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Bible teaching with an emphasis on Israel, prophecy and the Jewish roots of Christianity

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Episode:Faith for the Future preview”
Dr. Jeffrey Seif and the Harts discuss different topics and then preview our new series Faith for the Future: Our Journey with the Patriarchs. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob acted on their faith in God by taking small steps — and sometimes leaps — of faith. These actions often dramatically altered the course of their lives while directing them toward increased dependence on the Lord.

Caption transcript for Faith for the Future preview”

  • 00:01 ♪♪♪
  • 00:04 David Hart: Welcome to "Our Jewish Roots," with insightful
  • 00:07 Bible teaching by Dr. Jeffrey Seif.
  • 00:10 Today, we hear more about Armageddon, plus look at our new
  • 00:13 series "Faith for the Future."
  • 00:18 David Hart: We're so glad you've joined us today,
  • 00:19 I'm David Hart.
  • 00:20 Kirsten Hart: I'm Kirsten Hart.
  • 00:22 Dr. Jeffrey Seif: And I am Jeffrey Seif, and I'm in the
  • 00:23 mood to get into a hot topic.
  • 00:25 What do you think, guys?
  • 00:26 Kirsten: Well, you were in the mood to get into a hot Jeep
  • 00:28 there for that whole last series, weren't you?
  • 00:29 Jeffrey: Yes, it wasn't air conditioned, I might add.
  • 00:31 Kirsten: Driving and bumping around and
  • 00:33 looking very adventuresome.
  • 00:34 Jeffrey: Well, it was a lot of fun, you know, and walking
  • 00:36 with the Lord's adventurous, and walking with the Lord in the
  • 00:39 land of the Lord is adventurous.
  • 00:41 David: That's good.
  • 00:42 Kirsten: We loved everything that you brought us.
  • 00:44 Everything was about the land.
  • 00:46 You took us to places, but you also taught us things that many
  • 00:49 of us didn't even know.
  • 00:51 Jeffrey: Well, let me talk to you about something y'all do
  • 00:52 know and see if we can unpack it a little more.
  • 00:54 Armageddon.
  • 00:56 You ever heard of that before?
  • 00:58 Even people channel surfing that aren't interested in Christian
  • 01:01 television, per se, you just happen to be here, when you hear
  • 01:04 the word Armageddon, I'm sure it invokes some kind of image of a
  • 01:08 climactic struggle at the ragged edge of human history.
  • 01:11 Well, it's found in the literature.
  • 01:13 We're told here that forces, in the book Revelation, that forces
  • 01:17 in chapter 16, verse 16, spirits gather forces together in a
  • 01:21 place in Hebrew called Har-Megiddo.
  • 01:25 Har is the Hebrew for mountain, Har-Megiddo, Armageddon, you
  • 01:29 know what it is, it's the place of a great, great battle.
  • 01:33 Here's what people don't know.
  • 01:34 They don't know what eases into it, and that's what I want to
  • 01:37 explore with you.
  • 01:38 If you'll look in Revelation, chapter 16, verse 12, we see
  • 01:42 that these hordes are amassed just east
  • 01:46 of the Euphrates River.
  • 01:48 Back in Bible days, here in New Testament times, that was
  • 01:51 Parthia, that was the ragged edge of the Roman Empire, and
  • 01:55 the Parthians were perceived as savages.
  • 01:59 These forces amassed there looking for an opportunity to
  • 02:02 invest their angst, and so it is we're told in the literature
  • 02:05 that the Euphrates dries up, and these forces sweep into the
  • 02:09 region, and they come to a place called Armageddon.
  • 02:15 Well, those forces were in Parthia back then, Persia in Old
  • 02:19 Testament history, today Iran.
  • 02:23 Maybe, maybe it's one big cosmic coincidence, but we see in the
  • 02:27 literature here that spirits are driving this tension that turns
  • 02:34 into a full-blown war of Armageddon,
  • 02:36 in verse 13, it's demonic.
