The Jewish roots of Christianity

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Bible teaching with an emphasis on Israel, prophecy and the Jewish roots of Christianity

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Episode: “Kingdom Divided”
Solomon, the wisest man, made foolish mistakes by letting in outside influences and allowing his heart to drift away from the Lord. His son Rehoboam drifted much farther. His oppressive policies caused Jeroboam to lead 10 of the 12 tribes in rebellion, creating the northern Kingdom of Israel. The two tribes that remained — Judah and Benjamin — formed the southern Kingdom of Judah.
Series: “Kings and Kingdoms”
Dr. Jeffrey Seif teaches from the Books of 1 and 2 Kings. He examines the rulers of ancient Israel and Judah, who reveal lessons in Godly leadership. David and Kirsten Hart discuss their applications for today. Throughout this eight-part series, we hear Israeli perspectives on the kings, and Sarah Liberman teaches Hebrew words for worship.

Caption transcript for Kings and Kingdoms: “Kingdom Divided” (2/8)

  • 00:00 ♪♪♪
  • 00:03 David Hart: Welcome to "Our Jewish Roots," with insightful
  • 00:07 Bible teaching by Dr. Jeffrey Seif.
  • 00:10 This week, we see the kingdom of Israel torn in two as we
  • 00:14 continue our series, "Kings and Kingdoms."
  • 00:18 ♪♪♪
  • 01:08 David Hart: We're glad you've joined us today,
  • 01:09 I'm David Hart.
  • 01:11 Kirsten Hart: I'm Kirsten Hart.
  • 01:12 Jeffrey Seif: I am Jeffrey Seif.
  • 01:14 And I'm reminded of an old Mel Brooks movie, where he said,
  • 01:16 "It's great to be the king."
  • 01:18 You know, he was kind of celebrating, you know, power.
  • 01:21 It's great to be the boss, but not really.
  • 01:24 There's awesome responsibilities, and when
  • 01:27 you mess up, you mess up big sometimes.
  • 01:29 Kirsten: When you mess up, people talk about it for
  • 01:31 thousands of years.
  • 01:32 Jeffrey: That's the God's honest truth when it's recorded in
  • 01:34 biblical literature.
  • 01:36 And we see the good, the bad, and the ugly, way too much bad
  • 01:37 and ugly, I think.
  • 01:39 David: That's right.
  • 01:40 We begin Dr. Seif's teaching in Jerusalem.
  • 01:42 Let's go there right now.
  • 01:44 ♪♪♪
  • 01:52 Jeffrey: These walls are from the Ottoman Empire.
  • 01:55 Actually, it goes back hundreds of years.
  • 01:58 And they remind me of the walls around Jerusalem that go back
  • 02:01 thousands of years.
  • 02:04 The purpose being, of course, to protect those inside from
  • 02:08 invasions from outside.
  • 02:11 Now, one can protect from bows and arrows, but the question on
  • 02:15 the table today is, what can protect you from your
  • 02:19 own stupidity?
  • 02:24 I might get some mail for this on the negative side.
  • 02:28 I say that because Solomon, and rightly so, in biblical
  • 02:32 literature is construed as the wisest of them all.
  • 02:37 But if you look at the narration in the literature, it's also
  • 02:40 evidence that he was the dumbest of them all.
  • 02:45 I mentioned that, you know, Solomon comes to power as a
  • 02:48 made man.
  • 02:50 His father David had accrued wealth, expanded empire.
  • 02:55 Solomon is tasked then with building a temple and more.
  • 02:58 And he does all that, but he doesn't just do that.
  • 03:03 His father David was a man after God's own heart.
  • 03:06 Solomon's heart drifted.
  • 03:09 The book of Ecclesiastes in biblical literature attests to
  • 03:12 the fact that this man who had everything invested his energies
  • 03:15 in the pursuit of more.
  • 03:18 He was acquisitive with goods.
  • 03:21 He was acquisitive with human beings.
  • 03:23 He himself gathered 1,000 women to himself.
  • 03:26 I mean, this is a sex addict.
  • 03:29 This guy had a lot of problems, spent a lot of money.
  • 03:32 All these queens, you know, bear princes and princesses.
  • 03:36 Everybody wants an apartment in the capital city and a
  • 03:38 Rolex watch.
  • 03:40 Who's paying for all this?
  • 03:42 Well, Solomon had a great idea, let's just raise taxes.
