Bible teaching with an emphasis on Israel, prophecy and the Jewish roots of Christianity
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Episode: “Substitution and Redemption”
Because of the “stolen” chalice, Judah intercedes and offers himself in Benjamin’s place. Joseph reveals his identity and reunites the family. Though understood by few at the time, Yeshua was the Suffering Servant whose substitutionary death accomplished God’s plan for redeeming the world. Our Messiah will return, but this time as the reigning King.
Series: “Joseph: Dreamer/Redeemer”
Perhaps more than any of the patriarchs in the Bible, Joseph presents us with a clear preview of the Redeemer, Yeshua Ha Mashiach. From his humble beginnings to his ascendancy as a leader of the known world, Joseph pictures the One to come. Born to humble parents, Yeshua’s suffering and ultimate sacrifice as the Lamb of God will lead to His return as the Lion of Judah. In this nine-part series, we lay bare the “Egyptian” (foreign) identity and centuries-long gentile view of Jesus and reveal Him as the Jewish Messiah and Savior of the world.
Caption transcript for Joseph: Dreamer/Redeemer — “Substitution and Redemption” (9/9)
- 00:31 From the pit to the palace,
- 00:34 from certain death to abundant life
- 00:38 Joseph, the Patriarch
- 00:40 who pictures Messiah.
- 00:52 Shalom and welcome to our program, I'm Myles Weiss
- 00:55 And I'm Katharine Weiss.
- 00:56 And we want to welcome you to our series on
- 00:58 Joseph; Dreamer / Redeemer.
- 01:00 We're really seeing the parallels between Joseph and Jesus.
- 01:04 Joseph is a type of the coming Messiah.
- 01:06 Right and we're right at the end of our series.
- 01:08 And we're so excited because we know what's coming.
- 01:11 Finally the dream is becoming a reality.
- 01:14 The brothers had been caught...
- 01:16 or there was a planned snare, if I can say it that way.
- 01:21 The silver cup put in the bag to see how the brothers would handle the...
- 01:28 Would they betray their brother Benjamin?
- 01:30 Or would they stand and lay down their life for Benjamin?
- 01:32 And we see in the Scripture itself
- 01:35 that the brothers all came and fell down before Joseph
- 01:41 just as his dream when he saw them bowing down.
- 01:44 And they said, we would never bow down to you,
- 01:46 we would never be your slave.
- 01:48 And now they're saying, not only we will bow down but we'll be your slave
- 01:52 just don't take Benjamin away from our father.
- 01:55 It's amazing how the dream becomes a reality in this section of the story.
- 02:00 And it's not the first time nor the last time that we'll see this pattern in the Bible
- 02:06 where at first the hero of the story is un-noticed or unseen
- 02:10 and then finally is recognized.
- 02:12 Think about this.
- 02:13 Moses, when he comes to his brethren in Egypt he says,
- 02:17 I want to help.
- 02:18 And they say, who made you a prince over us?, in Exodus 2.
- 02:21 When Joshua was given the leadership of the army,
- 02:25 they first saw him as one of the 2 spys who returned
- 02:28 and they didn't receive him, didn't receive his report.
- 02:30 But later they saw him as the leader of the army.
- 02:33 And even King David to come...
- 02:35 David was unrecognized.
- 02:37 His brethren were mad at him when he came out to seek the welfare of his brothers.
- 02:41 So there's this pattern
- 02:43 where the person who is come to help the children of Israel
- 02:46 is not known or noticed until later.
- 02:49 And it really points to the biggest part of this story
- 02:53 which is Genesis 43:3 where the brothers do not receive him
- 02:58 and he says...
- 03:03 And it relates to Matthew 23:39
- 03:05 where Yeshua himself says...
- 03:15 So let's pick up our story
- 03:17 as the family reunion comes to its conclusion.
- 03:23 Could it be any worse?
- 03:25 The brothers had agreed that one of them would be enslaved
- 03:28 if missing chalice was found in one of their bags.
- 03:32 And the chalice had somehow turned up in Benjamin's bag.
- 03:36 If the Lord of Egypt upheld this sentence they would not return with Benjamin
- 03:41 and tragically the promise to their father would be broken.
- 04:37 This is our final program in this series
- 04:39 and we wanted to bring it to you from the Garden Tomb.