  • 02:39 The beast spews out these words and performs these tasks that
  • 02:46 unleashes these energies and brings people together for a
  • 02:51 great, great battle.
  • 02:52 You know, I wonder, maybe you do too.
  • 02:56 You see Israel brought to life as a nation state miraculously,
  • 03:00 against all odds here in the modern world, and in conjunction
  • 03:05 with that there is this fermenting discontent that
  • 03:07 swells up, not just in general, but particularly it seems to be
  • 03:12 driven out of the east from beyond the Euphrates.
  • 03:16 Is it a coincidence?
  • 03:17 Is it prophetic?
  • 03:19 Let's ask Kirsten.
  • 03:20 Kirsten: Ooh, wow.
  • 03:22 Well, it's just interesting.
  • 03:24 Because of the tours that we've been on, the Zola Tours, you are
  • 03:28 speaking these words and what do I do?
  • 03:31 I see it, and I see the valley of Armageddon, I see how lush
  • 03:36 and beautiful it is.
  • 03:37 It's full of trees, it's full of fruit, it's full of life, and
  • 03:41 it's so crazy to think that this beautiful part of the world will
  • 03:45 one day have so much bloodshed.
  • 03:48 Jeffrey: Well, it's because you see it beautiful now, the
  • 03:50 reason why there was so much bloodshed there in history is it
  • 03:53 is so beautiful.
  • 03:54 Forces that make their way into the region, conventional forces
  • 03:57 over land, before they go on a war, let's say if they want to
  • 04:00 march on Jerusalem, these troops need to refresh, they need to
  • 04:04 regroup, and after a long and arduous trip you go to
  • 04:07 Armageddon, there's food staple there, there's water,
  • 04:09 there's orchards.
  • 04:11 You know, armies move on their bellies, it's a place to
  • 04:13 regroup, and thus it's always been a place of contention.
  • 04:18 People wanted to control it, which is why Armageddon itself,
  • 04:21 if you haven't been to Israel, you wouldn't know it, if you've
  • 04:23 been to Israel, you would know it, Armageddon itself is a hill
  • 04:27 and there's over 20 different layers.
  • 04:29 Forts have been built there, every king wanted to control the
  • 04:34 space, because whoever controlled the hill controlled
  • 04:36 the valley, and whoever controlled the valley controlled
  • 04:38 the orchards, and whoever controlled the valley, and the
  • 04:40 orchards controlled the pathway to Jerusalem.
  • 04:43 Kirsten: That Tel-Megiddo goes back to the Bronze Era.
  • 04:46 Fascinating, isn't it?
  • 04:48 David: I really like watching people on our tour bus when we
  • 04:50 go to that spot, it gets really quiet when they're really
  • 04:53 thinking about where they're standing.
  • 04:55 Jeffrey: Yeah, and I've always observed that, people,
  • 04:58 like, wow, yeah, I can't believe I'm here.
  • 05:02 It's great to be there now than it is when this actually
  • 05:05 unfolds, and I don't think this is coming tomorrow, so come with
  • 05:08 Israel--come to Israel today, how about that.
  • 05:11 Kirsten: Well also, sorry, and I'm gonna jump in on what
  • 05:13 you're about to say, this is something else, unless you look
  • 05:15 at a map, but when you're there we go to Nazareth, and what
  • 05:19 did Nazareth look at?
  • 05:21 The valley of Armageddon.
  • 05:22 So, it's interesting that Yeshua Jesus growing up, he looked at
  • 05:26 that every day, that's right where he lived, and again, it's
  • 05:30 so beautiful, but what the future holds for that spot.
  • 05:33 And that's why the land itself is so fascinating to see the
  • 05:36 terrain for yourself than when you're reading something in
  • 05:39 Revelation, you're like, I can see it, like we can see
  • 05:41 it right now.
  • 05:43 Jeffrey: Yeah, and that's the beauty of a trip to Israel, to
  • 05:45 the Bible lands.