  • 03:46 Now, think of this for a second.
  • 03:48 This is indeed a recipe for disaster for a politician,
  • 03:52 particularly if you're raising taxes just because of your
  • 03:57 own mistakes.
  • 03:59 I mention that because when Solomon's life runs its course
  • 04:03 and his son Rehoboam comes to power, Rehoboam has to pay
  • 04:08 the piper.
  • 04:10 We're going to look in 1 Kings chapter 12 and see the story,
  • 04:14 and it really is something of an inglorious story.
  • 04:17 I mention that because when Rehoboam comes to power there
  • 04:22 with his coronation, the people present him and say, "Listen, we
  • 04:26 know who your father is, we know the dynasty, and we'll serve
  • 04:30 you well.
  • 04:32 We'll serve you, but we want you to lighten the load on us, the
  • 04:37 tax base on us."
  • 04:39 He wrestles with it.
  • 04:42 We're told in 1 Kings chapter 12, verse 13 in Hebrew
  • 04:47 [speaking in foreign language],
  • 04:51 that he answered the people roughly.
  • 04:54 This politician wasn't sensitive to his base.
  • 04:59 We're told in verse 15 [speaking in foreign language].
  • 05:02 That is, he didn't hear.
  • 05:04 [speaking in foreign language].
  • 05:07 He wasn't minded to hear from the people.
  • 05:11 We're told as well when you get to verse 16,
  • 05:14 [speaking in foreign language].
  • 05:17 When the people of Israel saw, [speaking in foreign language],
  • 05:22 when the people saw that the king wasn't going to listen to
  • 05:27 them, they in effect are going to rebel.
  • 05:31 In verse 19, [speaking in foreign language].
  • 05:37 So, Israel rebelled against the house of David.
  • 05:44 In the aftermath of this, he goes on to give voice to all
  • 05:47 kinds of evils that enter into Israel as a result of
  • 05:51 the rebellion.
  • 05:53 Now, on the one hand, the rebellion is understandable
  • 05:56 because Rehoboam--and by the way, the word for the king, the
  • 06:00 name of the king, Rehoboam or Rehoboam means "he enlarges
  • 06:06 the people."
  • 06:07 Actually, the people didn't get larger under his administration,
  • 06:10 they got smaller because there was a civil war.
  • 06:14 Well, his indifference contributed to that.
  • 06:18 But subsequent to that, things just cascaded out of control.
  • 06:23 I mention this because the northern kingdom breaks away.
  • 06:26 They don't just break away from the king.
  • 06:29 As you go on and read the literature, the Bible says
  • 06:32 there's no point in breaking away from the king if all the
  • 06:36 breakaway tribes are going to make their way to the capital
  • 06:38 city of the king in Jerusalem to go to the temple complex to
  • 06:42 worship Jehovah there.
  • 06:44 No, there's going to be a variant form of Jehovah worship.
  • 06:49 And it is actually despicable in the sense that, well, they build
  • 06:54 a temple complex and they bring sacrifices there in the
  • 06:58 northern kingdom.
  • 07:00 They do that, but they don't just do that.
  • 07:03 Interestingly and tragically, they also build golden calves to
  • 07:07 worship them.
  • 07:08 And as you might recall, Bible readers, when the people of
  • 07:11 Israel left Egypt many years beforehand, they said, "Let's
  • 07:14 build a golden calf and, you know, do obeisance to it, and
  • 07:19 this is our god."
  • 07:21 They're in effect doing that.
  • 07:22 Again, things spiral out of control religiously,
  • 07:26 morally, ethically.
  • 07:28 We see there's a civil war that enacts here because the southern
  • 07:33 kingdom, Rehoboam's kingdom of Judah and Benjamin, stays there
  • 07:38 in and around Jerusalem proper and the southern portion of
  • 07:42 the nation.
  • 07:44 But then all the ten tribes break away and they form their
  • 07:45 own kingdom, as we note here under Jeroboam.
  • 07:49 We'll hear about him later, and all kinds of evils enter into
  • 07:53 the world and political intrigue.
  • 07:57 What can we learn from this?
  • 07:59 If anything, I alight upon the fact that this is indeed quite
  • 08:03 the tragedy.
  • 08:05 Solomon, for as wise as he was, was rather stupid at one level.
  • 08:09 And his excessive taxation, his son's indifference toward the
  • 08:14 people contributed to this breakaway.