- 04:42 This place for over 100 years has been a place of prayer
- 04:47 and reaching for the best that God has to offer.
- 04:50 Pilgrim's come from all over the world to be here,
- 04:53 to reach for communion with the LORD and with each other.
- 04:57 And it's such a special place because it pictures what we call "the finish line".
- 05:02 The empty tomb - the resurrection life,
- 05:04 and that is the story of Joseph.
- 05:07 Even to the fact that his bones we shall see
- 05:11 are going to be carried up from Egypt into Israel.
- 05:14 Into the Promised Land.
- 05:15 You know, Joseph is now reaching for something fresh and new in his brothers.
- 05:20 His brothers were just eaten up with envy and malice and threw him in the pit.
- 05:26 But as the testing goes on in the life of Joseph and his brothers
- 05:31 there's something that begins to change.
- 05:33 There's a remorse that comes over the brothers.
- 05:37 There is a grief that they're now interacting with their father Jacob.
- 05:43 And they just cannot bring another grief upon their father.
- 05:47 They said it would bring him down to Sheol.
- 05:49 It would bring him down to the very depth of depths
- 05:53 if Joseph's brother Benjamin would suffer any kind of harm.
- 06:01 So Judah begins to intercede.
- 06:03 And I love this, that Judah steps up.
- 06:05 And so now there's a turn.
- 06:07 And they're trying to implement something of integrity and righteousness.
- 06:10 And isn't it amazing that as Judah steps forward,
- 06:13 because Judah is the one who will be the tribe of whom Messiah will come.
- 06:19 Meshiach ben David will come from the tribe of Judah.
- 06:22 "Judah" we know also means "praise"
- 06:24 It's the tribe that goes forth in warfare,
- 06:27 it's a picture of the roles of spiritual warfare and praise
- 06:30 in the praises of God that are the two-edged sword
- 06:35 that God releases through the tribes.
- 06:38 And so now we're seeing that there's a new thing that's about to take place.
- 06:43 And Joseph is overcome because he knows that the time is coming
- 06:48 when he's going to have to reveal himself.
- 06:50 It's interesting isn't it?
- 06:51 That this is taking place in the deserts of Egypt.
- 06:54 And Egypt - the deserts - the word for "desert" is " midbar ",
- 06:59 it means to speak, to hear, to be listening for the LORD,
- 07:02 to be set aside into the silence of communion with God
- 07:06 in order to hear his direction and his purposes.
- 07:09 And now we see that Joseph and his brothers are reaching for something new.
- 07:13 And something new is going to happen.
- 07:16 There's going to be a new revelation
- 07:19 of the power of substitution
- 07:21 and the power of going before.
- 07:23 And the power of redemption is about to unfold in our story.
- 07:36 Our offer on this program,
- 07:38 the DVD series
- 07:39 "Joseph, Dreamer / Redeemer"
- 07:41 From his humble beginnings
- 07:43 to ascendancy as leader of the known world
- 07:45 Joseph pictures the one to come.
- 07:48 This series lays bare the Egyptian identity of Joseph
- 07:52 as well as the centuries long Gentile view of Jesus
- 07:55 revealing him as the Jewish Messiah
- 07:58 and Savior of the world.
- 07:59 Nine 30 minute programs on two DVD's.
- 08:03 "Joseph - Dreamer / Redeemer"
- 09:09 This is the place of substitution.
- 09:12 We wanted to bring this to you from Golgatha
- 09:14 from Calvary, from the place where Yeshua died for our sins
- 09:18 because we're coming to the end of our story
- 09:20 and we need to recognize that there is a substitutionary death that is taking place
- 09:26 in the "Suffering Servant" who gave his life for the sake of the world
- 09:30 and for the sake of the Jewish people.
- 09:32 And that's who Yeshua is.
- 09:34 Joseph pictures Messiah ben Joseph.
- 09:37 It looks forward to the suffering that Yeshua did.
- 09:40 Remember Isaiah 53 speaks of he who was wounded for our transgressions,
- 09:45 was pierced for our iniquities
- 09:47 and by his stripes we are healed.
- 09:50 And that, as we said at the very beginning of this series
- 09:52 is the difficulty for the Jewish people
- 09:55 because we say to ourselves, wait a minute
- 09:57 Messiah ben Joseph, Messiah ben David,
- 10:00 well who is he, which one is he?