  • 05:47 It just brings it alive.
  • 05:50 Kirsten: Well, you brought it alive for us in the whole series
  • 05:53 "Eratz Israel," one of our favorites, isn't it?
  • 05:55 David: It really is.
  • 05:57 Jeffrey: Well, the genesis of the series was wanting to
  • 06:00 explore--it's a story that shouldn't even need to be told,
  • 06:03 and that is how God gave a certain people a certain place
  • 06:06 and the boundaries are delineated, and I'm clueless how
  • 06:09 people can read the Bible and not see that the land of the
  • 06:12 Bible belongs to the people, you know, the Hebrew people.
  • 06:16 I mean, that's Bible 101, and that was a series that should
  • 06:19 have not needed to be shot.
  • 06:21 It should've been construed a waste of money because everybody
  • 06:23 should know it.
  • 06:24 But we really pinned down the biblical text,
  • 06:27 and it's a thrill.
  • 06:28 It was a lot of fun, as you say, to schlep around in a Jeep, to
  • 06:31 go to these fascinating places, it's always a joy, but we
  • 06:34 shouldn't have had to teach the story.
  • 06:35 But it's just, there's so much deceit in the world.
  • 06:37 And by the way, he says here that this Armageddon story is
  • 06:42 precipitated by deceit, by demonic influence that goes out
  • 06:46 there and thunders in the world and broadcasts these negative
  • 06:50 energies and brings gloom and despair, and I wish I didn't
  • 06:54 have to tell the story, but I did.
  • 06:56 Kirsten: Well, unfortunately we can read the history of that,
  • 06:59 the battle for that land, we're living in it now, and we still
  • 07:04 will in the future.
  • 07:05 This little piece of land, but everyone wants it.
  • 07:08 Jeffrey: It's a stormy place today to tell you the truth.
  • 07:11 The devil's thundering his--you know, it's all just coming out,
  • 07:17 we're seeing it in the day and times.
  • 07:18 David: Prophetic, yes, in the Bible, yes.
  • 07:20 Jeffrey: Well, I think so, yeah, 'cause you see it there in
  • 07:21 the Bible, which is, you know, if Israel didn't emerge as a
  • 07:24 nation state this wouldn't manifest, but it does.
  • 07:28 Kirsten: But the bones got flesh on it.
  • 07:31 Those Ezequiel bones, those dry bones, they got flesh, and it's
  • 07:35 powerful now, and they're gonna fight for their land
  • 07:38 as they should.
  • 07:40 Jeffrey: Yes, and, you know, the people of Israel, Am Yisrael
  • 07:42 Chai is the saying, the people of Israel live, the land of
  • 07:46 Israel lives, and that's why people like you support people
  • 07:51 like us, because you kind of get it.
  • 07:53 You kind of, sort of get it.
  • 07:55 And I wanna thank you for getting it, and I wanna ask you
  • 07:58 to help other people to get it, so if you would get behind us,
  • 08:01 help us to tell the story, because we so much wanna look at
  • 08:04 the good news through the eyes of the Jews.
  • 08:06 We've been doing it for many decades, we wanna do it right up
  • 08:08 until the time when the Lord comes.
  • 08:10 David: Yup, thank you for your teaching,
  • 08:12 we will be right back.
  • 08:20 male announcer: Our offer on this program: a DVD collection
  • 08:23 of all eight programs in our series "Eretz Israel."
  • 08:27 Take a backroads journey with Dr. Jeffrey Seif
  • 08:30 through the holy land.
  • 08:31 Explore the Bible's account of Israel's past,
  • 08:34 present, and future.
  • 08:35 Journalist David Dolan joins Dr. Seif and lends his insight
  • 08:39 regarding the modern-day struggles that accompanied the
  • 08:42 reestablishment of the ancestral Jewish homeland.
  • 08:45 This is the series that sets the record straight, the biblical
  • 08:49 and historical account of the land of Israel.