  • 08:18 I think there's lots to learn in all this about how to be a
  • 08:21 leader today.
  • 08:23 Would that leaders today actually read about leaders of
  • 08:26 yesterday, the good, the bad, the ugly.
  • 08:28 I think they'd learn something.
  • 08:30 Well, I hope you learned something too.
  • 08:32 You want to get behind the right kind of leaders for the right
  • 08:35 kind of results.
  • 08:37 We learn this as we consider the story of kings and kingdoms.
  • 08:43 And so it is in a bygone day, they went their own way.
  • 08:47 That they did so lent itself to a ruinous condition for the
  • 08:52 people that went after the wrong kinds of kings.
  • 08:55 Let's make sure we get the right kind of people in office, not
  • 08:58 just in our government home, but in our personal homes as well.
  • 09:03 We want to have the right kind of people leading in our homes,
  • 09:06 and we want to have the right kind of ideas leading in our
  • 09:08 domes, that is to say our head.
  • 09:11 We have to make the right kind of decisions in order to get the
  • 09:14 right kind of results.
  • 09:17 Here there's a story of the wrong kind of decisions, the
  • 09:19 wrong kind of people, the wrong kind of results, and that lends
  • 09:22 itself toward the destruction of kings and kingdoms.
  • 09:28 Jeffrey: Baruch Kvasnica is the director of the Jerusalem
  • 09:32 Seminary, and he's a PhD candidate at Hebrew
  • 09:36 University Jerusalem.
  • 09:38 I caught up with Baruch in order to get his perspective on
  • 09:42 King Solomon.
  • 09:44 Jeffrey: Baruch, I've fussed at Solomon for too many women, but
  • 09:47 some of that is necessary, yes?
  • 09:50 Baruch Kvasnica: It's true.
  • 09:52 He had a great downfall because of his heart moving away.
  • 09:55 He married wives that then he allowed foreign deities to come
  • 09:59 into his heart and the people's lives.
  • 10:02 Jeffrey: Did he need to marry some of those women?
  • 10:04 Baruch: He did.
  • 10:06 He needed the political alliances.
  • 10:08 He needed the support that's coming from Lebanon, from Egypt,
  • 10:10 from Aram.
  • 10:12 All of these were very much needed.
  • 10:13 Jeffrey: So, today you make a treaty, back then you ratified
  • 10:16 it by picking up a new wife.
  • 10:18 Baruch: That's true, and he had many, many, many of them.
  • 10:20 Jeffrey: Yeah, but it wasn't just for political purposes.
  • 10:22 It got out of control, didn't it?
  • 10:24 Baruch: It's very true.
  • 10:26 He allowed altars to be built right next to the temple.
  • 10:28 Right next to the Mount of Olives was the Hill of
  • 10:31 Destruction mentioned in 1 Kings chapter 11.
  • 10:34 Jeffrey: I guess these foreign wives want to have some of their
  • 10:36 foreign elements in their world in their new context, and he
  • 10:39 gave it to him.
  • 10:41 Baruch: He brought those foreign elements into the
  • 10:42 temple practices.
  • 10:44 He brought those, and they affected the spiritual
  • 10:46 well-being of the whole country.
  • 10:48 Jeffrey: Well, there you go.
  • 10:50 When I think politically, we want to have our leaders, but
  • 10:52 the right kind of mind.
  • 10:53 The wrong kind of influence in that mind, the consequences can
  • 10:56 be disastrous.
  • 10:58 We don't have a lot of time, but what do you think of that?
  • 11:00 Baruch: I think that's very true.
  • 11:02 We have to be so careful of what influences are brought into
  • 11:04 our life.
  • 11:06 Solomon brought these foreign deities into his life, and it
  • 11:10 transformed the whole of Israel for bad, for evil.
  • 11:15 Jeffrey: I fear too much of that is coming into America.
  • 11:18 Brian, thank you so much for your time.
  • 11:20 ♪♪♪
  • 11:26 You've heard about fake news.
  • 11:28 Well, I want to talk to you about fake Jews.
  • 11:36 Sounds like I'm being cute, but the story is not so funny.
  • 11:39 But they say start off with a little zinger to get some
  • 11:42 attention to draw people in.
  • 11:45 Fake Jews, fake news, I'm coming to you from a place that's not
  • 11:49 fake, but it's been forsaken.
  • 11:53 That is to say thousands of years ago, there was a civil war
  • 11:55 between the north and the south.