- 10:01 Well, he's both.
- 10:03 And Joseph actually pictures both.
- 10:04 There was the pit, the palace, the prison,
- 10:07 and then being next to Pharaoh.
- 10:09 And there's also this incredible ruling and reigning
- 10:13 where because of the revelation of the famine that was coming
- 10:16 and the provision that he was able to give to Egypt,
- 10:21 all of Egypt was saved and all of the Hebrew people were saved.
- 10:25 The house of Jacob, 70 people were saved as well.
- 10:28 WOW, what a story.
- 10:31 Because isn't Yeshua that very one who came
- 10:34 as the Mashiach of the lost sheep of the house of Israel and the Savior of the world?
- 10:40 That's what Scripture tells us.
- 10:42 And we're seeing that revealed here.
- 10:45 Now, at the end of his life, when Jacob was leaning on his staff,
- 10:49 when he was crippled from that Genesis 32 encounter
- 10:53 with the Angel of the LORD, with the LORD himself,
- 10:55 forever he walked on a staff, he walked crippled in his thigh.
- 11:00 He was dependent on God.
- 11:02 And in that dependency, in that frailty,
- 11:04 in that time of the very end of his life
- 11:07 he asks Joseph to bring his sons to him so he could bless them.
- 11:11 And he crossed his hands
- 11:14 and put the blessing of
- 11:15 the first born on the second
- 11:17 and the blessing
- 11:18 of the second on the first
- 11:20 What does that mean?
- 11:21 Why would he do that?
- 11:22 And Joseph tries to correct him
- 11:23 but it is done intentionally
- 11:26 because it's a picture for us
- 11:28 of the blessing that comes to us
- 11:31 as those who come after the firstborn of many brethren, Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach.
- 11:38 The double portion blessing that rightfully belongs to Jesus is given to us.
- 11:45 And those crossed hands picture forever that substitution,
- 11:50 that gift of the rights of the first born to you and to me.
- 11:55 What a story.
- 11:57 Even today - every Friday Jewish people at the Shabbat service, at a Sabbath service
- 12:02 will cross their hands and bless their children in the name of Manasseh and Ephraim,
- 12:07 the patriarchs, the fathers in the faith,
- 12:09 the fathers of the religion,
- 12:10 the fathers of our culture.
- 12:12 But it always will be a picture to me of the wonder that Jesus,
- 12:18 whose right it is to have the double portion blessing
- 12:22 freely gives it to us.
- 12:24 Isn't it interesting that when Jesus lived on earth
- 12:28 his adoptive father, his earthly father because we know he came from heaven,
- 12:32 his adoptive father was Yoseph ,
- 12:35 so he was known as Yeshua ben Yoseph .
- 12:38 That is his earthly name.
- 12:40 The day is coming...
- 12:42 And even the Rabbis and the Jewish people at large recognize this man who was a prophet
- 12:46 was a Rabbi, lived in among Israel, walked among us,
- 12:50 was born in Bethlehem, raised in Nazareth.
- 12:52 We recognize him.
- 12:55 And we call him Yeshua ben Yoseph
- 12:58 so we are acknowledging that his lineage goes back to Joseph
- 13:03 because spiritually he is both the suffering servant
- 13:07 and the reigning King to come.
- 13:23 For insightful perspectives on Israel and Bible Prophecy
- 13:27 ask for our free monthly newsletter the "Levitt Letter".
- 13:31 At you can read the newsletter,
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- 13:38 Stay current with us on social media via Facebook and Twitter.
- 13:42 Come with us on a tour of Israel or Petra
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- 13:48 Please contact us for more information.
- 13:57 ♪ Instrumental Music ♪
- 14:25 Israel is a land of wonders.
- 14:27 You can see the Dead Sea, the
- 14:28 Red Sea, the Mediterranean Sea.
- 14:31 There's mountains.
- 14:32 And there's just the presence of God.
- 14:34 So we would love to host you
- 14:36 in the land of God's Covenant.
- 14:37 Amen!
- 14:38 We would love for you
- 14:39 to stay in touch with us.
- 14:41 If you check us out
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- 14:43 You can receive our
- 14:44 free newsletter
- 14:45 the Levitt Letter.