  • 08:53 Call 1-800-WONDERS and ask for "Eratz Israel."
  • 09:00 announcer: Join us right now for additional content that is
  • 09:02 only available on our social media sites, Facebook,
  • 09:05 YouTube, and Twitter.
  • 09:08 Visit our website,, for the current and past
  • 09:10 programs, television schedule, tour information, and our free
  • 09:15 monthly newsletter which is full of insightful articles
  • 09:18 and news commentary.
  • 09:20 View it online, or we can ship it directly to your mailbox
  • 09:23 every month.
  • 09:24 Also on our website is the online store.
  • 09:27 There you can order this week's resource, or you can always give
  • 09:31 us a call at 1-800-WONDERS.
  • 09:34 Your donations to "Our Jewish Roots" help us to support these
  • 09:38 organizations as they bless Israel.
  • 09:41 Please remember we depend on tax deductible donations
  • 09:44 from viewers like you.
  • 09:46 ♪♪♪
  • 09:51 ♪ Sha'alu Shalom Yerushalayim, Sha'alu Sha'alu Shalom. ♪
  • 09:59 ♪ For the Holy City of Jerusalem, ♪
  • 10:06 ♪ we will pray for peace. ♪
  • 10:09 ♪ Sha'alu Shalom. ♪
  • 10:18 ♪ Shalom. ♪♪
  • 10:23 David: I'm always surprised at how many people get on our
  • 10:26 tour bus for a second, even a third, fourth time.
  • 10:31 One time isn't enough, because there's so much to take in.
  • 10:34 If you've been with us, come back, for the first time maybe,
  • 10:38 please join us on a tour to Israel.
  • 10:40 It'll change your life as it's changed our lives.
  • 10:43 It's wonderful.
  • 10:45 Kirsten: Well, Dr. Seif was mentioning Tel-Megiddo, and the
  • 10:47 Armageddon area, and if you know me even a little bit you know
  • 10:51 I'm a foodie and I love Israeli food, and we were just
  • 10:54 mentioning that at Tel-Megiddo, it's, yes, a historical site
  • 10:59 that's amazing to learn, but also, it's our first falafel, if
  • 11:03 you don't know what is look it up, and our schnitzel lunch, so
  • 11:08 Tel-Megiddo has good food.
  • 11:10 David: And--
  • 11:11 Kirsten: Yes.
  • 11:13 David: I know something else you really like from there.
  • 11:14 Kirsten: They have a good jewelry store.
  • 11:15 David: Jewelry, yeah, Israeli jewelry.
  • 11:17 Kirsten: So, yes, you will learn so much, but we also have
  • 11:18 a lot of fun on our tours.
  • 11:20 I think you guys have fun too when you come, don't you?
  • 11:22 Jeffrey: Yeah, I have a blast to tell you the truth.
  • 11:25 What concerns me sometimes that takes some of the joy out of
  • 11:28 ministry is when I attend business meetings.
  • 11:31 You know, and if anyone has ever been to a deacon's meeting in
  • 11:34 the church, you realize there's a business side to ministry.
  • 11:37 Most aren't exposed to it, nor should they be.
  • 11:41 In an organization like this where we don't have a deacon's
  • 11:43 meeting, I do wanna call a beacon's meeting, that is to say
  • 11:46 those that wanna help be a light to the world.
  • 11:50 Many wouldn't appreciate it, and I wanna do this as tastefully as
  • 11:53 I can because many don't appreciate--people think in
  • 11:57 terms of, you know, television ministries
  • 11:59 are always raising money.
  • 12:00 That's not true, but sometimes we need to, just like you need
  • 12:03 to raise money to pay for your bills.
  • 12:05 This is the way we pay for ours, and what we're endeavoring to do
  • 12:09 with all of this costs a small fortune.
