16:54 perspective and what talent mean--correct and not the
  • 16:58 Jewish perspective, which is why this whole program exists
  • 17:02 and why you guys are here as Jewish brothers in those seats.
  • 17:05 Joshua: It's important that you understand the perspective, like
  • 17:08 we talked about, the Hebrew, the words are so poignant
  • 17:10 about what all the meaning was.
  • 17:12 And of course, the audience that he's speaking to at the time.
  • 17:14 And what we just saw, the idea that we could have our salvation
  • 17:18 taken away is something that's plagued many Christians today.
  • 17:21 And that doctrine actually, from what I've heard, is becoming
  • 17:23 more and more popular yet again, whether as a form of control,
  • 17:26 "Do right, or you're gonna get taken away,"
  • 17:27 or just a true belief.
  • 17:29 But you have to understand that the dispensation he was--
  • 17:31 that Yeshua's speaking to, they didn't have salvation through
  • 17:35 faith at that time.
  • 17:36 So that's why the message was different at the time.
  • 17:38 Caleb: It was different and those people would go
  • 17:40 to a different judgment when they died.
  • 17:42 And obviously, we want a better judgment, the Bema,
  • 17:45 the judgment seat of Christ.
  • 17:47 But this also, I think leads into Israel, the fig tree.
  • 17:50 Everybody knows that Israel is God's time piece and everything
  • 17:54 revolves around Israel in the prophetic end.
  • 17:56 So our next parable is about Israel, the unfruitful fig tree.
  • 18:01 I think it's gonna open your eyes to something different
  • 18:04 than you were originally taught in Sunday school.
  • 18:07 Joshua: Luke 13:6 through 9: "He also spoke this parable:
  • 18:10 'A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard,
  • 18:13 and he came seeking fruit on it and found none.
  • 18:15 Then he said to the keeper of his vineyard, "Look, for three
  • 18:18 years I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree and find none.
  • 18:21 Cut it down; why does it use up the ground?"
  • 18:24 But he answered and said to him, "Sir, let it alone this year
  • 18:26 also, until I dig around it and fertilize it.
  • 18:28 And if it bears fruit, well.
  • 18:30 But if not, after that you can cut it down.'"
  • 18:33 That's the end?
  • 18:34 That's kind of like a European ending.
  • 18:36 Joshua: That's the 100% the end.
  • 18:37 Caleb: It doesn't tell you what happens to the fig tree?
  • 18:40 Joshua: It just says "Fin" at the end, F-I-N with a hyphen.
  • 18:43 Caleb: All right, let's unpack the symbolism in this parable.
  • 18:45 We know the fig tree is Israel, it's throughout scripture.
  • 18:48 The man who owned the vineyard, who planted the tree,
  • 18:51 is the Father.
  • 18:52 The man who tended for 3 years to that fig tree is Yeshua.
  • 18:56 He ministered for 3 years to the house of Israel, and they showed
  • 19:01 no fruit, they still showed no fruit.
  • 19:03 And the Father said, "I'm gonna cut them down," he's like,
  • 19:05 "No, no, no.
  • 19:06 Let me fertilize it.
  • 19:07 Let me minister to them more.
  • 19:09 I'll even lay down my life for them."
  • 19:11 That's how much Yeshua cared about them.
  • 19:12 But the big question is, Josh, were they cut down, you know,
  • 19:16 or did they bear fruit?
  • 19:18 I think John the Baptizer gave a similar message by the
  • 19:22 inspiration of the Holy Spirit that we can draw a comparison to
  • 19:24 in this.
  • 19:26 Joshua: Luke 3:7 through 9: "Then he," John, "said to
  • 19:28 the multitudes that came out to be baptized by him,
  • 19:30 'Brood of vipers!
  • 19:32 Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?
  • 19:34 Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance, and do not begin
  • 19:37 to say to yourselves, "We have Abraham as our father."
  • 19:39 For I say to you that God is able to raise up children
  • 19:42 to Abraham from these stones.
  • 19:44 And even now the ax is laid to the roots of the trees.
  • 19:46 Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down
  • 19:50 and thrown into the fire.'"