- 14:46 It's got up-to-date stories
- 14:48 from the Middle East,
- 14:49 from Israel,
- 14:50 great inventions that are coming out of Israel.
- 14:52 Good news as well as news that you need to know.
- 14:53 And it'll help you
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- 14:57 And we'd like to get feedback from you.
- 14:59 We answer letters in this.
- 15:00 So please get the Levitt Letter
- 15:02 It's free to you.
- 15:03 And we'd love for you to receive it from us.
- 15:05 Well we are in the pinnacle of the story of Joseph.
- 15:10 His brothers are there
- 15:12 and he is able to say, you sent me into slavery
- 15:17 and you sold me.
- 15:18 But God sent me to preserve life.
- 15:21 Exactly, it's really a picture of the over-arching sovereignty
- 15:26 of God in the story of the establishing of the line that will lead to Messiah
- 15:31 and a picture for the future of who Messiah will be.
- 15:34 Think about this.
- 15:35 As we come to the end of the story the similarities between Joseph and Jesus,
- 15:40 we've been telling you about this throughout this story.
- 15:42 It's very important for you to know that because right now we're in a time
- 15:48 when the Jewish people are under assault, they're under attack.
- 15:51 We need to know who are Messiah is, we need to know what our identity is.
- 15:55 And so Joseph is a beautiful picture as one of the main patriarchs of our whole life
- 16:00 that points to the character and the purpose and the person of Yeshua as the Jewish Messiah.
- 16:07 Think about this.
- 16:08 They are both beloved of the father.
- 16:10 They were both shepherds.
- 16:12 They were both tempted.
- 16:13 They were both falsely accused.
- 16:15 They were both bound and put in prison.
- 16:17 They both went down to Egypt.
- 16:19 They both were judged falsely.
- 16:22 They both were exalted.
- 16:25 And they both were thought to be dead
- 16:28 but turned out to be alive.
- 16:30 And in Joseph's case it's a human story full of wonder.
- 16:33 But with Yeshua it's an empty tomb.
- 16:36 So let's pick up our story
- 16:38 as the brethren move forward to understanding who their brother Joseph is in their life.
- 16:48 Joseph is overcome.
- 16:51 He orders his attendants to leave.
- 16:53 Tears fall.
- 16:55 His aching heart tells him it's over.
- 16:59 This is Joseph's finest hour.
- 18:14 The story of triumph is complete.
- 18:17 Joseph has been revealed to his brothers.
- 18:19 And it's our prayer that Yeshua will be revealed
- 18:22 to his brothers, to the Jewish people.
- 18:25 We see Joseph as the savior of Egypt
- 18:28 and the redeemer of his brethren
- 18:30 and that's who Yeshua is to us.
- 18:32 He's the Redeemer of Israel and the Savior of the world.
- 18:35 And that's the time we're living in now where his Egyptian garb is being taken off.
- 18:39 You know for two thousand years we have considered Jesus to be
- 18:43 related somehow to other religions and other groups and other people.
- 18:47 And we didn't realize nationally that he is Mashiach ben Yoseph and Mashiach ben David.
- 18:55 But the time is now that he is being revealed in our midst
- 18:59 and will continue to be revealed until he comes in fullness and glory
- 19:04 and reveals himself to everyone.
- 19:07 Joseph's desire was for his bones to be taken up to Israel
- 19:11 and brought to the Promised Land.
- 19:13 That was his last command.
- 19:15 God had placed him in Egypt for a purpose
- 19:18 and he knew that even through the suffering that it wasn't about him
- 19:21 but there was a bigger plan.
- 19:23 And God's plan was to save all mankind
- 19:27 but also to redeem back his brothers
- 19:30 and to redeem back the plan that God had for the 12 tribes to go in and take the land.
- 19:35 So there was a charge given to them to not leave his bones in Egypt
- 19:40 no matter how beautiful, how grand Egypt would be.
- 19:44 He did not want to identify with the world.
- 19:47 He wanted to identify with the home that's in heaven
- 19:50 and the home...the Canaan that God had promised them.
- 19:54 It's so awesome.
- 19:55 The acacia wood box that the bones of Joseph came up with were covered with gold
- 19:59 just as the Ark of the Covenant was acacia wood covered with gold.
- 20:03 And it's covered so you can't really see what's going on inside.