  • 12:11 If you look at these programs, it's not just me waxing eloquent
  • 12:15 behind a pulpit, and I'm not disparaging those who do just
  • 12:18 that, but there's dramatic reenactments, there's
  • 12:22 reconstructions in the land of Israel, we take you to the land
  • 12:26 and through the land, and that requires television crews,
  • 12:29 cameras, lighting, sound equipment, editorial work, never
  • 12:33 mind the cost of the editorial stuff when we get back to the
  • 12:38 states, and then there's this small thing called paying the
  • 12:42 airtime on major television networks.
  • 12:44 We're talking millions of dollars.
  • 12:46 I know you don't have millions, but if you have 100
  • 12:49 or something, please.
  • 12:50 Again, I'm not calling a deacon's meeting, there's no
  • 12:53 point, I am calling a beacon's meeting, and if you're
  • 12:56 like-minded or light-minded, that is to say you wanna shed
  • 13:00 light in the world and you think there's value in what we do,
  • 13:03 please help us do it.
  • 13:05 Coming up is a great series, "Faith for the Future," you're
  • 13:09 gonna love it, it's gonna build up your faith.
  • 13:12 Help us to reach out to others to get them on the faith
  • 13:14 journey, and the way that you do that is by praying for us, and
  • 13:18 thank you for that, another way is by investing in the work.
  • 13:23 Do so right now, please, I believe God will bless you
  • 13:26 in so doing.
  • 13:27 David: We start this series soon, tell us about this series,
  • 13:31 "Faith for our Future."
  • 13:32 Jeffrey: "Faith for the Future" evolved out of
  • 13:34 conversations at the executive level of the ministry, and we
  • 13:38 were thinking how people are so very intoxicated by despair.
  • 13:43 Goodness, people are concerned because of the political world,
  • 13:46 people are concerned 'cause of their own bodies, never mind the
  • 13:49 exterior world, just interior.
  • 13:51 People are concerned about their finances, people are concerned
  • 13:54 about their webs of relationships, it's easy to feel
  • 13:57 there's no--there's nothing for the future because people feel
  • 14:00 they're gonna be annihilated in the present.
  • 14:02 We wanted to see how faith leads people victoriously, and so what
  • 14:07 we did is we crawled back into the early Genesis accounts of
  • 14:12 those forefathers and foremothers who braved the
  • 14:16 hazards of youthen experience in a world where everything was
  • 14:19 stacked against them, we observed how faith led them on
  • 14:23 victorious into the future believing that people can
  • 14:26 extract principles from that story and apply
  • 14:28 to their very own.
  • 14:30 David: That's good.
  • 14:31 So, Genesis, the Bible, first book of the Bible is to help us.
  • 14:36 Jeffrey: Yes, it's all there, from Genesis to Revelation, but
  • 14:39 we're camping out at the patriarchs and the matriarchs,
  • 14:43 and my wife's on the journey with--and that to me is a real
  • 14:46 extra, I get to share her with the world.
  • 14:49 Kirsten: Well, you shared Barri with us, and we also
  • 14:52 shared something with you, the gorgeous Ken Burg.
  • 14:55 He's our producer, dramatic reenactments throughout this
  • 14:59 whole new series.
  • 15:00 Will you see him every time?
  • 15:02 Pretty much.
  • 15:03 And I just want you to know that, yes, Dr. Seif talked about
  • 15:06 finances, and your finances help us recreate
  • 15:10 the stories visually.
  • 15:12 I am a visual learner.
  • 15:14 When I see something, somehow I retain it better, and so what
  • 15:19 you do in helping us put those together, help people remember
  • 15:22 the stories and the Scripture that you bring to life through
  • 15:25 your words, and we're thankful for that.
  • 15:27 Jeffrey: Glad to do it.
  • 15:29 Kirsten: So, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, those are our key people
  • 15:33 in this series, correct?
  • 15:34 Jeffrey: Ah, don't forget, let's don't forget the ladies.
  • 15:36 Kirsten: Well, thank you.
  • 15:37 David: It's true.
