The Jewish roots of Christianity

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Bible teaching with an emphasis on Israel, prophecy and the Jewish roots of Christianity

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Episode: “Prophecy and the Patriarchs”
After winding through a narrow canyon that leads to Petra’s landmark structure “The Treasury,” we head for Beersheba. Standing by an ancient well, Yuval presents a short history of the site, emphasizing the importance of water. A dramatic clip from the Abraham series leads into a teaching of hope for Esau and Jacob.
Series: “Journey of Restoration”
Through this ten-part series, you join a group of pilgrims touring Israel. Our Messianic Sabra (native-born) guide opens the Bible with the Hebrew language at his command. Be enriched as pastors Myles and Katharine Weiss tag-team with our local guides. Meet “living stones” of the Body of Messiah in the Land, many of whom ZLM supports through benevolent funds.

Caption transcript for Journey of Restoration: “Prophecy and the Patriarchs” (9/10)

  • 00:05 I love Israel...
  • 00:06 I love the people.
  • 00:08 Totally's indescribable.
  • 00:10 And it feels like home...
  • 00:12 it just feels like home.
  • 00:14 Welcome to Jerusalem...
  • 00:15 it just took my breath away.
  • 00:17 It just shows the finger print of God everywhere.
  • 00:19 To realize how special this city and the people were to the LORD.
  • 00:23 It's God's chosen land and Jesus walked on it.
  • 00:28 I think there's a restoration as Pastor Myles talked about...
  • 00:31 How God is really gathering the Jews.
  • 00:36 Through the blood of Jesus Christ we've been grafted-in
  • 00:39 and now this is our city also.
  • 00:53 Shalom and Welcome to our program.
  • 00:54 I'm Myles Weiss.
  • 00:55 And I'm Katharine Weiss.
  • 00:57 And we are continuing our "Journey of Restoration".
  • 01:00 You know, Acts 3:20 and following says
  • 01:03 that Jesus would go to heaven and be waiting there
  • 01:05 until the time of His coming kingdom
  • 01:07 and then He would restore all things.
  • 01:10 And so the Journey of Restoration includes
  • 01:12 the restoration of Israel and the Jewish people.
  • 01:15 And part of our tour that we get to do if people would like to;
  • 01:19 we take them down to Petra and it is one of the most amazing sites to see.
  • 01:23 We actually leave Eilat and we go down to the Jordan Valley, all the way into Petra.
  • 01:30 Petra is in Jordan and we're going to see it in a few minutes.
  • 01:33 And the fact is that it is part of the prophetic timetable
  • 01:37 that is clicking away as weprepare for the return of the LORD.
  • 01:40 And so without any further ado let's go to Petra in Jordan.
  • 01:48 (Myles Weiss speaking)
  • 01:50 Petra...the historical and archaeological city in southern Jordan
  • 01:53 is sometimes referred to as the "Rose City"
  • 01:55 due to the color of the stone out of which it is carved.
  • 01:59 The city was established around 312 bc and became the capital of the Nabataeans,
  • 02:04 a nomadic tribe that migrated from Arabia during the 6th century bc
  • 02:10 The area had originally been inhabited by the Edomites.
  • 02:13 When the Nabataens arrived they carved grandiose buildings,
  • 02:17 temples and tombs out of the solid sandstone rock.
  • 02:21 An amazing feat even if it were done today.
  • 02:24 Our tour group winds its way through the narrow canyons
  • 02:27 and then as if out of nowhere the remarkable structure called "the treasury" stands before us.
  • 02:34 Our Petra guide tells us more.
  • 02:38 Can you see what I'm showing you?
  • 02:41 This is what we have behind me...
  • 02:44 the name of it is "the treasury".
  • 02:47 The treasury name is not the real name of it.
  • 02:52 "Treasury" name was given by the local people who were the Bedouins
  • 02:57 who lived in the city of Petra when it was lost.
  • 03:01 And they thought Pharaoh the King, the king of Egypt did hide his treasure inside the urn.
  • 03:10 Can you see the urn?
  • 03:13 So when you look at the urn very carefully you're going to see many bullet marks
  • 03:17 because they did shoot at the urn for getting the treasure down...
  • 03:22 and no treasure, it was a legend story.