  • 11:58 A coalition of ten tribes broke away from the Davidic dynasty,
  • 12:03 and here they built a fortress, a fortification at one of their
  • 12:07 main centers, in a place called Beth-El or Bethel.
  • 12:13 You know that from reading Bereshit or Genesis.
  • 12:17 Something great happened here in Genesis.
  • 12:20 Something bad happened here in 1 Kings.
  • 12:24 Listen, but the bad didn't start here, it started from a
  • 12:29 noteworthy named Shlomo.
  • 12:32 It's the word from shalom, peace, you know him as Solomon.
  • 12:36 Oh, he was interested in peace all right, he wanted to get a
  • 12:39 piece of this and a piece of that.
  • 12:41 He wanted to get a piece out of everybody's purse.
  • 12:44 He taxed people excessively.
  • 12:48 You know, the family needed the money.
  • 12:49 He has 1,000 women, you know thousands of
  • 12:51 princes, princesses.
  • 12:54 You know, everybody needs their own apartment, their own Rolex,
  • 12:56 some fancy clothing.
  • 12:57 Who pays for all of that?
  • 12:59 Oh, he didn't have an American Express card.
  • 13:01 He had an Israeli Express card.
  • 13:03 That's right, he was taxing everybody, and they were paying
  • 13:06 his bills, and people said, "Enough already."
  • 13:09 And the leader of the enough already coalition was a guy
  • 13:14 named Jeroboam from a Hebrew word meaning
  • 13:17 "the people contend."
  • 13:19 He contended all right.
  • 13:21 Solomon went after him with a vengeance.
  • 13:23 He ran off to Egypt and married.
  • 13:25 When Solomon died, when his son Rehoboam came to power, Jeroboam
  • 13:31 came back and represented the people and said, "Look, you
  • 13:34 know, we served you well.
  • 13:37 Now, you need to lessen the tax load."
  • 13:40 You know, politicians get in trouble with what they do with
  • 13:42 taxes, how they lean on people excessively to pay for
  • 13:46 their mistakes.
  • 13:49 And it happened in Bible days, it happens in modern days.
  • 13:51 You'll see nothing good came of it, but you're not going to see
  • 13:56 it right here.
  • 13:58 I'm going to take you to a place just off to my left.
  • 14:02 This is a fortification guarding something.
  • 14:05 Let's now go see what that something is.
  • 14:09 ♪♪♪
  • 14:13 Now, Jeroboam had a problem with the fake Jews in the
  • 14:18 northern kingdom.
  • 14:21 What was the problem?
  • 14:23 Well, they were still predisposed to go to Jerusalem,
  • 14:27 which was the center of the religion.
  • 14:30 And not only would they be inclined to cross the border to
  • 14:34 go worship the God in Jerusalem, but as if that's not bad enough,
  • 14:39 they're taking the tithe dollars with them, that is to say money
  • 14:42 is getting out of the house.
  • 14:45 Well, we can't have that.
  • 14:47 If we're going to have a political breakaway, we have to
  • 14:49 have a religious breakaway as well.
  • 14:52 But we don't want to make it seem like a breakaway.
  • 14:57 See, Jeroboam had some sacco*, he had some smarts, so he built
  • 15:00 this place.
  • 15:02 And what is this spot?
  • 15:04 Well, it's a temple at Bethel.
  • 15:07 Interestingly, it has the same dimensions as the Mishkan, the
  • 15:11 portable worship facility built by Moshe Rabbenu, Moses.
  • 15:18 We're talking about the Israelite, the Hebrew
  • 15:20 great himself.
  • 15:23 So, they built some sacred space here to mirror that which was at
  • 15:27 the heart of Judean religion.
  • 15:30 But in conjunction with that, here and far north in Tel Dan,
  • 15:36 right up at the Lebanon border today, they built a sanctuary
  • 15:41 with a golden calf.
  • 15:43 You see, Jeroboam had married an Egyptian woman, so let's bring
  • 15:47 some of the Egyptian religious tradition in the house as well.
  • 15:51 Let's make it kind of look authentically Jewish and Hebrew,
  • 15:55 but look, fake Jews.
  • 15:58 It's not legitimate at the end of the day, and it has
  • 16:00 ingredients in it that are antithetical to it.
  • 16:04 It reminds me so much of religion today, to tell you
  • 16:06 the truth.