  • 19:51 Caleb: So that's like, literally, the same message:
  • 19:53 bear fruits worthy for repentance.
  • 19:56 That's what he's trying to say, a repentant heart here.
  • 19:59 And I'm sad to say, guys, Israel, the fig tree,
  • 20:03 was cut down.
  • 20:04 In 70 AD when Titus came in, Jerusalem was destroyed,
  • 20:08 the temple was destroyed.
  • 20:09 The Jewish people went to diaspora.
  • 20:11 You know, they were scattered amongst all the nations.
  • 20:14 And Yeshua himself forewarned this when he cursed a fig tree
  • 20:17 one time.
  • 20:18 It was kind of a foreshadowing of this event.
  • 20:20 Joshua: Matthew 21:18 through 19: "Now in the morning, as He,"
  • 20:23 Yeshua, "returned to the city, He was hungry.
  • 20:25 And seeing a fig tree by the road, He came to it and found
  • 20:27 nothing on it but leaves, and said to it, 'Let no fruit grow
  • 20:30 on you ever again.'
  • 20:32 Immediately the fig tree withered away."
  • 20:34 Caleb: So this happened.
  • 20:35 We're not trying to be antisemitic or--.
  • 20:37 Joshua: Yeshua got hangry.
  • 20:39 Don't get in that way.
  • 20:40 Caleb: We're not trying to issue a replacement theology,
  • 20:42 saying the church has replaced Israel and we support this.
  • 20:45 It is a fact, this is what happened to Israel.
  • 20:48 But when they were cut off at the root, the roots were still
  • 20:51 alive underground and over a 2000-year period, they start to
  • 20:55 grow up to become a tree again.
  • 20:57 And then we all know in May 14th, 1948, they blossomed.
  • 21:01 The leaves came forth just as was prophesied in Matthew 24.
  • 21:06 And Luke 21--.
  • 21:07 Joshua: You always forget about the roots.
  • 21:09 Caleb: The roots were alive.
  • 21:10 Joshua: Luke 21:29 through 30: "Then He spoke to them a
  • 21:13 parable: 'Look at the fig tree, and all the trees.
  • 21:16 When they are already budding, you see and know for yourselves
  • 21:18 that summer is now near.
  • 21:20 So you also, when you see these things happening, know that
  • 21:22 the kingdom of God is near.'"
  • 21:23 Caleb: That's right.
  • 21:25 Israel, the fig tree, is in the Promised Land again.
  • 21:26 She has the opportunity to bear fruit, to be a light
  • 21:29 unto the Gentiles.
  • 21:30 We see more Jewish believers in Messiah than ever before
  • 21:34 in history.
  • 21:36 They're being that light and we know during the Tribulation
  • 21:38 period, there's 144,000 that are witnessing about Yeshua being
  • 21:42 the truth.
  • 21:43 And you may be saying, "I am not Jewish, I am a Gentile.
  • 21:46 What does this parable have to do with me?
  • 21:47 I know I'm grafted in, to the house of Israel, to the promises
  • 21:50 of Abraham."
  • 21:51 There's a very, very simple moral and message that we can
  • 21:54 draw from this.
  • 21:55 Joshua: Are you bearing fruit?
  • 21:56 Caleb: Well, that was easy.
  • 21:58 Joshua: See, he uses all the words.
  • 21:59 I use a few words.
  • 22:01 Caleb: I like that, Josh.
  • 22:02 Are you bearing fruit?
  • 22:03 Well, are you, guys?
  • 22:05 We know we have access to the fruits of the Spirit,
  • 22:06 but bearing fruits worthy of repentance.
  • 22:08 How are you living your life for God now?
  • 22:11 Are you bringing souls into the kingdom?
  • 22:13 Bearing fruit's not like you look at people and you think,
  • 22:16 "That guy is wealthy.
  • 22:17 He's popular.
  • 22:19 Everybody loves him.
  • 22:20 He must be bearing fruit for the kingdom of God.
  • 22:22 Yeah, he's good."
  • 22:23 Joshua: He ain't got no fruit.