  • 15:39 Was it all good in their lives, or they had some roller coaster
  • 15:43 events happen?
  • 15:44 Jeffrey: Roller coaster events, and anybody that tells
  • 15:46 you different is just not telling you the truth.
  • 15:49 Sometimes I'll read this book, buy this book, send this money
  • 15:51 here and everything's just gonna be straight on up, it's really
  • 15:55 not the way the game of life is played, you know?
  • 15:57 It's--there's always ups and downs, but as God leads us
  • 16:00 through it like a needle, like a thread making its way through a
  • 16:03 needle, God helps us get where we need to go.
  • 16:05 Kirsten: They ran into detours, that's something that
  • 16:07 we run into as we're driving but also in life.
  • 16:10 We think our life is going one way, and God stops it and turns
  • 16:14 it a different way.
  • 16:15 Jeffrey: Yeah, it takes a little extra work and a little
  • 16:17 strain, but, you know, I like to go to the gym, I'm 65, and I
  • 16:21 wanna be in the gym, you know, three, four time a week running
  • 16:24 six, seven, eight miles every other day or whatever.
  • 16:26 And it takes some work, but at the end of the day we're the
  • 16:29 better for it, and it's like that with life's trials too.
  • 16:32 They say whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
  • 16:35 God uses those things that appear as detours just to refine
  • 16:39 us and turn us into the women and men he'd have us to be.
  • 16:41 David: There have been some times where we didn't know where
  • 16:43 we were going, what was gonna happen, but we had that faith,
  • 16:46 that's what it talks about.
  • 16:47 Jeffrey: Indeed, to be sure, and a lot of times we're not
  • 16:50 altogether clear, and if someone says, "I know exactly what God's
  • 16:53 gonna do in the next 30 years and I have it written down on a
  • 16:56 piece of paper," I say, "Make sure you write it down in pencil
  • 16:58 and bring an eraser, because there's going to be some twists
  • 17:01 and turns unanticipated.
  • 17:03 Kirsten: And you mentioned the women.
  • 17:04 It's so fun to have Barri with us.
  • 17:06 We--she's one of my favorites.
  • 17:08 She's not only gorgeous, she's also very gracious, and I love
  • 17:12 her insights as you're both doctors, is that correct?
  • 17:15 You're both doctorates.
  • 17:17 Jeffrey: Yes.
  • 17:18 Barri's smarter than me, she has a Master's degree in Business
  • 17:20 Administration and a PhD in Biblical Studies,
  • 17:23 and one sharp lady.
  • 17:24 Beautiful, as you'd said, as well, inside and out.
  • 17:27 Kirsten: And we get to see some of the excerpts of our
  • 17:30 brand-new series.
  • 17:31 Make sure you watch every single one, you won't wanna miss one.
  • 17:35 Here is "Faith for the Future."
  • 17:38 ♪♪♪
  • 17:43 male announcer: Now, faith is the assurance of things hoped
  • 17:46 for, the conviction of things not seen, for by it the men of
  • 17:50 old received divine approval.
  • 17:53 For whatever was written in former days was written for our
  • 17:56 instruction, that through endurance and through the
  • 18:00 encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.
  • 18:07 "Faith for the Future: Our Journey with the Patriarchs."
  • 18:18 Jeffrey: This series is about faith for the future, and the
  • 18:22 22nd chapter of Genesis, Bereishit, is important in that
  • 18:27 regard for both Jews and Christians.
  • 18:32 Jews refer to it as the story of the Akedah,
  • 18:36 the binding of Isaac.
  • 18:39 Christians refer to the story as a typological picture of the
  • 18:44 father, Abraham, taking his miracle-born son, Isaac, taking
  • 18:49 him to Mount Mariah and sacrificing him.
  • 18:52 ♪♪♪
  • 19:02 ♪♪♪
  • 19:08 Barri Seif: A dear friend of mine recently had to bury her
  • 19:11 daughter who died of natural causes.
  • 19:14 That's outside the proper order of things.