  • 03:25 And this is how the name of "the treasury" came out.
  • 03:28 But to say to you the real name of it...
  • 03:31 Nobody can mention the real name of it until nowadays except offering you two names,
  • 03:37 where the first name would be "a tomb"
  • 03:39 and the second name would be "a temple".
  • 03:42 But the Nabataens started to carve out this in 100 years bc.
  • 03:47 Imagine you are looking at something which is over 2,000 years old
  • 03:51 and is still in a perfect condition today
  • 03:55 because the location of the treasury
  • 03:57 is in a perfect location against rain and wind.
  • 04:02 In a way, it has been sheltered naturally.
  • 04:05 So they started to carve it in 100 years bc.
  • 04:10 It took them to finish it 13 finish it.
  • 04:16 And what do you see on the facade?
  • 04:18 You see what the Nabataens have been influenced by.
  • 04:21 So when you look right at the top...
  • 04:23 look at my finger please.
  • 04:25 You can see the urn where the urn would be an Egyptian influence
  • 04:28 and then right and left side you can see the broken eagles
  • 04:33 where the eagles would be a Greek influence.
  • 04:36 (Katharine Weiss speaking)
  • 04:38 Buildings such as these when exposed to the elements
  • 04:40 on a daily basis for thousands of years
  • 04:42 are hard to find and yet here they are.
  • 04:45 These structures have survived because they are so well sheltered.
  • 04:49 This really has been a place of survival.
  • 04:53 Might it be in the future as well?
  • 04:56 Does this Rose City have a place in Biblical prophecy?
  • 05:02 Here we are in Petra; it is the place of some great prophetic words and speculation.
  • 05:10 You've heard some history regarding the formation of this place.
  • 05:14 And we're also looking at the future here as well...
  • 05:18 Isaiah chapter 62:10-12 and Isaiah 63...
  • 05:24 form a picture of the coming of Messiah.
  • 05:27 There's something spoken of there about the hiding away at the time of transition.
  • 05:33 Remember we spoke about the time of John the Baptist; John the Immerser,
  • 05:38 that was a time of transition.
  • 05:41 While there was a corrupt priesthood in the temple
  • 05:44 at the same time John was out at the Jordan River baptizing people unto repentance
  • 05:50 and including baptizing Yeshua.
  • 05:53 So it was a transitional period
  • 05:55 where the priesthood was failing
  • 05:57 a clean priesthood was arising embodied by John the Baptist
  • 06:01 and at the same time a transitional period
  • 06:04 leading to the crucifixion of the LORD.
  • 06:06 Well so it is with regarding Petra.
  • 06:09 There is a lot of speculation about what the future may hold here.
  • 06:12 Whether this will be in fact a place for Jewish folks to come
  • 06:17 and hide when the anti-Christ is arising.
  • 06:20 At the same time that the 144,000 will be preaching and bringing in the greatest harvest
  • 06:25 at the end of the age; another transitional period,
  • 06:29 including what's spoken of as the time of the one
  • 06:32 whose garment is dipped in blood coming from Bozra...
  • 06:36 Messiah Himself spoken of in Isaiah 63 and also in Revelation 19.
  • 06:43 So we're really in a place that may hold the future,
  • 06:47 so much so that Professor Blackstone at the end of the previous century
  • 06:51 came somewhere in here and hid many, many Bibles and New Testaments
  • 06:56 in order for the Jewish folks fleeing to here to see the Gospel in Hebrew
  • 07:03 when they would come here to hide from the rising of the dark kingdom.
  • 07:09 Well we don't know where they are.
  • 07:11 We don't know if they will be used.
  • 07:13 We don't know exactly what this will mean.
  • 07:15 But we do know that it points to a time that will be very, very dark
  • 07:20 and will lead to a time of incredible light
  • 07:23 when the Messianic kingdom will come on earth.
  • 07:26 Because Yeshua will come...
  • 07:28 He will come first to the kingdom to establish His kingdom here in Israel
  • 07:33 and then also He will come back to rule and to reign.
  • 07:37 He's going to set up a new heaven and a new earth.
  • 07:40 And we'll know not many years from now what roll Petra plays in the unfolding of God's story.