  • 22:24 He might have fruit.
  • 22:26 Caleb: But it's truly, the people who are walking by faith,
  • 22:28 the people who humble themselves, they're the ones
  • 22:31 bearing fruit.
  • 22:32 Yeshua was not--.
  • 22:33 Joshua: He wasn't telling you to act like the Pharisees,
  • 22:35 all right?
  • 22:36 He didn't want you just to be religious and pious and walk out
  • 22:38 there and, "Look at me and my fruit," and purposely commit
  • 22:41 acts to try to gain the praise of everyone around him.
  • 22:44 Caleb: Because they did that.
  • 22:45 Joshua: They definitely did that and that's how they gauged.
  • 22:47 But when you see Yeshua and he talks about the woman who gives
  • 22:49 the two mites and says she did far more than anybody else.
  • 22:53 Caleb: She's the greatest act of faith.
  • 22:55 And there's also the woman who washed Yeshua's feet with her
  • 22:58 hair and with incense, or the Canaanite woman who Yeshua says,
  • 23:02 "I'm not called to you but to the house of Israel.
  • 23:05 I'm not called to the dogs."
  • 23:06 And she said, "Okay, I'll be the dog but I'll eat the crumbs
  • 23:09 from the master's table."
  • 23:11 And he said, "Whoa, look at that faith.
  • 23:12 Look what she turned around and do."
  • 23:13 Yeah, and how about the Roman Centurion, Josh, who asked
  • 23:17 Yeshua to heal his servant?
  • 23:19 He never met him in person.
  • 23:20 Joshua: But he sent messengers.
  • 23:21 Joshua: While Yeshua was coming, he says, "I'm not worthy for you
  • 23:24 to come into my house.
  • 23:26 I am unclean, but I'm a man under authority.
  • 23:28 And I know when someone is under authority, you say the word
  • 23:31 and my servant will be healed."
  • 23:32 And Yeshua said, "Look at that man.
  • 23:35 No greater faith in all the house of Israel."
  • 23:37 That's the man that I wanna be.
  • 23:38 Yeshua recognized those people bore fruit.
  • 23:41 Joshua: We talk about this so often.
  • 23:42 And the Bible says it, too, when it says you defeat him
  • 23:45 by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony.
  • 23:47 Your testimony, who you are, who Yeshua made you to be, and where
  • 23:51 he placed you, is where you have the most powerful effect
  • 23:54 and the intended effect.
  • 23:56 Too often, we look at other people and we look at
  • 23:57 the Billy Grahams and all the other people and we say,
  • 23:59 "Well, I would never have that influence.
  • 24:02 I would never have that stage.
  • 24:03 I can never have that impact."
  • 24:04 Well, if Yeshua didn't call you to that, don't try to seek
  • 24:06 that out.
  • 24:07 But like Caleb was saying, the cashier that's sitting there
  • 24:10 having a horrible day, that you don't know what they're going
  • 24:12 through, you're willing to smile at and say a kind word to,
  • 24:15 your waiter, your waitress, the guy at the gas station,
  • 24:17 the guy walking down the street, whoever is within your sphere
  • 24:20 of influence, this place in front of you.
  • 24:21 Stop looking at yourself for 3 seconds and see
  • 24:23 how you can be a blessing in a ministry and share the love
  • 24:25 of the Father with them,
  • 24:27 even if it's never with a word.
  • 24:29 By your countenance, the smile on your face, you are making
  • 24:32 a difference.
  • 24:33 And that is the beginning stages of what Yeshua wants to use you
  • 24:37 for, to change the world.
  • 24:38 When you impact them, they impact them and it goes on and
  • 24:41 on and on like a Ponzi scheme that isn't wrong.
  • 24:44 I've always been looking for a Ponzi scheme that isn't wrong
  • 24:46 because you get super-rich.
  • 24:48 Rich in what you were supposed to do, which is bringing people
  • 24:51 into the kingdom.
  • 24:52 Caleb: So bear those fruits worthy for repentance.
  • 24:54 Repent, turn a 180.
  • 24:56 It happens instantaneously.