  • 19:17 The children should bury the parents,
  • 19:19 not the parents bury the child.
  • 19:22 But here we see Abraham's obedience.
  • 19:26 Hebrews 12 exhorts us to keep our eyes on Jesus, Yeshua, the
  • 19:33 author and perfecter of our faith who for the joy set before
  • 19:37 him endured the cross.
  • 19:39 And then also, in Romans 4, Paul reminds us about Abraham, yet
  • 19:47 with respect to the promise of God, Abraham, he did not waver
  • 19:53 in unbelief, but he grew strong in faith, giving glory to God
  • 19:59 and being fully assured that what he had promised he was able
  • 20:04 also to perform.
  • 20:07 Nothing is complete without the cross, and yet the cross is at
  • 20:10 the end of the story, is it?
  • 20:13 This journey, this call of obedience was not
  • 20:16 the end of the story.
  • 20:18 The resurrection, the empty tomb is the fulfillment of the
  • 20:23 promise that we have in Messiah, Yeshua, Jesus.
  • 20:29 ♪♪♪
  • 20:37 David: And the father Abraham takes that son Yitzhak and they
  • 20:42 go up the mountain.
  • 20:45 I wanna talk about faith for the future, and when I think of that
  • 20:50 I wonder about Abram's state of mind at the time, for he is
  • 20:57 about to plunge a dagger into the breast of the future,
  • 21:02 or so it seems.
  • 21:04 This is a man who's thoroughly committed to the belief that God
  • 21:09 holds the key to the future, not the circumstances as he sees
  • 21:14 them at the moment.
  • 21:17 Now, to be sure, he loves his son.
  • 21:20 This was a hard assignment, to be sure, a test as it's noted
  • 21:23 elsewhere in Scripture.
  • 21:25 He passed it, and what enabled him to pass it and to get past
  • 21:30 the moment was a belief in a God who can get him past the
  • 21:35 difficult moments on into the future.
  • 21:44 David: Not only will you see wonderful dramas that take place
  • 21:47 in this series, Dr. Seif's teaching, and his wife Barri,
  • 21:51 but we have the honor of bringing some of our favorite
  • 21:54 hymns to this program.
  • 21:56 Songs of Yeshua, we're excited to do that.
  • 21:58 Jeffrey: Yes, and you guys are all about the music,
  • 22:00 aren't you?
  • 22:01 Kirsten: We were, it's kind of something new, so we love
  • 22:04 singing the music of our founder Zola, and we also love putting
  • 22:09 Hebrew to words that we know, and to tunes that we know.
  • 22:13 Jeffrey: And for you that's a learning experience, isn't it,
  • 22:16 to kind of do the Hebrew?
  • 22:17 David: It's how I learned Hebrew, actually.
  • 22:18 Kirsten: Yeah.
  • 22:20 Jeffrey: You know, for me, honestly,
  • 22:21 I do love the old hymns.
  • 22:24 Sometimes they get lost with loud guitars in the modern
  • 22:28 worship experience, and the old hymns, they resonate with me.
  • 22:35 Deeply I love them, I'm not saying that, I'm not scripted to
  • 22:37 say it, but from the heart, you know, there's a kind of fresh
  • 22:41 beauty there, and sometimes the younger generation moves on and
  • 22:44 doesn't--they'd do well to take some of the old stuff along with
  • 22:47 them, pack these hymns in the suitcase.
  • 22:49 So, I'm really glad to hear that we've resurrected those
  • 22:52 in conjunction with the series.
  • 22:53 David: I'm always encouraged when I see young people
  • 22:55 singing the hymns.
  • 22:56 They're meaningful.
  • 22:58 Kirsten: Yeah, and Sammy Davenport, all the music that
  • 23:00 you hear on our program, all the background music and for our
  • 23:04 dramatic reenactments, that's all done by Sammy Davenport, I'm
  • 23:08 giving you a little shoutout, he arranges all of our music.