  • 07:47 (Katharine Weiss speaking)
  • 07:49 As we walk through Petra's canyons we can't help but wonder
  • 07:54 about the many gods that had been revered within these limestone walls.
  • 07:59 Ancient tombs, Hellenistic gods, they've all come and gone
  • 08:03 along with the people who created them.
  • 08:06 What an assurance we have...what a blessing to know that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
  • 08:12 the one who created our infinite universe still lives and cares for His own
  • 08:20 We have an incredible symmetry here...
  • 08:26 Old Testament and New Testament what was...what is...and what will be.
  • 08:31 Isaiah speaks really clearly,
  • 08:33 Isaiah 62; "For Zion's sake I will not hold My peace"
  • 08:37 and He's calling believers in the day in which we're living
  • 08:41 to rise up and stand with the old olive tree Israel.
  • 08:44 The call is to the gentile church to come up,
  • 08:48 the international church to come and wrap itself as the notzrim,
  • 08:52 as the shoots around the olive tree
  • 08:55 and then partake of the oil of the Holy Spirit that fuels the olive tree, the Messianic root
  • 09:02 and ties it together with Jew and Gentile.
  • 09:06 From that strength there's to be a standing with Israel
  • 09:10 and especially with the body of Messiah in Israel and around the world.
  • 09:15 Well those scriptures in Isaiah 62 continue to speak about the pressure
  • 09:22 that is coming on the nations of the world to decide where they stand,
  • 09:28 these are the Israel where they stand vis-a-vis the church as well
  • 09:32 and so the pressure that is coming...
  • 09:34 the wine press, the treading out, the change that is coming in this world
  • 09:40 is coming through the fact that Jerusalem
  • 09:42 is becoming a stumbling block for all the nations
  • 09:45 and there's going to be a dividing between the nations
  • 09:48 as to sheep nations and goat nations.
  • 09:51 That all looks forward to the coming of the LORD.
  • 09:55 Those same scriptures from Isaiah 62 and 63
  • 09:59 of the one coming out of Bozrah with His garment dipped in blood
  • 10:02 are repeated in Revelation 19, when He comes on the white horse
  • 10:08 with His garment dipped in blood
  • 10:12 and His name is faithful and true;
  • 10:14 He is the Word of God and out of His mouth comes the Word;
  • 10:18 He is the living Word.
  • 10:20 What is the blood?
  • 10:22 It is the blood of His sacrifice
  • 10:24 as well as the blood of those rebellious nations that will not come in to an understanding
  • 10:32 and receiving and a walking with Him in His salvation.
  • 10:37 It is a very powerful, very humbling, very holy set of verses
  • 10:43 and it's tied to the incredible future that is awaiting those who are the bride...
  • 10:49 the Jews and Gentiles together.
  • 10:51 We're called out together as the Bride of Christ; as the Bride of Messiah.
  • 10:55 They are the ones who in Revelation 19 are called
  • 10:59 His wife who is making herself ready
  • 11:02 and so there's a readying period that's going on now in the transitional time
  • 11:07 and then those that making themselves ready will come with Him to rule and to reign
  • 11:12 I'm looking forward to the one who is fit to rule and to reign.
  • 11:17 His name is Yeshua HaMashiach
  • 11:20 and He's coming sooner than we know
  • 11:45 For insightful perspectives on Israel and Bible prophecy
  • 11:49 ask for our free monthly newsletter, the Levitt Letter
  • 11:53 at you can read the newsletter,
  • 11:56 watch the TV program or visit our online store.
  • 12:01 Stay current with us on social media via Facebook and Twitter.
  • 12:04 Come with us on a tour of Israel or Petra
  • 12:08 or a cruise to Greece and Ephesus.
  • 12:10 Please contact us for more information.
  • 12:16 Show your support for Israel with the Pro-Israel Package
  • 12:19 For your gift of $48 or more
  • 12:21 you'll receive a 3 foot by 5 foot flag of Israel,
  • 12:24 4 Pro-Israel buttons,
  • 12:26 Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem bumper sticker
  • 12:29 "Israel's Right to the Land" booklet,
  • 12:31 a Jerusalem Journey stone,
  • 12:33 "Broken Branches" by Zola Levitt,
  • 12:35 and a 2 flag lapel pin.