- 20:08 There's some mystery in God.
- 20:09 There's always some mystery.
- 20:11 There's always more to God than our minds can figure out.
- 20:14 The bones come up out of Africa
- 20:16 just as Jesus came up out of Africa, out of Egypt.
- 20:19 There's something about this coming up.
- 20:21 The bride comes up out of the wilderness
- 20:23 leaning on the arm of her Beloved.
- 20:25 Song of Solomon 8:5...
- 20:27 Who is this coming out of the wilderness leaning on the arm of her beloved?
- 20:31 She's covered in gold.
- 20:32 She's hidden but she's leaning on the arm of her beloved.
- 20:36 And we're in that season when the bride is being revealed,
- 20:40 the bridegroom is seeing the bride
- 20:42 and the bride is beginning to see the bridegroom.
- 20:44 The dreams that Joseph had have come true.
- 20:48 The sheaves bowing down are a picture that every knee shall bow and every tongue confess
- 20:54 that Yeshua HaMashiach is LORD to the Glory of God the Father.
- 20:58 And the sun, moon and the stars all revolve around the finished work of the cross.
- 21:11 Joseph's embrace marks the close of a painful chapter in the life of his family.
- 21:16 But the story continues.
- 21:18 Joseph's father Jacob would be reunited with his beloved son
- 21:22 whom he thought was no more.
- 21:25 Jacob would bless all his sons.
- 21:27 And their families in turn would give birth to the 12 tribes of Israel.
- 21:34 The future of a mighty nation had just begun.
- 21:43 And so the nation of Israel will be born
- 21:45 and the 12 tribes will come.
- 21:47 And triumph and tribulation and incredible changes
- 21:50 will take place over the 1,000 year history.
- 21:53 This really is a story
- 21:54 of Romans 8:28
- 22:02 And we really see that throughout the life of Joseph.
- 22:04 And now this very poignant gathering of the tribes together
- 22:08 the future being unveiled
- 22:11 and Jacob is about to come into the scene, prophesy and then be gathered to his fathers.
- 22:15 Right, but also Myles I just want us to remember how important it is to forgive.
- 22:21 Because if Joseph hadn't postured himself to forgive
- 22:25 and be ready to forgive when that time came,
- 22:28 the opportunity could have been lost.
- 22:31 And I think a lot of us face those exact same opportunities in our own family.
- 22:35 There's been betrayal
- 22:37 or there's been heartache
- 22:38 or there's been misunderstanding or accusation.
- 22:41 And it's our job, as a believer it's our privilege
- 22:45 to receive his forgiveness and release that forgiveness in and through us to those around us.
- 22:51 And then we'll see God work miracles.
- 22:53 I mean miracles.
- 22:55 And he loved not only in word, but he loved in deed.
- 22:57 He sent provisions back with the brothers to go get his father Jacob.
- 23:02 And when Jacob heard his son was alive
- 23:06 can you imagine that much time going by?
- 23:09 I mean he's like 130 now and his son - it's been so many years
- 23:13 he thought for sure he was dead.
- 23:15 But he's alive.
- 23:16 And it says in the Scripture that he revived.
- 23:18 So faith revives us.
- 23:20 Wherever you feel like you're dull or you're unable to feel
- 23:27 let God revive you in fresh faith today
- 23:30 to see his miraculous provision to you and to your family
- 23:34 and then to the lineages to come.
- 23:37 You just said something really, really important
- 23:39 about the power of forgiveness.
- 23:40 I think there's a connection between resurrection life itself and forgiveness.
- 23:45 I know that people look at how beautiful you are
- 23:47 and they must think I must be a really great husband, which I am,
- 23:50 however the reality is that we have to learn to forgive each other every day.
- 23:53 We work through things.
- 23:54 We have to not let accounts get stale and old.
- 23:57 It's important to keep fresh accounts, to keep short accounts
- 24:01 and work things through immediately.
- 24:03 I remember back in Bible College...
- 24:06 That's what I love about our marriage the most
- 24:08 is that we're able to recover quickly.
- 24:11 You know if you hold a grudge or if you keep bitterness
- 24:14 it's just a downer you know?
- 24:16 And it's when you can forgive quickly and move on
- 24:19 and know that you're going to get through it.
- 24:21 Yeah, there's a larger purpose involved.