  • 23:11 So, he arranged some hymns for us to do, and he also arranged
  • 23:15 the "Aaronic Blessing" that is coming up at the end of this
  • 23:19 program right now.
  • 23:20 Jeffrey: Yeah, and the thing is for me, I'm all for all the
  • 23:22 music skills that people present, but I'd like them to be
  • 23:25 using that to bring the Bible afresh, and I'll take that with
  • 23:29 any style of music, quite frankly.
  • 23:31 I think it's not just the charisma or the creative ideas
  • 23:35 of the artist, I think it's bringing forth the Word so
  • 23:40 people can sing it.
  • 23:41 If they sing it and it catches in their mind, they're gonna
  • 23:43 remember, and if they're gonna remember it, they're gonna be
  • 23:45 healed by virtue of their so doing.
  • 23:47 But to your point about the Aaronic benediction, it's a
  • 23:50 beautiful story and it's great to sing it, I'm glad folk can
  • 23:53 hear it, it comes from the Bible.
  • 23:56 Numbers chapter 6, and Moses was beckoned to pass on to Aaron
  • 24:00 from the Lord, to pray a blessing over people, and at the
  • 24:06 end of the day that's what we wanna be in a ministry like
  • 24:09 this, we wanna be a blessing.
  • 24:10 Lot of problems in this world, we wanna be part of the cure, we
  • 24:13 wanna be a soft voice in a loud and harsh world.
  • 24:17 Kirsten: We do, and we're so honored that Sarah Liberman has
  • 24:20 done the Hebrew part of the song, she's all the way in
  • 24:23 Israel, Dave and I here in the states recorded
  • 24:26 our English part.
  • 24:27 Sarah Liberman has been part of our program for a few years now,
  • 24:31 and she writes our personal letter every month, one of our
  • 24:34 monthly periodicals, so the Hebrew that you hear is from a
  • 24:37 gorgeous Israeli woman, Sarah Liberman.
  • 24:39 David: Numbers 6:24 is our song, but before we do that.
  • 24:42 Jeffrey: Just like this, Sha'alu Shalom Yerushalayim.
  • 24:45 David: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
  • 24:48 ♪♪♪
  • 24:59 ♪♪♪
  • 25:04 [singing in Hebrew]
  • 25:15 [singing in Hebrew]
  • 25:24 [singing in Hebrew]
  • 25:33 [singing in Hebrew]
  • 25:39 ♪ May the Lord, ♪
  • 25:41 ♪ may the Lord bless and keep you. ♪
  • 25:48 ♪ May his grace and his faith ♪
  • 25:53 ♪ shine upon you. ♪
  • 25:57 ♪ May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, ♪
  • 26:05 ♪ and give you peace, and give you peace. ♪
  • 26:14 ♪ May the Lord, ♪
  • 26:17 ♪ may the Lord bless and keep you. ♪
  • 26:23 ♪ May his grace and his faith shine upon you. ♪
  • 26:32 ♪ May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, ♪
  • 26:40 ♪ and give you peace, ♪
  • 26:44 ♪ and give you peace. ♪
  • 26:48 ♪ This is the way, ♪
  • 26:51 ♪ this is the way you shall be cleansed. ♪
  • 26:56 ♪ From day to day, ♪
  • 27:00 ♪ from day to day he'll be your rest. ♪
  • 27:06 ♪ May the Lord, ♪
  • 27:10 ♪ may the Lord bless and keep you. ♪
  • 27:16 ♪ May his grace and his faith ♪
  • 27:20 ♪ shine upon you. ♪
  • 27:24 ♪ And may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, ♪
  • 27:33 ♪ and give you peace, and give you peace, ♪
  • 27:41 ♪ and give you peace, and give you peace. ♪♪
  • 27:48 [singing in Hebrew]
  • 27:54 ♪♪♪
  • 28:07 ♪♪♪
  • 28:14 ♪♪♪
  • 28:18 ♪♪♪

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