  • 12:37 Call and ask for the Pro-Israel package
  • 12:40 or visit us at
  • 12:45 We would love to send you the Levitt Letter.
  • 12:48 We produce it every month.
  • 12:49 Katharine and I are privileged to write for this
  • 12:51 but it's really a consortium of writers
  • 12:54 that get together every month and send you this newsletter
  • 12:57 You can get in touch with us at 1-800-WONDERS or
  • 13:01 and we'll be glad to send you this news magazine.
  • 13:04 We love your support.
  • 13:05 We thank you for your gifts of funds.
  • 13:07 And this letter is just one way of us saying "thank you" to you.
  • 13:11 So now we're going to go from Jordan up, back into Israel
  • 13:16 to Be'er Sheva where so many of the patriarchal stories took place.
  • 13:20 So let's go to the well of the seven oaths.
  • 13:24 (Myles Weiss speaking)
  • 13:26 Tel Be'er Sheva is an archaeological site that sits adjacent to a now dry river bed.
  • 13:31 The Be'er Sheva river is little more than a trickle of water
  • 13:35 accept on a few days a year when flash floods run down its banks
  • 13:39 and the waters find their way to the desert plain and then the Mediterranean Sea.
  • 13:44 Our Israeli tour guide, Yuval Shemsh, tells us more.
  • 13:49 Along the river bed of Be'er Sheva
  • 13:51 over the years...centuries, people dug wells
  • 13:55 and one of them is right here right behind me.
  • 13:58 There is no doubt that this was an ancient well
  • 14:04 that goes back even before the city was established
  • 14:07 because most of the ruins we are going to see
  • 14:09 are going back to the time of Hezekiah, 8th century bc
  • 14:15 The archaeological digs took place here
  • 14:18 in-between 1969 and 1976 by Professors Aharoni and Herzog.
  • 14:28 And you can even see again the reconstruction line.
  • 14:31 Below the line, remember it is original; above the redone.
  • 14:36 But most of what you'll see inside was back to that time of Hezekiah
  • 14:42 but the well is more ancient.
  • 14:45 We don't know exactly how old it is
  • 14:48 but most people believe that the well goes back to the time of Abraham.
  • 14:52 So where was the city at the time of Abraham?
  • 14:55 Probably at that time the people have lived in tents
  • 14:58 as the Bedouins who are still coming here
  • 15:00 and so there was no structures here on the hill.
  • 15:04 And the people used to live in simple dwellings, simple tents as the bedouins.
  • 15:12 But here notice that in relation to the river bed the one is very high.
  • 15:18 So the reason they began to dig the well here and not further down
  • 15:25 was because of safety... because of security.
  • 15:27 So it shows that there was something under here.
  • 15:31 Otherwise you could have dug the well further down and to save a lot of work
  • 15:35 because the depth of the well here, it's 70 meters; it is about 210 feet.
  • 15:43 If we were digging such a well further down you could save a lot of work, right?
  • 15:47 But to place it on a hill, there was a reason for it... for protection.
  • 15:50 But we don't see ruins her from the time of Abraham
  • 15:53 so it explains why, because people were living in tents at that time.
  • 15:59 So during the time of Hezekiah as you can see the well was located outside the city gate.
  • 16:06 It was here from this city, from this place
  • 16:13 that Abraham sent away Hagar and the boy Ishmael with her.
  • 16:21 In the book of Genesis 21 it says,
  • 16:47 See from here she went away, the way that we came from
  • 16:50 and we saw what a big and large desert it is.
  • 16:55 Obviously in desert areas the most precious thing is water...
  • 17:01 you cannot survive without water
  • 17:03 And the Bible tells about a big conflict that took place over the wells
  • 17:08 between the servants of Abimelech and Abraham.
  • 17:51 So "Be'er Sheva"... "be'er" in Hebrew means "well" "sheva", "to swear an oath".
  • 18:01 Both of them swear by the well.
  • 18:06 And it came to pass at that time that Abimelech, King of Gerar;
  • 18:10 and Phicol, the chief captain of his army met with Abraham.
  • 19:36 And he called the place Be'er Sheva because it was there that they both swore an oath.
  • 19:42 Thus they made a covenant.