  • 24:57 The moment you repent, all things are changed.
  • 25:00 We don't wanna be cut down, we wanna follow Yeshua
  • 25:02 and please join us next time.
  • 25:05 Kirsten: I do love some good Bible teaching and I love
  • 25:07 the analogy of the tree, the fig tree, cut down, but those roots
  • 25:11 stayed deep.
  • 25:13 Bravo, I love that.
  • 25:14 David: I am not a prophet but I have this vision,
  • 25:17 you ready, guys?
  • 25:19 Of our whole tour bus wearing your T-shirt.
  • 25:22 That would be awesome.
  • 25:23 Joshua: I love it.
  • 25:24 You know, this is a fun shirt and it's not on my body as just
  • 25:27 a promotion, but it's a way to remind people and to get
  • 25:31 people's interest in the fact that they can check out
  • 25:32 Bearded Bible Brothers and all the other "Our Jewish Roots"
  • 25:35 programs online.
  • 25:37 They can check them out on our social media.
  • 25:38 Because the information that we're presenting is to educate
  • 25:42 you, the believer, and how you can understand God's plan for
  • 25:45 your life, how you can be better adept at witnessing
  • 25:48 to those Jewish people who have not met Yeshua yet.
  • 25:51 So after this part, at the end of the show, you're gonna find
  • 25:54 out how you can get one of these shirts so that you can pique the
  • 25:56 interest of others into finding out about these programs.
  • 25:59 David: Real quick, I wanna go back to tour.
  • 26:00 You guys are gonna be with us on location, everywhere we go,
  • 26:03 teaching about where we're standing,
  • 26:05 which is so incredible.
  • 26:07 You're gonna baptize and we just can't wait for our next tour
  • 26:10 with you.
  • 26:11 Joshua: You're gonna wanna go on this tour for many reasons,
  • 26:13 but I'm also gonna be there to help you carry your bags.
  • 26:14 I'm a good bag guy.
  • 26:16 I'll wear this shirt.
  • 26:17 It's gonna be a fun trip.
  • 26:18 You definitely need to sign up if you haven't already.
  • 26:20 Kirsten: You--that's on-- that's on forever now that
  • 26:23 you said we'll carry your bags.
  • 26:24 Joshua: I know, I see all you packing the bigger bags and
  • 26:26 paying the extra baggage fee.
  • 26:28 Kirsten: You just mentioned extra baggage fee.
  • 26:30 It can get expensive to travel and our production, whole crew,
  • 26:36 our company, travels to Israel to film for you
  • 26:40 and to make new series.
  • 26:42 It is not cheap.
  • 26:44 We pay for our bags, for our seats, for the hotel, for food,
  • 26:47 for production.
  • 26:48 But it's our heart to bring to you the Jewish roots
  • 26:52 of Christianity.
  • 26:53 And I just wanna say thank you for making all of that possible
  • 26:56 through your generous donations.
  • 26:59 Caleb: Well, that about wraps it up for the day.
  • 27:02 Joshua: As we like to say, Shaalu shalom Yerushalayim.
  • 27:05 Kirsten: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
  • 27:09 David: Help spread the word by getting your own
  • 27:11 Bearded Bible Brother T-shirt, either for yourself or as a gift
  • 27:15 for someone you love.
  • 27:17 Decide what size you want and call us at 1-800-WONDERS
  • 27:21 or go to LEVITT.COM/STORE.
  • 27:24 David: Join us right now on our social media sites
  • 27:27 for exclusive content.
  • 27:29 Visit our website, LEVITT.COM, for tour information,
  • 27:33 broadcast schedule, free monthly newsletter, and online store.
  • 27:37 "Our Jewish Roots" is a presentation
  • 27:39 of Zola Levitt Ministries.
  • 27:41 Partner with us.
  • 27:42 As a 100% viewer-funded ministry, your gifts allow us to
  • 27:46 bring you our weekly television series, social media outlets,
  • 27:50 website, and other ministry endeavors.
  • 27:52 Please remember we depend on tax-deductible donations
  • 27:56 from viewers like you.

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