- 24:24 And you know it's so sad sometimes we encounter people through counseling, etc.
- 24:27 where they are holding a grudge
- 24:30 or they are able to just camp at a place like that.
- 24:33 And what would have happened if Joseph hadn't allowed God to shape him
- 24:37 into the one who not only could forgive
- 24:40 but allow this incredible emotional trauma
- 24:43 to work through him in order to be a blessing to the entire world.
- 24:47 I really feel like there's a word out there for somebody today
- 24:50 that if you feel like your marriage is dead
- 24:52 and if it feels dull and it feels lack of luster or life
- 24:56 let God give you fresh love,
- 24:58 fresh faith and fresh forgiveness for one another
- 25:01 and he will revive even...
- 25:03 If he can revive the dead bones of Israel
- 25:05 he can revive a marriage if we let him breathe on us.
- 25:09 Yep...yep
- 25:10 I think about Joseph being able to say,
- 25:12 I think it was in chapter 45
- 25:14 he was able to say, you meant it for evil.
- 25:16 And he's at that point comforting the brethren.
- 25:18 They're coming to him repenting and saying, Oh what have we done
- 25:22 and he said, you know you meant it for evil but God meant it for good to save many people alive.
- 25:27 And what a testimony to be able to see beyond the personal pain
- 25:32 and see the larger purposes of God.
- 25:34 And he didn't stop there.
- 25:35 He could have said, well you're not responding like I want you to respond.
- 25:39 They didn't say a word.
- 25:40 They were like...
- 25:41 They were just silent.
- 25:44 But he just stood his ground in that love and that forgiveness
- 25:47 and he helped them work it through.
- 25:49 Yeah, exactly.
- 25:51 I think sometimes we can't go on the basis of the other's response.
- 25:54 We need to do what is right before the LORD no matter what.
- 25:57 And that's really a lot of what we see in this opening of Genesis.
- 26:00 Think about this number 70.
- 26:02 Jacob has 70 people in his family.
- 26:04 There were 70 days the Egyptians will mourn for him.
- 26:07 There were 70 nations that will eventually be named by God and sacrifices made for.
- 26:13 Moses will have 70 counselors.
- 26:15 And Jesus will send out the 70.
- 26:17 And I think there's a mystery in the fullness of that.
- 26:20 But think about this.
- 26:21 7 is the number of spiritual fullness.
- 26:23 10 is the number of testing.
- 26:26 70 is 10 times 7.
- 26:28 If we're going to have spiritual fullness there's going to be testing but God is going to
- 26:33 find a way to make it all work for good.
- 26:35 Again, according to Romans 8:28
- 26:37 That's beautiful... that's beautiful.
- 26:39 I think that we can't give up.
- 26:41 We need to move forward.
- 26:42 I think about the life of Israel.
- 26:43 Like when we say Israel now I'm thinking of Jacob because his name is "Israel".
- 26:47 But the country, the nation, this small group of people
- 26:51 and God says, I didn't choose you because you were stronger and bigger.
- 26:54 I chose you because you were frail and because you were small
- 26:58 that my name could be glorified.
- 27:00 And that's still going on today.
- 27:02 That's why we always choose to stand with Israel.
- 27:05 We understand they're not perfect.
- 27:06 We understand it's not a perfect nation.
- 27:08 Let God judge his own.
- 27:10 That's good.
- 27:12 And that's why we always end our program...
- 27:14 we end this series
- 27:16 by reminding you
- 27:17 Sha'alu Shalom Yerushalayim
- 27:19 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
- 27:23 Our monthly newsletter the "Levitt Letter" is free
- 27:26 and full of insightful articles and news commentary
- 27:29 from a Messianic perspective.
- 27:31 Visit to find our newsletter
- 27:34 along with current and past programs,
- 27:36 our television schedule,
- 27:38 and much more!
- 27:39 Don't forget to order this week's resource
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- 27:49 Your donations to Zola Levitt Ministries
- 27:51 help these organizations
- 27:52 bless Israel.
- Jealousy and Rejection
- Betrayal and Deception
- Innocence and Accusation
- Faithfulness from Prison
- Prisoner to Prime Minister
- Famine and Recognition
- Brother for Brother
- Longing and Revelation
- Substitution and Redemption
Guest organizations and links