  • 19:45 Then Abimelech and Phicol, the chief captain returned into the land of the Philistines.
  • 19:52 And Abraham lived a long time as a foreigner in the land of the Philistines.
  • 20:09 I want to speak to you from this place
  • 20:11 because it's the perfect place to end our tour
  • 20:15 because it goes all the way back to the beginning of the story
  • 20:19 and looks forward to the future of the story.
  • 20:22 And what's the story been?
  • 20:23 The story has been about heaven coming to earth.
  • 20:26 The story has been about the conflict;
  • 20:28 not just between people groups,
  • 20:31 but the conflict between heaven and earth
  • 20:33 and the desire for God to dwell with His people;
  • 20:36 the desire from God for us to know Him.
  • 20:40 And so these wells represent this long term conflict between Abraham and his opposing forces;
  • 20:48 between Isaac and the Philistines
  • 20:51 and between Jacob and Esau.
  • 20:52 And generation after generation we see this conflict between
  • 20:56 what represents the spirit and what represents the flesh.
  • 20:59 And it continues into our day
  • 21:01 but there's some real hope in these stories.
  • 21:04 This begins in Genesis 21 as we've heard.
  • 21:06 It continues all the way through Genesis 26 and onward.
  • 21:09 And in Genesis 26 it's Isaac who dwelt near Gerar which is now Gaza
  • 21:15 and that conflict continues.
  • 21:18 And in fact when they dug the wells,
  • 21:20 the first time they dug the wells they called it "Sitna" which means "conflict".
  • 21:23 And the second time they called it "Esek" which means "conflict to the point of hatred".
  • 21:28 And finally they dug a well and said it is Rehoboth.
  • 21:32 And what is "Rehoboth"?
  • 21:33 "There is enough room for all of us".
  • 21:35 Have we heard that along this journey that the Israelis are waiting
  • 21:41 for someone in the neighborhood to say "we have enough room"?
  • 21:45 God gave a blessing to Ishmael and his descendants.
  • 21:49 He made him very great, gave him 12 sons,
  • 21:52 millions of acres of land and untold wealth under the land...
  • 21:57 the fatness...the oil of land... was given to Ishmael and his descendants.
  • 22:02 The Israelis have a small piece of land here
  • 22:05 that they've cultivated to the point of being the land of milk and honey as God promised
  • 22:11 and we're waiting for the time when a local person or party will say,
  • 22:18 It is enough. I have enough.
  • 22:21 You are free to dwell here.
  • 22:23 We will not try to kill you.
  • 22:25 And that's the story that we see in the story of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
  • 22:29 because Jacob and Esau each had their own transforming event.
  • 22:34 Jacob in Genesis 32, he has the River Jabbok experience
  • 22:39 where he wrestles with the angel of the Lord, maybe the LORD Himself
  • 22:43 and he winds up with a crippled thigh and a constant leaning on God for the rest of his life.
  • 22:50 And his name is changed from "Jacob" to "Israel".
  • 22:54 By the way, if there's any doubt about whether the Jewish people have a right to be here,
  • 22:59 Jacob's name is Israel and he's here...
  • 23:05 he's crippled in the natural but he becomes a prince with God, an overcommer with God.
  • 23:11 Something happens to him and there's a transformation that is for the rest of his life.
  • 23:16 Well I suggest that something must have happened to Esau as well
  • 23:20 because Jacob is living in fear of his meeting again with Esau.
  • 23:25 But in Genesis 33 he comes with 400 men... Jacob does.
  • 23:31 And he's coming out to meet Esau assuming that he's going to get wiped out by his brother
  • 23:36 who has committed to kill him after the death of their father.
  • 23:41 And Jacob is coming forward in fear and Esau does a miraculous thing.
  • 23:46 He says to him, it is enough my brother, I have enough.
  • 23:52 Jacob tries to give him gifts and he tries to buy him
  • 23:55 and he tries to honor him and to laud him with substance
  • 23:59 and Esau says, no, I have enough...
  • 24:02 rehoboth...there's enough room at the wells.
  • 24:06 And Esau says to Jacob I have enough.
  • 24:08 And what does Jacob say?
  • 24:10 He says, when I looked upon his face it was if I had seen the face of God.