  • 16:07 Now, what happens, however, when this guy Jeroboam has a problem,
  • 16:12 he doesn't seek the fake religion.
  • 16:15 He goes after one of the prophets who wasn't part of this
  • 16:19 whole system.
  • 16:20 He has a sick child, sends his wife, and says, "Listen, go
  • 16:23 petition him."
  • 16:25 So, she goes stealthily, not with all of her regalia.
  • 16:28 But he knows who she is because the Lord discloses to him.
  • 16:32 Interestingly then in chapter 14, verse 7, he responds and
  • 16:38 says, "Go tell Jeroboam, thus saith the real God," if
  • 16:42 you will.
  • 16:44 Now, I'm adding real, it's an interpolation.
  • 16:46 You know, thus saith the real deal.
  • 16:49 Goes on to say then in verse 8 in the middle,
  • 16:53 "You have not been like my servant David," no, that's the
  • 16:56 truth, "who kept my commandments, who followed me
  • 17:00 with all of his heart."
  • 17:03 No, this guy wasn't straight, he was crooked in his heart.
  • 17:08 "You didn't follow me with your whole heart to do that which was
  • 17:10 right or straight in my eyes."
  • 17:13 And then in verse 10, finally he says, "And I will bring evil
  • 17:18 upon the house of Jeroboam."
  • 17:23 No flattery here, we're talking straight.
  • 17:26 There's a Jewish word "takhles," just get right to the point.
  • 17:30 You know, and by the way, in the world in politics, no one likes
  • 17:32 straight talking.
  • 17:34 There's a lot of being disingenuous or being flowery.
  • 17:37 In Latin rhetoric, there's a term "pan egeria*."
  • 17:40 It's how you speak to people with power to be poetic and
  • 17:44 flattering principally.
  • 17:46 None of that here, just right to the point, straight talking.
  • 17:50 There was a problem, something was sour in River City, and the
  • 17:55 Lord the God of Israel knows it.
  • 17:57 This Jeroboam over 20 times in the Hebrew Bible because of all
  • 18:02 of this, he's referred to as the man who made Israel to sin.
  • 18:09 It starts off as a political issue, and then it translates
  • 18:13 into a spiritual one as well.
  • 18:16 It reminds me, by the way, in so many ways of the world that we
  • 18:20 live in.
  • 18:21 Let's learn a lesson and follow the God of Israel.
  • 18:24 Never mind fake Jews, fake politics, fake religion.
  • 18:27 Let's go after the real deal.
  • 18:29 ♪♪♪
  • 18:43 male announcer: Our resource this week, the music CD
  • 18:46 "Zion Song."
  • 18:47 During his lifetime, Zola Levitt composed over 200 Spirit
  • 18:51 filled songs.
  • 18:53 Now, David and Kirsten Hart, studio hosts of "Zola Levitt
  • 18:56 Presents," provide fresh interpretations to 11 of
  • 19:00 Zola's compositions.
  • 19:02 Enjoy this beautiful music yourself or share the CD
  • 19:06 with a friend.
  • 19:07 Contact us and ask for "Zion Song."
  • 19:14 male announcer: If you're thinking about visiting the Holy
  • 19:15 Land, come on a Zola tour, where the Scriptures come to life as
  • 19:20 you get teaching from a messianic perspective.
  • 19:23 Our spring tour goes to Israel, and Petra in the fall.
  • 19:27 You can add a cruise of Greece and Ephesus.
  • 19:30 Come to Israel, see the Jewish roots of your faith.
  • 19:34 Call us at 1-800-WONDERS, or click on the
  • 19:38
  • 19:44 David: One of the most spectacular views that I think
  • 19:47 you could see on an Israel trip is when we go to Jerusalem and
  • 19:51 we're at the Mount of Olives.
  • 19:53 It's unbelievable, it's hard to explain.
  • 19:56 We need you to go and join us for a tour--
  • 19:59 Kirsten: It's the million dollar view, it's just spectacular.
  • 20:02 And once we're on the top of Mount of Olives, we also have
  • 20:06 the opportunity to walk as a group, as a family down the
  • 20:10 Hosea road.
  • 20:11 I mean, there's just so much, come with us.
  • 20:14 We go in the springtime and also in the fall.
  • 20:16 will give you all the information you need.
  • 20:19 We want to also say a quick thank you to you, to our viewer,
  • 20:23 for making all of this possible.
  • 20:25 You keep "Our Jewish Roots" on the air, and you keep the good
  • 20:29 word going literally to the whole world, so thank you
  • 20:32 so much.
  • 20:34 David: Dr. Seif has been teaching on worshiping the true
  • 20:35 God of Israel.
  • 20:37 Sarah Liberman is going to teach us more about praise and
  • 20:39 worship, let's go there now.
  • 20:42 ♪♪♪
  • 20:46 Sarah Liberman: Shalom haverim.
  • 20:48 Welcome back to our series on exploring worship words
  • 20:51 in Hebrew.
  • 20:53 As a worship leader, I'm so excited for this series because
  • 20:57 I know that as you delve in and take on for yourself some of the
  • 21:02 ways that we are exhorted to worship in the Bible, it will
  • 21:05 change your life.
  • 21:07 It will truly change how you interact with God in worship.
  • 21:11 You see, in English, we have two words, "praise and worship."
  • 21:14 But in Hebrew, we have so many more.
  • 21:17 And today's word is l'hodot.
  • 21:20 And it comes from the root word "todah," which means to say
  • 21:24 thank you or thanksgiving.
  • 21:27 Now, so many times in our Bible in English, where it says praise
  • 21:31 the Lord, for example, the heavens praise your wonders, in
  • 21:35 Hebrew, it actually uses this word "todah" or "yoduha," which
  • 21:41 means thanksgiving, to come unto the Lord with an attitude
  • 21:45 of thanksgiving.
  • 21:47 Now, there is a principle in the Bible, and we see it throughout
  • 21:49 King David's life, that when he is in a hard and difficult
  • 21:53 place, when he's facing a challenge, he exhorts himself to
  • 21:58 thank the Lord, to bring an offering of todah to the Lord.
  • 22:03 And that releases God's victory in his life.
  • 22:07 Another interesting part of this word "todah" is that it comes
  • 22:11 also from the same root that we get the word "hand" "yad."
  • 22:16 And so, in the Bible when it says, "Lift up your hands and
  • 22:19 praise him in the sanctuary," that's an actual exhortation
  • 22:23 that we would come unto the Lord with an attitude of
  • 22:26 thanksgiving, raising our hands to him.
  • 22:30 Do you know when we open our hands to him, he can put
  • 22:32 something in them?
  • 22:34 Isn't that a beautiful image, a beautiful picture of how we
  • 22:38 worship God, with an attitude of thanksgiving in our hearts, and
  • 22:42 raising and lifting up our hands?
  • 22:44 So, next time you're in a worship service, I hope that you
  • 22:48 take that step to just bring that attitude of todah,
  • 22:53 thanksgiving to your heart, and raise up your hands unto the
  • 22:56 Lord to thank him before you see victory.
  • 23:01 ♪♪♪
  • 23:20 ♪ May all the people praise you ♪
  • 23:21 ♪ Sing and dance before you ♪
  • 23:24 ♪ Make a joyful noise unto the Lord ♪
  • 23:28 ♪ King of all the kingdoms ♪
  • 23:30 ♪ Creator of creation ♪
  • 23:33 ♪ Author of salvation ♪
  • 23:35 ♪ On his throne in heaven ♪
  • 23:37 ♪ We have come to be your people ♪
  • 23:39 ♪ For eternity, your nation ♪
  • 23:42 ♪ Make a joyful noise ♪
  • 23:44 ♪ Make a joyful noise ♪
  • 23:46 ♪ Make a joyful noise unto the Lord ♪♪
  • 23:58 Kirsten: That was a song by our founder Zola Levitt, and you
  • 24:02 brought it.
  • 24:04 David: Thank you.
  • 24:06 Kirsten: Good job, babe.
  • 24:07 David: I love singing his songs, yes.
  • 24:09 If you are just joining us for the first time in this series,
  • 24:11 we are grading the kings with our professor today.
  • 24:15 Kirsten: Professor Seif.
  • 24:17 David: Yes.
  • 24:18 Jeffrey: Well, I'll tell you what, they're not going to be
  • 24:20 happy campers because these guys didn't perform very well.
  • 24:22 Kirsten: Grading always scares me.
  • 24:24 Jeffrey: Yeah, well, I'll tell you, Solomon, I give him an A at
  • 24:26 the start, to tell you the truth.
  • 24:28 You know, he started off good, but then the apple didn't fall
  • 24:31 far from the tree like his father, David.