  • 24:16 And I will tell you that when I look upon my former Muslim friends
  • 24:21 who have become born again believers in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
  • 24:26 it is as if I have seen the face of God.
  • 24:29 When you meet a former Muslim who has had an encounter
  • 24:32 with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob through Yeshua,
  • 24:35 they are so full of love for the Jewish people, for the land of Israel
  • 24:40 that they live from the place of I have enough,
  • 24:43 I know you belong here.
  • 24:46 I know you've been placed here by God and we can do this together.
  • 24:49 We can live in peace.
  • 24:52 And I submit that the hope of the world
  • 24:54 is the transforming affect of an encounter with Yeshua,
  • 24:57 whether it's for the Jew or for the Arab;
  • 25:00 whether it's for the sons of Isaac or the sons of Ishmael,
  • 25:03 when we have an encounter with Yeshua HaMashiach we're changed
  • 25:07 and we come away saying we have enough.
  • 25:21 Zola Levitt Ministries depends on gifts of funds from viewers like you.
  • 25:24 So please consider supporting us.
  • 25:27 Call 1-800-WONDERS.
  • 25:29 Donate at our website
  • 25:32 or write to us at
  • 25:33 Zola, Box 12268, Dallas, TX 75225.
  • 25:39 Thank you
  • 25:42 We have both personally seen Muslims come to the LORD
  • 25:46 and find transformation through the power of God and His Word
  • 25:50 and the revelation of their place in eternal prophecy.
  • 25:54 You know God has a plan for all people groups.
  • 25:57 He has a plan for Israel; He has a plan for Edom
  • 25:59 and we need to align with His Word and His plan.
  • 26:03 It's exactly so,
  • 26:04 this transformation comes from letting the scriptures affect us.
  • 26:08 We've seen that in the lives of former Muslims, friends of ours
  • 26:10 who have had their lives completely turned right side up
  • 26:13 by the Word of God and the love of Yeshua.
  • 26:16 This controversy in Be'er Sheva and the Negev area is going to continue.
  • 26:20 Some Biblical scholars believe that Obadiah, verses 20 and 21
  • 26:24 are actually speaking about the aliyah at the end of the age
  • 26:28 when Spanish Jews will come and upset the demographics of the area.
  • 26:32 There will be so many Jewish people in that area
  • 26:35 that the change will come between the number of Edomites, or sons of Esau,
  • 26:40 and the numbers of Israelites that will be there.
  • 26:43 And we'll see, we'll be watching,
  • 26:44 we'll be bringing you these programs.
  • 26:46 Thank you for helping us.
  • 26:48 Through your gifts of funds we're able to bring you these great programs.
  • 26:51 Until we see you again
  • 26:54 we always like to close our program with this prayer...
  • 26:57 Sha'alu Shalom Yerushalayim.
  • 26:59 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
  • 27:03 Show your support for Israel with the Pro-Israel package.
  • 27:07 For your gift of $48 or more
  • 27:09 you'll receive a 3 foot by 5 foot flag of Israel,
  • 27:12 4 Pro-Israel buttons,
  • 27:14 a Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem bumper sticker,
  • 27:17 "Israel's Right to the Land" booklet,
  • 27:19 a Jerusalem Journey Stone,
  • 27:21 "Broken Branches" by Zola Levitt
  • 27:23 and a two-flag lapel pin.
  • 27:25 Call and ask for the Pro-Israel Package
  • 27:28 or visit us at
  • 27:33 Our monthly newsletter, the "Levitt Letter" is free
  • 27:36 and full of insightful articles and news commentary from a Messianic perspective.
  • 27:41 Visit to find our newsletter
  • 27:44 along with current and past programs,
  • 27:46 our television schedule and much more.
  • 27:49 Your donations to Zola Levitt Ministries
  • 27:51 help these organizations bless Israel.

Episodes in this series

  1. The Journey Begins
  2. Yeshua’s Galilee Ministry
  3. Reforestation and Revelation
  4. Up to Jerusalem
  5. Resistance and Rest
  6. Holy Places, Holy Moments
  7. In the Footsteps of History
  8. The Tabernacle in the Wilderness
  9. Prophecy and the Patriarchs
  10. The Destiny of the Heartland

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