  • 24:35 He had too many women.
  • 24:38 I mean, David had too many women, just shy of 20.
  • 24:40 But Solomon just, oh my goodness gracious.
  • 24:43 And you know, administratively good, sage insight, but he
  • 24:46 ruined it all.
  • 24:47 And that's evident in the next generation as well.
  • 24:49 His son Rehoboam, I mean, here we go from A to D, he just goes
  • 24:53 from F to F-.
  • 24:56 I mean, he's a worthless piece of human wreckage.
  • 24:58 Kirsten: I mean, and he was born of the wisest man ever.
  • 25:02 Isn't that crazy?
  • 25:03 I don't get it.
  • 25:05 Jeffrey: Yeah, but I'll tell you that he didn't inherit it.
  • 25:06 You know, he was indifferent towards legitimate complaints of
  • 25:09 his people.
  • 25:11 He lived in the palace.
  • 25:12 He was indifferent to those in the streets, and that was
  • 25:15 his undoing.
  • 25:16 There was a civil war.
  • 25:18 And this guy Jeroboam, I'm going to give him an F as well.
  • 25:21 You can tell I'm a tough teacher, but the Bible's
  • 25:23 tougher yet.
  • 25:24 This guy was a labor leader, kind of like a blue
  • 25:26 collar organizer.
  • 25:29 During Solomon's administration, there was a lot of discontent.
  • 25:33 Rehoboam made it worse.
  • 25:35 Street level, Jeroboam capitalized on that and
  • 25:38 facilitated a revolt and a breakaway.
  • 25:41 We have two parties with God's people, two perspectives, two
  • 25:45 camps breakaway.
  • 25:47 They live in different worlds, kind of like today in so
  • 25:50 many ways.
  • 25:52 David: These guys are kings.
  • 25:53 You would think they'd have a perfect life, people
  • 25:54 underneath them.
  • 25:56 Kirsten: They're royalty, right?
  • 25:57 David: Look at the very beginning to where we're at
  • 25:59 right now.
  • 26:01 They all had problems.
  • 26:02 Jeffrey: And the problem is sometimes people just get into
  • 26:04 being the king.
  • 26:05 I mean, it's--you know, Jesus spoke about there's words for
  • 26:07 king, there's majesty and there's ministry.
  • 26:10 He says, "They lord it over them in the secular culture, but not
  • 26:14 so among you."
  • 26:16 It's imperative for the people at the top to serve those down
  • 26:19 into the pyramid.
  • 26:21 But sometimes, people just enjoy it too much at the top, and we
  • 26:24 see too much of that here.
  • 26:25 Kirsten: They lose the humility.
  • 26:27 And I think Solomon started out good, right?
  • 26:29 You gave him an A, he started out and he inquired of--I mean,
  • 26:33 the Lord said to him, "What do you want?"
  • 26:34 And he said, "I want wisdom."
  • 26:37 And then just--it's just sad how it--how his life ended.
  • 26:40 Jeffrey: Yeah, he wanted women too.
  • 26:42 This guy was a sex addict.
  • 26:43 Kirsten: Yeah.
  • 26:45 Jeffrey: And it was his undoing.
  • 26:46 David: Wow.
  • 26:48 Kirsten: There's got to be some good news, though.
  • 26:49 You going to have good news coming?
  • 26:51 Jeffrey: We'll get to Jesus, but I'll tell you the truth.
  • 26:53 If you look at what the Bible says about those who were
  • 26:54 leading, it's very unimpressive.
  • 26:56 That's why I look to the King of kings very much so, it's
  • 26:59 sometimes very unimpressive when you look at the kings.
  • 27:02 Kirsten: We have so much more coming in our series.
  • 27:05 Come back next week, watch us online.
  • 27:08 But until then, Pastor Seif.
  • 27:10 Jeffrey: Sha'alu shalom Yerushalayim.
  • 27:13 Kirsten: Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
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  • 28:05 ♪♪♪
  • 28:25 David: This has been a paid program brought to you by Zola
  • 28:27 Levitt Ministries.

Episodes in this series

  1. Israel’s First Kings
  2. Kingdom Divided
  3. Israel’s Omri and Ahab
  4. Israel’s Jereboam II and Hoshea
  5. Judah’s Joash and Uzziah
  6. Judah’s Hezekiah and Manasseh
  7. Judah’s Josiah and Zedekiah
  8. Israel’s Future King

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